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摘要:加强社会保障制度建设有利于社会的和谐稳定,各国的社会保障实践已充分证明了这一点。当前湖北省在社会保障制度建设方面取得了较大的成绩,但仍然存在着一些问题。针对这些问题提出以下建议:继续扩大社会保险的覆盖面;完善城乡居民社会养老保险缴费激励机制;做好基本养老、医疗保险的“调待”工作;打破养老金双轨制,整合现有社会养老保险制度;提高社会保险的统筹层次;探索社会保险基金的投资办法;加强社会保障信息化建设;尽快出台城乡养老保险制度衔接办法;完善社会救助体系,健全城乡低保制度等。  相似文献   

Financial regulation is the basic requirement for financial stability. Recently, regulatory technology (Reg-Tech) has become one of the main research topics in financial stability regulation. Reg-Tech aims to use artificial intelligence technologies to realize intelligent identification and early risk warning. It is a powerful tool for assisting financial regulation informatization and high efficiency. This study aims to comprehensively review the application of smart technology in financial stability regulation, and analyze the objects and results of the technology's applications. We build a framework for the application of complex networks, knowledge graphs, machine learning, and dynamic systems in Reg-Tech. The aim is to form a clear context for its development, and serve as the support and development foundation for financial stability research. Finally, we summarize the limitations and shortcomings of current Reg-Tech developments, and discuss future research and development directions.  相似文献   

对残疾人这一具有独特身心特征的人群进行补贴是残疾人社会保障制度中的重要内容之一。本研究通过回顾国际残疾人补贴制度的发展沿革,分析我国当前补贴制度下残疾人的收益,探讨了在中国对残疾人进行补贴存在的挑战,并对如何进行补贴制度的设计,使其更具操作性提出尝试性思路:即在全社会提升尊重残疾人群体平等和尊严的意识;以政府为主导,建立多部门合作机制,促进残疾人补贴的有效性;建立多元化分层补贴制度以"稳"和"恒"为原则加强残疾人补贴制度的稳定性和持续性。  相似文献   

我国社会养老保障制度的城乡统筹问题探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会养老保障制度的城乡统筹是我国城乡统筹的重要方面,是保持社会稳定、实现社会和谐发展的现实需要。社会养老保障制度的城乡统筹思想建立在丰富的理论基础上,有着深厚的历史积淀,符合社会发展的客观规律,在我国已经开始实践探索。进一步推进我国社会养老保障制度的城乡统筹,需要以建立和完善农村养老保险制度为突破口,需要创新制度、破解资金难题、统一管理体系和健全法律。  相似文献   

How will international integration affect welfare policies? This paper considers the possibilities of financing public sector activities (public consumption and social security expenses) by general (wage) taxation in an economy which becomes more integrated in international product markets. Even if labour is internationally immobile, the increased mobility of products and hence jobs implies a change in the distortions arising from taxes and social security contributions levied on labour income. Since financing of social security via general taxation involves a common resource problem the effects of international integration depend critically on the institutional structure of the labour market. This paper shows that increased international integration inducing more product market competition implies that it becomes more costly to maintain welfare systems financed by general taxation.  相似文献   

Global ‘standards’ in social security are set by the UN Specialist Agency, the International Labour Organization (ILO). The ILO ‘Standards’ prioritize one model of social security system in particular; namely, contributions‐financed social insurance. Specifically, social insurance systems are designed to mitigate the negative impacts of formal labour market risks. Accordingly, social security systems typically fail to address adequately many informal labour market and nonlabour market risks. The inherently limited focus of social protection provided by many social security systems is recognized to be of major concern for least developed countries (LDCs) in particular for whom western‐centric definitions of life‐cycle risk remain largely inappropriate for the majority. This realization has led the World Bank to experiment with a reconceptualized definition of social protection; Social Risk Management (SRM). Seeking to encourage wider debate across the multidisciplinary field of risk management research, this article outlines critically the tenets underpinning SRM and highlights the policy limitations of this innovative World Bank venture in two key respects. First, by outlining the likely policy implications of World Bank approaches to social protection for global social security standards and practice. Second, by questioning the short‐term contribution that SRM can make to poverty reduction, not least amongst the elderly poor.  相似文献   

