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朱宪辰  李玉连 《经济学》2007,6(2):581-596
集体行动是集体性物品生产或共享资源自发治理所引发的群体性合作问题,然而治理收益的非排他性决定了“搭便车”动机和行为的存在,导致集体行动实现的困难。本文通过引入异质性个体及其在集体行动实现过程中的策略互动来分析可能的动态博弈均衡结果,表明由于异质性的存在,决定了个体充当领导者、跟随者或者搭便车者的不同角色。本文利用这一理论模型解释了温州烟具协会应对欧盟打火机的反倾销诉讼事件。  相似文献   

一个组织存在前提在于提供产品,因而有必要从产品供给视角探讨行业协会的生成机制.本文从俱乐部产品的 视角,分别构建政府和企业的效用函数,从效用函数最大化中 得出相关结论,认为在俱乐部产品供给问题上存在市场和政府 的双重失灵,行业协会是解决这一双重失灵的重要机制.  相似文献   

近年来,我国的对外贸易水平不断提升,党的十九大报告指出:"开放带来进步,封闭必然落后。"所以说,新时代呼吁更高水平的开放实践,同时也伴随着越来越多的国家对华的反倾销。面对反倾销战争的愈演愈烈,中国政府、行业协会及企业都应利用反倾销这一"法宝",去完善各自的应对机制并加强对反倾销的了解,不断提高各自的应诉能力,以便减少在反倾销的贸易战中所受的损失。文章在分析国外对华反倾销的特点的基础上,发现行业协会在面对对华反倾销中存在的问题,并提出相关的措施,从而增强行业协会积极应对国外对华反倾销的能力。  相似文献   

集体行动是集体性物品生产或共享资源自发治理所引发的群体性合作问题,然而治理收益的非排他性决定了“搭便车”动机和行为的存在,导致集体行动实现的困难。本文通过引入异质性个体及其在集体行动实现过程中的策略互动来分析可能的动态博弈均衡结果,表明由于异质性的存在,决定了个体充当领导者、跟随者或者搭便车者的不同角色。本文利用这一理论模型解释了温州烟具协会应对欧盟打火机的反倾销诉讼事件。  相似文献   

花蕴  游春 《技术经济》2007,26(10):109-112
局部区域性共享资源的治理应当以社区自治为主,政府间接支持为辅的方式。由于共享资源的性质决定了社区自治是集体行动的性质,因此需要围绕协会的组织与领导实现共享资源治理中的成本投入与分摊以及收益的分享。以协会的组织和契约性规则为正式制度,结合以互惠合作为核心的群体规范等非正式制度共同构成"管水协会"这类民间协会的集体行动机制,实现共享资源的社区自治。  相似文献   

徐晓明 《时代经贸》2008,6(8):58-59
在我国近年来出口增长迅速,出现大额贸易顺差的国际形势下,反倾销案件不断出现。我国成为遭受反倾销案件总数最多的国家。本文论述了在应对反倾销过程中,我国行业协会所做的对策及相应的理论依据。  相似文献   

从反倾销的应对看行业协会的发展方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许捷 《经济师》2005,(5):50-50,52
行业协会是反倾销应对体系中不可或缺的重要一环。由于我国的行业协会多为体制内生成,在职能定位、内部机制和成员组成上存在诸多问题,在反倾销应对中出现了协调、组织和服务职能的缺失现象。因此,必须尽快实现行业协会的转型,促使其向民间化、泛区域化和国际化的方向发展,提高其应对反倾销的能力。  相似文献   

培育和发挥我国行业协会在反倾销作用中的政府行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际竞争中,政府在许多场合充当了重要的角色,但在反倾销中却难以走到前台,若撇开政府让熟悉微观运行的企业去参与反倾销,又会出现许多问题,这些问题又会引发本国企业在反倾销中的惧怕和畏缩,从而放弃中诉和应诉,进一步损害国家和企业本身的切身利益。行业协会是市场经济的必然产物,它作为一种企业的社会中介能够发挥政府无法替代的作用。所以我国政府也应当随着市场经济的逐步完善进一步转变政府职能,培育行业协会以便其在反倾销中发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

长期以来,我同都是同际反倾销的最大受害同。在我同加入WTO之后,反倾销作为WTO少数允许的贸易救济措施之一,更是被很多国家广泛使用以针对我同的出口。十多年来,我国被提起反倾销诉讼的数量长期居于世界首位,很多产品的出口受到影响。  相似文献   

在我国近年来出口增长迅速,出现大额贸易顺差的国际形势下,反倾销案件不断出现.我国成为遭受反倾销案件总数最多的国家.本文论述了在应对反倾销过程中,我国行业协会所做的对策及相应的理论依据.  相似文献   

集体行动是人们历来关注的焦点之一。特别是在社会学领域,结构主义、功利主义和构建主义都对集体行动做出了理论上的解释;在经济学界,对于集体行动的研究还刚刚开始,特别是还缺少针对具体经济现象中的集体行动的研究。从社会学和经济学两方面对研究集体行动的理论做一个梳理,以期对研究具体的经济现象有所指导意义。  相似文献   

针对管理实践中知识型员工流失率过高的问题,提出了心理授权对知识型员工感情承诺及继续承诺影响的研究框架,从理论上探讨了意义、能力、自我决策及影响力的感知水平对知识型员工不同组织承诺产生的影响,以期为企业提高知识型员工的组织承诺提供理论指导。  相似文献   


