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This paper analyzes the spatial aspects of social capital creation between co-localised start-ups and customers, aiming to explain the factors which may influence the diffusion of inter-organizational social networks inside industrial clusters. We suppose that local social capital is not a public good, but its creation depends both on proximity. between actors and on a sense of affiliation of an entrepreneur to the cluster. While the embeddedness of a start-up inside a cluster has a positive influence on the relational and cognitive dimensions of social capital, it negatively influences the structural dimension. Implications and future lines of research are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of EPA pollution control enforcement activities and firm response strategies on stockholders' wealth. We find that the market reacts negatively upon learning that the firm has been targeted, and that losing a contest with the EPA is very costly to stockholders. Apparently firms are not expected to recover a significant part of pollution control costs from their customers. Somewhat surprisingly, losses are only weakly related to the presence of (unregulated) foreign competition, suggesting that untargeted domestic competitors may restrain cost recovery. Our analysis also indicates that firms may benefit by cooperating with the EPA; i.e., compliant strategies reduce (but don't avoid) wealth losses. The losses of firms that settle are about 40% less than those of firms that fight and lose, and we find no evidence of value gains for firms that fight and win. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores can act as an indicator for sustainability performance of organizations. This paper explores an empirical evidence for the relationship binding ESG scores and sustainability performances of firms. We observe and evaluate the ESG performance scores of 1,820 firms globally for 5 years, from 2014 to 2018 on 10 major themes and over 400 different indicators, as listed by Thomson Reuters and is captured from the Bloomberg terminal data. We posit five hypotheses to check the relations binding ESG scores and the total sustainability performances of firms. A Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis and standard bootstrapping using Smart PLS 3.0 software is used to observe the results and to evidence the direct and moderating effects among latent variables contributing to sustainability performances. We observe a significant and negative moderating effect of ESG performances, independently over the all direct relations, considering their relationship to ESG performances. One of the major implications of this research is in the direction of assigning priorities while considering environmental‐, social‐, and governance‐related themes in the implementation of any strategies or policies into practice.  相似文献   

We investigate whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure is related to default risk. Using a sample of US nonfinancial institutions from 2006 to 2017, we find that ESG disclosure is positively related to Merton's distance to default and is negatively related to the credit default swap spread, which suggests that firms with a higher ESG disclosure have lower default risk. Our analysis further indicates that the inverse effect of ESG disclosure on default risk is through increased profitability and reduced performance variability and cost of debt. We also document that the negative impact of ESG disclosure on default risk is existent only for mature and older firms. These results are important for all stakeholders of firms, including shareholders and bondholders to consider firm's ESG disclosure in conjunction with life cycle stage before making their investment decisions.  相似文献   

We investigate whether CEO compensation is influenced by the strength of shareholder rights. Our evidence reveals that CEOs of firms where shareholder rights are weak obtain more favorable compensation. It is also found that higher CEO pay is associated with a higher degree of potential managerial entrenchment. Additionally, CEOs of firms with governance provisions that offer them protection from takeovers enjoy more generous pay. We also examine the change in CEO compensation relative to the change in shareholders' wealth. The evidence shows that when there is an increase in shareholders' wealth, the CEO is able to obtain higher incremental compensation when shareholder rights are weak. On the contrary, when shareholders' wealth falls, there is no corresponding decline in CEO compensation when shareholder rights are weak. Given the empirical evidence, we argue that CEO compensation practices reflect rent expropriation rather than optimal contracting.  相似文献   

Does co-integration help long-term forecasts? In this paper, we use simulation, real data sets, and multi-step-ahead post-sample forecasts to study this question. Based on the square root of the trace of forecasting error-covariance matrix, we found that for simulated data imposing the ‘correct’ unit-root constraints implied by co-integration does improve the accuracy of forecasts. For real data sets, the answer is mixed. Imposing unit-root constraints suggested by co-integration tests produces better forecasts for some cases, but fares poorly for others. We give some explanations for the poor performance of co-integration in long-term forecasting and discuss the practical implications of the study. Finally, an adaptive forecasting procedure is found to perform well in one- to ten-step-ahead forecasts.  相似文献   

