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This study explores the economic performance that vicarious warfare can bring for the aerospace and defence industry. First, this study measures the performance of 22 companies using a nonradial dynamic data envelopment analysis model from 2011 to 2017. Second, this study evaluates whether vicarious warfare can influence the performance. The efficiency analysis suggests rooms for improvements meanwhile, the projection analysis suggests that market value should be significantly increased, and the number of employees should be reduced significantly. The regression analysis suggests that the number of times a country takes a side in wars would positively affect the efficiency of companies.  相似文献   

In light of the vertical disintegration of the global aerospace industry, this paper reports on a study that was commissioned by Industry Canada to evaluate whether Canadian aerospace firms have been able to develop the new set of manufacturing and managerial capabilities required to compete in the global aerospace supply chain. A strategic management framework was used to assess the fit between the key success factors of the external environment and the resources and capabilities of the firms studied. The results indicate that although smaller aerospace firms seem to possess technological and engineering skills that are vital strengths in the aerospace industry, better marketing efforts would enable them to enlarge their client base and intensify their participation in the global aerospace supply chain.  相似文献   


The Third-party Logistics (3PL) industry is facing both important growth rates and increasing competitive pressure. 3PL providers are required to continuously sustain a more and more competitive cost structure (i.e. efficiency) and develop capabilities to improve their services (i.e. innovation); hence, the evaluation of these key success factors is considered a key issue. This paper develops a quantitative analysis of 71 Italian 3PL providers by using Data Envelopment Analysis to jointly assess efficiency and innovation. Furthermore, through a case study research, it corroborates the quantitative results by investigating the strategies of best-in-class companies. Results allowed identifying 13 3PL providers as efficiency leaders and 6 as leaders from both the efficiency and the innovation side. Their input composition indicates a diversification of the business models. A breakdown of the analysis by size and industry focus, along with empirical evidence on the strategies enhancing efficiency and innovation, is also provided.  相似文献   

沪深两市房地产上市公司近200家,剔除新转型公司,具有可比性的有125家.截至3月13日,包括万科、保利地产等在内的30家已公布了年报.从已公布公司的财务报表观察,2008年房地产上市公司经营业绩呈现出一些新特点.……  相似文献   

  • Product innovation, technological innovation and organizational innovations are the key to helping cultural organizations achieve their social mission and achieve efficiency. This innovation strategy and the outcomes depend on introducing learning orientation into the organization. The current work analyses the relationship between learning orientation, innovativeness and performance for the case of 386 British, French and Spanish museums. Findings indicate that learning orientation significantly influences both innovativeness and performance. Further, whereas technological and organizational innovations are related to economic performance, product innovations have a greater impact on social performance.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Implementing a performance measurement system (PMS) for research and development (R&D) is fundamental for supporting decision making and motivating researchers and engineers; however, this is a very challenging task, because effort levels are not measurable and success highly uncertain. Even if the subject has largely been debated in academic and practitioners literature so far, an acknowledged managerial approach is not available yet. This paper investigates the implementation and use of a PMS in new product development (NPD) projects, which represents a relatively unexplored issue in the R&D performance measurement debate. In particular, studying the case of a military aircraft development project, it provides a reference framework that integrates the major literature contributions' findings and suggests a practical approach for the design and implementation of an effective PMS for NPD.  相似文献   

The importance of a socialised perspective when involved in a change programme is demonstrated through an empirical study of large-scale purchasing transition in an aerospace company. Alternative change management frameworks are employed to assist in the sense making of intended actions and realised outcomes to re-configure purchasing activities. Sequential stepwise frameworks are critiqued showing the context-driven political and social factors that impinged on the implementation of a planned change strategy. The findings illustrate the complexity of change, and conclude by highlighting the importance of synthesising shifting contexts with action.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study how the fit between innovation capabilities and supply chain (SC) strategies affects business performance. An empirical study based on a sample of 329 companies from Portugal and Brazil was performed to test a theoretical model based on the resource-based view. Linear and hierarchical regression analyses are conducted to test the hypotheses. The different combinations of core and supplementary innovation capabilities and lean and agile SC strategies are empirically tested and discussed. Data reveal that core and supplementary innovation capabilities positively impact on business performance and that SC strategies moderate the relationship between innovation capabilities and business performance. The analysis also shows that the combination of an agile SC strategy and supplementary innovation capabilities offers the greatest opportunities to improve business performance. The results of this study could help managers to choose the most appropriate SC strategy, thus contributing to increasing the impact of innovation capabilities on business performance. This study contributes to the knowledge concerning the consequences of adopting different innovation capabilities and SC strategies on business performance.  相似文献   

