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Considering the implementability and the properties that a reasonable and realistic risk measure should satisfy, we propose a new class of risk measures based on generalized lower deviation with respect to a chosen benchmark. Besides convexity and monotonicity, our new risk measure can reflect the investor's degree of risk aversion as well as the fat-tail phenomenon of the loss distribution with the help of different benchmarks and weighted functions. Based on the new risk measure, we establish a realistic portfolio selection model taking market frictions into account. To examine the influence of the benchmarks and weighted functions on the optimal portfolio and its performance, we carry out a series of empirical studies in Chinese stock markets. Our in-sample and out-of-sample results show that the new risk measure and the corresponding portfolio selection model can reflect the investor's risk averse attitude and the impact of different trading constraints. Most importantly, with the new risk measure we can obtain an optimal portfolio which is more robust and superior to the optimal portfolios obtained with the traditional expected shortfall risk measures.  相似文献   

Sample covariance is known to be a poor estimate when the data are scarce compared with the dimension. To reduce the estimation error, various structures are usually imposed on the covariance such as low-rank plus diagonal (factor models), banded models and sparse inverse covariances. We investigate a different non-parametric regularization method which assumes that the covariance is monotone and smooth. We study the smooth monotone covariance by analysing its performance in reducing various statistical distances and improving optimal portfolio selection. We also extend its use in non-Gaussian cases by incorporating various robust covariance estimates for elliptical distributions. Finally, we provide two empirical examples using Eurodollar futures and corporate bonds where the smooth monotone covariance improves the out-of-sample covariance prediction and portfolio optimization.  相似文献   

Nonlinearly weighted convex risk measure and its application   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We propose a new class of risk measures which satisfy convexity and monotonicity, two well-accepted axioms a reasonable and realistic risk measure should satisfy. Through a nonlinear weight function, the new measure can flexibly reflect the investor’s degree of risk aversion, and can control the fat-tail phenomenon of the loss distribution. A realistic portfolio selection model with typical market frictions taken into account is established based on the new measure. Real data from the Chinese stock markets and American stock markets are used for empirical comparison of the new risk measure with the expected shortfall risk measure. The in-sample and out-of-sample empirical results show that the new risk measure and the corresponding portfolio selection model can not only reflect the investor’s risk-averse attitude and the impact of different trading constraints, but can find robust optimal portfolios, which are superior to the corresponding optimal portfolios obtained under the expected shortfall risk measure.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new formulation of the maximum diversification indexation strategy based on Rao’s Quadratic Entropy. It clarifies the investment problem underlying this diversification strategy, identifies the source of its out-of-sample performance, and suggests new dimensions along which this performance can be improved. We show that these potential improvements are quantitatively important and are robust to portfolio turnover, portfolio risk, estimation window, and covariance matrix estimation.  相似文献   

We investigate a robust version of the portfolio selection problem under a risk measure based on the lower-partial moment (LPM), where uncertainty exists in the underlying distribution. We demonstrate that the problem formulations for robust portfolio selection based on the worst-case LPMs of degree 0, 1 and 2 under various structures of uncertainty can be cast as mathematically tractable optimization problems, such as linear programs, second-order cone programs or semidefinite programs. We perform extensive numerical studies using real market data to reveal important properties of several aspects of robust portfolio selection. We can conclude from our results that robustness does not necessarily imply a conservative policy and is indeed indispensable and valuable in portfolio selection.  相似文献   

Shrinkage estimators of the covariance matrix are known to improve the stability over time of the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio (GMVP), as they are less error-prone. However, the improvement over the empirical covariance matrix is not optimal for small values of n, the estimation sample size. For typical asset allocation problems, with n small, this paper aims at proposing a new method to further reduce sampling error by shrinking once again traditional shrinkage estimators of the GMVP. First, we show analytically that the weights of any GMVP can be shrunk – within the framework of the ridge regression – towards the ones of the equally-weighted portfolio in order to reduce sampling error. Second, Monte Carlo simulations and empirical applications show that applying our methodology to the GMVP based on shrinkage estimators of the covariance matrix, leads to more stable portfolio weights, sharp decreases in portfolio turnovers, and often statistically lower (resp. higher) out-of-sample variances (resp. Sharpe ratios). These results illustrate that double shrinkage estimation of the GMVP can be beneficial for realistic small estimation sample sizes.  相似文献   

