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本文针对2009年经济危机政府在财政政策上作出的重大调整,并在此背景下,提出关注日益扩大的农村市场.本文从农村市场需求出发,分析了开发农村市场的必要性,以及如何针对这一个特殊的细分市场进行开发,进而促进农村经济发展,形成具有特性的新市场.  相似文献   

由于美元的世界货币地位和巨大的消费量,在次贷危机对美国经济造成巨大冲击的同时,危机也向欧洲、日本等发达国家蔓延.危机进一步引发了全球性信贷紧缩和全球金融市场的剧烈动荡与恐慌.美国经济衰退所导致的全球需求增长的大幅放缓,必然对我国经济增长造成影响.本文通过分析美国次贷危机产生的原因、蔓延及对我国经济的影响,说明此次金融危机对我国商业银行、资产证券化及金融监管等有着深刻的启示.  相似文献   

Privatization is undoubtedly the sine qua non longrun mechanism for revitalization and modernization of the Polish economy. Weak governance and institutional weaknesses inherent with the political and economic transition have manifested in poor performance of the privatization program. Krawczyk and Lopez-Lopez summarize personal experience with the Polish restructuring and privatization programs and provide insightful comment for policy makers and program designers modelling the Polish experience.  相似文献   

Using a sample covering emerging market and advanced economies, we assess the impact of macroprudential policies on financial stability. Our empirical setup is designed to account for the potential direct and indirect effects that macroprudential policies can have on banking crises. We find that while macroprudential policies (MPPs) exert a direct stabilizing effect, they also have an indirect destabilizing effect, which works through the depressing of economic growth. It turns out that mitigating effects of MPPs on the likelihood of banking crises is more pronounced in emerging market economies relative to advanced economies.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the Asian and Russian crises affected different types of firms around the world. It constructs a new data set of financial statistics, industry information, geographic data, and stock returns for over 10?000 companies in 46 countries. Results show that firms competing with exports from the crisis countries, or with direct sales exposure to the crisis countries, had significantly lower abnormal stock returns. Firms with higher debt ratios, however, did not experience lower abnormal returns. Country-specific effects, although important determinants of company stock returns, are generally less important than firm-specific characteristics. These results suggest that trade channels are important factors determining how crises are transmitted internationally.  相似文献   

Predator–prey dynamics are widely used in ecology but seldom utilized in economics and marketing, despite their ability to express financial market agents' behaviors when considered in combination with economic cycles and financial crises. This multidisciplinary article presents a stylized framework of a market cycle that combines the notions of supply and demand and predator–prey interactions between buyers and sellers of housing mortgages. We illustrate our framework using data from the Global Financial Crisis and a Lotka-Volterra predator–prey model. We find that with our framework we can capture the dynamics of the market, particularly the peak and decline in the number of sellers and sold subprime mortgages. Our framework sheds a new light on consumer behaviors, pinpointing how they can put themselves into vulnerable prey positions. This article is one of the first of its kind to propose market phases and predator–prey dynamics nested in economic cycles and consumer buying trends.  相似文献   

Southeast Asian refugees resettled in North America during an economic recession, and were subject to economic distress which may have had negative personal and family consequences. The relationship of economic distress (employment instability, economic deprivation, economic strain, and employment uncertainty) to selected consequences was assessed, emphasizing the role of household composition as a mediator of the consequences. Responses of 274 unemployed refugees reveal that economic distress altered the severity of consequences sustained and different economic distress measures were significantly related to each consequence. Economic strain (perception of financial adequacy) had the most influence on the consequences. Postponing family reunification was a major consequence. Results on household composition suggest that living in a traditional household or one of all related people may have buffered the effect of the consequences.  相似文献   