By employing a simple three-country model in which there are two exporting countries and one consuming country, this paper analyses the consequences of one-country strategic distortion of the objectives of trade policy. It finds that although an exporting country can benefit from strategic distortion, it would be preferred that the importing country distorts its policy. Furthermore, it is found that preferential trading agreements can emerge endogenously.  相似文献   

The “collective action problem” describes situations where each person in a group can individually profit more by withholding contributions to group goals. However, if all act in their material self-interest no public good is produced and all are worse off. I present a new solution to the collective action problem based on status. I argue that contributions to collective action increase an individual’s status in the group because contributions create perceptions of high group motivation, defined as the relative value an individual places on group versus individual welfare. Individuals are predicted to receive a variety of social and material benefits for their contributions to the group. These rewards can help explain why individuals contribute to collective action. Four laboratory studies tested the theory. In Study 1, following interaction in a 6-person public goods game, participants reported viewing higher contributors as more group motivated and higher status. Higher contributors also wielded more interpersonal influence in task interactions with participants. Participants also cooperated with higher contributors more, and allocated greater altruism to them in a Dictator game. Study 2 addressed an exchange-theoretic alternative explanation for the findings of Study 1, showing that observers of collective action who did not benefit from higher contributors’ contributions to the public good, nonetheless rated them as higher status, cooperated with them more, and gave them greater altruistic gifts. These results show that collective action contributors can earn social and material benefits even outside the group. Study 3 more directly tested the mediating role of group motivation. Contributors who sacrificed a greater proportion of resources for the collective action were rated as more group motivated and higher status than a moderate proportional contributor, even though the amounts they contributed were the same. These findings support the theory, and underscore the significance of self-sacrifice in the acquisition of status in collective action. Study 4 investigated the effects of status rewards on contributors’ behavior towards and perceptions of the group. Participants who received positive status feedback for their contributions subsequently contributed more than those who did not. Rewarded participants also identified more with the group and saw it as having greater solidarity and cohesion. I conclude by discussing theoretical implications and future research. JEL Classification C71  相似文献   

孟阳 《经济管理》2007,29(17):64-68
本文采用分层次建模方法对制造信息资源集成化管理系统模型进行了研究。该系统模型可以将系统开发过程中的分析、设计以及实现无缝地集成在一起,为实现系统的快速修改及重构奠定基础。  相似文献   

转型经济中的可信承诺问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可信承诺问题是转型经济体的一个重要问题。使承诺可信的途径有外生和内生两种。内生途径大体相当于博弈论中所强调的“声誉机制”,而外生途径则蕴含在一系列的制度安排之中,包括信息、权力和资源的分散化以及充分的竞争等。本文将以转型经济中两类重要的可信承诺问题———软预算约束问题和棘轮效应问题———的有关模型研究来说明我们的观点。  相似文献   

The Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) is emerging as a social movement capable of moving society beyond the imbalances of the capitalist market economy and its top‐down regulation by the state. But the SSE's progress has been slow while unresolved challenges (e.g., climate, inequality) continue to intensify. Among communitarian responses to these challenges, the commons have shown great potential as a shared governance mechanism for the responsible management of common‐pool resources. To the extent that this success encourages broader applicability for commons, we focus also on commoning as crucial social practice rooted in collective action and adaptive governance. Adding this dimension of activism opens the possibility of enriching the SSE both in theory and practice for the purpose of strengthening its institutional make‐up, in particular cooperatives occupying a central position in SSE. Commoning enables us to conceive of tangible connections between commons and cooperatives as complementary modes of anti‐capitalist organization. We can illustrate this complementarity by analyzing how Ostrom's “design principles” for commons can help strengthen the ICA's Cooperative Principles. Useful lessons can be learned from concrete examples of commons–cooperative alliances, such as Ecuador's Buen Vivir initiative, the Enercoop PACA project in France, and Oakland's OmniCommons space.  相似文献   

李杰  庞皓 《财经科学》2011,(6):110-117
完全预期到的通货膨胀在理论上并不会对真实经济活动产生实质性的影响,通货膨胀的真正危害在于它的不确定性。随着贸易开放的不断扩大和深化,影响中国通货膨胀的不确定性的因素变得更加复杂。本文利用EGARCH模型估计了中国的通货膨胀不确定性,并在此基础上利用协整分析方法检验了贸易开放度、贸易结构与通货膨胀不确定性的关系。研究表明:贸易开放度的提高对通货膨胀不确定性具有负向的影响;贸易结构的变化对通货膨胀不确定性具有正向的影响。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of recent studies which use the so-called ‘gravity’ approach to predict the potential volume and direction of the trade of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). It also examines how the trade of the former socialist economies have evolved following external liberalization. It then compares the predictions made using the PPP based estimates of GDP for 1989 with actual 1992 trade data and the corrected predictions based on actual 1992 GDP figures. The results indicate that the CEE trade responded very quickly to the new regime and being redirected away from CMEA and towards EU markets. CEE's actual trade patterns do not now considerably differ from that of similar Western European countries. Moreover, the projection based on the data of 1992 do not indicate any remaining unused CEE trade potential.  相似文献   

Considering the harder and harder competition among enterprises, this paper puts forward the Resource model of supply chain (RBV) to enhance competitive advantages, then analyses the source of supply chain competitive advantages and introduce the advantage formula. Finally, the rent contribution to supply chain management is explained in detail.  相似文献   

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