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奢侈品中国在线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在货源最为吃紧的奢侈品市场上,中国的电子商务网站正在尝试搭建全球供应链体系。1月18日上午,唯品会总裁洪晓波异常忙碌,中午12点"奢侈品"频道就要上线了,这是他在网站创立一年多以后再次回到奢侈品销售领域。  相似文献   

不久前,网易旗下的奢侈品网购平台尚品宣布自2012年1月1日零点起关闭,这距离其开通时间不到一年。无独有偶,另一家奢侈品购物网站"呼哈网"在2011年底因欠薪也遭遇了困境。"奢侈品网站肯定会迎来倒闭潮。"为  相似文献   

肖琳 《中国纺织》2012,(6):120-122
中国作为奢侈品的消费大国,其吸引力从这些品牌在中国不断开设的旗舰店、专卖店数量就可以看出。随着中国电子商务市场的蓬勃发展,中国奢侈品购物网站适机而生,而当他们还处于隔靴搔痒之时,国外同类网站已开始进军中国,线上竞技成为了抢占中国奢侈品市场的重要途径。  相似文献   

装潢考究的门店已不再是消费者购物的必去之地,如今,在家就能轻松享受到网购奢侈品的快意。快速预览的商品图片、独享的限量产品、领先专柜的最新款式,成为追求高端消费者的全新选择。日前,本刊记者就奢侈品网购话题采访了两位电子商务网站高管——优众网创始人、首席执行官陈啸与玛萨玛索品牌营销副总裁梅山。  相似文献   

如今,在网上买奢侈品的途径越来越多了。品牌官网和国外购物网站纷纷开通全球运送的业务,私人代购业务竞争激烈,折扣诱人的知名购物网站也开始瞄准中国市场。这是一个人人都可以买奢侈品的时代,可区别就在于你在什么时候买,以及上哪儿去买。  相似文献   

5月8日,奢侈品电子商务网站寺库中国获得来自全球知名四大国际基金总金额3000万美元注资。这是继唯品会上市、优众网和乐蜂网宣布获得融资之后,又一家奢侈品电商公司获得来自风险投资商的注资。  相似文献   

近年,国内出现了多家奢侈品购物网站,这些网站有的获得了不错的销售业绩与关注度,加上奢侈品购物网站以其广阔的发展前景引来多家风投基金的介入,一时间呈现蓬勃发展的现象。但是,在前景看好的背后,这些网站也在不同程度上存在生存与发展中的隐忧。从国内奢侈品网络销售现状出发,对其现存问题进行分析,并提出相应的发展对策,旨在对国内奢侈品电子商务的发展有所借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,国内奢侈品电商网站纷纷上线,如唯品会、走秀网、第五大道、佳品网、尚品网、魅力惠、优众网等.综合购物平台京东商城11月推出独立奢侈品网站360Top.com,女性时尚网YOKA推出购物网站Ymall.com,奇虎360在10月推出了奢侈品导航网站lux.360.cn.至此,除专业自营式奢侈品购物网站外,传统购物平台、时尚媒体、网络巨头等纷纷试水奢侈品网购,新进入者将进一步引发市场骚动.  相似文献   

奢侈品品牌Coach与天猫(原名淘宝商城)合作运营的首家网店Coach官方旗舰店,在运营仅仅两个月后,于近日关闭。这个消息给本来就伤痕累累的奢侈品电商重重的一击。2009年开始,奢侈品成了电商新宠,半年时间之内专卖奢侈品的网站遍地开花。然而好景不长,去年下半年以来,国内大型奢侈品网站纷纷陷入滑铁卢的尴尬。不少人开始思考,奢侈品真的适合电  相似文献   

淘宝网发布《网购奢侈品行业解析报告》显示,海外代购已实现从奢侈品到保健品、美容品甚至日用品的全面扩张,其中奢侈品的成交额以每年100%的速度递增,2011年市场规模已经达到150亿元,预计2012年全国奢侈品电子商务市场成交额将超过200亿元。累计成交金额排名中,女装位列首位,占比为27.01%。  相似文献   

近年来,中国的奢侈品网络消费市场呈现迅猛的发展势头,奢侈品营销也随之悄悄改变,网络营销已成为新的营销方式。本论文首先阐述了我国奢侈品网络营销的现状,并对奢侈品网络营销的优势及所存在的问题进行了分析,最后提出奢侈品网络推广方式需整合和创新,来达到更好的网络推广效果。另外,针对奢侈品网络销售的提升和服务的改善,品牌商需结合消费群体的差异性,针对不同的消费群体制定不同策略。  相似文献   

豪华车品牌捷豹、路虎要想在中国有更大的发展,还有很多事情要做。 高博(Bob Grace)非常强调他对中国市场的熟悉程度。"我可以给你看我的护照,最近两年我每个月都要到中国来一趟,护照上盖满了中国海关的章!"2010年8月,48岁的英国人高博(Bob Grace)来到上海,正式担任捷豹路虎中国总裁,12月份开始负责整个大中华地区的业务,包括澳大利亚、日本和韩国的国家销售公司以及独立进口商。  相似文献   

2011年对中国汽车产业而言是一个五味杂陈的年景,受宏观经济环境及紧缩政策影响,整体车市在前两年的极度红火之后迅速转向平淡,自下半年开始,中国汽车产销量出现了27个月以来的首次下降。唯独中高端及高端市场却逆势增长。寒冬?拐点?在多方调控措施的重压下,中国汽车市场在2012年将何去何从?下一波爆发力会由哪些支撑点来驱动?故事就从异常火热的中高端市场开始讲起。  相似文献   

