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This article outlines a panel data approach to modelling the term structure of interest rates in the short and in the long run. We find robust evidence supporting the expectations hypothesis of the term structure (EHTS) for a small sample of Asian emerging markets. Furthermore, we detect some relevant differences in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, and the existence of a McCallum (2005) rule (no exogeneity of monetary policy to the yield curve) in some countries. Finally, we document the influence of an international global factor (i.e. a time-varying global risk premium) on the yield curve, while local country-specific factors are not statistically significant.  相似文献   

This article tests the Expectations Hypothesis (EH) using Brazilian monthly data for bond yields spanning the 2000–2017 sample period and ranging in maturity from 3 months to 5 years. Three tests are examined: the first is based on interest rates spread and the other two are based on the forward rates. On balance our results suggest rejection of the EH throughout the maturity spectrum examined, and are broadly consistent with previous findings that a linear combination of forward rates provides a statistically significant prediction of bond excess returns.  相似文献   

Under what conditions central banks can afford to deviate from announced targets without losing their reputation is analyzed. For this, the public must have something like ‘confident expectations' vis-a-vis monetary policy and central banks have to behave accordingly. The paper shows that it can be rational for the public and welfare-increasing for the society to retain ‘confident expectations' instead of switching to rational expectations, when central banks have gained long-run reputation. At the end of the paper, alternative optimal money supply rules are compared in a dynamic optimization framework. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the empirical adequacy of the expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates in the context of the current debt crisis. Using a sample consisted of the five largest EU countries, namely France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, and accounting for structural breaks in the data, I investigate cointegration, spread stationarity, validity of the cross-equation restrictions implied by the theory, and the possibility of excess returns. Overall, the empirical findings are against the EHTS for the whole maturity spectrum, implying evidence of economically important deviations from the theory. Only for specific spreads of France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom there is some evidence in favour of the expectations hypothesis.  相似文献   

Within a bivariate VAR model allowing for two-state Markov regime switching we test and evaluate the Expectations Theory (ET) of the term structure using Danish 1- and 3-months interest rates covering the period 1976–1997. A regime-shift approach is used in order to account for the change in monetary policy and the 1992–93 exchange rate crises that occured during this period. The basic findings are that these episodes did change the term structure, and, although we do find departures from the ET, several of the implications of the theory are consistent with the data, especially in the later part of the sample. First version received: June 1997/Final version received: March 1998  相似文献   

We estimate the effect of pension reforms on households' expectations of retirement outcomes and private wealth accumulation decisions exploiting a decade of intense Italian pension reforms as a source of exogenous variation in expected pension wealth. The Survey of Household Income and Wealth, a large random sample of the Italian population, elicits expectations of the age at which workers expect to retire and of the ratio of pension benefits to pre-retirement income between 1989 and 2002. We find that workers have revised expectations in the direction suggested by the reform and that there is substantial offset between private wealth and perceived pension wealth, particularly by workers that are better informed about their pension wealth.  相似文献   

Technological development is often described as an evolutionary process of variation, selection and retention. Different technologies are seen as variations, while the market and other institutions operate as a selection environment. It is less understood, however, how variation and selection relate in the case of emerging technologies. In this paper we introduce the concept of arenas of expectations to examine the relationship between variation and selection processes. Expectations are of particular interest in a pre-market phase of innovation, when performance, cost and other market criteria are less articulated and not stable. In arenas of expectations ‘enactors’ of particular technological variations voice and maintain expectations, while ‘selectors’ will compare and assess the competing claims. We analyse the expectations work of both parties in a case study on metal hydrides for the on-board storage of hydrogen for automotive applications. The paper concludes with a framework of ‘arenas of expectations’ as the linchpin between the processes of variation and selection of emerging technologies.  相似文献   