This paper examines the presence of political cycles in a small open economy using data from Cyprus over the period 1978–2006, and explores their conditionality upon external economic constraints, such as globalization and European integration. Two basic results emerge. First, we find evidence of partisan shifts in economic policies and outcomes, although these effects seem to decrease as globalization progresses, and to disappear in the run-up to EMU. This implies that, while partisan cycles can emerge under a certain domestic political setting, the sensitivity of an economy to globalization pressures and the challenges resulting from EU/EMU membership can lead to their weakening. Second, we find evidence of electoral shifts in certain, more visible, subcomponents of the fiscal balance. However, in contrast to partisan distinctions, these opportunistic effects become more pronounced as globalization proceeds. It seems that constraints imposed on the ability of politicians to ingratiate themselves with partisans, may actually strengthen their incentives to engage in electioneering.  相似文献   

FDI and economic growth: the role of local financial markets   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In this paper, we examine the various links among foreign direct investment (FDI), financial markets, and economic growth. We explore whether countries with better financial systems can exploit FDI more efficiently. Empirical analysis, using cross-country data between 1975 and 1995, shows that FDI alone plays an ambiguous role in contributing to economic growth. However, countries with well-developed financial markets gain significantly from FDI. The results are robust to different measures of financial market development, the inclusion of other determinants of economic growth, and consideration of endogeneity.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of bankruptcies on unemployment in an economy characterised by no substitutability of labour. A computer simulation model is used to analyse its properties. Spectral analysis reveals the existence of cycles in unemployment. It is found that average unemployment tends to be lower the more flexible are wages and interest rates, provided both move anticyclically, and the more rapid is the speed with which existing firms expand. An economy characterised by small firms is found to be more stable with a tendency to a longer cycle than one characterised by large firms. However, given the assumptions we have made, it is also likely to be characterised by higher average unemployment.  相似文献   

For almost three years the Asian Economic Crisis has been one of the most talked about influences on the retail sector in the region. This paper argues that the economic crisis has hidden or diverted attention away from the underlying changes in retailing that have been proceeding for much longer.A more dynamic and proactive retail sector appears to be evolving, one which is now less of a 'taker' of the strategies of manufacturers and more of a 'setter' of trends in product development and logistics. European and American retailers often appear to be major catalysts in this process, but this is not to say that the Asian retail sector will not develop in its own way, matched to local needs. What does now appear to be clear is that as economies in the region recover, most of their retail sectors will not go back to 'business as usual'.  相似文献   

Sales contests are widely employed to improve short-term sales performance, but knowledge about their effectiveness at the individual salesperson level remains sparse. Proponents argue that contests increase sales by stimulating salespeople, while critics say that contests merely encourage strategic timing of sales efforts. The authors draw on the strategic sales timing literature and goal theory to hypothesize that in a consultative selling scenario, sales will dip below the baseline before the contest but increase above the baseline during and after the contest. They posit that sales district potential and salesperson ability moderate the pre-contest sales dip, contest sales boost, and post-contest sales. Results from a model based on individual-level data on 1180 salespeople in 78 sales districts are largely supportive of the hypotheses. They highlight the need for researchers to integrate the role of strategic timing, salesperson, and sales district characteristics to assess sales contest outcomes. For practitioners, the findings show that in consultative selling situations, contests can generate a net sales increase despite the occurrence of timing games, and the sales gain is higher in districts with lower sales potential and among salespeople with higher sales ability.  相似文献   

