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Supply Chain Finance (SCF) has recently gained attention and relevance in both academia and practice. Indeed, during the pandemic crisis, firms in need for liquidity have increased the adoption of SCF solutions. Within SCF, a new stream of research is Asset-Based Lending (ABL), that encompasses inventory-based and equipment-based financing solutions. This study focuses on this topic by using a theoretical framework built on previous literature review and by adopting the theoretical lens of contingency theory. The case study methodology is adopted, with 25 observations collected by interviewing 15 providers and experts. For each of the 8 ABL solutions considered, it was possible to recognize contingent factors that favours the adoption, the objectives pursued by companies through their adoption and the stemming performance, in terms of benefits and costs. Moreover, ABL solutions were clustered in three typologies – the pledged, the efficient and the leasing – according to the objectives of adoption and the contingency factors. Six propositions and nine sub-propositions that explain the different typologies of adoption have been formulated. The typologies and the propositions can be used by managers as a guideline in the decision-making process, as they provide detailed information about the relevant variables to consider when adopting ABL solutions. Moreover, this study identifies future research directions, to assess the impact of each variable through quantitative methods from the adopter perspective, thus complementing our study.  相似文献   

Traditional credit rating models, adopted by financial institutions to assess the credit risk of a company, adopt a purely financial perspective, and often fail to properly assess small and medium enterprises. On the other hand, buyers usually assess suppliers by means of comprehensive vendor ratings, considering a broad range of operational performance. This paper investigates whether financial and vendor ratings can be integrated into a supply chain credit rating model that jointly considers financial indicators of the supplier and its operational evaluation provided by buyers; the paper also investigates the benefits and the challenges of such a model for all the stakeholders involved (buyers, suppliers, financial institutions, and technology providers), adopting the lenses of the stakeholder theory. We adopted both multiple case studies and an iterative focus group, involving representatives from suppliers, buyers, financial institutions, and technology providers. The results confirm the potential value of such an integrated rating, mainly for strategic suppliers, showing the expected benefits for all stakeholders and highlighting the potential challenges to face.  相似文献   

It is widely agreed that supply chains encompass and integrate material, information, and financial flows across organizations. There is a robust history and continually expanding research agenda investigating supply chain management practice and theory associated with material and information flows and processes. However, the management of financial flows from a supply chain perspective and in combination with the other flows, usually referred to as supply chain finance (SCF), has been under-investigated. Our understanding of SCF approaches and solutions in purchasing and supply management (PSM) is only starting to form. The purpose of this editorial is to provide some grounding of initial studies and concepts of SCF, illustrate new and emerging thought in this discourse with articles published in this special issue, and speculate how the SCF domain may evolve in theory and practice with the advent of new digital technologies and big data analytics.  相似文献   

Several new methods have been proposed for supply chain finance (SCF) with bank credits, but none of them mentions how to solve the borrowers’ moral hazard problems in SCF. This paper examines the moral hazard problem in supply chain financing with procurement contract (or purchase order). We show that since supply chain is an up-down directed structure, when financing with the procurement contract, the supplier’s effort monitoring task can be rendered to the procurement contract, which can secure the supplier’s optimal effort and capital choices in production. Hence, compared to separate lending, the supplier’s credit rationing problem can be mitigated, and most importantly, banks’ under-estimation on the supplier’s default risk and the over-estimation on the retailer’s default risk will both decrease. We further show that the retailer’s corporate social responsibility expenditure can increase consumers’ brand recognition, thus when facing demand shocks arising from consumer’s unexpected concerns, the retailer can better stabilize the firm value.  相似文献   

Product, information, and finance flows are all interrelated within the modern supply chain; thus, it is now more than ever of paramount importance for practitioners to integrate procurement and financial decisions. This challenge is exemplified in many agricultural supply chains, where operational risks are significant and access to capital differs sharply across firms. We study three management tactics that some large food/beverage manufacturers – situated downstream in these chains – have used to meet the challenge: ordinary fixed price contracts (or soft tolling) with direct suppliers, hard tolling and contract farming where the manufacturer intervenes upstream, providing capital, and coordinating procurement decisions. We place these upstream intervention schemes in the theoretical context of supply chain finance (SCF) and model their application to a three-echelon agricultural supply chain. We perform a numerical study in order to understand how the structure of capital constraints in the chain may influence the manufacturer's choice of SCF scheme. The numerical study is based on a business case that reflects the barley–malt supply chain of Heineken N.V. Despite greater coordination opportunities, we show that upstream intervention is not necessarily preferable for the manufacturer. Nevertheless, the preferred SCF scheme can be inferred on the basis of relatively simple characterization of the capital constraints in the supply chain.  相似文献   

基于对供应链订货模式的分析,考虑顾客参与协调的合理性与公平性要求,文中建立了基于订货协调创新的供应链绩效控制的多目标主从对策模型,研究了不同决策机制下特定协调策略对供应链绩效水平的影响。应用改进的遗传算法,对一个化工品分销系统Stackelberg主从对策问题进行离线仿真计算,结果表明,订货协调创新策略可以有效地控制供应链的绩效水平,分销商、顾客以及整个供应链系统的绩效得到不同程度的改善,多目标Stackelberg主从决策机制更加合理,接近实际。  相似文献   