Euler equation estimation of intertemporal consumption models requires many, often unverifiable assumptions. These include assumptions on expectations and preferences. We aim at reducing some of these requirements by using direct subjective information on respondents’ preferences and expectations. The results suggest that individually measured welfare functions and expectations have predictive power for the variation in consumption across households. Furthermore, estimates of the intertemporal elasticity of substitution based on the estimated welfare functions are plausible and of a similar order of magnitude as other estimates found in the literature. The model favored by the data only requires cross-section data for estimation.  相似文献   

When far-sighted agents may adjust their behavior only gradually, the issue of equilibrium selection becomes one of tension between history and expectations. This paper analyzes whether, in this context, a government policy maker may intervene successfully and redirect expectations away from the inertia of undesired history. The possibilities and limitations of such an approach to `expectation management' are studied within a game-theoretic framework which involves both the government and the population.  相似文献   

We examine how a remedial education programme for primary school‐age children affects parental expectations about their children's future. Using original survey data we collected in Serbia, we investigate whether expectations on labour market prospects and educational attainment change as a consequence of exposure to the Roma Teaching Assistant programme. Our results show that parents of pupils in treated schools expect higher returns to education for their children and are more likely to expect them to achieve a secondary level of education. We also investigate the possible mechanisms in place due to the characteristics of the programme: remedial education and role model.  相似文献   

Karl Aiginger 《Empirica》1981,8(1):25-72
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit versucht die Hypothese der Rationalen Erwartungen an Hand von empirisch erhobenen Erwartungsdaten zu testen. Diese Vorgangsweise stellt eine Alternative zu den indirekten Testmethoden dar, in denen die Rationalität der Erwartungen durch den Verlauf von objektiven Daten getestet wird (durch Überprüfung einer Erklärungshypothese, in der Erwartungen eine wohl definierte Rolle zukommt). In diesem Fall kann immer nur die gemeinsame Hypothese der Richtigkeit des Modells und der Rationalität der Erwartungen verifiziert werden. Bei Verwendung empirisch gemessener Erwartungen entfällt dieses Problem, doch kommt die Frage der Glaubwürdigkeit der gemessenen Erwartungen hinzu. Eine unvollständige Auskunft darüber gibt eine Untersuchung des Erklärungsbeitrags der Erwartungen und Antizipationen in Konsum und Investitionsfunktionen.Die Hypothese der rationalen Erwartungen kann erst empirisch getest werden, wenn man eine Annahme über die vorhandene Informationsmenge trifft. Als minimaler Informations-stand wird die Kenntnis der vergangenen Entwicklung der zu prognostizierenden Zeitreihe angenommen. Unter dieser Annahme lassen sich die Merkmale Unverzerrtheit, Effizienz, Suffizienz und Konsistenz aus dem Vergleich erwarteter und tatsächlicher Entwicklungen ableiten und empirisch untersuchen.Das empirische Material umfaßt 39 Zeitreihen über die erwartete (geplante) Entwicklung von Umsätzen, investitionen und Preisen aus mehreren Ländern, wobei teilweise Unternehmensbefragungen, teils Konsumentenbefragungen und teilweise Prognosen von Experten zugrundeliegen.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on firms’ export pricing by assessing whether and to what extent firms take into account the expected future evolution of the exchange rates while setting their prices. Using French micro-level trade data, our empirical analysis reveals that by adjusting their export prices, firms partly absorb information about future exchange rate variations. The extent to which individual exporters absorb future exchange rate fluctuations is found to depend on their market power, in accordance with theoretical dynamic demand-side models encompassing mechanisms creating an inter-temporal relationship between current market shares and future profits. The analysis also shows that the strength of such expectation-related mechanism is considerably reduced with greater future exchange rate uncertainty, in line with an interpretation of pricing-to-market as an investment decision under uncertainty. In a comparative perspective our results are shown to drive asymmetric responses across destinations of aggregate bilateral export flows to expected exchange rate movements.  相似文献   

