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This research examines capital income taxation for a prospect theory investor under some acceptable in the literature reference levels relative to which are the changes in the level of wealth valued. Depending on the reference level, some results indicate that it is possible for a capital income tax increase not to stimulate risk taking even if the tax code provides attractive full loss offset provisions. However, risk taking can be stimulated when investors compare their reference level with others. Risk taking can increase also if the investor interprets part of the tax as a loss instead as a reduced gain. Then the investor becomes risk seeking and moves away from the discomfort zone of relative losses. This later response to taxation causes private risk taking to increase.  相似文献   

This article studies the portfolio problem with realization-based capital gain taxation when limited amounts of losses qualify for tax rebate payments, as is the case under current US tax law. When the tax rate applicable to realized losses exceeds that on realized capital gains, it can be optimal to realize capital gains immediately and pay capital gain taxes to regain the option to use potential future losses against a higher tax rate. This incentive adds an entirely new and as yet unstudied dimension to the portfolio problem. It causes risk averse investors to hold more equity and attain higher welfare levels than is the case when trading under a tax system that seeks to collect the same amount of taxes, but does not allow for tax rebate payments. This is because the benefit to these investors from having their losses subsidized is greater than the suffering from having profits taxed at a higher rate.  相似文献   

A Norwegian tax reform committee recently proposed a personal tax on the realized income from shares after deduction for an imputed risk-free rate of return. This paper describes the design of the proposed shareholder income tax and shows that it will be neutral with respect to investment and financing decisions and decisions to realize capital gains, provided that full loss offsets are granted. Thus the tax allows some non-distortionary double taxation of corporate equity income. With an appropriate choice of tax rates, it also solves the problem of income shifting under a dual income tax. JEL Code: H24, H25  相似文献   

The Netherlands has abolished the tax on actual personal capital income and has replaced it by a presumptive capital income tax, which is in fact a net wealth tax. This paper contrasts this wealth tax with a conventional realization-based capital gains tax, a retrospective capital gains tax with interest on the deferred tax, and a mark-to-market tax which taxes capital gains as they accrue. We conclude that the effective and neutral taxation of capital income can best be ensured through a combination of (a) a mark-to-market tax to capture the returns on easy-to-value financial products, and (b) a capital gains tax with interest to tax the returns on hard-to-value real estate and small businesses.  相似文献   

This paper develops a version of the Capital Asset Pricing Model that views dividend imputation as affecting company tax and assumes differential taxation of capital gains and ordinary income. These taxation issues aside, the model otherwise rests on the standard assumptions including full segmentation of national capital markets. It also treats dividend policy as exogenously determined. Estimates of the cost of equity based on this model are then compared with estimates based on the version of the CAPM typically applied in Australia, which differs only in assuming equality of the tax rates on capital gains and ordinary income. The differences between the estimates can be material. In particular, with a high dividend yield, allowance for differential taxation can result in an increase of two to three percentage points in the estimated cost of equity. The overall result obtained here carries over to a dividend equilibrium, in which firms choose a dividend policy that is optimal relative to the assumed tax structure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine how taxation affects the optimal hedging behaviour of an investor exposed to price risk under partial loss offset provision. In this regime, only part of the loss is refunded through the tax. As such, it implies a non-linearity in the taxation schedule. More specifically, we look at an individual endowed with some fixed quantity of a commodity and facing a price risk. The optimal hedging policy is derived. The comparative statics of a tightening of the PLO provision and a changing risk aversion are analysed. We show that the response of the optimal hedging policy to a change in the tax rate can be signed by a preference free or a preference related sufficient condition, involving the notions of cost-of-carry and partial risk aversion.  相似文献   

This paper presents new evidence on the impact of the preferential treatment of owner‐occupied housing in the euro area. We find that tax benefits to homeowners reduce the user cost of housing capital by almost 40 per cent compared with the efficient level under neutral taxation. On average, the tax subsidy translates into an excess consumption of housing services equivalent to 7.8 per cent of the value of owner‐occupied housing, or about 30 per cent of financial asset holdings in household portfolios. The bulk of the subsidy stems from undertaxation of the return to home equity, while the average contribution of the tax rebate for mortgage interest payments is driven down by relatively low loan‐to‐value ratios in the data. However, at the margin, the tax‐induced incentive to use mortgage debt to finance the purchase of the main residence is sizeable.  相似文献   

This study examines the ex-dividend day behavior of common stock prices before the enactment of the federal income tax. On ex-dividend days during the pre-tax period, stock prices fell, on average, by the full amount of the dividend. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that (i) investors in the pre-tax period value dividends and capital gains as perfect substitutes and (ii) the differential taxation of dividends and capital gains has since caused investors to discount the value of taxable cash dividends in relation to capital gains.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of capital income taxation, both accrual forms of taxation and taxation of realized capital gains, on total savings and the demand for corporate financial instruments. We find that investors may hold both debt and equity in the face of effective collection of capital gains taxation even in a flat tax system. We also find that the two taxes will have substantially different effects on saving and consumption behavior, making it unlikely that the tax structure can be summarized by any single equivalent accrual tax rate.  相似文献   

The effective taxes on capital returns differ depending on capital type in the U.S. tax code. This paper uncovers a novel reason for the optimality of differential capital taxation. We set up a model with two types of capital – equipments and structures – and equipment-skill complementarity. Under a plausible assumption, we show that it is optimal to tax equipments at a higher rate than structures. In a calibrated model, the optimal tax differential rises from 27 to 40 percentage points over the transition to the new steady state. The welfare gains of optimal differential capital taxation can be as high as 0.4% of lifetime consumption.  相似文献   

