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We compare welfare-increasing and consumer-surplus-increasing merger policies in an oligopoly when merging firms face endogenous trade policies, and engage in cost-reducing R&D activity. As R&D becomes less efficient, the equilibrium market structures (EMS) become less concentrated under both merger policies. When R&D is very efficient, monopoly becomes the EMS under the welfare-increasing merger policy. This occurs as the absence of tariff and efficient R&D under monopoly limit the price increase and the gain in profits outweighs the loss in consumer surplus and tariff revenue. The results suggest that trade policies should take into account merger policies and industries' R&D efficiency. The results also show that global welfare maximization requires global merger policy coordination.  相似文献   

In this paper we adopt the green goodwill argument as to why firms voluntarily invest in abatement capital. We investigate the effects on the abatement investment decision of changes in uncertainty about future green goodwill, competitor abatement investments, regulations, etc., using a real options framework. Our results indicate that increased uncertainty about consumers' willingness to pay for green products in the future discourage voluntary abatement investments. The model also suggests that voluntary abatement investments are promoted by an increased threat of regulation and competitor abatement investments. Furthermore, the benefit-cost ratio of the abatement investment project, at the point where it is optimal to invest, is independent of what regulatory regime (stringent or lenient) the firm operates in. We also conclude that despite the fact that voluntary abatement investment exists, there may still be room for environmental policy.  相似文献   

Andy Cosh  Alan Hughes 《Empirica》1996,23(3):279-302
This paper traces out recent changes in the globalisation of merger activity and considers its implications for national and international regulation of mergers and joint ventures. It argues that a large proportion of mergers involve small firms which may have an important effect on the competitive process and that regulation of large mergers should be complemented by industrial and financial policies to encourage the growth of smaller independent firms.  相似文献   

Using a unique set of data on fund use by China’s listed companies, this paper examines how macroeconomic uncertainty works on corporate investment. The study shows that macroeconomic uncertainty affects corporate investment behavior through the three channels of external demand, liquidity demand and long-term fund demand. However, the result is influenced by expectations and can differ across firms depending on their economic cycle, shareholder character, industrial character and the financial constraints they are exposed to. Specifically, high macroeconomic uncertainty can weaken the positive roles of these channels, especially those of external demand and liquidity demand, in driving corporate investment. During economic upturns, the effect of these channels is the most evident among state-owned firms, manufacturing firms and low cash dividend firms. The lessons from this study are that macroeconomic policies should be leveraged taking account of the channels through which economic shocks find their way, and monetary policies have to be implemented by targeting microscopic fund demand.  相似文献   

如果要在更大规模上吸引外资投资于武汉市制造业,必须把握国际资本流动的特点和发展趋势,以适时制定与之相匹配的前瞻性外资战略和政策.本文在阐述国际资本流动特点的基础上总结了目前外资流动的四大趋势:中国吸引外资扩大化趋势;并购化趋势;流向政策透明地区趋势;产业集群显现优势趋势,以期对武汉市政府制定相应外资政策提供借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of R&D competition between domestic and foreign firms that explicitly incorporates the effect of the market structure. We focus on how differences in costs modify the effects of increases in the number of foreign firms on R&D investments of domestic firms. We show that an increase in the number of foreign firms may have a positive effect on a domestic firm's R&D investment and also show that two trade policies, tariffs or quotas, could have different effects on R&D investments of domestic firms. A welfare analysis shows that greater cost advantages increase social welfare.  相似文献   

Merger Profitability and Trade Policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study the profitability incentives for merger and the endogenous industry structure in a strategic trade policy environment. Merger changes the strategic trade policy equlilibrium. We show that merger can be profitable and welfare enhancing, even though it would not be profitable in a laissez‐faire economy. A key element is a change in the governments’ incentives to give subsidies to their local firms. National merger induces more strategic trade policy, whereas international merger does not.  相似文献   

This study focuses on how the business type and technological learning mode, which a high-tech firm chooses based on its core competence, influence the firm's R&D strategies, which in turn affect firm performance. This study also explores how the interaction between a firm's business type and industry value chain stage affects the relationship between R&D investments and operating performance. We suggest that the linkage of R&D investments and operating performance will increase gradually, when firms move from contract manufacturing to own brand business. R&D investments can contribute more to performance when firms adopt the hybrid business type. Furthermore, R&D investments generate more significant benefits for the own brand companies than the contract manufacturers at the same stage of the industry value chain. R&D investments of the downstream contract manufacturers have a negative impact on firm performance. Regardless of business type, firms in the upstream (midstream) stage of the industry value chain outperform downstream stage firms in deriving benefits from R&D activities. Finally, the lagged effects of R&D investments on operating performance are affected by the interaction between business type and industry value chain.  相似文献   

