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2012年12月20~23日,"银行科技发展奖"展区再次亮相中国国际金融展。作为本届金融展的一大亮点,展区回顾了奖项设立20年以来行业科技进步和技术创新的发展历程,展示了近年来各机构的优秀成果,受到了各级领导和社会各界的广泛关注与好评。2012年是"银行科技发展奖"设立的20周年。为加强奖项宣传力度,扩大社会影响力,本届金融展"银行科技发展奖"  相似文献   

围绕金融信息化建设的中心任务,打造优秀金融科技项目,引领金融技术全面健康发展金融科技是金融业提供客户服务、实现风险防范、完善综合管理的技术基础支撑,在提高行业管理能力和服务水平等方面发挥着不可或缺的重要作用。1992年设立的银行科技发展奖是人民银行履行协调行业科技管理职能、落实国家科技兴国战略的一项重要激励措施。近20年来,银行科技发展奖始终致力于激励行业科技从业人员、表彰优秀  相似文献   

在美丽的南海之滨珠海,坐落着一座引领我国银行科技发展的高新产业基地——中国工商银行软件开发中心(以下简称软件开发中心)。在这里,活跃着这样一个金融科技工作者:他十年来以强烈的事业心、责任感默默地奉献;十年来以刻苦钻研、一丝不苟的工作态度攻克了一个又一个技术难关;十年来以与时俱进的科学态度努力提高自己的技术水平、管理能力。他,就是全国“五一”金融劳动奖、中国人民银行银行科技发展特等奖等近20项金融科技奖项获得者,软件开发中心研发管理部总经理左小波。  相似文献   

银行业科技发展奖设立于1991年,其前身为银行金融科技进步奖,属我国金融行业重要奖项之一,目前被定为部级的金融科学技术奖。主要面向人民银行及全国各商业银行,评审对象为银行业计算机应用类项目、软科学项目、金融标准化项目和印制行业项目。为了规范评奖流程,体现公平、公开、公正的原则,  相似文献   

11月16日,2010年度银行科技发展奖评审领导小组会议在北京召开,银行科技发展奖评审领导小组组长、中国人民银行党委委员李东荣行长助理主持会议,各金融机构评审委员列席参议。会议在总结本年度评奖工作成果、分析当前金融科技发展形势的基础上,评定了2010年度获奖项目(获奖名单见表1)。  相似文献   

日前,中国人民银行在第十九届中国国际金融展期间展出多家金融机构的重点银行科技获奖项目,吸引了众多参展观众的视线。深受银行及其他金融机构高度关注的"银行科技发展奖"已成为当前金融行业成果鉴定和行业科技创新发展的推动力。为了进一步加强对金融科技成果的宣传工作,提升全行业在科技创新方面的理论研究与实践应用水平,本刊"技术应用"栏目将开设"银行科技发展奖"专栏,对优秀获奖项目进行深度追踪报道,以期推动金融行业更加重视科技创新和应用推广工作。  相似文献   

狄刚 《金融电子化》2014,(6):110-119
正为了鼓励和引导各银行业机构以科技创新为支撑,不断改善经营管理和推动金融普惠,提升金融服务水平,中国人民银行定期组织开展银行业科技成果鉴定与评奖工作。5月14日召开的2013年度"银行科技发展奖"评审领导小组会议评定了行业科技发展成果,其中特等奖1项,一等奖6项,二等奖60项,三等奖93项。中国人民银行副行长、银行科技发展奖评审领导小组组长  相似文献   

2021年是“十四五”规划的开局之年,也是《金融科技(FinTech)发展规划(2019-2021年)》的收官之年。回顾第一个三年金融科技发展规划的历程,吉林亿联银行(以下简称“亿联银行”)作为我国四家互联网银行之一,秉持“数字银行、智慧生活”的发展定位,按照《金融科技(FinTech)发展规划(2019-2021年)》提出的发展路径,实现科技与金融业务的不断融合,让金融更易得、安全和便捷,让客户乐享美好智慧生活,使金融科技成为银行高质量发展的新引擎。  相似文献   

4月12日,由中国人民银行科技司指导、中国人民银行金融电子化公司承办的“银行科技发展奖(简称‘银发奖’)理论与软科学创新成果交流会”在北京民族饭店成功举办。来自人民银行、外汇管理局、政策性银行、商业银行、中国银联、中国印钞造币总公司等三十多家银行单位的科技部门领导与员工参加了此次会议,交流会由中国人民银行金融电子化公司技术总监潘润红主持。随着大数据时代的到来,数据集中、海量数据挖掘等议题的重要性日益增强,此次会议重点围绕“银行业数据管控研究”主题进行了热烈讨论。当天,中国人民银行科技司副司长杨兹出席会议并致辞,杨弦表示:“银发奖的评选是激励和推进银行科技创新能力的一种方式。目前,银发奖不仅成为激发银行业创造力的激励平台,也成为促进科技交流的交流平台,对于促进金融IT人员的积极性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

杨竑:"银行科技发展奖"已走过20个年头,累计评选出1317项优秀科技成果,体现了行业科技促进业务发展的时代特征,展现了金融业科技创新能力和发展水平。历经20年的沉淀与发展,"银行科技发展奖"已成为当前银行业金融机构成果鉴定和行业科技创新发展的推动力,受到金融行业及社会各界的高度关注。在2012年"银行科技发展奖"出炉之际,  相似文献   