This paper develops formulae for the valuation of companies and projects where there is both differential personal taxation of dividends and interest arising from dividend imputation, and differential taxation of interest and capital gains. The former has been addressed in the literature. This paper represents an extension to recognize both phenomena. It is also shown that valuation errors from ignoring these phenomena are all significant, with the errors from ignoring the interest/capital gains tax differential being at least as great as those from ignoring imputation. Thus, a valuation formula that allows for both phenomena is indicated.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of wage taxation and corporate income taxation on training investment in frictional labor markets. Because of labor market frictions, the wage structure is compressed and workers do not capture the entire return from their skills. As a result, both firms and workers have incentives to support part of the costs of training investments. The analysis shows that when decisions to invest in training are made by firms and workers acting cooperatively, a wage tax increases the level of investment in skills whereas a corporate income tax decreases it. In this case, the introduction of a small wage tax unambiguously increases efficiency. The effects of both types of taxes on training are reversed when investment decisions are taken by firms alone. In any case, a corporate income tax is not neutral with respect to decisions to invest in skills even if the full cost of investment is deducted from taxable income in the period when it is incurred and the tax system provides full loss offset.  相似文献   

On April 1, 1988, New Zealand stopped the double taxation of dividends by implementing a full dividend imputation program. Because many believed that the tax advantage of debt had led to more highly leveraged firms subject to greater financial risk than was socially optimal, it was hoped the removal of incentives to finance with debt would result in a more efficient allocation of capital. The empirical results suggest that the shareholder wealth gain from dividend imputation was more than offset in firms with large debt levels. Moreover, an examination of debt ratios indicates debt levels declined in the post–imputation period.  相似文献   

This study investigates the tax efficiency of actively managed equity funds by conducting a previously unaddressed natural experiment. Specifically, we examine whether asset sales were timed to take advantage of the introduction of a substantial discount to realized capital gains when the holding period was at least 1 year. Institutional equity fund management in Australia is principally focused on the pre-fee and pre-tax performance surveys of leading asset consultants. Given this industry setting, our study is important because tax efficiency is not accounted for directly in the reported performance numbers, and is thus opaque. We find that active fund managers overall have significantly increased the proportion of long-term capital gains realized after the change in taxation code, although there are significant variations across funds. We also find that active fund managers realize more long-term gains on both large capitalization and low volatility stocks.  相似文献   

The different tax systems of European illustrate the variety of ways in which the double taxation of dividends can be reduced. This paper analyses the effect of corporate financing policy under the imputation, dual rate, mixed and classical tax systems, and derives conditions for neutrality of the systems with respect to financing policy-neutrality in the sense that no type of financial policy has favourable tax treatment. The effect of the capital gains tax and heterogenous personal tax rates across individuals are analysed by using a model of stock value. Neutrality depend on the parameters of the tax system and a weighted average of personal tax rates.  相似文献   

双元所得税是与综合所得税、单一税并列的一种个人所得税的主要模式,其特征为双元税基、双元税率和限制优惠。双元所得税的优点是兼顾了税收收入和国际竞争力、兼顾了效率和一定程度的收入再分配、避免了对资本的重复课税、降低了由于通货膨胀带来的对资本所得的过度课税、简化了税制。双元所得税契合了北欧各国社会经济状况对税制的要求,因此,成为北欧国家个人所得税的首选模式。  相似文献   

《Global Finance Journal》2014,25(2):108-123
The paper examines the impact of cross border taxation on Australia's free float home bias. The paper controls for various sources of home bias including familiarity, explicit cost, diversification motives and governance issues when examining the impact of cross border tax variables. In our sample of 44 foreign countries where Australia invests over the period 2001 to 2009, about 66% (82%) withhold taxes on realized capital gains (dividends) of foreign investors. A tax credit variable for foreign taxes paid on dividends is constructed and found to be statistically significant in reducing home bias.  相似文献   

This article develops an applied general equilibrium model for analyzing the effects of tax policy on housing consumption and investment. The model incorporates housing tenure choice and consumption decisions in an explicit model of household portfolio choice that recognizes that the demand for owner-occupied housing depends on the after-tax returns from housing capital and other investments. Asset returns are stochastic so that asset holdings are determined by the desired risk-return relationships of households. Owner-occupied housing has a unique position because it has both a consumption role in providing housing services and an investment role. The model is then used to evaluate the effects of tax policy on the size and composition of the housing stock. Potential tax changes include a flat rate income tax and taxation of the imputed rent from owner-occupied housing.  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(2):101-125
This paper proposes the replacement of the corporate income tax by shareholder-based capital income taxation. Our proposal would guarantee investment neutrality of taxation and reduced tax compliance costs. The proposal is based on the S-base cash flow tax. Under the S-base tax, transactions within the corporate sector are not taxable and only transactions between shareholders and corporations are subject to tax. In contrast to existing S-base cash flow tax systems, tax deductibility of investments is deferred. Rather, the acquisition costs and capital endowments are compounded at the capital market rate and are set off against future capital gains. Dividends and withdrawals are fully taxable at the shareholder level. Because of the deferral of the tax payments our proposal is called ‘Deferred Shareholder Tax’ (DST). The DST exhibits the same neutrality properties as the traditional cash flow tax. Moreover, the compounded inter-temporal credit method ensures that it is neutral with respect to the decision between domestic and foreign investment. To increase acceptance of the DST, current taxpayers’ documentation requirements will be reduced rather than extended. Our proposal could be realised in a single EU country or in all member states of the EU.  相似文献   

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