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Some properties of a first-order integer-valued autoregressive process (INAR)) are investigated. The approach begins with discussing the self-decomposability and unimodality of the 1-dimensional marginals of the process {Xn} generated according to the scheme Xn=α° X n-i +en, where α° X n-1 denotes a sum of Xn - 1, independent 0 - 1 random variables Y(n-1), independent of X n-1 with Pr -( y (n - 1)= 1) = 1 - Pr ( y (n-i)= 0) =α. The distribution of the innovation process ( e n) is obtained when the marginal distribution of the process ( X n) is geometric. Regression behavior of the INAR(1) process shows that the linear regression property in the backward direction is true only for the Poisson INAR(1) process.  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of the collaboration between two mathematical statisticians and a toxicologist (the second author) interested in thin layer chromatography (TLC). A TLC "system" consists of a medium through which a solvent is transported. If a solution of some (toxic) sample is applied to the medium, then the components are carried forward by the solvent over different distances. Section 1 describes the concept of a data bank which provides standard values for the degrees of migration characteristic for each of m well-studied substances in each of n systems. Sections 2–5 are mainly devoted to the construction of The "best design(s)"{ j 1*… j k * } of k systems from the n available ones. The attention is restricted to the situation that an unidentified sample exclusively contains one of the m substances covered by the data bank and produces the scores xj … xjk in the systems j,… j krespectively. Three different approaches to the identification problem were successively considered. Each approach leads to a class of procedures and their performances. The performance of the optimum procedure can be used to define the performance of any of the ( nk ) designs ( j 1… jk }. The latter performance is maximized in order to determine { j 1*.,., jk* }. In practice usually data is obtained for mixtures instead of single. pure substances. Section 6 gives some tentative theory for the evaluation of such data.  相似文献   

A random variable X on IR+ is said to be self-decomposable, dif for all c∈ (0, 1) there exists a random variable Xc on IR+ such that X=dcX+Xc . It is said to be stable if it is self-decomposable and Xc=d (1 - c)X' , where X and X' are identically and independently distributed. The notions of stability and self-decomposability for infinitely divisible random variables are generalised to abelian semi-groups ( S, + ) with S having an identical involution, by using characteristic functions. The generalised definitions involve semi-groups of scaling operators T . There operators can be interpreted in a slightly different context as generalised continuous-time branching processes (with immigration). The underlying importance of the generator of the semi-groups T in the characterisation of stability and self-decomposability is stressed.  相似文献   

The Invariant Quadratic Estimators, the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) and Restricted Maximum Likelihood Estimator (REML) of variances in an orthogonal Finite Discrete Spectrum Linear Regression Model (FDSLRM) are derived and the problems of unbiasedness and consistency of these estimators are investigated.Acknowledgement. The research was supported by the grants 1/0272/03, 1/0264/03 and 2/4026/04 of the Slovak Scientific Grant Agency VEGA.  相似文献   

The recently repeated assertion that in correlation analysis it makes little difference whether one variable (x2) is used instead of another one (x3), provided the coefficient of correlation (r23) between x2 and x3 is high, is scrutinized.
To that purpose the ranges of coefficients of correlation with respect to the substitute variable are expressed in formula 3. Moreover, by way of example, extreme values of coefficients of simple correlation (r13 and r34), of multiple correlation (R1.34 and R3.14) and of regression (α13 and α14, α31 and α34) relating to the substitute variable, are calculated on the basis of empirical values of coefficients of simple correlation relating to the substituted and the remaining variables.
The outcome of those calculations are summarized in the tables 1 and 3, and in the graph.
Table 1 presents ranges of r13 for given values of r12 and r23, table 3 shows extreme values of coefficients of single and multiple correlation and regression in case an additional variable x4 is introduced and r12, r14, r24 and r23 are given. The graph shows an ellipse as the boundary of the inner closed domain of compatible values of r13 and r34.
Those results clearly indicate the need for caution in substituting one variable by another.  相似文献   

Assume k ( k ≥ 2) independent populations π1, π2μk are given. The associated independent random variables Xi,( i = 1,2,… k ) are Logistically distributed with unknown means μ1, μ2, μk and equal variances. The goal is to select that population which has the largest mean. The procedure is to select that population which yielded the maximal sample value. Let μ(1)≤μ(2)≤…≤μ(k) denote the ordered means. The probability of correct selection has been determined for the Least Favourable Configuration μ(1)(2)==μ(k – 1)(k)–δ where δ > 0. An exact formula for the probability of correct selection is given.  相似文献   

Abstract  An M/G/l queueing system with removable server is considered. The following costs are incurred: a holding cost of h per unit time per customer in the system, a cost of rl(r2) per unit time when the service mechanism is on (off) and a fixed cost of K1,(K2 ,) for turning it on (off).
In this paper we shall give a very simple proof for the well known and intuitively obvious fact that the best N-policy is optimal for the average cost criterion among the class of all policies by first proving that the average cost formula of that policy and its relative cost function satisfy the optimality equation for the average cost criterion. The optimality of the best N-policy is then an immediate consequence.  相似文献   