By using a different derivation scheme, a new class of two-sided coherent risk measures is constructed in this paper. Different from existing coherent risk measures, both positive and negative deviations from the expected return are considered in the new measure simultaneously but differently. This innovation makes it easy to reasonably describe and control the asymmetry and fat-tail characteristics of the loss distribution and to properly reflect the investor’s risk attitude. With its easy computation of the new risk measure, a realistic portfolio selection model is established by taking into account typical market frictions such as taxes, transaction costs, and value constraints. Empirical results demonstrate that our new portfolio selection model can not only suitably reflect the impact of different trading constraints, but find more robust optimal portfolios, which are better than the optimal portfolio obtained under the conditional value-at-risk measure in terms of diversification and typical performance ratios.  相似文献   

This paper develops a factor analysis–based measure for shifts in corporate financial flexibility (FFLEX) that can be observed from public accounting information. Companies that experience positive shifts in FFLEX are associated with higher future investment growth opportunities. We show that FFLEX is a robust determinant of future stock returns. Firms that have increased their financial flexibility are associated with lower stock returns in the subsequent period. A zero‐cost return portfolio produces a significant positive monthly premium of 0.69%, which is driven by covariance (risk). Risk inherent in the flexibility factor is not explained away by either prominent pricing characteristics or factors.  相似文献   

We estimate the daily integrated variance and covariance of stock returns using high-frequency data in the presence of jumps, market microstructure noise and non-synchronous trading. For this we propose jump robust two time scale (co)variance estimators and verify their reduced bias and mean square error in simulation studies. We use these estimators to construct the ex-post portfolio realized volatility (RV) budget, determining each portfolio component’s contribution to the RV of the portfolio return. These RV budgets provide insight into the risk concentration of a portfolio. Furthermore, the RV budgets can be directly used in a portfolio strategy, called the equal-risk-contribution allocation strategy. This yields both a higher average return and lower standard deviation out-of-sample than the equal-weight portfolio for the stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average over the period October 2007–May 2009.  相似文献   

Using data from 50 equity markets we examine conditional and unconditional correlations around two major banking events during the financial crisis of 2008–09. To measure the value of covariance information on the augmented DCC model used in the study, a portfolio in-sample estimation is performed. We show that by taking into account the change in the level of variance in high volatility periods, the estimates of the conditional covariance are more efficient in capturing the dynamics of the stock markets variance. Furthermore, in a two-asset allocation framework, the model consistently generates relatively low portfolio variances, implying substantial benefits in portfolio diversification.  相似文献   


This article investigates performance of interval estimators of various actuarial risk measures. We consider the following risk measures: proportional hazards transform (PHT), Wang transform (WT), value-at-risk (VaR), and conditional tail expectation (CTE). Confidence intervals for these measures are constructed by applying nonparametric approaches (empirical and bootstrap), the strict parametric approach (based on the maximum likelihood estimators), and robust parametric procedures (based on trimmed means).

Using Monte Carlo simulations, we compare the average lengths and proportions of coverage (of the true measure) of the intervals under two data-generating scenarios: “clean” data and “contaminated” data. In the “clean” case, data sets are generated by the following (similar shape) parametric families: exponential, Pareto, and lognormal. Parameters of these distributions are selected so that all three families are equally risky with respect to a fixed risk measure. In the “contaminated” case, the “clean” data sets from these distributions are mixed with a small fraction of unusual observations (outliers). It is found that approximate knowledge of the underlying distribution combined with a sufficiently robust estimator (designed for that distribution) yields intervals with satisfactory performance under both scenarios.  相似文献   

Measuring the risk of a financial portfolio involves two steps: estimating the loss distribution of the portfolio from available observations and computing a ‘risk measure’ that summarizes the risk of the portfolio. We define the notion of ‘risk measurement procedure’, which includes both of these steps, and introduce a rigorous framework for studying the robustness of risk measurement procedures and their sensitivity to changes in the data set. Our results point to a conflict between the subadditivity and robustness of risk measurement procedures and show that the same risk measure may exhibit quite different sensitivities depending on the estimation procedure used. Our results illustrate, in particular, that using recently proposed risk measures such as CVaR/expected shortfall leads to a less robust risk measurement procedure than historical Value-at-Risk. We also propose alternative risk measurement procedures that possess the robustness property.  相似文献   

Using a battery of look-ahead-bias free measures of accruals quality (AQ), we find a strong and long-lasting negative relation between future returns and AQ. In decile portfolios that rank on AQ, a hedge portfolio that goes long in the lowest decile and short in the highest decile generates an annualized, risk-adjusted return of 4–12 % over 1-month to 5-year horizons, depending on the AQ measure and the portfolio weighting scheme. The return premiums associated with AQ are, (1) robust to a wide range of AQ measures, (2) robust to a battery of return-informative variables, and (3) not driven by low-priced or small stocks, earnings shocks, or the fourth-quarter effect. The documented premiums are consistent with the information uncertainty effect where firm uncertainty is negatively related to future returns.  相似文献   