全球国际收支失衡正在成为威胁金融安全的一个重要问题.中国作为全球经济增长最快的发展中国家,如何在全球国际收支失衡形势下维护自我金融安全,具有重要的现实意义.本文在总结评价国际金融学界观点的基础上重新定义了金融安全的概念.并根据全球国际收支失衡对中国金融安全的影响提出维护金融安全的对策和建议.  相似文献   

反洗钱与国家安全特别是非传统安全有着密切的联系。从国际上看,2001年美国"9·11"恐怖事件后,西方发达国家不断调整国家反洗钱战略,将反洗钱提高到维护国家经济安全和国际政治稳定的战略高度。从国内看,我国国家安全和社会安定面临的威胁和挑战增多,特别是各种威胁和挑战联动效应明显,面对新形势、新任务,我们要强化底线思维,以维护国家安全为核心,准确定位反洗钱工作,借助国际反恐融资体系,打击恐怖势力,加强对反洗钱国际规则和实务的研究,防范洗钱和恐怖融资风险,维护我国国家安全。  相似文献   

国企改革的作用越来越被人们所认识,巨大的社会保障支出要求寻找提高社会资金管理效率、使社保资金保值增值的途径。按照国际惯例,社保资金可以由政府控制的中央基金机构管理,也可以交给专业基金管理公司管理。不论采取哪一种管理方式,社保资金进入证券市场都是最有效的途径之一,社保资金进入证券市场不仅实现自身的保值增值还可促进证券市场的健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper undertakes an empirical analysis of the adoption of contributory social security systems and effective and specific contribution rates. Conditional on country-(time-)specific economic determinants of the setting of these components, the empirical analysis focuses on the role of contagion for policy adoption. Specifically, the paper assesses to which extent a country’s integration into the international network of economic and political cooperation, the similarity of political systems, and economic interdependence facilitate the adoption of a social security system, its components, and its contributions across economies. The findings suggest that proximity through common policy, geographical neighborhood, and common culture is important for the diffusion of any type of social security scheme among proximate countries. Further, contagion matters for the adoption probability of specific contribution systems as such, as well as for the setting of contribution rates for both employers and employees.  相似文献   

国际社会保障管理模式的形成和发展主要受到了贝弗里奇报告、社会市场经济理论和凯恩斯理论的影响。在这3种理论的影响下,国际社会保障管理模式可以分为集中管理、分散管理和集散结合这3种管理模式。以分别代表这3种模式的英国、德国、美国,以及日本等4个国家为例,分析3种社会保障管理模式的特征及其发展趋势,提出完善我国社会保障管理的建议。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会 改革社会保障统计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会保障与和谐社会的正相关关系,决定了在构建社会主义和谐社会的过程中必须高度重视社会保障统计建设.因此,建议从以下几方面来改革和完善社会保障统计体系:建立社会保障统计风险控制机制和预警机制;构建科学的社会保障统计指标体系;建立既与国际接轨又具有中国特色的统计标准体系;改革统计调查方法,推进信息化建设;强化社会保障统计分析,等等.  相似文献   

金融保险会计准则与监管规定的分离是会计准则制定的独立性体现,对建立全球统一的高质量会计准则具有重要意义。会计准则与监管规定分离由会计目标和监管目标的差异决定;从国际金融市场多年的发展经验和中国会计改革的成果来看,会计规定与监管规定的分离也是大势所趋。因此我国应该加强会计规定与金融监管政策之间的协调与衔接,提升金融保险会计信息透明度,维护金融安全与稳定,全面提升我国会计乃至整个金融经济的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