VE/VM问世以后,在几代人的努力下,其理论和应用方法技术获得了很大的进展,形成了一个比较系统的理论体系和方法技术体系,这些方法技术在实践中也得到不断的检验。但是在国外的VE/VM实践中仍然出现各种问题,例如,将VE/VM技术与成本控制、技术改进技术、质量控制、决策等相关管理技术的混淆、当事者采纳VE/VM技术的愿望程度、VE/VM能在多大程度上解决问题等等。这些问题引起了国外对VE/VM理论技术的反思,一些新的观点开始出现。  相似文献   

Estimating the J function without edge correction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction between points in a spatial point process can be measured by its empty space function F , its nearest-neighbour distance distribution function G , and by combinations such as the J function J = (1 G )/(1 F ). The estimation of these functions is hampered by edge effects: the uncorrected, empirical distributions of distances observed in a bounded sampling window W give severely biased estimates of F and G . However, in this paper we show that the corresponding uncorrected estimator of the function J = (1 G )/(1 F ) is approximately unbiased for the Poisson case, and is useful as a summary statistic. Specifically, consider the estimate W of J computed from uncorrected estimates of F and G . The function J W ( r ), estimated by W , possesses similar properties to the J function, for example J W ( r ) is identically 1 for Poisson processes. This enables direct interpretation of uncorrected estimates of J , something not possible with uncorrected estimates of either F , G or K . We propose a Monte Carlo test for complete spatial randomness based on testing whether J W ( r ) 1. Computer simulations suggest this test is at least as powerful as tests based on edge corrected estimators of J .  相似文献   

Consider an ordered sample (1), (2),…, (2n+1) of size 2 n +1 from the normal distribution with parameters μ and . We then have with probability one
(1) < (2) < … < (2 n +1).
The random variable
n =(n+1)/(2n+1)-(1)
that can be described as the quotient of the sample median and the sample range, provides us with an estimate for μ/, that is easy to calculate. To calculate the distribution of h n is quite a different matter***. The distribution function of h1, and the density of h2 are given in section 1. Our results seem hardly promising for general hn. In section 2 it is shown that hn is asymptotically normal.
In the sequel we suppose μ= 0 and = 1, i.e. we consider only the "central" distribution. Note that hn can be used as a test statistic replacing Student's t. In that case the central hn is all that is needed.  相似文献   

The gamma distribution function can be expressed in terms of the Normal distribution and density functions with sufficient accuracy for most practical purposes.
The distribution function for the density xΛ-1e-x/μΛΓ(A) on 0 -R(Λ){(1 + 1/1 2Λ) φ(z) + 11 -z/4Λ1/2+2(z2+ 2)/45Λ] φ(z) /3 Λ1/2} where φ(z)≅1/[1 +e-2z(√2/π+z2 /28)] and φ(z) = e-z2 /2/√2π are the Normal distribution and density functions, y is the appropriate root of y-y2/6+y3/36-y4/270= In (x/Λμ), z= Λ1/2 y, and R( Λ) is the remainder term in Stirling's approximation for In Γ(Λ).  相似文献   

We deal with general mixture of hierarchical models of the form m(x) = føf(x |θ) g (θ)dθ , where g(θ) and m(x) are called mixing and mixed or compound densities respectively, and θ is called the mixing parameter. The usual statistical application of these models emerges when we have data xi, i = 1,…,n with densities f(xii) for given θi, and the θ1 are independent with common density g(θ) . For a certain well known class of densities f(x |θ) , we present a sample-based approach to reconstruct g(θ) . We first provide theoretical results and then we use, in an empirical Bayes spirit, the first four moments of the data to estimate the first four moments of g(θ) . By using sampling techniques we proceed in a fully Bayesian fashion to obtain any posterior summaries of interest. Simulations which investigate the operating characteristics of our proposed methodology are presented. We illustrate our approach using data from mixed Poisson and mixed exponential densities.  相似文献   

This study examines the attitudes of three groups of managers in Hong Kong, namely, Hong Kong Chinese managers in local Chinese firms (HK/HK), Hong Kong Chinese managers in US firms (HK/US) and American managers in US firms (US/US), towards supervisory, peer, subordinate and multi-source appraisal of executive performance. The more recent perspective of crossvergence, within the convergence-divergence debate, provides the theoretical foundation for formulating the hypotheses. The findings indicate support for this new perspective of crossvergence. There is also evidence of the coexistence of all the three perspectives of convergence, divergence and crossvergence. The study found that the practice of supervisory appraisal is supported more by HK/US and US/US managers than by HK/HK managers. Furthermore, both HK/US and US/US managers are more supportive of subordinate evaluation than peer evaluation. Overall, the findings indicate that the traditional Chinese values may be more congruent with the notion of supervisory appraisal than with peer and subordinate evaluation. The study thus points out the importance of the compatibility of norms and beliefs regarding a management practice such as performance appraisal with the local national cultures in determining the acceptance and hence the transferability of that practice across countries.  相似文献   

