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This paper examines auditor liability rules under imperfect information, costly litigation and risk-averse auditors. A negligence rule fails in such a setting, because in equilibrium auditors will deviate with positive probability from any given standard. It is shown that strict liability outperforms negligence with respect to risk allocation and the probability that a desired level of care is met by the auditor if competitive liability insurance markets exist. Furthermore, our model explains the existence of insurance contracts containing obligations a type of contract often observed in liability insurance markets.  相似文献   

There are four traditional uses of private personal liability insurance dating from the 1970s to the present (Hayes 1979; Sommers 2005) which pertain either to individuals or corporations. There is insurance to cover damage to rental cars, umbrella insurance to cover any injury to a guest at one’s home, insurance bought by corporations to cover potential corporate responsibility for actions of company representatives and insurance including misadventures with financial information and morally hazardous behavior as well as corporate required actions which are later deemed to be wrong or inappropriate. Employees need to find out if the employee manual provides for coverage for legal liabilities resulting out of performing job responsibilities. Due to a need to reduce company costs, many companies are reducing or eliminating coverage for employees for many types of actions. Private personal liability insurance gives you the peace of mind to know what you are covered for and for how long. Employee rights versus corporate budgets are at the core of this discussion.  相似文献   

董事高管责任保险作为一种分散企业经营风险的工具,也是保险公司以非投资者身份参与上市公司治理的一种重要形式.本文以2007—2018年A股上市公司作为研究样本,运用中介效应分步检验法,研究表明董责险通过降低企业内部代理成本和加剧外部融资约束来抑制企业的非效率投资和过度投资行为,代理成本和融资约束在其中发挥部分中介作用,说明董责险一方面能够完善企业的监督机制,另一方面又向外界传递企业存在风险的信号.进一步检验发现,董事高管责任保险的抑制作用在成熟期企业和国有企业中表现得更加显著.本文为上市公司购买董责险、健全和完善公司治理机制提供参考.  相似文献   

本文综合运用统计分析与问卷调查方法,从员工利益、纳税责任、环境责任、客户与供应商关系、社会公益责任等方面比较外商投资企业、国有企业和其他(民营、乡镇、改制)企业在华履行社会责任的状况。结论认为,外商投资企业在华社会责任总体表现优于国有企业和其他企业。  相似文献   

由于巨灾风险及其保险具有特殊性,风险可保性经典定义和大数法则不适用于巨灾保险及其费率精算。基于巨灾保险概念,在对巨灾事件离散模型、经济损失模型和保险损失模型研究的基础上建立了巨灾保险费率精算模型。以福建巨灾保险区划内住宅所面临的巨灾台风为例,利用实证数据资料对该模型及其矩阵化的应用方法进行了验证,结果表明该巨灾保险费率精算模型通用性强,易操作,结果较为可靠。  相似文献   

This study investigates the economic consequences of four financial reporting regulations relating to environmental liability reporting in samples of 170 US and 156 Canadian public companies during the period 1984 to 1997. The study's purpose is to investigate the factors that make financial reporting regulation effective in enhancing the relevance and reliability of accounting information. Prior research provides the theory that financial reporting regulations impose costs on managers and create incentives for them to report accounting information that is relevant and unbiased. This study assesses these regulations' enforceability, which is viewed as arising from the regulator's power to enforce its regulations by sanctions or penalties. It tests whether the relation between market valuation and reported environmental liability accruals changes when the new regulations are enacted, and whether regulation with high enforceability has a more significant impact than regulation with low enforceability. This study uses a residual‐income valuation model to measure the valuation coefficient, or multiplier, on reported environmental liability accruals. Changes in this coefficient are used as indicators of changes in the market's assessment of the value relevance and bias of the reported accounting information. This study provides preliminary evidence indicating that financial reporting regulations issued by the securities market regulator and the accounting profession are associated with changes in the relation between market value and reported environmental liabilities in some cases, and suggests avenues for further international accounting research on the factors involved in financial reporting regulation's impact.  相似文献   

搞好搞活国有企业一直备受社会瞩目,在东北老工业基地,很多国有企业都走上了破产重组的道路。企业破产对职工来说在不同程度地存在思想波动和对抗情绪等问题,破产工作稍有不慎,就容易引发职工群体上访等事件。本文主要是从破产企业注重人文关怀,帮助职工提高思想认识,确保企业破产的顺利进行。  相似文献   

破产原因是控制企业破产,平衡债权人、债务人和社会公众利益的重要因素,促进产业优化升级及维持社会稳定发展中起重要作用。但企业破产法对于破产原因存在标准不明、逻辑层次不清,操作难,实践中,由于破产原因过严,存在企业破产难。但一旦造成破产,则牵涉面广,严重影响社会秩序稳定,并牵连了众多运行良好的企业。建议将不能清偿作为企业破产的一般原因,停止支付推定为不能清偿的一部分,对于清算中的企业,以资不抵债作为唯一的破产原因。  相似文献   

段隐华  王刚 《企业经济》2012,(1):185-188
破产与清算是困境企业经营活动的两个相互联系的阶段。本文首先在企业瞬时收益流遵循几何布朗运动的条件下,建立了困境企业在负债时的破产与清算的实物期权分析模型,并利用工程数学软件Matlab7.0对已建立的决策模型进行数值模拟分析,得出了有关的研究结论。研究表明,困境企业在负债投资经营的情况下,由债权人经营,债权人会提早清算;当瞬时现金流的不确定程度加剧时,困境企业负债投资后会延迟清算与破产。  相似文献   