Component sharing may look great in the boardroom but not in the showroom. Indeed, savings on research and development and production costs could be offset by a plunge in customer brand attractiveness. The central objective of this paper is to investigate consumer and market responses toward component sharing between brands. More specifically, by combining experimental with econometric studies, this paper investigates the impact of component sharing on customer evaluation of luxury, volume, and economy brands offered in a car manufacturer's vertical product line. An experimental study in which component sharing between automotive brands was made explicit aimed to understand the impact of brand combinations and type of sourcing on the evaluations of the two brands sharing components. This experimental study shows that the evaluation of luxury brands sharing with a volume brand suffers more than when a volume brand shares components with an economy brand. This experimental study was executed for two different brand combinations including one luxury, one volume, and one economy brand: (1) Audi, Volkswagen, and Skoda; and (2) Lexus, Toyota, and Suzuki. The evaluation of an economy brand benefits more from sharing with a volume brand than a volume brand suffers from sharing with an economy brand. The magnitude of these effects depends on several factors, such as component type, the source of the component sharing, and the salience of component sharing to the consumers. One important limitation of the experiment is that component sharing is made rather salient, and no behavioral effects of component sharing are studied. Therefore, a second was executed in which market share data on brands of the Volkwagen company (i.e., Audi, Volkswagen, Seat, and Skoda) were collected, while also data on the component‐sharing practices between these brands were gathered. A market share model was estimated in which market shares of the four studied brands were explained by component‐sharing practices and some control variables (i.e., price, model changes) in an exploratory fashion. The explorative examination of market share effects confirms that luxury brands may suffer, while economy brands may benefit from component sharing. In sum, this research suggests that component sharing between brands has negative effects for the higher‐end, and positive effects for the lower‐end brand. However, it also shows that sourcing matters. This study is considered as the first study investigating the phenomenon of component sharing, and it points to multiple future research issues, such as studying this phenomenon in other markets.  相似文献   

在市场经济高度发展的西方,品牌战略已发展到十分纯熟的地步。而在中国,随着国际奢侈品集团军和国外极具实力的二三线商务休闲男装品牌进驻中国市场,给国内商务休闲男装品牌市场带来了极大的影响。中国商务休闲男装品牌想要脱颖而出,必须走差异化的品牌经营战略。在对国内商务休闲男装品牌市场进行调研后,总结出商务休闲男装品牌可在市场定位、产品风格和营销策略上实施品牌形象差异化策略。  相似文献   

站在上海第一高楼金茂大厦某间屋子的窗前,薄石(Dominique Boesch)欣赏着外面四处升腾的烟雨朦朦——他有点喜欢上了这种典型的中国江南味道。虽然晦暗的天色会让即将亮相的奥迪Q5 hybrid quattro的光效颇受影响,但是在过去的一年里,奥迪Q5战功卓著,选择在此时乘胜追击地发布混合动力版,这让做了多年销售的薄石觉得"很爽"。他的嘴角习惯性地泛起了微笑。两年前,薄石被总部从奥迪日本调到中国,出任一汽-大众奥迪销售事业部总经理。这2年间,外部环境的变化几乎让他应接不暇——奥迪在总销量上正式超越奔驰而跃居全球豪华车市场第二;中国正式取代德国本土而成为奥迪全球第一大市场;一连串的控制措施正式终结了中国车市的疯  相似文献   

随着网络时代的科技冲击,越来越多的奢侈品品牌不甘于传统的消费方式,开始进入网络市场。如何顺应潮流,在网络时代的奢侈品营销中胜出,获得消费者的青睐,成为各大奢侈品商家费心解决的问题。结合奢侈品营销分析其网络营销的特点,找出网络营销的利与弊,从而为奢侈品网络营销提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展,奢侈品对中国消费者来说已不再陌生。互联网的应用给人们消费方式带来了巨大改变。奢侈品行业也逐渐摒弃了固有偏见,开始利用网络这一新兴手段开展营销活动。本文通过对奢侈品线上线下营销策略现状进行分析,并从价格、产品、营销方式、销售渠道等四方面进行对比分析,总结奢侈品在销售过程中应该以线下营销为主线上营销为辅的营销策略,对奢侈品营销的实践具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The Italian industry of fashion goods is a business worth 67.6€ billion in 2006 (Il Sole 24ore, January 10, 2007), of which about 26€ billion is due to the luxury segment. Marketing gurus state that “consumers everywhere at every income level want more luxury” [Danziger, P.N., 2005. Let them Eat the Cake: Marketing Luxury to the Masses as well as the Classes. Dearborn Trade Publishing, Chicago]: therefore, companies should move brands towards a higher positioning and add more valuable features to products and services, but this cannot be obtained only by means of marketing efforts. Which is the role of operations and supply chain management in luxury fashion companies’ success? This paper presents the results of the exploratory stage of a research project ongoing at Politecnico di Milano and dealing with supply chain management in the luxury fashion industry. In total, 12 Italian luxury fashion retailers have been studied in order to describe the main features of operations and supply chain strategies in the luxury fashion segment and to identify their role with respect to the relevant critical success factors.  相似文献   

品牌是国际贸易中的制高点,是企业参与国际市场竞争的商战利器。制造大国、品牌小国的现实使得我国企业在进一步拓展国际市场过程中,必须树立良好的品牌意识,认清品牌的作用,利用品牌战略来扩大出口,从而提升自身形象和产品形象。同时,政府也要对我们自己的品牌特别是名牌给予支持,使“世界品牌500强”中来自中国的声音更强烈些。  相似文献   

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