Research into children's understanding of economic exchanges has been conducted within two major purviews. Psychologists and sociologists have examined children's understanding via age‐related developmental theories, and economists have focused upon measures of economic literacy. Anthropologists and sociologists have included noneconomic factors in examining the economic‐exchange practices of adults, but the role of such social or moral influences has not been examined within the context of children as consumers. With the use of this research foundation, the current research is one of the first reported attempts to include children and adults in the same study to determine if there is a shared understanding of economic exchanges. As such, the role of noneconomic factors as a part of the everyday economic‐exchange behavior of children was also examined. Study findings suggest that past research has underestimated children's understanding of the economic world, as the current research found that children, ages 7–12 years, exhibited many of the same facets of intuitive economic understanding as adults from their own community group. The findings also suggested that the influence of noneconomic variables becomes greater as children grow into adulthood. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Brand crises are adverse events that threaten brand reputations. Research indicates that corporate responses to crises play a role in restoring brand equity. However, there is confusion as to the best type of response. On the one hand, there is a strong advocacy for a singular type of response strategy, corrective action, regardless of the crisis type, while on the other, there is support for a contingency-based view suggesting that the relative efficacy of responses depends on other factors. We contribute to this contingency-based view by comparing the efficacy of three major response strategies (denial, reduction-of-offensiveness and corrective action) in restoring post-crisis brand confidence and choice likelihood. We find that the relative effectiveness of response strategies depends on the nature of the brand crisis. Consequently, a “one type fits all” strategy for post-crisis responses can be suboptimal. We discuss the implications of our findings and provide directions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper extends an ongoing discussion about establishing a sharper way to conduct ethical investigations into managerial virtue. It does so by relying on Alasdair MacIntyre's moral philosophy in place of those more dominant approaches taken by scholars who make up the field of positive social science. A connection is drawn herein between a MacIntyrean “narrative approach” to investigating managerial virtue and the idea of “work as a calling.” Specifically, it will be argued that the MacIntyrean-influenced idea of “work as a calling” provides a substantive moral vision that supports an understanding of how virtuous managers ought to narrate their primary workplace motivations. Ultimately, virtuous managers fulfill a “political calling” to support and sustain (a) good work, (b) the good of individual lives, and (c) the common good of communities that their organization reaches. To do this, they must rely on the “shepherd virtue” of practical wisdom (phronesis). Practical wisdom aids virtuous managers’ thinking about achieving the ends of their “calling” as well as any necessary course-corrections that ought to be made toward the better achievement of those good and worthy ends.  相似文献   

The People’s Republic of China has achieved remarkable progress in the internationalization of the RMB by introducing a number of concrete measures to boost the RMB’s status on the world stage since 2009. The ongoing RMB internationalization is being promoted under the background of deepening economic and financial integration in East Asia. In this article, we attempt to analyse RMB internationalization from the perspective of East Asian regional integration. We hypothesize that East Asian regional integration lays a broad foundation for China to push RMB internationalization forward. An internationalized RMB, we argue, will play more important roles in the process of East Asian regionalization. Thus, RMB regionalization could be an important and necessary step of internationalization. The Chinese authorities should not only push the RMB toward internationalization under China’s framework of domestic financial system reform, but they should also integrate RMB internationalization into the process of East Asian economic and financial integration. Therefore, a win–win strategy of RMB internationalization for both China and East Asian countries is needed.  相似文献   

This article uses annual data to investigate the palm oil import demand in selected Asian countries (India, China, Japan, Bangladesh, Korea, and Pakistan) through using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) technique. The findings of the study show that the palm oil and substitute oils prices and the national income of the importing countries are significant determinants of palm oil demand across the six models. Other factors such as biofuel mandate, trade policies, and exchange rate also proved to be important factors affecting import demand for palm oil in some of these countries.  相似文献   

Business Economics - This article takes a selective global tour of some of the prominent economic and financial risks in advanced, emerging, and low-income developing economies. The primary...  相似文献   


There is widespread agreement in the marketing literature that newly founded and established mature companies have different perspectives on marketing. However, there is little comparative research in this respect. Therefore, the current research compares the antecedents and effects of a market orientation (MO) – as one major construct in marketing research – across organisational life-cycle stages, thereby integrating organisational life-cycle theory into MO research. Our hypotheses are based on the information-processing model of Tushman and Nadler (1978 Tushman, M. and Nadler, D. 1978. Information processing as an integrating concept in organizational design. The Academy of Management Review, 3(3): 613624. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). In order to test these hypotheses, we conduct a survey-based empirical study of 252 new high-tech ventures. Our results show that the organisational life-cycle stage does indeed exert a moderating influence on the links between MO and its antecedents, and performance consequences. The implications for the market literature are discussed in detail. A map of possible future research topics is derived.  相似文献   

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