Supply chain finance (SCF) can play a role in improving supply chain (SC) sustainability. That is why academics have started investigating the connection between SCF and sustainable SC management, and practitioners have begun developing new SCF solutions with a sustainable orientation. Although SCF solutions have been suggested as supporting tools for the diffusion of sustainability within SCs, academic contributions have only partially investigated sustainable SCF (SSCF). There is the need to understand in greater detail first, how different SC sustainability practices (e.g., supplier assessment, supplier development, incentives to suppliers, and third-party involvement) can be integrated into SCF solutions; second, how different brokerage roles can facilitate this integration to contribute to the successful implementation of an SSCF solution. This paper investigates those aspects through multiple international exploratory case studies. The results confirm that SCF solutions become sustainable by integrating different SC sustainability practices, either embedded in the SSCF solutions or reinforced by the implementation of the solutions. Moreover, involving new actors, including third-party information providers, NGOs, and certification bodies, who assume different brokerage roles, positively influences the development of SSCF solutions.  相似文献   

In the retail sector, pricing goods is usually based on practitioner's experiences. Most of the time, the selling price is obtained by multiplying the buying price by an exogenous multiplier. However, There is no particular scientific procedure to determine such a multiplier except from the Lerner index, which is applicable only if the price elasticity of demand is inferior to −1. This paper generalizes the Lerner index to both elastic and inelastic goods by proposing an original model to determine the optimal markup for both static and intertemporal markets no matter what the price elasticity is. Finally, the paper considers the case of the social planner.  相似文献   

For enterprises, it is imperative that the trade-off between the cost of inventory and risk implications is managed in the most efficient manner. To explore this, we use the common example of a wholesaler operating in an environment where suppliers demonstrate heterogeneous reliability. The wholesaler has partial orders with dual suppliers and uses lateral transshipments. While supplier reliability is a key concern in inventory management, reliable suppliers are more expensive and investment in strategic approaches that improve supplier performance carries a high cost. Here we consider the operational strategy of dual sourcing with reliable and unreliable suppliers and model the total inventory cost where the likely scenario lead-time of the unreliable suppliers extends beyond the scheduling period. We then develop a Customized Integer Programming Optimization Model to determine the optimum size of partial orders with multiple suppliers. In addition to the objective of total cost optimization, this study takes into account the volatility of the cost associated with the uncertainty of an inventory system.  相似文献   

Pricing schedules for computer resources have traditionally been based on ‘cost-recovery’ principles. While economists have begun to address pricing based on marginal congestion costs, most models take demand to be exogenous and given. Discrete alternatives are inadequately treated, and aggregation of data precludes any assessment of the impact of transaction size on consumers' decisions. Using disaggregated data, this paper derives empirical results confirming that consumers are strongly influenced by transaction sizes. Simulation experiments demonstrate that price incentives designed to modify the use of computer resources are considerably more effective if the distribution of demand is weighted towards large transactions.  相似文献   

Factoring is a financial service enabling enterprises to sell their accounts receivable to a factoring company in exchange for cash. The market for factoring in the UK has been growing at substantial rates and most banking institutions are now actively involved in providing this service. Little research on the factoring market currently exists and so this paper'seeks to profile the determinants influencing decision making in the UK factoring industry. Using data from an interview‐based survey, this paper establishes that the decision to purchase an enterprise's accounts receivable is influenced by the enterprise's size, type of product or service it offers, industry, sector, age, type of customers, financial statement, the management team, operational suitability, collectability and credit notes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data centers are special-purpose facilities that enable customers to perform cloud based real-time online transactions and rigorous computing operations. Service levels of data center facilities are characterized by response time between query and action, which to a large extent depends on data center location and data travel distance. Another aspect of service level is resource up-time availability, which is determined by data center configuration. Data center location and configuration decisions are, therefore, of great significance to ensure uninterrupted operations in customers of manufacturing and service industries relying on cloud-based computing resources. In this study, following a grid-based location approach, we present two mixed integer linear programming models for capacitated single-source data center location-allocation problems. The first model provides optimal locations, capacities and configurations of data centers, and allocation of demands to open facilities when there is no existing facilities in the region. Our second model considers the decision problem of meeting new demand when the existing demand is met by the already opened facilities. We term these newly arrived demand as replication demand, which results either from emergence of new users of existing customers at distant locations in the future, or as a means of increasing data resilience by creating data replication as a backup. To solve the decision problem for meeting primary and replication demand optimally, we propose a two-stage decision algorithm. The algorithm provides optimal locations, capacities and configurations for new data centers, capacity addition decisions to the existing facilities and subsequent allocation of demands. Both models and solution algorithm are implemented using AMPL programming language and solved with CPLEX solver. The models are found to be scalable and capable to provide high quality solutions in reasonable time.  相似文献   