中行人自己开发投产的公司信贷管理系统(CCMS)喜获2010年"银行科技发展奖一等奖",手捧这份厚重的荣誉,项目组成员在感受成功、分享喜悦的同时,更难忘的是他们与系统同成长、共发展的点点滴滴……孕育萌芽——开拓创新迈出坚实第一步  相似文献   

"诚信、务实,拼搏、创新"是中国工商银行科技人员热情工作的理念基石与动力源泉。凭借这种精神,该行信息化成本核算和效益分析项目组在工作中用实践行动贯彻信息科技文化,努力攻关,自主创新研发了信息化成本核算和效益分析管理体系。在全行各部门的大力支持和  相似文献   

The Public Oversight Board (POB) was an independent, private sector body that, between 1977 and 2002, monitored and reported on the self-regulatory activities of the SEC Practice Section of the Division for CPA Firms of the AICPA. In retrospect, the POB served an important developmental purpose prior to legislation that established the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) in 2002. As a part of its activities, the POB began in 1989 to honor individuals who had made major contributions to auditing practice. This paper features profiles of individuals who contributed to the development of financial auditing in the United States and who were nationally recognized when the POB selected them as recipients of the John J. McCloy Award. The McCloy Award, given to recognize individual contributions to the achievement of audit excellence by the POB between 1989 and 2001, honored those who advanced the activities of the external auditing profession. McCloy, for whom the award was named, served as the POB's chairman from its inception in 1977 to 1984. As a diplomat and public servant, this non-accountant accumulated a distinguished record of service over his career. The McCloy Award winners were the exemplars of public accountability. Winners had a mix of backgrounds; some had been president or chairman of the AICPA or had won the AICPA Gold Medal for Distinguished Service. Still other McCloy winners were not involved with publicly-held clients on a regular basis, or were not practicing accountants, but whose recognition was merited because of their insistence on the public accountability of the auditing profession. Regardless, the McCloy Award recipients represent those who contributed to the effectiveness of the public auditing process in the United States. To date the PCAOB has not elected to continue the McCloy Award or to establish a similar recognition.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the relationship between job satisfaction and firm leverage using a sample of Chinese listed firms. We find that in a sample of “China’s 100 Best Employers Award” winners during 2011–2017, job satisfaction is negatively associated with firm leverage. The effect is more pronounced in firms with higher distress risk and operating in human capital intensive industries. We confirm the validity of the main findings using a matched sample and a series of robustness checks. Overall, our results indicate that firms can credibly demonstrate their commitment to stakeholders and re-shape their capital structure by improving job satisfaction.  相似文献   

"How the Baldrige Award Really Works" by David A. Garvin draws on a series of in-depth discussions with Baldrige Award judges and senior examiners to give the first clear account of the real purpose and operation of the prestigious--and contentious--award. Accompanying the article is "An Open Letter on TQM," a call from James D. Robinson III, Harold A. Poling, John F. Akers, Robert W. Galvin, Edwin L. Artzt, and Paul A. Allaire for closer cooperation between business and universities to promote quality.  相似文献   

为表彰先进,激励有为,中国注册会计师协会决定,分别授予黄玥等15名同志"全国注册会计师行业审计工作岗位能手"荣誉称号,黄家明等10名同志"全国注册会计师行业党群工作岗位能手"荣誉称号,蒋薇倩等10名同志"全国注册会计师行业新业务拓展岗位能手"荣誉称号。并号召行业广大从业人员,继续解放思想,以改革创新精神推进行业党的建设,恪守诚信文化,推动行业科学发展,为服务国家建设作出新的、更大的贡献!  相似文献   

Abstract: The authors describe a program which has been devised for students at the University of Georgia. The program allows students and faculty to interact with industry leaders. As the authors point out, the same type of program could be implemented at other universities. This article describes the project for which the authors received the 1996 Les Strickler Innovation in Instruction Award, given at the 1996 annual meeting of the American Risk and Insurance Association.  相似文献   

This paper evalutes a three year programme in a UK university which recently won the Partnership Award from Cooper & Lybrand, Deloitte for innovation in higher education. The programme aims to encourage student to work in groups and to reflect upon the processes and the group dynamics involved. The first part of the paper provides the context for the paper and the context in which the programme runs. n example of a case study used in the programme is described in detail and the way in which it draws together subject areas within the degree is illustrated. Finally the programme is evaluted in terms of its successes and its problem areas.  相似文献   

The cloze procedure, a psycholinguistic technique, was used to empirically evaluate the communication of authoritative pronouncements in accounting. Three of the most recent pronouncements of five different authoritative bodies were tested via a random sample of 750 certified public accountants, 750 academic accountants, and 600 private accountants. Using the cloze procedure's 57% criterion level, evidence was found (contrary to expectations) that communication problems do not exist with either authoritative bodies or classes of accountants. However, evidence was found (as expected) that communication problems do exist with two of the fifteen authoritative pronouncements tested. I want to express my sincerest appreciation to the City University of New York PSC-BHE Research Award Program for the grant that made this project possible.  相似文献   

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