In Patagonian (Argentina) wool production systems, historical performance records, observed landscape changes, and long-term demographic modeling of sheep flocks, indicate that non-sustainable ecological and economic dynamics have developed during recent decades. In order to elucidate possible causes of these trends, a dynamic model of the wool production system including basic ecological and economic feedback mechanisms was applied to the analysis of alternative investment policies. The values of the various components (ewes, forage, soil) of natural capital (NC) involved in the production systems were estimated in this study through a systemic approach and their losses during wool production cycles were incorporated in their financial analysis. Our results indicate that external investment in increasing the ewe stocks (a common practice in these systems) is not sustainable in time unless a simultaneous external investment in forage NC is performed. More specifically, external investment to increase in 20% the ewe stocks would be expected to generate positive net cash flows during 6-8 years, if due account is taken from the losses of NC produced. Successive investments of the same sort would generate increasingly shorter periods of positive cash flows or even negative results after 15-25 years. Re-investment of a fraction of the net revenues obtained through wool sales in the reposition of forage resources also proves to be a non-sustainable policy. External investment on forage resources at about a 10:1 ratio with respect to investments in the ewe stock would produce positive net cash flows sustainable in time. It is concluded that sustainable investment policies in extensive range systems of Patagonia should consider the ecological-economic relations and feedbacks existing between forage consumption by ewes and ewe natality/soil erosion controls exerted by forage and market behavior. The structure of analysis of investment policies on extensive pastoral systems of the Patagonian Monte here proposed seems valuable to be extended to other regions with similar ecological-economic characteristics.  相似文献   

Marco Botta 《Applied economics》2020,52(40):4333-4350

We examine the effects of the global financial crisis of 2008 and the European debt crisis of 2011 on the relationship between capital structure, investments, and performance for Eastern European companies. While the existing literature documents how firms’ investments are sensitive to the availability of internal funds and to debt holdings, we further investigate whether this investment sensitivity also translates in different levels of performance, and document that capital structure indeed has both a direct and an indirect effect, mediated by the capital expenditure channel. We show that firms with higher financial flexibility experience higher investments and returns on capital. Over-levered firms instead suffer from a debt overhang condition, forcing them to curb investments, and consequently experiencing lower performance. Overall, we provide evidence on the importance of capital structure and financial flexibility on investments and performance, showing the real consequences of the debt overhang condition on firm value creation. Firms should therefore aim at maintaining adequate financial flexibility in order to be able to pursue future profitable investment opportunities, and avoid the under-investment problem arising from a debt overhang situation.  相似文献   


The paper investigates the determinants of private investment and economic growth from a theoretical perspective. We start with a critical analysis of the crowding-out effect and we present a new version of the Sraffian Supermultiplier: a model that accounts for both the multiplier and accelerator effects. We focus on different types of fiscal policies: generic ones and ‘mission-oriented’ ones that set a new direction for the economy. We show that mission-oriented policies have the potential to generate the largest positive effect on investments and output growth as well as on innovation processes and labour productivity growth.  相似文献   

The South African motor vehicle industry has historically been considered a critical industry in the South African economy and the target of numerous government policies designed to protect it and/or increase its international competitiveness. This study examines the cost performance of firms in this industry according to their size, using data categorised by output level. The results are consistent with statistically significant economies of scale at the lowest output levels and a cost inefficiency averaging from about seven to nine per cent for all firms. The findings also suggest that all else equal, the smallest firms and the largest firms have lower unit costs than mid‐sized firms. While this work suggests that policies that would give incentives for the smallest firms to increase their scale of operations might help to reduce their unit costs, further investigation needs to be done with respect to why firms in the mid‐level size categories appear to be less efficient.  相似文献   

文章将产业政策分成供给型、需求型与环境型,依托中国战略性新兴产业分析了不同政策通过政策资源的直接配置以及企业间配置两种作用路径对企业(产业)绩效的影响。研究发现:与供给型政策相结合的补贴行为通过以上两个路径抑制了企业绩效提升;产业政策对不同大小企业的影响存在差异,供给型政策资源的配置在小企业间并未呈现显著的集中特征,但在大企业间政策资源更为集中;供给型政策主要通过政策资源在企业间的配置路径降低大企业绩效,而通过补贴直接配置路径抑制小企业绩效提升;整体看环境型政策对投资、补贴等行为没有显著影响,但对大企业而言,其对政策资源在企业间的分散配置具有负向作用,而这一影响在小企业中则为促进作用。研究还发现,需求型政策有利于资源再配置,供给型政策则尚未显示出积极的资源再配置作用。  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》1999,43(4-6):925-934
Recent developments in the economics of location emphasise the endogeniety of locational advantages during the process of European integration. We explore the relative importance of host country labour institutions and agglomerations using an industry-level panel data set on the location of investments by US multinational firms in Europe. The results indicate that centripetal and centrifugal forces are both important. New growth theories also suggest that international transfers of technology and knowledge through FDI may affect the performance of host economies. We consider the benefits from inward investment in four EU economies and present empirical evidence of significant spillovers from inward investment on technical progress. The potential for agglomerations to attract new investments which then influence the growth process has important implications for national policies, as it means that the size of nations is to be determined in the process of European integration, not just taken as given.  相似文献   

