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新版的《商品房预售台同》示范文本和首份《北京市商品房认购书》于1005年3月15日开始使用。此次合同修改剔除了以往的一些霸王条款,保证了处于弱势地位的购房者的利益。而相对商品房预售合同的进一步完善和统一,北京市二手房房屋买卖合同的条款却过于简单,在实际交易中没有完备且能明确保护买卖双方责权利的合同范本。在现实的市场状况下,二手房的买卖双方如何才能安生放心地交易呢?  相似文献   

商品房预售作为我国新房交易的主要模式之一,有利于加速开发商资金回笼、增加市场商品房供应、提高居民住房水平与城镇化水平,已成为拉动我国经济高速增长的重要引擎。然而,预售制之下还潜藏着不可忽视的风险,近期各地不断发酵的“停贷事件”标志着预售制风险加速暴露,需要提出有效措施应对。有鉴于此,本文提出建立基于区块链的商品房预售资金托管平台的构想,期望借助区块链技术针对性地弥补现有商品房预售资金监管漏洞。研究发现,资金托管平台一是能够以技术手段记录各监管主体的监管行为,进而明确预售资金监管权责,二是能够将资金置于公开透明的环境中,对预售资金信息进行实时披露,三是能够实现定向的“穿透式支付”,确保预售资金规范运用,最终有效化解房地产风险及其外溢风险,推动金融高质量发展。  相似文献   

四大国有商业银行确定房贷利率;房地产业诚信基金设立;北京新版商品房预售合同启用;深圳二手房交易面积增长  相似文献   

2010年伊始,一条南宁将试点取消商品房预售制度的消息引起了社会的关注和纷纷议论。其实取消商品房预售制度的建议不时有人提出,早在2004年中国人民银行在《2004年中国房地产金融报告》中就提出取消商品房预售制度的建议,曾在社会上引起广泛的争论。充分的争论有利于促进我国房地产市场平稳发展。  相似文献   

去年12月出台的房地产调控文件"国四条"中提出:"继续整顿房地产市场秩序,加强房地产市场监测,完善土地招拍挂和商品房预售等制度。"今年1月出台的"国十一条"强调:"要结合当地实际,合理确定商品住房项目预售许可的最低规模,不得分层、分单元办理预售许可。已取得预售许可的房地产开发企业,要在规定时间内一次性公开全部房源,严格按照申报价格,明码标价对外销售。"我们相信本次调  相似文献   

目前,在我国商品房预售市场领域,少数房地产开发企业违规操作的现象时有发生,比如违规出售未办理预售许可登记的商品房、一房多售、出售已被抵押或已被查封的房屋、不按规定办理预售合同登记备案手续等,严重地损害了购房者的合法权益,扰乱了正常的市场秩序。因此,政府房地产管理部门如何有效地改进管理手段,消除“信息不对称”现象、提高市场监管能力,是规范商品房预售行为、防止违规操作的关键。目前,国际互联网技术(Internet)空前发达,因此,政府部门可以借助互联网技术,发展房地产电子政务应用,实现基于互联网模式的商品房预售监控管理,…  相似文献   

今年1至6月,贵州省贵阳市房地产市场总体运行态势平稳,商品房批准预售量、商品住宅预售交易量、住宅价格继续保持不同程度的增长;二手房交易量大幅攀升,房地产二、三级市场继续保持联动发展。  相似文献   

1月23日,广西住房和城乡建设工作会议上,自治区住建厅党组书记宋继东在所作的工作报告中提出,将选择南宁市作为取消商品房预售制度的试点城市。此消息一出,是否取消商品房预售制度再次成为业内热议的话题。  相似文献   

一、各国商品房预售制度比较从世界各国房地产市场的发展来看,房屋预售是一个相当普遍的现象。无论是市场经济发达的美国、英国,还是周边的邻国日本、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡以及中国的香港,预售商品房和现房一样都是市场的一种选择。以美国为例,新建住宅销售中,预售所占的比率  相似文献   

南宁拟取消商品房预售制度。该传言一出,立刻引起了社会各界的广泛讨论。虽然媒体一番热议之后最终仍是无疾而终,但取消商品房预售制度仍然是房地产业发展的大趋势,值得肯定、鼓励,并且已经到了适当的时机。取消与不取消完全在于决策者打破"老规矩"的信心与决心。  相似文献   

刘盛 《电力技术经济》2006,18(6):61-62,57
作为市场经济环境中调整平等主体的自然人、法人、其他组织之间民事权利义务关系的合同,若企业管理恰当将会给企业带来经济效益,实现企业增强市场竞争力及可持续发展的目标.本文就市场经济条件下企业合同管理的特点进行了论述.  相似文献   

在工程合同执行过程中发包人与承包人之间具有博弈现象,如果处理不当就会造成彼此之间的诚信基础受到损害,影响建筑市场健康有序的发展。文章阐明了工程合同执行过程中的不均衡动态博弈,对其出现的原因进行分析,并为实现均衡博弈提出了一些对策和建议,供工程建设主体在实际工程中借鉴及参考。  相似文献   

