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对订单处理系统相关文献归纳总结的基础上,进一步分析订单处理的作业流程。分析认为,可以用排队系统建模仿真的方法解决订单处理的相关问题。以某网上商城订单处理流程为例,采用实体流程图法建立该流程的系统模型,并利用WITNESS仿真软件建立了仿真模型。仿真实验的结果指明最优人员配置和系统的进一步优化方向。  相似文献   

王辉  陈芸芸 《物流科技》2007,30(2):12-13
本文从同时考虑成本最小化和客户满意度的角度出发,介绍说明了配送中心选址离散决策的概念,并以此为基础建立了一个配送离散中心选址模型,同时用lingo软件为操作软件给出了一个运算实例.  相似文献   

1电子商务下配送中心拣货问题分析 根据电子商务网站客户满意度评价,较电子商务过程中其他环节,物流环节的客户满意度最低,只有75.1%。根据电子商务网站客户不满意度评价调查,由配送中心拣货作业导致的客户不满意率高达27%。在互联网和电子商务快速增长的趋势下,欲增强市场竞争力、降低客户流失率、提升客户网络购物满意度,提高配送中心的拣货作业效率是一条必经之路。  相似文献   

仝丹娜 《价值工程》2011,30(4):113-114
作为咸阳的支柱产业——纺织业,经过市场竞争,由于销售渠道不通畅等原因,造成咸阳纺织业萎缩。要重塑咸阳纺织业的活力,需在我市联建纺织销售共同配送中心,以提高其市场竞争力。本文在分析咸阳纺织现状基础之上,对咸阳市纺织业联建销售共同配送中心相关问题进行了初步研究分析。针对要解决的问题,分析联建销售共同配送中心的必要性及可行性。  相似文献   

王伟  纪寿文 《物流技术》2009,28(9):67-69
从客户满意度测评体系及其模型的建立入手,基于物流配送服务客户满意度影响因素存在多重共线性问题,采用偏最小二乘法建立以满意度影响因素为自变量,客户服务满意度为因变量的多元回归模型,最后通过实证分析,诊断配送中心提高客户满意度的薄弱环节,并提出改进建议.  相似文献   

配送中心采用了超高性能的综合分拣系统,其中包括一条长达938英尺的单机滑靴式连续分拣系统,每天可处理165000个纸箱,准确率达到99.9%。  相似文献   

送货成本与卡车的总行程高度相关,送奶路线就是将不同客户的货分配到每辆卡车上去,并为每辆卡车设计行驶路线,以达到减少总运距的目标。  相似文献   

对生产型企业而言,物流成本是企业运转成本的一个非常重要的组成部分,我们希望和客户一起,通过分析物流成本的构成及其每个环节的发展和现状,在满足终端客户服务要求的前提下,通过科学、合理的物流管理方法,优化物流方案、以达到帮助企业有效降低物流成本。文中就对现合作客户BK医疗器械项目在中国区的物流配送中心运营现状进行分析,结合物流运输管理的相关知识,完成优化方案的构想和设计。  相似文献   

英国主要的百货连锁店John Lewis联合体,通过建成使用高度自动化的Milton Keynes配送中心,在业界建立了同一库房多业态(超市、百货商店和网上直销)高效订单处理的新标准.  相似文献   

赵鲁华 《物流科技》2007,30(10):121-122
文章通过对城市配送中心客户特点的分析,提出了采用建立时间效应成本函数和客户网络电子地图进行客户关系管理的两种方法,对配送中心保持客户满意度,提高效益具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

World standards for determining companies' commitment to continuous quality improvement (CQI) have been established. These standards are collectively known as ISO-9000. Prudent buyers of goods and services for health care organizations that are also committed to CQI should understand these standards and use them to facilitate supplier certification.  相似文献   

Currently, retail facilities play a significant role both economically and socially for their contributions to job creation and to reducing unemployment. In this paper, economic, environmental, and social issues, including unemployment, job creation for the local workforce within their hometown, the immigration of an unemployed workforce, and the naturalization of non-natives are addressed for a retailer. We explore the class of deteriorating products from the viewpoint of its economic and environmental features. Then, a linear multi-objective mathematical model is developed to determine an integrated replenishment and recruitment policy for the retailer in the direction of sustainability. Using data from the flower industry, a numerical analysis is presented. The results indicate that if necessary facilities and infrastructures are provided to permanently settle qualified immigrants, both social and economic indicators will be improved. We also determine that by concentrating on strategies such as job creation for natives through retail facilities with no increase in production capacity and by applying careful policies for immigration and naturalization, social welfare can be improved.  相似文献   