Economic and political transition can occur through peaceful or violent means. Violent transition disrupts the incentive for firms to make productive investments. This paper studies the determinants of profit reinvestment for firms in post‐conflict transition economies. Results indicate that while access to finance is an important determinant of reinvestment during transition, it is not as important in the post‐conflict context. However, property rights protections, in particular institutions of contract enforcement, are a more important determinant of profit reinvestment for firms operating in the post‐conflict environment than for firms in general. This indicates that obstacles to investment are context specific.  相似文献   


The paper attempts to make a timely contribution to the debate on the status of business fixed investments in Indian private manufacturing firms. There are two key issues on which the debate hinges: lower presence of formal credit and, procedural and contractual rigidities. Lower presence of formal credit restricts or makes it costlier for a group of firms to incur investment expenditure that they would have incurred otherwise. Such firms predominantly rely on their internal funds for investment. Procedural and contractual rigidities, on the other hand, make almost all the investment projects undertaken, partially or completely, irreversible. Firms respond to such irreversibilities by aligning their investment to a relatively favorable time which, in turn, depends on the way firms process future uncertainty. The analytical exercise endogenously distinguishes between two investment regimes based on the access to external credit and uses a set of characteristics, along with different measures of uncertainty, to explain fluctuations in investment. The results provide three important observations. First, in the post-reform period there has been an adverse shift in the investment financing policy. Second, firms with inferior access to external credit are smaller, younger, pay less dividend, export less and belong to an industry with inferior demand than others. Such firms invest by running down their available cash flows and selling assets. Third, macroeconomic uncertainty depresses investment whereas microeconomic uncertainty has no impact on investment.


When public institutions do not support information disclosure and contract enforcement, controlling owners may compensate by setting up ownership networks that facilitate the exchange of resources and alignment of interests. We examine how firms’ controlling owners draw power from ownership networks to provide access to resources for or to expropriate resources from their firms. Horizontal power originates from network centrality and is associated with resource access whereas vertical power originates from principal-principal agency conflicts and is associated with exploitation of minority shareholders. We highlight the impact of horizontal and vertical power through their interaction effects with transparency and disclosure (TD) practices on fixed investments and performance in Russian firms. We find that TD and horizontal power or connectedness are substitutes, while whereas TD and vertical power are complements in their effects on fixed investment and firm performance. Without a strong commitment to TD, powerful owners may thus deprive the firm of productive investments.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The effects of preferential trade areas (PTAs) on the investments by multinational enterprises and their implications for the welfare of members and non‐members are studied in a model with two types of firms: national firms and multinational firms. In the presence of multinational activity PTAs can create new investment as well as divert investment from non‐members to members. Both affect the welfare of members positively. More interestingly, if the investment creation effect of a PTA is sufficiently strong, then the PTA could be welfare enhancing for non‐members as well. JEL classification: F2, L1  相似文献   

Economic uncertainty disrupts firms’ ability to create value. Most related literature examines how various organizational characteristics affect value under extreme conditions – the global financial crisis. However, recent work in quantifying economic uncertainty now makes it possible to take a more nuanced approach in investigating the conditions under which this value reduction can be mitigated during more ‘commonly uncertain’ periods. In this paper we analyze the effects of corporate governance mechanisms and social responsibility investments on Tobin’s q across 13 years and 40 countries. Evidence suggests that shareholder-centric corporate governance policies restrict board and executive flexibility during uncertain times, and therefore stifle their ability to react effectively to adverse macroeconomic changes. We also find that CSR initiatives serve as insurance in that they preserve value under uncertainty by acting as a reservoir of social capital.  相似文献   

Horizontal Mergers in a Liberalizing World Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with the effect of horizontal mergers in an open economy environment. It is found that, with the presence of economies of scale and imperfect competition, a domestic merger may bring about an additional gain to the country in that it shifts profit from foreign to domestic firms. Consequently, the condition on the degree of economies of scale for permitting domestic horizontal mergers would be weaker under an open economy than under a closed economy. Furthermore, the analysis shows that such mergers can also raise foreign welfare. Finally, the model is used to discuss the need to coordinate merger policies among trading partners in tandem with trade liberalization.  相似文献   

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