The covariation among financial asset returns is often a key ingredient used in the construction of optimal portfolios. Estimating covariances from data, however, is challenging due to the potential influence of estimation error, specially in high-dimensional problems, which can impact negatively the performance of the resulting portfolios. We address this question by putting forward a simple approach to disentangle the role of variance and covariance information in the case of mean-variance efficient portfolios. Specifically, mean-variance portfolios can be represented as a two-fund rule: one fund is a fully invested portfolio that depends on diagonal covariance elements, whereas the other is a long-short, self financed portfolio associated with the presence of non-zero off-diagonal covariance elements. We characterize the contribution of each of these two components to the overall performance in terms of out-of-sample returns, risk, risk-adjusted returns and turnover. Finally, we provide an empirical illustration of the proposed portfolio decomposition using both simulated and real market data.  相似文献   

针对在计算两个非弱整合市场之间的最大定价误差下界时出现的数据水平扭曲问题,基于收缩方法,通过改进数据协方差矩阵的估计值得到收缩估计量,得到两个非弱整合市场的最大定价误差的更精确的下界。此理论可以广泛应用于多个市场间整合度的评估,进而提高定价的准确性。  相似文献   

Utilizing a specific acceptance set, we propose in this paper a general method to construct coherent risk measures called the generalized shortfall risk measure. Besides some existing coherent risk measures, several new types of coherent risk measures can be generated. We investigate the generalized shortfall risk measure’s desirable properties such as consistency with second-order stochastic dominance. By combining the performance evaluation with the risk control, we study in particular the performance ratio-based coherent risk (PRCR) measures, which is a sub-class of generalized shortfall risk measures. The PRCR measures are tractable and have a suitable financial interpretation. Based on the PRCR measure, we establish a portfolio selection model with transaction costs. Empirical results show that the optimal portfolio obtained under the PRCR measure performs much better than the corresponding optimal portfolio obtained under the higher moment coherent risk measure.  相似文献   

The estimation of the inverse covariance matrix plays a crucial role in optimal portfolio choice. We propose a new estimation framework that focuses on enhancing portfolio performance. The framework applies the statistical methodology of shrinkage directly to the inverse covariance matrix using two non-parametric methods. The first minimises the out-of-sample portfolio variance while the second aims to increase out-of-sample risk-adjusted returns. We apply the resulting estimators to compute the minimum variance portfolio weights and obtain a set of new portfolio strategies. These strategies have an intuitive form which allows us to extend our framework to account for short-sale constraints, transaction costs and singular covariance matrices. A comparative empirical analysis against several strategies from the literature shows that the new strategies often offer higher risk-adjusted returns and lower levels of risk.  相似文献   

A general, copula-based framework for measuring the dependence among financial time series is presented. Particular emphasis is placed on multivariate conditional Spearman's rho (MCS), a new measure of multivariate conditional dependence that describes the association between large or extreme negative returns—so-called tail dependence. We demonstrate that MCS has a number of advantages over conventional measures of tail dependence, both in theory and in practical applications. In the analysis of univariate financial series, data are filtered to remove temporal dependence as a matter of routine. We show that standard filtering procedures may strongly influence the conclusions drawn concerning tail dependence. We give empirical applications to two large data sets of high-frequency asset returns. Our results have immediate implications for portfolio risk management, derivative pricing and portfolio selection. In this context we address portfolio tail diversification and tail hedging. Amongst other aspects, it is shown that the proposed modeling framework improves the estimation of portfolio risk measures such as the value at risk.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define the conditional risk measure under regime switching and derive a class of time consistent multi-period risk measures. To do so, we describe the information process with regime switching in a product space associated with the product of two filtrations. Moreover, we show how to establish the corresponding multi-stage portfolio selection models using the time consistent multi-period risk measure for medium-term or long-term investments. Take the conditional value-at-risk measure as an example, we demonstrate the resulting multi-stage portfolio selection problem can be transformed into a second-order cone programming problem. Finally, we carry out a series of empirical tests to illustrate the superior performance of the proposed random framework and the corresponding multi-stage portfolio selection model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the recent principal volatility components analysis procedure. The procedure overcomes several difficulties in modelling and forecasting the conditional covariance matrix in large dimensions arising from the curse of dimensionality. We show that outliers have a devastating effect on the construction of the principal volatility components and on the forecast of the conditional covariance matrix and consequently in economic and financial applications based on this forecast. We propose a robust procedure and analyse its finite sample properties by means of Monte Carlo experiments and also illustrate it using empirical data. The robust procedure outperforms the classical method in simulated and empirical data.  相似文献   

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