Lead time reduction: the catalyst for world-class results   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the objective of reducing lead times as much as possible, many process improvements can be made. Without the objective of lead time reduction, there can be many confusing objectives without a common thread. This usually results in poor achievement scores on many objectives. To accomplish one major objective, lead time reduction, all other areas will and must be addressed but by a united work force working towards one common goal.  相似文献   

北京作为我国会展业起步最早、发展最快的城市,尽管会展业已在国内处于领先地位,但就会展业的整体规模和会展城市的国际影响力而言,与国际知名会展城市之间还存在一定的差距。北京应当抓住经济快速发展的机遇,充分发挥自身的产业、资源及区位优势,重点实施品牌化、多元化、国际化战略,尽快实现构建国际会展中心城市的战略目标。  相似文献   

Conclusions In this paper we have proposed new techniques for simplifying the estimation of disequilibrium models by avoiding constrained maximum likelihood methods (which cannot avoid numerous theoretical and practical difficulties mentioned above) including an unrealistic assumption of the independence of errors in demand and supply system of equations. In the proposed first stage, one estimates the relative magnitude of the residuals from the demand and supply equations nonparametrically, even though they suffer from omitted variables bias, because the coefficient of the omitted variable is known to be the same in both equations. The reason for using nonparametric methods is that they do not depend on parametric functional forms of biased (bent inward) demand and supply equations. The first stage compares the absolute values of residuals from conditional expectations in order to classify the data points as belonging to the demand or the supply curve. We estimate the economically meaningful scale elasticity and distribution parameters at the second stage from classified (separated) data.We extend nonparametric kernel estimation to the r = 4 case to improve the speed of convergence, as predicted by Singh's [1981] theory. In the first stage, r = 4 results give generally improved R2 and ¦t¦ values in our study of the Dutch data—used by many authors concerned with the estimation of floorspace productivity. We find that one can obtain reasonable results by our approximate but simpler two stage methods. Detailed results are reported for four types of Dutch retail establishments. More research is needed to gain further experience and to extend the methodology to other disequilibrium models and other productivity estimation problems.This paper was processed by W. Eichhorn.  相似文献   

The director of materials management services at M.D. Anderson is a position of endless opportunities, as well as continual challenges. The procurement process provides the opportunity to be an integral part of a team that has made a significant difference to many of the patients in the areas of cancer prevention, education, detection, diagnosis, treatment, cure, and rehabilitation. All involved in health care purchasing derive a personal fulfillment not available to purchasers in other industries. At MDA, however, this goes even one step further, as our department supports a team in the battle against cancer--a battle that affects nearly every household in America today. MDA can state that more than half of all patients treated are considered cured, and that is certainly a great team with which to be associated. But even more exciting are the years to come, as materiel management services supports the M.D. Anderson mission of eliminating cancer and allied diseases as significant health problems throughout the world.  相似文献   

We consider the prospects for apprenticeship in British retailing in terms of the contribution of apprenticeship to intermediate skills and the contribution of large employers to the Advanced Apprenticeship (AA) programme. Evidence is taken from interviews with training and HR managers from 17 large employers. We find that AA is for the most part unpopular with large retailers, who prefer to acquire intermediate skills through the upgrade training of existing employees through bespoke, in‐house training programmes and, to a lesser degree, via the recruitment of skilled workers. The one exception to this rule is to be found in the convenience stores sub‐sector of retailing, where the breadth of skills supplied by AA fits in well with employers' requirements. Even here, however, the scale of Apprenticeship is limited both in terms of the numbers of Apprentices being trained and also in terms of employers' own investment in the training of their Apprentices.  相似文献   

在分析我国家电物流发展趋势的基础上,根据河南家电物流发展现状,阐述了在河南区位交通、市场条件、产业基础较好的郑州,建设辐射中西部地区区域性家电物流中心的比较优势,并提出了相应的具体对策。  相似文献   

Abstract Using data from Canada, the Czech Republic, Hong Kong and Indonesia, this paper tests the concept that training should be viewed as only one (perhaps small) factor in the drive towards world-class productivity. Rather, it is a combination of social science and physical science factors that must be managed, if productivity is to improve. This gap analysis technique focuses on reactive and proactive job analyses to develop programmes of workplace change. Even when utilized in widely varying cultures, the model yields comparable results.  相似文献   

We develop and apply a method for estimating demand system parameters for versioned information goods. Our analysis uses data collected from a web‐based field experiment in which prices and versions of an information good were exogenously varied. Using a maximum simulated likelihood (MSL) procedure, we estimate parameters characterizing distributions of utility functions over a population of potential buyers. We then construct profit‐maximizing versioning and pricing plans for the seller and assess the welfare implications of those plans. Because firms increasingly have opportunities to collect information by tracking behavior of customers, methods similar to ours could be useful in future commercial applications. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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