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亚洲IT服务市场增长迅速2011年将达559亿美元;时代赢客获6500万风险投资  相似文献   

中国IT互联网产品创新大会以汇聚行业精英和知名投资人、促进技术交流、加深商务合作、推动行业发展为宗旨,致力于打造全球领先的IT互联网产品技术交流与商务合作平台。是全球“互联网+高管”一年一度的行业盛世。第五届大会以“数据赋能产品创新”为主题,提出“数据即未来”的口号,旨在加速推动人工智能领域的创新发展。  相似文献   

东风康明斯发动机有限公司是外商投资我国最早、最大的发动机生产企业,为我国的汽车业、船舶业、工程机械业提供了可靠动力。同日寸也是我国这些行业动力升级的技术源泉。为了让更多的行业、更多的消费者对东风康明斯产品有更多的了解,日前在广州参加安徽华菱汽车集团主办的“广东地区物流研讨会暨华菱汽车广东地区经销商大会”期间,  相似文献   

付军锋 《中国海关》2001,(10):50-51
"初来中国的外国企业最常见的一种‘水土不服’,就是中国合作伙伴可能会坚持让他们采取诸如‘红包’、‘回扣’或者其他违背商业伦理的手段,以期取得生意上的成功,这些做法曾使外企们倍感困惑."  相似文献   


During the last fifteen years there has been a substantial restructuring of retailing in Europe. The implications of this reach beyond Europe. The restructuring involves not only competitive relationships amongst retailers but also involves new forms of relationships with suppliers. A new perspective of the role of retailing is emerging that places retailing in a global framework of international store operations, international sourcing of products, international flows of management and managerial know-how, and international awareness by consumers of the retailers who are becoming international brands. The aim of this paper is to place the restructuring in context, to consider the nature of it and to explore how the new global framework will begin to have effects for distribution industries in Asia.  相似文献   

10月11日至12日,2006中国艾菲奖(EFFIE)评选在北京落下帷幕。15个来自全国知名企业、媒体、广告公司的评委汇聚北京,在60件入围作品中评出了金、银、铜三项大奖,评选结果将在10月27日十三届中国广告节上公布。评选结束后,艾菲奖评委广东平成广告公司总经理吴晓波、成都阿佩克思广告公司董事长樊建修、卓越广告企划机构CEO贾丽军发表了对本届艾菲奖评选的看法。  相似文献   

The global marketplace is continually shaped by changing realities, including the recent economic downturn and ever-increasing adoption of new technologies. The results of these changing realities affect every element of consumers’ shopping behavior, as well as their value perceptions. This article examines how recent changes in the environment and technology have spurred changes in how consumers perceive value, as well as in how retailers communicate their value offers. Furthermore, this introductory article highlights how the 14 contributions in this special issue of the Journal of Retailing on pricing relate to these areas of change.  相似文献   

虎踞龙蟠石头城,风云际会展新图.2002年中国汽车工业令人瞠目地跃了一大步,其发展速度和经济实效均让业内外人士惊喜异常.在这充满浓重喜庆色彩的2002年岁末,在龙腾虎跃的六朝古都南京,东风汽车公司大旗下、历经鏖战的一千余名将士齐集一堂,共商国是!共同分析昨天的成败与得失,共同创造明天的新辉煌.  相似文献   

如果视国际经济、贸易、投资等活动为一种“游戏”,那么游戏的规则已经在变化,不懂得“规则”,就要“犯规”,如何才能不“犯规”?  相似文献   

The Fourth Annual Conference Of Excellent Overseas Chinese Business Elites & The Second Award Ceremony to Top 100 Overseas Chinese Investors were held in Beijing from December 13 to 15. Worid Eminence Chinese Business Association and China International Economic Cooperation society co-organized the grand feast for the overseas Chinese all around the world.  相似文献   

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