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A quantitative methodology is developed to support negotiations over the allocation of costs and benefits in brownfield redevelopment projects by utilizing cooperative game theory. In particular, guidelines for estimating the net benefits of various coalitions that can be formed by the landowners, developers and governments are presented. A general n-player cooperative game is formulated to model the negotiations. Two simple conditions are obtained for checking whether or not a three-player brownfield redevelopment negotiation game has a nonempty core. Various nucleolus concepts and the Shapley value are utilized to find alternative fair cost and benefit allocation schemes, from which the decision makers can negotiate. An illustrative example is employed to demonstrate how the proposed approach can be applied in practice.  相似文献   

Government policy‐makers in many countries compete to attract FDI because they believe that FDI will generate knowledge spillovers in the local economy. However, there is surprising little empirical evidence in favour of substantial spillovers. This raises the question of what benefits can be appropriated by host countries when spillovers are small. This paper analyses the issue using a simple model of the global strategy of a profit‐maximising MNE. It is based on a partial equilibrium model of the firm; although less sophisticated than the general equilibrium approach, it provides a sharper focus on fundamental policy issues. It shows that the principal social benefit conferred by an MNE is measured by the profit its subsidiary generates. This reflects the fact that, according to standard theory, the MNE is an institutional arrangement for appropriating rents from innovation. Other rents may also accrue to local factors of production. The model is used to appraise a range of alternative policy instruments for maximising national benefit from FDI.  相似文献   

This paper provides a selective review of the recent analytical and empirical literature on the benefits and costs of international financial integration. It discusses the impact of financial openness and capital flows on consumption, investment and growth, as well as the impact of foreign bank entry on the domestic financial system. It argues that, for small open developing countries, the benefits of financial integration are mostly long term in nature, whereas risks can be significant in the short run. Careful preparation and management are therefore essential to ensure that short‐run costs do not lead to policy reversals. It also stresses that the empirical evidence on the impact of foreign direct investment on domestic capital formation and growth, as well as on the effects of foreign bank entry, should be viewed with caution. In particular, the possibility that foreign bank penetration may lead to adverse changes in the allocation of credit cannot be dismissed on the basis of the existing evidence.  相似文献   

基于成本收益视角的我国显性存款保险制度有效性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行体系的稳定是金融稳定的核心。我国一直实行的是隐性存款保险制度,由于其隔断了各银行资金运用收益和资金筹集成本之间的制衡关系,使政府实施这种制度的成本越来越高。本文从显性存款保险制度与隐性存款保险制度的比较分析入手,基于成本和收益的视角,指出引入显性存款保险制度的最大成本在于其引致了新的道德风险问题,而且我国的制度环境薄弱加大了建立成本。在此基础上本文对建立我国显性存款保险制度的有效性进行论述,并提出一系列配套改革措施。  相似文献   

文章首先通过将贸易成本引入H—O模型,从理论上探讨贸易成本对国际贸易利益及利益分配的影响,随后运用1978~2009年测算出的贸易成本等相关数据进行协整分析,从实证上对理论分析结论进行验证。研究结果表明:国际贸易利益分配在城镇居民与农村居民两群体间存在差异,扩大了城乡收入差距,同时,贸易成本会影响国际贸易利益及其分配,当农产品贸易成本高于非农产品时,贸易成本会增强国际贸易扩大城乡收入差距的效应。  相似文献   

我国上市公司控制权私利及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用我国上市公司1997—2006年控制权交易溢价数据,本文度量了我国上市公司的控制权私利规模,发现我国控制权私利高于发达国家,但低于捷克、巴西、墨西哥等转轨和新兴市场国家。文章还对影响我国控制权私利规模的因素进行了实证检验,证明控制权买方特征、公司的负债率、公司规模和流通股占比对控制权私利具有显著影响。  相似文献   

While the political benefits of the coming EU enlargement are relatively easy to identify, its economic and financial consequences are less unequivocal. The following article examines the likely costs and benefits of enlargement to both existing and future Members, and in particular how it will affect Germany, one of the few present EU Member States which has direct borders with acceding states. The article expresses the personal opinions of the author.  相似文献   

International barter transactions are becoming increasingly important in world trade. The following article examines the reasons for this as well as its implications for competition and the international division of labour, and presents an assessment of future developments.  相似文献   

综述了世界和各地区PET的消费、回收及其应用状况、未来消费和回收预测,并介绍了聚酯瓶开发和应用新动向。  相似文献   

Are trade cost reductions a plausible explanation for growing global current account imbalances? I advocate that changes in trade costs affect trade and production structures, which is likely to affect national savings and investment. Explicitly adding trade costs à la Markusen and Venables into Jin's framework, this augmented model predicts that trade cost reductions affect the current account through changes in the industrial structure. Empirical evidence confirms that the interaction of trade costs and capital intensity drives current account balances. I also provide evidence that the response of current accounts to changes in trade costs depends on the capital intensity of production and on the depth of regional agreements on trade and factor mobility. Aside from the direct effect generally emphasised in standard macro‐level analysis, changes in production patterns could therefore be an additional channel of impact of regional integration on current accounts.  相似文献   