Often, there is a huge gap between the requirements of the Supplier Codes of Conduct (SCC) imposed by buyers from advanced economies and actual compliance with SCC in developing countries. It is difficult for reseachers to reach suppliers who have violated SCC, especially within a large sample, because few disclose SCC violations to the public. In this paper, however, we identified 108 non-compliant Chinese apparel and textile suppliers. Through the investigation of these non-compliant suppliers and their compliant peers, this paper tests the impacts of antecedent factors (price pressure, production complexity, and contract duration) and buyer's governance mechanisms (peer-to-peer and buyer-to-supplier) on the likelihood of a supplier's compliance with SCC. While the buyer-to-supplier governance does not show significant effects, the peer-to-peer governance demonstrates the likelihood of supplier's commitment to SCC. This research reveals that if buyer's governance efforts move away from threat and toward cooperation, supplier's compliance with SCC could be more sustainable.  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on the objectives pursued by worker-managed firms (WMFs). The basic neoclassical model assumes that WMFs maximizes net income per member instead of total profits (Ward, 1958). Even though it has been largely criticized, the Ward model has dominated the self-management literature. Alternative models suggest that WMFs are not only concerned about income per worker but also about the level of employment. However, the empirical content of these competing theoretical models has been rarely analyzed. This paper contributes to fill this gap by estimating the parameters of a generic welfare function, following the methodology proposed by Craig and Pencavel (1993). These parameters determine the relative importance that a WMF places on income per worker vis-a-vis the level of employment. Estimates are based on a long micro-panel of Uruguayan firms covering the entire population of Uruguayan worker-managed firm and conventional firms in 31 3-digit sectors over the period April 1996-December 2005. Following a strictly neoclassical framework, but simply allowing a more general specification of the WMF goals, we show that the assumption of the basic neoclassical model of the WMF is misleading. Our results support the view that WMFs are concerned with both employment and income per worker.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to investigate the implications of the ownership structure and control transfers in the Japanese corporate market, which are attributed mainly to the government’s liberalization policies during 1990s. It appears that institutional shareholdings—either financial or non-financial corporations—are associated with poor performance, whereas the foreign and domestic private ownerships lead to an improvement in the performance of the firms. We observe that unwinding the cross-shareholding between banks and corporations and mutual transfers among non-financial institutions allows for efficiency gain. Furthermore, the ownership transfer to private and foreign individuals is consistently associated with high market value, which implies that individuals’ transfers lead to an increase in efficiency.  相似文献   

The paper aims at identifying the variables that are significant in determining the choice of host countries for manufacturing subsidiaries of US transnational firms. The approach that is taken is to relate variables that on the basis on a priori theoretical reasoning influence foreign location decisions, with (a) total market penetration by US firms and (b) the choice these firms make between exporting to their foreign markets and on site manufacturing. Location decisions are viewed as emerging from the interaction of characteristics typical to the industry of the transnational firm and factors specific to potential host countries. Particular attention is devoted to finding out whether locational choices and market shares are interdependent. The sample of observations under investigation consists of the activities of US majority-owned subsidiaries, classified in fourteen industry groupings and operating twenty countries. Sub-samples of countries are also studied. It is found that for the European countries, in particular EEC members, market penetration is dependent on local manufacturing.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the link between female representation on audit committees (ACs) and specific information attributes of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosures. We also examine whether the role of women is moderated by the busyness and intensity of the committee. Our results reveal a positive association between gender diversity in the AC and the quality of voluntary ESG reporting, which results in greater comprehensiveness and relevance. These findings extend the academic debate concerning the role of female directors on sustainability policies. Moreover, given the importance of ESG information in capital markets and its potential benefits for firms, this evidence may help regulators and owners to implement adequate corporate governance mechanisms. In addition, the busyness of the AC negatively moderates the influence of female AC members. Therefore, we highlight the need to consider the context in which women work in order to understand their influence on sustainability reporting.  相似文献   

This study is intended to analyse several mechanisms available to companies in order to appropriate the results of their innovative activities. These mechanisms include patents, industrial secret, cost and time of imitation and continuous innovation. Specifically, this paper focuses on studying the factors that determine the choice of one appropriation method over another. To this end, we propose a specific model of analysis, which includes various hypotheses to be tested in a sample of 258 Spanish manufacturing companies. The results confirm that companies that mostly use explicit knowledge chose the patenting system as a defence mechanism, while those companies in which tacit type knowledge predominates tend to opt for industrial secret. We could also prove that larger companies tend to choose the patenting system as a protection mechanism. Finally, the hypothesis that companies that use high-commitment human resources practices use continuous innovation or technological leadership as a protection mechanism could also be tested.  相似文献   