Research suggests that manufacturers increasingly innovate processes to meet customer's green requirements; however, little is known about the impact on performance and the contextual conditions, under which they are effective. Grounded on configuration approach, this study develops taxonomies of manufacturing firms based on the degree of customer's green orientation and process innovation. This study argues that performance differences between these clusters, highlight managerial implications for sustainable development. The empirical data used in this study were drawn from Global Manufacturing Research Group (GMRG) survey project (with data collected from 629 manufacturing firms from nine countries). Our results show that customer green innovation taxonomies influence differently on environmental measures, costs, and financial performance. The study proposes three clusters: Process active, Green minimalist, and Green proactive. The main differences between manufacturers are based on the level of investments in joint green improvement initiatives and customer direct investments in green activities. Firms that belong to the Process active cluster, who are first within the industry to deploy new processes and update the latest process development, gained significant improvement in financial measures such as market share and profits. Whereas Green minimalist cluster lagged behind, Green proactive manufacturers aligned in both capabilities to experience higher payoffs in sustainable performance measures and efficiency. The findings provide a step‐by‐step decision‐making process and offer guidance for supply chain managers who have to stretch their needs to align the innovation processes to enhance their sustainable performance.  相似文献   

本文采用能源行业65家上市公司2001年至2004年的资料,研究了用托宾Q值代替的公司绩效与总资产负债率、第一大股东持股比例之间的关系。实证结果表明,经营绩效佳的公司,绩效与总资产负债率负相关;而经营绩效相对不佳的公司,绩效与总资产负债率显着正相关;公司绩效与第一大股东持股比例没有显示出倒U型关系。  相似文献   

Based on the assumptions of circular economy, resource recovery, and innovation, the aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between innovation constructs, resource recovery practices, Circular Economy Business Models (CEBMs), and value creation in a fast-growing emerging economy. A set of empirical data from 443 companies in the pet industry were used. In terms of methodology, the study was processed using the SPSS software, using Structural Equation Modeling, with manipulation of primary data. CEBMs demand greater engagement, internalization of initiatives, and synergy with the operating ecosystem of the pet industry. Innovation is present but has the potential for expansion through adherence to the innovation ecosystem and its technological package, partnerships, and relationships so that companies can scale up and create value with the support of resource recovery practices. The results of this study can be useful for companies in the pet industry, as it allows the identification of areas and practices that require their attention to improve organizational performance and create value for the business based on initiatives supported by the assumptions of circular economy and sustainability.  相似文献   

As manufacturing businesses operate in an ever more competitive, global economy where products are easily commoditized, innovating by adding services to the core product offering has become a popular strategy. Contrary to the economic benefits expected, recent findings pinpoint implementation hurdles that lead to a potential performance decline, the so-called ‘servitization paradox’. In this paper, we analyze this paradox by disentangling the value creation and value appropriation processes of 44 national subsidiaries of a global manufacturing firm turned product-service provider, in the 2001–2007 period. Our findings show that the firm under study is able to successfully transcend the inherent substitution of products by services and to enact complementary sales dynamics between the two activities. Moreover, labor-intensive services such as maintenance, which imply higher levels of customer proximity, further enhance product sales. Empirical results also reveal a positive yet non-linear relationship between the scale of service activities and profitability: while initial levels of servicing result in a steep increase in profitability, a period of relative decline is observed before the positive relationship between the scale of services and profitability re-emerges. These findings suggest the presence of initial short-term gains but also indicate the existence of a ‘profitability’ hurdle; profitable growth seems feasible only to the extent that investments in service capability are translated into economies of scale. In helping to clarify the performance implications of service innovation, our findings suggest pathways to sustainable growth through servitization for manufacturing firms.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the most effective innovation modes (‘science and technology-based innovation’, STI, and ‘doing, using and interacting-based innovation’, DUI) for business innovation performance in the context of post-Soviet Transition Economies (PSTE). Their specificities are expected to influence both their business innovation modes and their impact on innovation output. In particular, we aim at identifying the specificities of PSTE in that the DUI mode alone (and its specific drivers) is more relevant than the STI mode alone (and its drivers). In our hypothesis, this outcome should be even stronger in the context of non-technological types of innovation (e.g. organizational innovation).  相似文献   

