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陈为民 《水利经济》2004,22(3):19-21
介绍上海市水利工程供水水费转为经营性收费管理以及市区自来水、深井水价格调整和水资源费征收使用管理等情况。提出水利工程供水水费标准偏低,需要提高;农业是弱势产业,应继续实行优扶政策;城镇供水应改变单一水价模式,采取分类合理定价,供水企业的出路应主要着眼于继续深化改革。  相似文献   

北京市村镇供水水价管理与改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了北京市村镇供水工程的水价管理现状,分析了影响村镇供水工程生活用水供水成本、水价制定及水费征收的各种因素,结合当前的相关政策标准,提出降低供水成本、建立合理水价体系的措施和建议.  相似文献   

张杰  贾绍凤 《水利经济》2012,30(4):19-22
制定合理的水价,是解决水资源不足、实现水资源可持续开发利用的重要措施。在对纽约市和北京市目前的水价构成及水平介绍的基础上,从水价承受能力、运行机制和管理体制等角度进行对比和优缺点分析。结果表明,目前两市的自来水定价与调节程序基本相同,不同之处体现在:纽约市将水费分为计量水费、设施水费和服务费用,对房屋正面宽度和涉水设备收取非计量水费,污水处理费比例相对较高,水价的相对水平基本可引起居民对用水的重视;北京市实行单一的计量式水费,水资源费、污水处理费比例较低,水价相对水平偏低,有较大的上升空间。  相似文献   

国务院办公厅前不久转发了国务院体改办关于《水利工程管理体制改革实施意见》,指出近期大幅度提高农业水价难度较大,农业用水水价可小步调整、逐步到位。积极培育农民用水合作组织,强化水费计收、提高水费的征收率。改变了过去农业水价由省统一定价的做法,规定可由市县提出方案,报省级价格主管部门批准。推进由按亩计收水费向按方计量、按量收费的转变,以促进农业的节约用水。  相似文献   

水价作为重要的经济杠杆对促进节约用水具有重要意义。通过分析国内外典型城市现状居民生活水价及水价承受能力,得出3方面结论:国内外城市一般采用全成本水价定价方法,考虑供水的资源成本、工程成本和环境成本,发达国家城市居民水价明显高于国内城市,我国东部城市水价高于中西部,北方城市水价高于南方;计价模式主要有单一制水价和固定费用与可变费用相结合的模式,国内城市和东京、新加坡均实行阶梯水价;国内外水价差异较大,各城市居民人均月水费支出占可支配收入的比值(R值)均偏低,我国R值明显低于国际城市R值,不利于发挥节水激励作用。建议根据实际情况合理调整水价,支撑节水型社会建设。  相似文献   

王占元 《水利经济》2007,25(5):33-34
针对酒泉市水资源供需矛盾突出,农业水费征收和水价核定难等问题,分析了影响水价核定的自然因素、社会经济因素和工程因素。提出酒泉市农业水费征收和农业水价的核定可采用固定收费与计量收费相结合的两部制水价模式。  相似文献   

农业水费收缴方式改革之思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
程俊 《水利经济》2005,23(4):21-23
针对农业水费收缴工作中存在的认识误区、政策缺陷、水价形成机制不合理、水费使用不合理及灌溉设施老化等问题,提出收费直接到村,合同管理,建立用水者协会等建议。  相似文献   

日本的自来水价格及水价制度面临的新课题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛梅  冯玉春 《水利经济》2004,22(1):25-27
简要介绍日本水价的现状,日本水价制定的原则,日本水价的分类和构成,日本东京水价计算实例,日本东京生活用水情况以及由于日本人口减少和人口高龄化使日本水价制度面临水费基价变动的新课题。提出我国应借鉴水资源相对丰富的日本的水价及节水经验,完善水价法规政策,建立以节水为核心的合理的水价形成机制,进行供水管理体制改革。  相似文献   

刘云华  郑莉 《水利经济》2008,26(3):30-32
从源水水价、自来水水价2个方面对深圳市水价改革现状进行了系统分析.其中城市自来水价和污水处理收费实行3级阶梯式累进加价,针对不同用户制定不同水费标准,并对低收入群体实行减免政策.在水价改革现状分析基础上,从建立和完善价格监审制度、组织编制全国的供水行业人员和物资消耗定额、建立主要成本价格联动政策等3个方面提出了下一步城市供水价格改革的建议.  相似文献   

面向可持续发展的灌溉水价选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对灌溉水价的选择分析,指出了按供水成本收费的合理性和必要性,但对于经济欠发达地区而言,按成本收费仍存在着实际的困难。水价的改革应以管理体制改革为前提,实行成本收费,对于经济欠发达地区仍应通过合理方式给予一定的补贴。  相似文献   

根据市场经济条件下供企业应实现利润最大化的原则,提出以边际成本为基础的水价模型,探讨基于几种简化的成本函数形式和线性需求曲线形式的水价计算公式,并对湖北省漳河水库1981-2000年的实际水价及灌溉用水量资料进行分析,拟合了不同年代的需求曲线。  相似文献   

The reform of water pricing policies may represent an effective instrument for enhancing the efficient use of water resource. However, policy makers fear that a change in the pricing methods may cause income loss for some farmers, and that this income inequality may generate public discontent and policy inertia. The aim of this paper was to compare some pricing methods in order to measure their effects on income distribution. The analysis focuses on the income distribution among different types of farms, and the income distribution between different social groups (landowners, capitalists and workers) in the short term. A linear programing model based on expected utility theory is used to take into account the effect of commodity prices and rainfall variability, which are among the most relevant factors affecting farmers’ income. According to the findings, water pricing schemes do not affect the income distribution among farm types, although a significant impact emerges on the distribution among social groups, and in particular on the wages of temporary workers.  相似文献   

