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我国是个农业大国,农民收入问题关系到国民经济发展的全局,农民收入增长缓慢,不仅影响农民生活水平提高,而且影响粮食生产和农产品供给;不仅制约农村经济发展,而且制约整个国民经济增长;不仅关系农村社会进步,而且关系全面建设小康社会目标的实现;不仅是重大的经济问题,而且是重大的政治问题.  相似文献   

我国农民增收的制度创新分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"农民、农村、农业"问题的核心是农民问题,而农民问题的关键是农民收入增长缓慢,收入水平远远低于城市居民.增加农民收入,缩小城乡差距,必须借鉴西方经济学的制度创新理论,以制度创新来解决农民收入增长缓慢的跨世纪难题.具体说来,一是要稳步推进我国的户籍制度改革;二是要积极探索适应新形势的农村土地制度;三是要彻底改变城乡有别的二元公共产品供给制度.  相似文献   

农民增收缓慢是我国农业和农村经济发展中的一个突出问题。它关系到农村居民物质文化生活的改善和农村全面建设小康社会的实现,也关系到农村的改革、发展与稳定的大局。温家宝总理在阐述新政府施政纲领时指出:"农业发展滞后,农民收入增长缓慢,己经成为制约扩大内需的一个重要因素。"近年来,为增加农民收入,中央采取了一些积极的办法,但总体上讲效果不显著。引发农民收入增长缓慢的原因是多方面的。农民收入增长越来越依赖于非农产业的发展,尤其是工资性收入的增加。然而,无论是通过调整农业结构  相似文献   

黑龙江省是我国的农业大省,也是全国重要的商品粮基地.改革开放以来,黑龙江省农民收入在不断增长,但还存在增长趋势缓慢等问题.农民增收速度的快慢,关系到农村发展与稳定大局,关系到全面建设小康社会目标的实现,更直接关系到社会主义新农村的建设与和谐社会的构建.农业产业结构不合理、农业增长方式落后、农村市场发育程度低、社会化服务体系不健全等因素制约农民收入的增加.增加黑龙江省农民收入的有效途径,主要从进行农业结构调整、推进农业产业化经营、转变农业生产增长方式、加快推进农村经济市场化进程等五个方面着手.  相似文献   

解决我国农民收入问题的机制探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
易永锡 《经济师》2007,(4):10-11
社会主义新农村建设要抓住一个关键问题是迅速提高农民收入,扼制城乡收入差距不断拉大的趋势及至逐渐消除这一差距。文章对农民整体进行了分类考察发现农业农民收入增长慢是制约我国农民收入增长的主要原因,农民收入问题的解决也主要取决于农业农民收入的迅速增长。通过对收入增长机制进行分析,发现要根本解决我国农民收入问题就必须改革传统的农民收入增长机制,采用新的增长机制。  相似文献   

关于农民收入问题的分析与对策张绍廉农民的收入状况如何,不仅关系到农业以至整个国民经济的发展,而且关系到社会的稳定和政权的巩固。认真研究造成农民收入增长缓慢的原因,采取措施促进农民收入有较大幅度的增长,已经成为当前农村工作的一项紧迫而重要的任务。农民收...  相似文献   

肖慧霞 《经济问题》2003,(11):54-55
党的十六大报告明确提出了解决"三农"问题是全面建设小康社会的重大任务。在"三农"问题中,增加农民收入是第一位的问题。而近几年,我国农民收入增长缓慢已成为国民经济发展中的突出问题,增加农民收入不仅关系到"三农"问题的解决,也关系到整个国民经济能否良好运行,因此,积极采取措施,千方百计增加农民收入是解决"三农"问题的核心。  相似文献   

农民问题是当前我国农村经济发展的核心问题,而农民问题的关键是农民收入增长缓慢。本文就增加农民收入解决农民融资难问题进行了分析,对解决农民收入增长缓慢的跨世纪难题具有参考价值。  相似文献   