A simple two–period switching cost model is developed and analyzed assuming durable output. The analysis indicates that many of the conventional managerial implications of the switching cost literature need not hold if products are durable. In particular, the model indicates that managers of durable goods firms that lease or rent output may wish to decrease their customer base (provide service to only a subset of the experienced customers) in future periods, in contrast to the non–durable goods case where the number of customers served is the same. Moreover, the model shows that the optimal behavior of sellers of durable products depends critically upon their commitment ability with buyers, and outlines the conditions under which a manager selling output may rationally expand their customer base (i.e. sell to new customers in a future period).  相似文献   

为考察灭菌设备和容器对样品试剂损失量的影响,修正样品试剂加入量提供依据,利用三种灭菌设备在相同的灭菌条件下(121℃,15 min)对四种容器盛装的不同样品试剂进行灭菌实验,比较试剂损失的差异性。经过灭菌实验,各种样品试剂的体积都有一定程度的损失,不同品牌的灭菌设备试剂损失量不同,不同盛装容器试剂损失量存在差异。微生物检测前的灭菌实验应该对灭菌设备和容器对样品试剂损失量的影响进行验证,确保试剂在灭菌完成后达到最适的体积和浓度。  相似文献   

聚氨酯废旧料的回收利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对聚氨酯材料特别是聚氨酯泡沫废料的回收再生方法及进展进行了评述。废旧聚氨 再生利用方法有:粘结制再生泡沫塑料,粉碎后热压成制品,粉碎成粉末作为生产泡沫塑料等的填料;通过醇解、胺解或水解工艺将泡沫分解再生多元醇,再用于泡沫塑料,等等。  相似文献   

This paper considers the role of sunk costs in the decision to enter a market. Its goal is to provide a policy-relevant approach to the question: when are sunk costs so great as to serve as a barrier to entry? To do this, the model presented nests both a model of pure hit-and-run entry and a simple “lottery-ticket” model of long-term entry in which the entrant knows that entry may or may not ultimately prove successful. It illustrates clearly the strategic differences between sunk and nonsunk fixed costs. The paper also considers the incumbent’s problem of choosing between entry deterrence and accommodation. Finally, out of this model comes a measure of the height of the sunk cost barrier to entry that may be useful for competition policy purposes.  相似文献   

加拿大是第一个对我国产品征收反补贴税的国家,在最近的5年里已对我国发起了8起反倾销与反补贴合并调查。加拿大对华半导体冷热箱反倾销与反补贴税案是一起较新的案件,并于2008年末最终裁定对原产于我国的半导体冷热箱征收反倾销税与反补贴税。边境服务署在最终裁定中确定了38项补贴项目。虽然最终只认定了3项补贴项目使合作出口商获得了利益,但对于非合作出口商,边境服务署通过部长指定程序裁定其获得了所有38项补贴项目下的利益①。在本案的最终裁定中,非合作出口商的倾销幅度与补贴量大大高于合作出口商。本案再次证明,面对国外反贸易救济调查,积极应诉肯定能获得比不应诉更有利的裁决。  相似文献   

Economic profits differ from accounting profits. Accounting profits are usually defined as revenues minus costs, and those costs as fixed and variable. Economic profits enlist a third cost, opportunity costs. While these costs are difficult to determine with mathematical precision, they are nonetheless significant, especially for decision making in business. They reflect social costs and benefits, tensions between individual and corporate interests, and all internal and external considerations which enter into decision making in business. It is precisely within opportunity cost decision making that Primeaux and Stieber situate business ethics.  相似文献   

集装箱货运链非传统安全风险防范问题已经引起了欧美发达国家海关极大的重视,作为国际贸易大国,该领域的研究在我国尚处于起步阶段.从海关监管角度出发研究集装箱货运链非传统安全风险非常有必要而且意义重大.文章从集装箱运输全过程出发,提供了一个简单的风险分析模型,通过分析集装箱运输网络的每个节点,预防集装箱运输链潜在的安全风险.根据该模型可形成集装箱货运链非传统安全风险的评估结果,为海关进行集装箱货运链风险管理提供依据,帮助解决运输网络中监管资源的有效分配问题.而今后的研究,除进一步完善海关风险分析外,还要致力于先进高效监控技术的研发.集装箱运输链是一条复杂的长链,涉及许多利益相关人和监管部门,安全高效的集装箱运输体系的构建需要学术界、运输产业、政府部门、科技产品生产商的共同参与.  相似文献   

从企业发展角度探讨现代企业成本战略管理的内容;从企业战略管理层面分析当前企业成本过而的原因,提出实施成本管理应采取的对策.  相似文献   

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