While contracts are signed in most business dealings, they are seldom used. These contracts are drawn up for different purposes: as a communication tool, to reduce uncertainty, or simply because it is customary. This study investigates how contracts are used in long-lasting business relationships and what factors influence the use of contracts. A number of studies claim that the negotiation process and the relationships developed during that process influence the subsequent use of contracts. In many cases, parties conduct business without contracts as they develop trust-based relationships. A conceptual framework is developed, which is then used to analyze three in-depth case studies. Findings show that the contract itself, rather than the negotiation process, has the greatest influence on how the contract is used.  相似文献   

城市社区物业纠纷严重影响社会和谐与稳定。物业公司与业主之间市场交换活动,实质是一种市场契约的缔结、达成过程,二者是基于经济利益的市场契约关系。城市社区物业纠纷的经济学解释是,物业公司与业主市场契约缔结、达成过程中,双方实际市场地位不对等,物业公司强势垄断,业主缺乏投票选择权,政府隐形价格规制与物业公司形成利益同盟,业主集体维权遭遇"搭便车"。构建城市社区物业纠纷预防机制,从源头上防范物业纠纷发生,必须通过立法赋予业主更多权利,健全物业公司退出机制,建立业主集体维权激励机制,完善市场契约治理机制有效运行的制度基础,才能实现城市社区和谐、稳定。  相似文献   

Mortgage contract design has been identified as a contributory factor in the recent market crisis. Here we examine alternative mortgage products (including interest‐only and other deferred amortization structures) and develop a game theoretic model of contract choice given uncertain future income and house prices across different types of borrowers. Results imply that deferred amortization contracts are more likely to be selected in housing markets with greater expected price appreciation and by households with greater risk tolerance; moreover, such products necessarily entail greater default risk, especially among lower‐income households who are aggressive in housing consumption levels. Empirical tests of model predictions generally provide support for the theory.  相似文献   

This study examines how contract, cooperation, and performance are associated with one another within international joint ventures (IJVs). We argue that contract and cooperation are not substitutes but complements in relation to IJV performance. An IJV contract provides an institutional framework guiding the course of cooperation, while cooperation overcomes the adaptive limits of contracts. Our analysis of 293 IJVs in a dynamic market demonstrates that previous cooperation bolsters contractual adaptability, which in turn nurtures current cooperation between the same partners. We find that contract completeness and cooperation drive IJV performance both independently and interactively. When contracts are more complete, cooperation contributes more to performance. Contract and cooperation differ in their quadratic effects such that the contribution of contract completeness to performance declines as completeness increases but the contribution of cooperation remains linear. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A model of rental housing is developed in which landlords cannot observe the utilization rate of their tenants. As a result of this imperfect information, an adverse selection problem exists where high utilization households have an incentive to conceal their type in order to obtain more favorable contract terms. Consequently, the market equilibrium must satisfy a self-selection constraint, which imposes certain restrictions on the set of contracts that will be offered by landlords. These restrictions are examined in detail, and their implications for a household's decision to rent or own its housing are derived.  相似文献   

Chonsei is a unique Korean lease contract in which the tenant pays an up–front deposit, typically about 40 to 80% of the value of the property, with no requirement for periodic rent payments. At the contract maturation, the landlord then returns the nominal value of the deposit. Since there is no legal obligation on the part of the landlord to deposit the money in an escrow account, the principal default risk associated with the chonsei contract falls on the tenant. We discuss the development and popularity of this contractual agreement in the context of the public policy initiatives, historical and institutional settings surrounding the Korean housing and housing finance market. We develop a contingent–claims model that recognizes the compound options embedded in the chonsei contract. Theoretical predictions are confirmed by an empirical analysis using monthly data from 1986 to 2000. Our analysis shows that the chonsei contract is an indigenous market response to economic conditions prevalent in Korea.  相似文献   

In a manufacturer-retailer system with private retail cost information, we find that a set of incentive-compatible contracts consisting of wholesale and buyback prices can coordinate the channel for any retail cost. We then design two wholesale-buyback contracts by imposing a cutoff point on the retail cost. The first contract maximizes the manufacturer's expected profit while ensuring the channel is coordinated. The second contract assumes the same contractual structure without considering the effect on the channel. Both contracts are exactly solved. We find from numerical study that the manufacturer in the first contract can perform closely to the second one in many cases, and cases exist where both the manufacturer and the channel can do better in the first contract versus the second one.  相似文献   

随着电力体制改革的深化,发电厂的市场主体地位逐渐明朗,市场经济的原则、规则正在改变传统管理事项的内容和范围,并成为其有机的组成部分.合同文本内容的技术性要求不再是唯一的,经济性、法律性日益突出.文中仅以发电机组计划检修外包为例,分析了发电机组外包合同的性质,提出了发电机计划检修外包合同应当具备的条款,并列举了当前发电机组计划检修外包过程中实际存在的几个问题.  相似文献   

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