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The economic implications of the latest upsurge of the oil prices for the whole world—and for the developing countries in particular—are such as to make a strategy of common responsibility of industrialized and developing countries more urgent than ever. Rainer Offergeld, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation, elucidates his ideas about such a strategy.  相似文献   

The destruction of the environment Is not a threat to Industrialised countries alone but also to those strenuously endeavouring after economic progress. Development efforts are often accompanied by disastrous effects for the environment. In view of such gloomy aspects a new development strategy is to be conceived.  相似文献   

The following article outlines the position of the German shipubilding industry in the world market against the background of the changes in demand which followed upon the mineral oil crisis. Emphasis is laid on the adverse effects of competition-distorting measures, and suggestions are made for their removal.  相似文献   

Before a new financial architecture can be established in the wake of the financial crisis, the increasing importance of the global financial market channel must be fully understood. This importance was illustrated by the unexpectedly strong dampening effects of the financial crisis on the real economy and by the worldwide contagion of the crisis, including its spreading to emerging market economies that were macroeconomically stable. This article argues that the financial sphere is gaining in importance over the real sphere and that the impact of global financial determinants on economic activity is growing ever stronger. The keys to dealing with this change are greater transparency, stronger incentive structures and a stronger regulatory and supervisory framework.  相似文献   

<正> 北京大发正大有限公司是一家以生产肉鸡系列产品为主的中泰合资企业,也是北京市农业产业化龙头企业,目前已成为华北地区最大的肉食品基地。大发正大公司靠知识、管理、品牌和创新的观念来争取市场,靠提供安全、健康、优质的"双大"牌鸡肉产品赢得了客房,使其产品在国内、国际市场上成为颇受欢迎的"抢手货"。  相似文献   

2005年船市 1.世界商船队船舶保有量 据ISL统计,截至2005年7月18日,世界商船队300GT及以上船舶的保有量为40438艘、9.17亿DWT,比2004年同期增长6.2%(以DWT计,以下同),增长率提高3个百分点.其中集装箱船增幅达到近4年来最大(12.2%),跃居首位,提高5.1个百分点.其次是化学品船,增幅达到了8.9%,提高4.5个百分点,由去年同期增长率的第3位上升到第2位.以下依次是散货船(8.1%)、液化气运输船(7.7%)、油船(5.8%)、客船(0.89%).而OBO船连续13年呈负增长(-30.4%),并且今年也是OBO船降幅最大的一年,标志着OBO船队开始大幅萎缩.  相似文献   

2007年爆发次贷危机后,全球金融市场都受到很大的影响,我国的资本市场亦然.而我国作为新兴市场国家,资本市场亟待建设和完善,有必要从这次次贷危机中汲取发达国家资本市场的经验和教训.  相似文献   

Shrinking reserves of oil and natural gas at a time of increasing global energy requirements can mean a new future for coal, large reserves of which exist, half of them In the Western sphere of influence. The “renaissance of coal”, however, is not a natural law which operates on its own. The sooner the necessary decisions are taken on a world-wide basis, the more effectively will coal be able to play its new role in the international energy industry and the less will be the frictional losses along the road to a new energy future.  相似文献   

距离2008年金融危机的爆发已经3年。在这3年中.无论是航运企业、造船企业,还是船舶融资金融机构都备尝艰辛。但漫长的3年过后.再来审视目前的市场状况.却发现当年引致危机的问题远未得到根本性解决。表面的平静之下,船舶融资市场依然潜藏危机。  相似文献   

从国内外角度介绍苯酐的生产和市场消费现状及未来预测,指出未来几年亚洲将引领世界苯酐生产和消费;同时分析了国内苯酐的价格走势,指出2007年以来国内苯酐市场价格低迷的原因及2008年世界经济危机对其的影响;同时介绍了2001年以来国内苯酐的进出口数量。  相似文献   

The sudden shock of the fivefold increase of the price of oil in the autumn of 1973 has been reflected since in the world trade by structural changes in its composition by categories of goods and its regional distribution. How has the international trade coped with this shock, and which more recent tendencies can be observed in the structure of world trade, not least as a result of cyclical impulses?  相似文献   

This paper studies the predictive power of the trend strategy in the international stock market. Using data from 49 markets, we find that a trend signal exploiting the short-, intermediate-, and long-term price information can predict stock returns cross-sectionally in the international market. The significance of the trend strategy is associated with market-level characteristics such as macroeconomic conditions, culture, and the information environment. The trend premium is more pronounced in markets with a more advanced macroeconomic status, a higher level of information uncertainty and individualism, and better accessibility to foreign investors. Nevertheless, the trend strategy only outperforms the momentum strategy in a relatively short horizon.  相似文献   



The impact of the financial and economic crisis on world trade and trade policy  相似文献   

2010年,美国GPS专业导航公司NAVTEQ对全世界范围内包括澳大利亚、巴西、中国、法国、德国、印度、印度尼西亚、意大利、墨西哥、波兰、俄罗斯、英国和美国13个国家的导航市场进行了调研。调查结果显示,在新兴市场,大部分导航使用者选择了移动电话和智能导航机的导航系统;在经济较为发达的国家中,更多的人喜欢使用PND(便携式GPS导航仪)。  相似文献   

近期,欧美以及日本等发达经济体的主权债务危机愈演愈烈,对航运市场及需要强大资金支撑的船舶融资市场构成了巨大的威胁。本期我们选编了相关文章,供读者参考。  相似文献   

一、世界液化气能源需求背景 世界能源组织近期报告显示,在未来的世界能源构成中,液化气能源(主要是指液化天然气(LNG)和液化石油气(LPG)),特别是LNG能源的地位将会越来越重要,加快液化气能源的开发和利用对改善能源结构、保护生态环境具有深远的战略意义.  相似文献   

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