Summary This paper analyzes through a simple two-period model the fact that, if some agents hold inside money intertemporally, the second-period normalization matters. Thus, there are several equilibria of the second-period economy, indexed by the level of inflation. A concept of equilibrium acknowledging this fact, and requiring that agents put some weight on any of the possible second-period equilibrium price vectors is developed. Such an equilibrium is shown to exist, and is illustrated by an example.This a revised version of chapter three of my Ph.D. dissertation. I would like to thank David Cass, Atsushi Kajii, George Mailath and Shinichi Suda for helpful discussions and comments. Thanks are also due to Jean-Michel Grandmont who pointed out mistakes in a previous version. All remaining mistakes are of course my own. Financial support from a CARESS scholarship at the University of Pennsylvania is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper analyzes through a simple two-period model the fact that, if some agents hold inside money intertemporally, the second-period “normalization” matters. Thus, there are several equilibria of the second-period economy, indexed by the level of inflation. A concept of equilibrium acknowledging this fact, and requiring that agents put some weight on any of the possible second-period equilibrium price vectors is developed. Such an equilibrium is shown to exist, and is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

本文阐述了政策性资源的定义、特点及相关的效应,指出任何政策都有效应,良好的政策产生的效应是正向的,而不良的政策产生的效应是负向的。并对有关政策性资源的存在及度量作了分析。  相似文献   

Previously reported effects of institutional quality and political risks on foreign direct investment (FDI) are mixed and, therefore, difficult to interpret. We present empirical evidence suggesting a relatively clear, statistically robust, and intuitive characterization. Institutional factors that affect the likelihood of an abrupt and total loss of foreigners’ capital (i.e., return of capital) dominate factors that affect rates of return conditional on a strictly positive terminal investment value (i.e., return on capital). The evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that expropriation risk is most important among the available measures of different dimensions of institutional quality. A one-standard-deviation reduction in expropriation risk is associated with a 72% increase in FDI, which is substantially larger than the effects of any other dimensions of institutional quality as simultaneously estimated in our empirical models of expected FDI inflows. We show that this evidence is consistent with the predictions of a standard theory of FDI under imperfect contract enforcement and multiple dimensions of political risk.  相似文献   

The trade-induced degradation hypothesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper develops a simple two-sector dynamic model to examine the effects of international trade when government policy regarding the environment is short sighted, but still responsive to changes in income levels and in the quality of the environment. We show that free trade can usher in a negatively reinforcing cycle of increased pollution, lower environmental quality, and lower real incomes. Such cycles are not possible in autarky. We link the potential for trade to cause ‘large’ environmental consequences to the structure of tastes and technologies and the attributes of industrial pollution.  相似文献   

This study sheds new light on the mixture of distribution hypothesis by means of a study of the weekly exchange rate volatility of the Norwegian krone. In line with other studies we find that the impact of information arrival on exchange rate volatility is positive and statistically significant, and that the hypothesis that an increase in the number of traders reduces exchange rate volatility is not supported. The novelties of our study consist in documenting that the positive impact of information arrival on volatility is relatively stable across three different exchange rate regimes, and in that the impact is relatively similar for both weekly volatility and weekly realised volatility. It is not given that the former should be the case since exchange rate stabilisation was actively pursued by the central bank in parts of the study period. We also report a case in which undesirable residual properties attained within traditional frameworks are easily removed by applying the log-transformation on volatilities.
Genaro Sucarrat (Corresponding author)Email: URL: http://www.core.ucl.ac.be/~sucarrat/index.html

非政府组织(Non—Government Organizations,缩写为NGO),出现于50年代,兴起于70年代,在过去20年有了飞跃性的发展。如今非政府组织已经渗透到社会生活的方方面面,并且发挥着越来越大的作用。随着世界民主化浪潮波及全球,公民的政治参与成为当代政治生活的重要内容。但是由于种种原因,中国公民的政治参与无论是广度,还是深度都是比较低的,谁能“领导”公民参与政治,非政府组织无疑是最好的领导者!  相似文献   

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