杨海站 《物流科技》2011,34(5):11-13
基于航运物流责任保险产品对物流业发展的影响,并针对物流业发展,从航运物流责任险的角度,对其相关的影响因素进行了研究分析,提出航运物流责任险驱动作用的"四位一体"模型。  相似文献   


Direct compensation or the direct reimbursement scheme is an indemnity insurance method that many European and American countries use to manage motor liability claims in which the driver that suffers an accident is paid by his/her insurance company that possibly later receives a flat-rate reimbursement (known as forfeit). Using non-life actuarial methodologies, this article analyses the distortion effects due to the direct compensation mechanisms and the effects of different forfeit reimbursement systems on policyholder tariffs in the management of motor liability claims involving vehicles in two different sectors, i.e. automobile and motorcycle. We empirically analyse and formalize the distortion effects resulting from the mechanism that different direct reimbursement systems produce, and explore the correlation between increasing tariffs for motorcycle policyholders and decreasing tariffs for other vehicle policyholders. We propose some alternative methods to overcome these distortion effects, evaluating their pricing impact through a stochastic model applied to a case study.


The present liability system for managing environmental risks has had huge transaction costs through the courts with limited funds actually utilized for compensation (except to the lawyers) and cleanup of wastes. This paper discusses the use of insurance coupled with well-specified standards as an alternative to the current system. It illustrates the potential for the use of these policy tools in the context of two environmental risk management problems: providing liability protection to contractors involved in asbestos removal and protecting commercial property lenders and owners from liabilities associated with environmental contamination.  相似文献   

建筑工程项目在建设过程中存在诸多风险,这些风险具有不确定性,一旦发生将造成财产损失或人身伤害.保险是应对风险的有效措施之一,因此建筑企业必须重视工程保险合同管理.  相似文献   

中小企业经营失败率很高,导致其破产重整失败率也较高。为了帮助破产中小企业主尽快走出经济困境,我国需要建立一些中小企业特殊的破产重整制度。提高对债权人的清偿、挽回企业主的投资,保持就业岗位以及帮助人们及早发现不值得给予破产保护的中小企业,是这些制度的法理基础。中小企业破产重整制度主要内容包括:适度放松破产条件、鼓励中小企业尽早寻求破产重整,在破产初期对它们的重整方案进行评估,帮助它们尽早发现经济困难信号,加强对重整方案实施的监督。  相似文献   

薛冷 《企业技术开发》2009,28(12):81-81,83
工伤保险属于社会保险,是法定保险范畴;雇主责任险属于商业保险,确切的说属于财产保险中的责任险类别。结合案例,探讨工伤保险与雇主责任险的异同,以便更好的理解两者。  相似文献   

乔晓燕  赵博 《价值工程》2010,29(8):29-30
本文主要研究的是在随机利率下保费收入为复合Poisson-Geometric过程的风险模型,在随机利率为levy过程的情况下,得到了破产概率满足的积分方程,以及得到最终破产概率的上下界所满足的积分不等式,以此作为保险公司经营的预警信号更具有现实意义。  相似文献   

企业环境风险管理与环境负债评估框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着环境污染问题的日趋加重,企业面临的环境风险也随之增大,并可能承担环境负债责任。基于企业环境风险管理的基本原理和技术,从企业环境全过程管理角度出发,结合环境风险评价方法和管理程序、环境损害总费用分析框架并设计企业环境负债评估与管理程序。具体步骤为环境风险点确定;环境风险初步评估分析;现场取样与测试;环境损害的货币化评估;环境义务清偿与损害恢复;可持续监控。该程序可为企业环境风险管理、环境负债防范提供一个科学有效的评估与控制框架。  相似文献   

刘慧  杨坚  张克清 《价值工程》2012,31(29):166-167
伴随着我国金融体制改革的深入,四大国有商业银行陆续完成股份制改造,大量股份制商业银行兴起,金融市场日趋完善,但同时金融业的系统性风险也在加大,银行破产在市场化的背景下可能成为现实。我国现行的隐性存款担保模式不再适应金融快速发展的需要,在我国建立显性存款保险制度十分必要且迫切。  相似文献   

梁昌勇  张点 《价值工程》2006,25(3):35-39
在企业或社会中发挥着越来越重要的作用,学者越来越关注对服务的研究,力图通过技术等手段对原有服务进行改造或创新,从而实现效益,但是关于服务创新中风险的研究甚少。因此本文首先利用环境分析法,分析出在服务创新过程中的风险因素,使用基于三角模糊数的模糊层次分析法,对这些风险因素进行评价。最后用一个实例证明这种风险方法,可以更好的进行风险管理,提高服务创新的成功率。  相似文献   

A structural model of pricing Write-Down (hereafter WD) bonds under imperfect information has been developed to investigate the effect of WD bonds issuance on credit risk. Information is not only delayed but also asymmetrically distributed between managers and outside investors. We derive analytical solutions for corporate securities prices and find the issuance of WD bonds could significantly improve firm value via reducing bankruptcy cost. Our numerical results further demonstrate that the WD bonds issuance increases corporate risk tolerance and reduces the risk of bankruptcy and credit spreads under imperfect information.  相似文献   

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