为了研究债务危机的成因及其预警机制,本文在对希腊主权债务危机演变进行描述性分析的基础上,建立了债务危机预警的Logistic模型.通过SPSS18.0统计软件分析,我们发现了影响债务危机发生的主要指标,包括:一般政府净贷款占GDP比率、国际收支占GDP比率以及社会保障支出占GDP比率、总储蓄规模占GDP比率以及通货膨胀率.其中,所选取的欧洲国家的社会保障支出占GDP的比重约为25%,对于债务危机的爆发的影响系数高达0.620.结合我国的经济形势与社会保障发展现状,本文了提出相关的政策建议.  相似文献   

陈勃 《财政科学》2021,(1):137-143
数字经济的快速发展,给全球跨境数字交易增值税制度带来诸多问题.一些国家和地区,如欧盟、澳大利亚和英国等对跨境数字交易增值税制度进行了大量探索实践,提供了有益的参考.跨境数字交易增值税制度呈现出由消费地原则取代来源地原则,对跨境供应商实行零门槛登记制度,第三方数字平台被赋予更重的责任,跨境数字交易出口国实行零税率,征管手段在不断丰富发展等趋势.国际实践对于我国完善增值税立法具有诸多启示,我国立法应清晰定义数字交易的概念,探索引入消费地原则,完善出口零税率相关规定,探索完善相关的征管制度等..  相似文献   

One of the areas of judgment research in accounting and financial applications is that of accounting regulation. Previously, artificial intelligence efforts at modeling human judgment in accounting regulation systems have concentrated on rule-based expert systems. In those systems, general heuristic knowledge was captured using ‘if … then …’ rules in order to model particular decision processes. Recent developments in artificial intelligence have focused on case-based reasoning (CBR) and multiple-agent intelligent systems (MAIS). The ideas behind CBR are that ‘if it worked once then remember to use it again’ and ‘if it did not work before, then remember to not use it again‘. MAIS assumes that many organizational systems can be treated as computational models of multiple-interacting intelligent agents. Typically, solutions may be derived using some form of negotiations between agents to accomplish single global or separate individual interacting goals. This paper argues that many accounting regulation judgment processes can be modeled using CBR and MAIS. As a result, it summarizes some examples of both CBR and MAIS useful in accounting regulation and extends those to other accounting applications. In addition, it describes the results of some previously developed systems that employ CBR or MAIS.  相似文献   

社会保障发展水平的评价指标体系包括:社会保障对社会问题的覆盖程度、社会保障对社会成员的覆盖程度以及社会保障转移支付水平。本文从这三个指标出发对我国社会保障发展水平进行综合分析。研究发现,我国社会救助和社会福利对社会问题的覆盖程度还不高,城镇劳动者的社会保障制度参保水平较低,部分群体社会保障制度缺失,我国社会保障总体支出水平较低,城乡社会保障制度中二元社会保障转移支付特点明显。这使得我国社会保障发展水平还处于制度完善阶段。因此,扩大社会保障制度的覆盖人群应是未来社会保障制度建设的主要任务。  相似文献   

"十二五"时期社会保障体系建设:机遇与挑战并存   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"十一五"期间,我国社会保障体系建设取得了巨大成就,但同时我们也应清醒地认识到,我国社会保障体系总体还不完善,特别是"十二五"时期社会经济形势和结构将发生的重大变化,既为社会保障事业提供了加快发展的良好机遇,又从不同方面构成新的挑战."十二五"时期社会保障体系建设的对策主要有:全面实现从无到有,优先解决仍存在的制度缺失...  相似文献   

Using an ‘incomplete information’ model, we explore the role of social learning in the global portfolio choices of stock market investors. When partially informed followers attempt to estimate true domestic (home) mean returns, they likely acquire private domestic signals from partially informed leaders. However, the calibration results indicate the existence of home bias when partially informed agents have poor quality information. Partially informed agents are prone to a learning bias; they overreact to new domestic information due to overconfidence in their domestic private signals, but they demonstrate a conservative response to new information in foreign markets. Links between the private signals of partially informed agents may lead to correlated foreign investment strategies among such agents through social learning. We suggest the acquisition of private signals, along with the dissemination of information, affect international portfolio decision rules and are determinants of the phenomenon of home bias.  相似文献   

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