Trans-national corporations (TNCs) expanding their production bases to developing countries having better conditions of manufacturing and domestic markets provide increasing opportunities for local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to have subcontracting relationships with these TNCs. Even though some theoretical and a few empirical studies throw light on the nature of assistance provided by TNCs to local SMEs through subcontracting relationships, none of the studies so far quantitatively analysed the role of this assistance on the innovative performance of SMEs leading to better economic performance. This paper probes the extent and diversity of assistance received by SMEs from a TNC through subcontracting and its influence on technological innovations and economic performance of SMEs, in the Indian automobile industry. Indian SMEs were able to receive mainly product related and purchase process assistance, thereby implying that subcontracting is largely confined to purchase–supply relationships. However, assistance received through subcontracting is beneficial as it promoted technological innovations of SMEs: the higher the degree of assistance, the higher the level of innovations carried out by these SMEs, which, in turn facilitated their economic performance. Thus, this paper substantiates in the Indian context that subcontracting relationship with a TNC can be an important source of technological innovations and enhanced economic performance for SMEs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of asset-light strategy on the corporate performance of listed Asian telecommunications corporations and the moderating effect of managerial ability on the association between asset-light strategy and corporate performance. The study applies the dynamic slacks-based measure (DSBM) model and Tobit regression to measure managerial ability. The empirical results show that asset-light strategy positively affects corporate performance and that managerial ability has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between the degree of asset-lightness (DAL) and corporate performance. The findings further show that the greater the managerial ability, the stronger the relationship between DAL and corporate performance.  相似文献   

This paper responds to calls for theory development in relation to processual and meso-level explanations of ‘crossvergence’ in strategic partnerships. It contributes by reviewing the extant literature on convergence-divergence-crossvergence theory in the context of the global information technology (IT) industry and argues for the presence of ‘multivergence’ or ‘multiple configurations of crossvergence’ in an industry sector that relies extensively on strategic business partnerships. We posit and argue that the relevance of multivergence extends beyond the global and offshore IT industry to include strategic partnerships in offshoring in services and manufacturing firms. Overall, this paper identifies the processes and meso-level factors that lead to multivergence in IHRM practices and presents future research directions and ideas on this topic.  相似文献   

As a growing number of customers tend to view corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a key purchase decision criterion, demands for CSR including environmental sustainability have accelerated in today's business world. To meet such demands, many firms consider embracing environment-friendly business practices. However, many firms are still hesitant to implement those practices due to sceptical views about their real managerial benefits. Although the previous literature confirms the positive link between a firm's commitment to environmental sustainability and its performance, the varying degree of impact of different kinds of environment-friendly supply chain practices on the firm's operational performance is still unknown. To fill the void left by prior research, this paper aims to classify various types of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices and then assess the impact of each of these distinct types on the firm's operational performances (especially manufacturing and marketing performance). Also, this paper examines how the firm's organisational profiles such as firm size affect the particular firm's choice of GSCM practices. Our experimental results reveal that the chosen type of GSCM practices influences the firm's performance differently.  相似文献   

In this paper we use data from industrial plants to establish whether there are differences in the adoption of high-performance work practices (HPWPs) between subsidiaries of multinational firms and indigenous firms. We use a unique data set that consists of a sample of manufacturing establishments located in Spain. We consider 14 HPWPs and find that multinational firms adopt HPWPs more intensively than non-multinationals. We also find that the country of origin of the multinational firm is not so important.  相似文献   

1999年12月28日,由北京开关厂等12家企业和自然人组建北京北开电气股份有限公司,生产经营主体都进入北开电气股份有限公司.  相似文献   

文章论述了在网络经济下的虚拟企业能够突出核心竞争力,能有效加强组织协调,能克服创新本身所具有的不确定性、路径依赖性、不可逆性以及系统集成性特征所引起的创新障碍,为企业创新的成功提供了一个崭新的平台。  相似文献   

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