Buyers increasingly offer financing alternatives to their suppliers – so called supply chain finance (SCF) practices for the supply side. Expected benefits however do not always materialize for involved actors. Guidance is needed when to provide these SCF practices to suppliers and why to select different types of practices. To provide this guidance, the paper involves an exploratory multiple-case study design including data within eight buyer-supplier-financial service provider triads. The findings explain contextual situations for the provision of SCF practices based on the contingency approach. They distinguish endogenous, relationship-related and exogenous contingencies within the aforementioned triads. Differentiation criteria are determined for the selection of SCF practices along the dimensions ‘time of financing’ (pre- versus post-shipment) and ‘source of funds’ (supply chain internal and external). Testable propositions and key learnings summarize the derived findings and form the basis to develop a contingency framework on SCF practices for the supply side.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical model for use in aquaculture, the rearing of aquatic animals in a controlled environment. The model addresses the real-world strategic planning requirements of an emerging technology as well as the short- and long-term production scheduling requirements of a mature aquaculture facility. A solution procedure for large-scale problems is described and tested, and an illustrative application is presented.  相似文献   

This study helps to reconcile the trade-offs between sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) and operational performance. Inspired by the paradox theory, the study advocates avoiding the contradictory elements and accepting the complementary elements between SSCM and Operational Performance. Accordingly, the study identifies various SSCM and operational performance elements followed by their evaluation to understand their complementary and contradictory nature. The study is conducted in two stages. First, the study constructs a list of SSCM features through exploratory factor analysis. Second, a unique decision framework of MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by Categorical-Based Evaluation Technique) and TODIM (Tomada de Decisión Inerativa Multicritero) methods is used to evaluate the SSCM features based on their impact on operational performance criteria. The proposed framework is validated in the context of the Indian Automobile Industry. The study results provide an empirically validated and prioritized list of SSCM features. In the list, the top-ranked features complement the operational performance criteria. In contrast, the lower-ranked features compromise the operational criteria, at least in the short term. Thus, this study reduces the skepticism around the adoption of SSCM by focusing on the top-ranked features of the list and avoiding the lower-ranked features during the early phases of SSCM adoption. Additionally, the study provides guidance to supply chain managers on achieving sustainability in a supply chain without compromising on its traditional goals. The results are of practical importance as supply chain managers may now choose to implement specific SSCM features that exhibit minimum negative impact on operational performance. Consequently, the study encourages an assertive adoption of SSCM even in developing countries.  相似文献   

In the last few years, companies have paid growing attention to the management of their supply chain at a global level. The need for better suppliers, international competition and research of specific competences have forced companies to improve their ability to cope with suppliers and customers located in different countries around the world. This paper aims to provide an overview of how manufacturing companies use global supply chains and how their behaviour changes over time. Longitudinal data from a sample of companies from the last two editions of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS) are used. A contingent analysis of manufacturing localization and globalization is also considered in order to identify factors influencing supply chain globalization strategies. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Gianluca SpinaEmail:

This paper attempts to reconcile the average underpricing phenomenon with the expected wealth maximizing behaviors of market participants. Under the usual informational asymmetry, the optimal offer price for best efforts IPOs is derived as a function of the uncertainty about market’s valuation, the expected return on proposed projects and the size of offerings relative to the firm’s market value. According to these firm-specific characteristics, best efforts IPOs can be underpriced, fairly priced, or overpriced. Employing the investment banker as an outside information producer, the basic pricing model is extended to provide empirical implication for underwriting contract choice decision as well as for the pricing. Consistent with the existing empirical evidences, the model predicts that the issuers with greater uncertainty about market’s valuation choose best efforts contract over firm commitment contract and that the dispersion of initial returns would be greater for best efforts IPOs than for firm commitment IPOs.  相似文献   

Although the practice of industrial recruitment is widespread among regions, its objectives and constraints are neither well established nor carefully evaluated in determining the most desirable industries. As a result, many regions frequently resort to a blind scramble for new industries. This paper suggests a decision model for a regional economy to determine the priority in industrial recruitment. The problem is formulated in terms of a mathematical programming model in which the objectives and constraints are explicitly stated. Regional input-output, table provides additional constraints in the model. The input-output table is also used in testing the economic feasibility of optimal solutions.  相似文献   

Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM) is under significant pressure to find levers to further increase its contribution to corporate goals. In order to improve performance in line with expectations, Purchasing and Supply Organizations (PSOs) have to evolve continuously. To help address this challenge, a comprehensive contingency framework of PSO structures is presented. The framework is based on existing literature on PSO contingency factors as well as analysis of two case companies. The findings highlight the importance of taking a contingency perspective for understanding the PSO and combining a detailed view of macro-level structural dimensions with micro-level characteristics. These macro-level dimensions comprise category, business unit, geography and activity. The micro-level characteristics comprise centralization, formalization, specialization, participation and standardization. From a theoretical perspective, the contingency framework opens up insights that can be leveraged in future studies in the fields of hybrid PSOs, global sourcing organizations, and International Purchasing Offices (IPOs). From a practical standpoint, an assessment of external and internal contingencies and their relation to specific structural dimensions and characteristics provides the opportunity for more consciously evolving the PSO to continue to improve PSM's contribution.  相似文献   

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