农业灌溉水价制度的经济学分析--以浙江省水库灌区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以水库资源发达、农业灌溉用水多的浙江省为例,基于制度演化的理论视域对我国现行农业灌溉水价制度进行经济学分析,以期推动我国农业灌溉水价制度的革新与完善。  相似文献   

In this article we adapt Burtless and Hausman's (1978) methodology in order to estimate farmers' demand for irrigation water under increasing block-rate tariffs and empirically assess its effect on aggregate demand and inter-farm allocation efficiency. This methodology overcomes the technical challenges raised by increasing block-rate pricing and accounts for both observed and unobserved technological heterogeneity among farmers. Employing micro panel data documenting irrigation levels and prices in 185 Israeli agricultural communities in the period 1992–1997, we estimate water demand elasticity at −0.3 in the short run (the effect of a price change on demand within a year of implementation) and −0.46 in the long run. We also find that, in accordance with common belief, switching from a single to a block-price regime, yields a 7% reduction in average water use while maintaining the same average price. However, based on our simulations we estimate that the switch to block prices will result in a loss of approximately 1% of agricultural output due to inter-farm allocation inefficiencies.  相似文献   

Six alternative methods of allocating and pricing irrigation water used in developing countries are compared and ranked on the bases of allocative efficiency in production, equity in the distribution of income, and cost recovery to the provisioning authority. Several pricing and nonpricing allocation methods are compared, both between and among these categories. Comparisons and rankings are based on measures of efficiency, equity and cost recovery derived within the framework of a Cobb-Douglas production system. It is found that nearly unique rankings prevail, but that the rankings depend crucially on the relative capital intensities between small and large producers. Rankings presented here should provide significant information to people choosing among alternative resource allocation methods. Nous avons comparé et classé six méthodes différentes de distribution et de tarification de ?eau ?irrigation utilisées dans les pays en développement, à partir de lew efficacité quant à la production, à ?équité dans la répartition du revenu et au recouvrement des coûts par le fournisseur. Plusieurs méthodes de distribution avec ou sans tarification sont comparées entre ces catégories ainsi qu'au sein de chacun ?elles. Les comparaisons et le classement sont fondés sur des mesures de ?efficacité, de ?équité et du recouvrement des coûts déivées dans le cadre ?un système de production Cobb-Douglas. On constate que le classement est presque toujours le même mais qu'il dépend avant tout de la prédominance relative de capital entre les petits et les gros producteurs. Les classements présentés ici devraient s'avérer utiles pour ceux qui doivent choisir entre plusieurs méthodes de distribution des ressources.  相似文献   

杨彦明 《水利经济》2021,39(6):54-57
制定南水北调生态供水价格,应当在南水北调工程水价制度框架内进行,并以有偿供水、补偿成本、财政资金和社会用水户分担为前提。对应于供水量逐渐增长过程,需要分别在近期和中远期采取不同定价方案。通过划分基本水价和计量水价、确定名义价格与实际价格差额的补贴主体,形成地方充分和高效实施补水的激励-约束机制。引入多方面利益主体、多轮次协商定价是这一定价过程的基本特征。  相似文献   

We investigate the applicability of the present-value asset pricing model to fishing quota markets by applying instrumental variable panel data estimation techniques to 15 years of market transactions from New Zealand's individual transferable quota (ITQ) market. In addition to the influence of current fishing rents, we explore the effect of market interest rates, risk, and expected changes in future rents on quota asset prices. The results indicate that quota asset prices are positively related to declines in interest rates, lower levels of risk, expected increases in future fish prices, and expected cost reductions from rationalization under the quota system.  相似文献   

Weekly hog prices for Edmonton, Toronto and an average of mid-west United States markets are analyzed for lead-lag structure or Granger Causal ity. These price series are analyzed over six time periods from January 1964 to December 1983, corresponding to changes in marketing structure by the Alberta Pork Producers Marketing Board. Both ARIMA filters and a restricted-unrestricted ordinary least squares test for Granger Causality are employed. Results indicate an increase in isolation of markets, possibly illustrating the effectiveness of the local marketing board in its efforts to relate prices to local supply and demand conditions.
Les prix hebdomadaires du pore à Edmonton, Toronto et d'une moyenne de marchés du mid-west ameYicain sont analysés pour evaluer les directions des mouvements de ces marchés les uns par rapport aux autres ou la causalité de Granger. Ces séries de prix de Janvier 1964 à décembre I983 sont divisées en six périodes qui correspondent aux changements structurels de la mise en marché effectués par la régie albertaine du pore. L'analyse utilise des filtres ARIMA et un simple modéle linéaire restreint ou non restreint pour faire l'épreuve de causalité de Granger. Les résultats indiquent une augmentation de I'isolation des marchés les uns les autres; il semble que la régie de mise en marché locale réussit à relier les prix aux conditions locales de l'offre et de la demande.  相似文献   

Agricultural producers frequently face price discrimination that is based either on characteristics of their products, or on the physical manner in which the product is produced. We consider how to set such discriminatory prices optimally and show that for a very broad range of production technologies, the first-best voluntary policy, which involves a modified version of Ramsey-Boiteux pricing, is implementable even in the presence of hidden knowledge by farmers about their types.  相似文献   

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