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奢侈品中国在线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在货源最为吃紧的奢侈品市场上,中国的电子商务网站正在尝试搭建全球供应链体系。1月18日上午,唯品会总裁洪晓波异常忙碌,中午12点"奢侈品"频道就要上线了,这是他在网站创立一年多以后再次回到奢侈品销售领域。  相似文献   

眼下,比起萧条的国外市场,不少奢侈品品牌都将中国市场视为后花园,分析师普遍认为中国奢侈品市场虽然放慢脚步但仍将增长。Versace预计其2009年中国业务的增长仍将  相似文献   

据麦肯锡的最新研究,中国奢侈品市场持续向好,2015年将达到1800亿元。届时,中国在全球奢侈品市场的占比将超过20%,并取代日本,成为世界最大奢侈品市场。  相似文献   

装潢考究的门店已不再是消费者购物的必去之地,如今,在家就能轻松享受到网购奢侈品的快意。快速预览的商品图片、独享的限量产品、领先专柜的最新款式,成为追求高端消费者的全新选择。日前,本刊记者就奢侈品网购话题采访了两位电子商务网站高管——优众网创始人、首席执行官陈啸与玛萨玛索品牌营销副总裁梅山。  相似文献   

世界四大会计师事务所之一的德勤近日发布调查报告称,目前,国内一线城市奢侈品市场利润远低于二三线城市。报告还显示,高端商品在国内各级市场都具有一定消费规模,平均占比均超25%。国内一线城市销售增长呈现  相似文献   

湖仙 《IT经理世界》2011,(14):110-114
不甘心放弃自己坚守了百年的低调,更不甘心中国这个最具活力的新兴市场被其他同行瓜分殆尽,爱马仕终于开拓了一条最独特的奢侈品新策略——在中国打造一个本土的高级品牌"上下"。只是如今"上下"却有些不上不下,不知何去何从了。  相似文献   

梁瑞丽 《中国纺织》2013,(9):120-121
中国奢侈品电商这几年可谓演绎了一场惊心动魄的江湖暗战。  相似文献   

肖琳 《中国纺织》2012,(6):120-122
中国作为奢侈品的消费大国,其吸引力从这些品牌在中国不断开设的旗舰店、专卖店数量就可以看出。随着中国电子商务市场的蓬勃发展,中国奢侈品购物网站适机而生,而当他们还处于隔靴搔痒之时,国外同类网站已开始进军中国,线上竞技成为了抢占中国奢侈品市场的重要途径。  相似文献   

电子商务蓬勃发展的势头吸引着各层次的商品一拥而上,就连许多让人望而却步的奢侈品也渐次抢占码头。美国弗雷斯特调研公司的数据显示,预计5年之后,奢侈品在线销售额将增长30%,达到40亿~60亿美元的规模。业内专家预计,在未来两年内,中国奢侈品电子商务的销售规模将达到200亿元。  相似文献   

如今,在网上买奢侈品的途径越来越多了。品牌官网和国外购物网站纷纷开通全球运送的业务,私人代购业务竞争激烈,折扣诱人的知名购物网站也开始瞄准中国市场。这是一个人人都可以买奢侈品的时代,可区别就在于你在什么时候买,以及上哪儿去买。  相似文献   

We analyze adverse selection costs in online stamp auctions, based on a comparison of prices on eBay with those of matched stamps at a specialty stamps auction site in the U.S., Michael Rogers, Inc. (MR), which we know a priori has low quality uncertainty. We find that buyer prices are 10–15% lower on eBay as compared to MR, and the price difference, increases with the value of the stamps. Consistent with this adverse selection discount we find that the seller reputation mechanism on eBay has an economically modest, although statistically significant, effect on auction price and probability of sale.  相似文献   

刘雨 《IT经理世界》2011,(14):38-40,10
一个百年老字号如何变得既有文化底蕴,又有互联网气质?北京有一个地方叫北新桥,这个名中带"桥"却无"桥"的地方不仅与诸多民间传说有关,更是一个响当当的中国老字号的发祥之地。124年前,即1887年(光绪13年),一块写有"吴裕泰茶栈"的牌匾被众人合力拉起,高高悬挂在了北新桥大街路东的一个门洞上方。  相似文献   

This paper presents an exploratory analysis of the determinants of prices in online auctions for collectible United States one‐cent coins at the eBay web site. Starting with an initial data set of 20,000 auctions, we perform regression analysis on a restricted sample of 461 coins for which we obtained estimates of book value. We have three major findings. First, a seller's feedback ratings, reported by other eBay users, have a measurable effect on her auction prices. Negative feedback ratings have a much greater effect than positive feedback ratings do. Second, minimum bids and reserve prices have positive effects on the final auction price. In particular, minimum bids appear only to have a significant effect when they are binding on a single bidder, as predicted by theory. Third, when a seller chooses to have her auction last for a longer period of days, this significantly increases the auction price on average.  相似文献   

病种付费:医改两难路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晓芳 《IT经理世界》2011,(16):36-39,10
按病种付费改革的矛头直指当下过度医疗的弊端,但其自身的种种问题也在各方利益的纠结下,大白于天下。中国医疗改革还需更为深刻地转变。在北京大学第三医院行政楼,有一间不起眼的办公室,门口标牌显示的是医院的医保办,但实际上这里还是北京DRG-PPS项目组(疾病诊断相关分组预定额付费制的缩写)的大本营。  相似文献   

A seller choosing between auctioning online and live faces a tradeoff: lower transaction costs online against more rents left with the bidders. We model this tradeoff, and apply the theory to auctions of art. The crucial parameter for whether the seller does better online than live is not the expected price but the valuation uncertainty.  相似文献   

从我国金属包装行业发展的综合情况看,在经历了20世纪80年代至90年代初期快速增长,以及目前的调整恢复了稳定增长后,已基本形成了包括广州、深圳、珠海、香港在内的大珠江三角、江浙沪长三角和京津渤海三角等三个金属包装产业带,以及福建、山东、四川等三个热点地区。金属包装的整体水平得到了较大提高,缩小了与发达国家的差距,国际上通用制品我们都能生产,  相似文献   

2006年,中国熟肉制品生产巨头河南双汇将重点发展低温肉制品和冷鲜肉产品,计划在高低温肉制品、冷鲜肉领域开发新产品40多个,对冷鲜肉保鲜技术进行重点攻关,力争使新产品年销量突破6万吨.  相似文献   

介绍了后评价的缘起和发展背景,提出了在我国建立后评价体系的理论依据,探讨了有关后评价概念的重要内涵,并对我国的后评价体系进行了简要的描述。  相似文献   

Authors with many theoretical and managerial perspectives argue that businesses commercializing technologically complex goods benefit when they collaborate closely with other businesses. Collaboration is viewed as a means for businesses to overcome competency limitations and to achieve the close configuration of components required for complex goods. We predict that collaborative relationships often assist businesses to produce complex goods, but that the relationships might also cause problems for the collaborating businesses. We find that firms using development-oriented and marketing-oriented collaborative relationships in the hospital software systems industry are less likely to shut down than businesses that follow independent approaches when the environment changes gradually, but businesses using collaborative relationships are sometimes susceptible to being acquired by other firms. Following a sudden environmental shock, businesses with collaborative relationships for activities central to the shock became more likely to shut down, while businesses with collaborative relationships for activities outside the focus of the shock became more likely to survive. The study critically evaluates and tests the widely stated but little-tested argument that interfirm collaboration is usually beneficial. The results address the issue of whether organizational choices affect comparative business performance.  相似文献   

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