Abstract  The "classical" development of conditioning, due to K olmogorov , does not agree with the "practical" (more intuitive, but unrigorous) way in which probabilists and statisticians actually think about conditioning. This paper describes an alternative to the classical development. It is shown that standard concepts and results can be developed, rigorously, along lines, which correspond to the "practical" approach, and so as to include the classical material as a special case. More specifically, let Xand Y be random variables (r.v.'s) from (Ω, f, P) to ( x, fx ) and (y. fy.), respectively. In this paper, the fundamental concept is the conditional probability P(AX = x ), a function of xε x which satisfies a "natural" defining condition. This is used to define a conditional distribution Py/x, as a mapping x × fy-R such that, as a function of B, Pylx=x,(B ) is a probability measure on fy. Then, for a numerical r.v. Y , conditional expectation E(Y/X) is defined as a mapping x → whose value at x isE(Y/X = x) = ydPY/x=i(y ). Basic properties of conditional probabilities, distributions, and expectations, are derived and their existence and uniqueness are discussed. Finally, for a sub-o-algebra and a numerical r.v. Y , the classical conditional expectation E(Y) is obtained as E(Y/X) with X = i , the identity mapping from (Ω, f) to (Ω).  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1948,2(5-6):206-227
Summary  (Superposition of two frequency distributions)
n: number of observations
M: arithmetic mean
: standard deviation
μr: rth moment coefficient
β1: coefficient of skewness
β2: coefficient of kurtosis.
The suffixes a and b apply to the component distributions. The suffix t applies to the resulting distributions.

The problem: Given the first r moments of two frequency distributions (to begin with μ0). Find the first r moments of the distribution resulting from superposition of the two components ( r ≥ 5 ).
Formulae [1]. … [ 5 ] (§ 3 ) give the results in their most general form up to μ4.
Some special cases are treated in § 4, and eight different cases of superposition of two normal distributions in § 5.
In § 6 some remarks are made about the reverse situation, i.e. the splitting into two normal components of a combined frequency distribution.  相似文献   

Prenctice and Cai recently introduced and studied the function C defined as the covariance function of the two marginal counting process martingales of a pair of dependent survival times (T1, T2 ). They show that the function C together with the marginal distributions determines the joint survival function F of (T1, T2 ). In this note we show how the key characterizing equation of Prentice and Cai yields a formula for the covariance of T1 and T2 in termsof the marginal mean residual life functions and C. The resulting formula generalizes a formula for the variance of a one-dimensional random variable Tdueto Pyke (1965). We also explore several generalizations of the covariance formula, and obtain a valid k-dimensional version of the Prentice and Cai formula.  相似文献   

This comment is in response to Frederic L. Pryor (2000). "The Millennium Survey: How Economists View the U.S. Economy in the 21st Century." The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 59 (January), pp. 3-33.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1960,22(3):151-157
Summary  "Stratificationprocedures for a typical auditing problem".
During the past ten years, much experience was gained in The Netherlands in using random sampling methods for typical auditing problems. Especially, a method suggested by VAN. HEERDEN [2] turned out to be very fruitful. In this method a register of entries is considered to be a population of T guilders, if all entries total up to T guilders. The sample size n 0 is determined in such a way that the probability β not to find any mistake in the sample, if a fraction p 0 or more of T is incorrect, is smaller than a preassigned value β0. So n 0 should satisfy (l- p )n0≤β0 for p ≥ p 0. A complication arises if it is not possible to postpone sampling until the whole population T is available. One then wants to take samples from a population which is growing up to T . Suppose one is going to take samples n i from e.g. r subpopulations

Using the minimax procedure, it is shown, that in this case one should choose the sizes n i equal to ( T i/ T ) n 0. The minimax-value of the probability not to find any incorrect guilder in the r samples, taken together is equal to β0.  相似文献   

This case study reports the activities of the Queensland Water Commission (QWC) in securing the water supply for Brisbane and surrounding South East Queensland (SEQ) in response to the worst drought on record. The case focuses on residential water use and examines a three year period from 2006 to 2009. The focus of the study is the interventions of 2007, which centres on the Target 140 campaign. In 2007, the QWC faced with critically low dam levels identified household consumption as responsible for 70% of water use. The eight month Target 140 campaign targeted household users, aiming to change the water use habits of SEQ residents. The campaign achieved not only immediate reductions in water use but also contributed to long term behavioural and attitudinal change. The aim of the campaign was to reduce water consumption from 180 litres (l) /person/day to a target of 140 l /person/day by the end of 2007. This was achieved with water consumption dropping to an average of 129 l/person/day during the campaign and saving over 20 billon litres of water. In 2009, despite the drought broken for over a year and the water consumption target lifted to 200 l /person/day residents were continuing to consume water, on average, less than 140 l /person/day. The outcome was a capstone result for the QWC, and the Target 140 campaign went on to achieve international industry recognition. This case study demonstrates how attitudinal change, goal setting and feedback were key components of the change strategy and outlines the tactics used during the campaign. Furthermore, the case study discusses these mechanisms for change in terms of a theoretical understanding. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This comment is in response to Frederic L. Pryor (2000). "The Millennium Survey: How Economists View the U.S. Economy in the 21st Century." The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 59 (January), pp. 3-33.  相似文献   

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