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在传统的计划经济体制下,企业的主要任务是完成上级的生产计划。这种企业属于生产型企业,其企业管理主要是生产管理。在企业体制改革过程中,为适应企业由生产型向经营型转变这一特点,在市场还不规范的条件下,我们以利税指标为核心的承包制来临时规定了企业与国家的经济责任关系,利税也就自然成为企业的经营目标。经过几年的实践,这种以利税为经营目标的企业管理,其主要问题是导致了企业行为短期化。随着社会主义市场经济理论的确立和完善,建立与之相适应的现代企业制度成为目前企业改革的热点。在新形势下,企业的经营目标是什么?…  相似文献   

国外关于企业内部资本市场研究观点综述   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
20世纪中期,美国的联合兼并浪潮造就了一批多元化的联合大企业,经济学家威廉姆森认为,“这些体现M型组织原则的联合大企业,最好还是把它看成一个内部资本市场,因为它把各条渠道的现金流量集中起来,投向高收益的领域”。内部资本市场的存在是因为其在监督、激励、内部竞争、资本的低成本配置等方面具有外部资本市场不可比拟的优势。“内部资本市场”概念的提出和威廉姆森的阐释,引来了众多的后续研究。  相似文献   

现代企业的生存和发展,都离不开资本结构和杠杆效益,每个企业都无一例外地通过金融这条渠道,实现其配置资源的经济活动本文仅就金融理论中有关企业资本结构及其在现实经济工作中的运用和决策,结合本人实际的工作,谈些粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

一、组建宁夏产权交易市场的重要作用 1.当前宁夏经济正处在结构调整阶段,一方面,部分企业将关闭或破产,大多数企业融资环境偏紧,资金短缺压力很大;另一方面,国有企业、商业银行及其资产管理公司拥有的巨额资产处在呆滞状态中,不能发挥其应有的作用。为此,在企业投资者和国有企业、资产管理公司、银行之间架起资产流动的媒介和桥梁,通过产权市场壮大资本市场,通过盘活存量资产扩大投资规模,是经济结构调整的客观需要。 2.西部大开发的号角已经吹响,国内外客商都谋求在这一历史机遇中得到发展,建立产权市场,向国内外客商展…  相似文献   

资本市场与资本结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文比较分析了美国、日本企业对资本结构的选择 ,认为融资体制对企业资本结构模式的选择有决定性影响。中国企业资金的市场配置方式逐渐取代了计划配置方式 ,企业融资方式呈现出多元化趋势。为了提高融资效益必须科学选择融资方式或资本结构。  相似文献   

Sick system     

兰格是一名患有ALS病(肌萎缩性侧索硬化症)的美国人,美国医生对他完全康复已不存侥幸.抱着对中医的一线希望,兰格来到中国.一段时间的治疗之后,令人惊奇的事情发生了,他说:"开始用方子两天之内,我注意到自己身上的起包、疼痛和痉挛有了明显减轻."  相似文献   

基于场理论,采用案例研究的方法分析1958—2017年长虹集团经历的三次战略转型,以组织认知与组织行动的交互为主轴探索战略转型的过程。研究发现:组织认知与组织行动交互的变化推动组织场的变化;组织场的变化承载组织战略的变化;组织场经过协同演化、震荡探索和核心聚焦三个阶段后完成战略转型。  相似文献   

Sick pay is a common provision in most labor contracts. This paper employs an experimental gift exchange environment to explore two related questions using both managers and undergraduates as subjects. First, do workers reciprocate generous sick pay with higher effort? Second, do firms benefit from offering sick pay? Our main finding is that workers do reciprocate generous sick pay with higher effort. However, firms benefit from offering sick pay in terms of profits only if there is competition among firms for workers. Consequently, competition leads to a higher voluntary provision of sick pay relative to a monopsonistic labor market.  相似文献   

We theoretically analyse the effects of sick pay and employees' health on collective bargaining, assuming that individuals determine absence optimally. If sick pay is set by the government and not paid for by firms, it induces the trade union to lower wages. This mitigates the positive impact on absence. Moreover, a union may oppose higher sick pay if it reduces labour supply sufficiently. Better employee health tends to foster wage demands. If the union determines both wages and sick pay, we identify situations in which it will substitute wages for sick pay because adverse absence effects can be mitigated.  相似文献   

This paper examines the incentive effects of interactions between unemployment insurance (UI) and sickness insurance (SI), two important components of Sweden's social insurance system. The main topic is how the sickness‐report rate among the unemployed is affected by (i) the limit of 300 workdays for UI benefits, and (ii) the difference in maximum compensation between UI and SI benefits. Results obtained by duration analysis suggest that sick reports increase as the UI benefit expiration date approaches. There is also evidence of an incentive effect on the sick‐report rate because SI offers higher compensation than UI.  相似文献   

采用多案例研究方法,讨论了分别处于纺织行业、重型装备制造行业、信息家电行业的丝丽雅、二重和长虹这三家制造企业在全球化竞争中的技术能力发展路径,以及利用知识产权获得竞争优势的机会,进而给出了不同产业技术背景下中国制造企业的知识产权能力发展策略。研究表明:有重点地选择特定技术和产品开展持续的研发,是作为"后来者"的我国制造企业发展创新能力、获得后来者优势的有效途径;"后来者"企业有机会利用知识产权赢得创新所得,但不同产业技术背景的企业的知识产权能力发展策略存在较大差异。  相似文献   

We follow individuals as they retire using discrete-time hazard models applied to a stock sample from 12 waves of the British Household Panel Survey. We use a generalised ordered probit model to explore the existence of reporting bias and to purge the self-reported measure of health of this bias. This model takes into account the possibility that anticipated retirement may influence reporting of health. There is evidence that health shocks are a determinant of retirement age. This is the case for both men and women and is observed for both health limitations and a measure based on latent health status derived from the generalised ordered probit model. While the size of the health effect varies according to how we measure health, the relative effect is large compared to the other variables, and in particular when compared to the effects of private pensions. However numerical simulations show that this high hazard ratio interacts with the, relatively low, incidence of new health limitations among the age group of interest to generate only a modest number of excess early retirements. Further, our results do not show evidence that the health status of their partner affects the hazard of early retirement for both men and women. Having an employed partner does reduce the hazard of early retirement.  相似文献   

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