Since merger and acquisition activity does not unambiguously benefit the shareholders of acquiring firms, the motivation of managers who undertake such actions is unclear. The present study investigates the extent to which the wealth effects of acquisition activity undertaken by firms in one industry—communications and publishing—are related to (1) the ownership and wealth characteristics of both the executives and the board of directors of these firms and (2) the ownership concentration of large outside shareholders. The motivating hypothesis, supported by empirical results, is that these factors contribute to the alignment of executive and shareholder interests.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of political events on US manufacturing direct investment in Latin America. The relationship between foreign direct investment and political events (and economic factors) is examined through regression analysis of pooled time-series (21 years) and cross-sectional (8 countries) data. In contrast to previous studies using an econometric approach, this study finds that political events do affect direct investment decisions. Specifically, both intra-nation and inter-nation conflict and co-operation have an impact on US direct investment decisions concerning Latin American countries. In addition, the host country's market size and market growth affect these decisions by US multinational firms.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of overconfidence in venture capital investing. Overconfidence in financial decision making is a robust, well‐established finding, and its consequences for decisions by equity market investors, startup entrepreneurs, and CEO's of large firms have been comprehensively examined and documented. This paper considers the behavioral consequences of overconfidence by venture capitalists, comparing their anticipated returns to actual average returns. Our primary metric is Bell's disappointment, a measure of the difference between anticipated and actual payoff. We construct both deterministic and stochastic models, based on empirical data. We find that the average venture capitalist will experience substantial disappointment.  相似文献   

We study the headquarters location of U.S. firms with an initial public offering (IPO) over the 2001–2011 period. Specifically, we examine IPO intensity, defined as IPOs in a state scaled by state population. We find that IPO intensity is positively related to various measures of education. We also find that IPO intensity is positively related to an economic climate (freedom) index, degree of urbanization, and whether a state contains a financial center. Some economists see IPOs as a driver of economic growth. Thus, our results suggest factors that government officials may consider to increase the number of IPOs headquartered in their states.  相似文献   

Firms that export goods face risks such as product price, cost, and exchange rate risks. Price and cost risks can substantially reduce the FX hedging performance in real wealth. We thus investigate hedging strategies that are intended to improve the performance of the FX hedge in real terms using inflation and interest rate derivatives. The impact of these additional instruments is not clear and has only been briefly analyzed in the hedging literature so far. For this purpose, we derive variance-minimizing hedge positions of an exporting firm. A cointegrated VAR and bootstrap methods are used to evaluate the efficiencies of several hedging strategies. While inflation derivatives work better in the short run, interest rate derivatives perform better over longer hedge horizons.  相似文献   

Research and development (R&D) spillovers are, potentially, a major source of endogenous growth in various recent ‘new growth theory’ models. According to these models, firms engage in R&D in order to seek rents. Public aspects of this R&D then spill over to other firms, thereby creating increasing returns relating to scale and long-term growth. The actual mechanisms by which spillovers occur has, however, not been systematically studied. In order to provide empirical facts on this issue the paper investigates the effectiveness of various channels of R&D spillovers. The analysis is based on a survey conducted among 358 Swiss R&D executives representing 127 different lines of business, mainly in the manufacturing sector. The results can be summarized as follows. First, undertaking independent R&D was perceived by the R&D executives questioned as the most effective channel of R&D spillovers at the intra-industry level. This was followed by reverse engineering for product innovations and the utilization of publications and information from technical meetings for process innovations. Second, learning methods that rely on interpersonal communication were judged as moderately effective in the following order of importance: (i) publications and technical meetings; (ii) conversations with employees from innovating firms; and (iii) hiring away employees from innovating firms. The last method, especially, is not valued as effective in the Swiss context. Third, learning methods related to the patent system—licensing technology and patent disclosures in the patent office—were seen as moderately effective or not effective at all. Fourth, the effectiveness of the various channels of R&D spillovers varies from one industry to another. Fifth, the various channels of R&D spillovers can be reduced to subgroups, so that patterns of learning of competitive technology can be established.  相似文献   

This study performs an empirical assessment of the highly influential supply chain governance typology put forth in Gereffi et al. (2005). In spite of the influence this Global Value Chain (or GVC) Typology has had, there have been few (if any) attempts to empirically assess its alignment with real-world supply chain structures and to establish a baseline for its predictive utility. The GVC Typology is assessed for face and nomological validity through testing of its key dimensions in relation to purchasing-logistics integration and supplier performance measures, using an information-processing theory framework. The GVC Typology appears to have considerable face validity as actual supply chain governance structures aligned well with those it proposes. It also has reasonable predictive power with regards to governance dimensions and integration, and in some connections between governance types, integration, and supplier performance. This study provides researchers with the tools to move this typology beyond the “conceptual” stage in their work, allowing for holistic and higher-level assessments of supply chain governance structures and changes. It may also help researchers and managers to consider when and to what extent purchasing-logistics integration should be fostered.  相似文献   

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