解决“三农”问题的新思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贾丽艳 《经济师》2005,(2):174-175
农民、农业、农村问题 ,即“三农”问题 ,是长期以来各级党委政府高度重视的问题之一 ,“三农”问题的实质 ,就是农民问题。在我国农业和农村经济发展进入新阶段之后 ,如何扭转农民收入增长缓慢的趋势 ,是解决好“三农”问题的核心 ,也是关系到国民经济和社会发展全局的一个重大问题。  相似文献   

魏璋 《经济与管理》2003,(3):24-24,26
农民收入增长缓慢是当前我国农业和农村经济中表现最为突出的问题,增加农民收入也是关系到我国国民经济稳步发展的关键问题之一。本文拟从我国农民收入的构成入手,通过对农民收入增长缓慢产生原因的分析,对增加农民收入谈一些认识。  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the dynamics of EMU (The Economic and Monetary Union, i.e., the group of European countries who use the common currency euro) and to analyze the fallout from the recent financial and economic dynamics. Both the impact on the eurozone as a whole and on individual member countries will be evaluated. The first 11 years of Eurozone experience will be discussed and evaluated in the second section. The third section will then be devoted to analyzing the fallout from the recent financial and economic dynamics. Both the impact on the eurozone as a whole and on individual member countries will be evaluated. The last section concludes and provides some ideas for future development of eurozone.  相似文献   

论房市调控与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自6月1日起,国家对个人购房不满2年转手交易的,销售时按其取得的售房收入全额征收营业税;个人购买普通住房超过2年(含2年)转手交易的,销售时免收营业税(鼓励改善自主性交易);对个人购买非普通住房超过2年(含2年)转手交易的,销售时要按购销差价征收营业税。我们认为,房市调控现在远未到位,房价还未根本调整,开发商和投资商的利润空间还远未压缩。如果现在就收兵,房价会进一步反弹。  相似文献   

陈鸿彬 《经济经纬》2004,(4):99-101
农村城镇化基础设施是农村城镇化质量的重要衡量指标。为了筹措较多的农村城镇化基础设施建设资金,应树立经营农村城镇的理念,建立投资主体多元化的运行机制,完善土地有偿使用制度,打破行政性垄断思维模式,加大对农村城镇化基础设施的投资力度。  相似文献   

Almost throughout the world, farm incomes tend to be low and unstable compared with incomes in other industries, except where heavily subsidised. This instability has become all the more serious because fluctuations have been around a long-term downward trend in the fortunes of agriculture which commenced probably prior to World War I. The long-run world-wide farm problem is an inevitable consequence of economic growth, which results in a surplus of farmers, and especially of small farmers. We must recognise the quite intractable nature of the long-term world-wide component of the problem, as distinct from what can be blamed on our governments, and on the short-term to medium-term world market situation. Temporary assistance policy should centre on facilitating adjustment. The ad hoc, inefficient and inequitable palliatives of the past should be avoided. Short-term assistance should be consistent with longer term objectives for industry development: it should not include output-based subsidies that encourage continued overproduction and usually provide most assistance to those in least need. The emphasis should be on welfare-type assistance based on the individual rather than industry-wide aid.  相似文献   

刘茂平 《经济前沿》2010,(4):141-148
大股东获取控制权需要付出相应的成本,这些成本应该得到补偿,在公司治理实践中大股东有获得这种回报即控制权收益的正当要求。同时,由于大股东的控制优势,他们可能会利用公司治理、法律机制等不完善的治理环境侵害其他投资者的利益而获得超控制权收益。本文计量了这两种收益,修正了既有文献所认为的控制权私人收益就是大股东侵害的观点,对大股东公司治理机制提出建议。  相似文献   

An empirical evaluation is presented of two competing flexible labour supply models. The first is a standard unitary model, while the second is based on the collective approach to household behaviour. The evaluation focuses on the testing of the model’s? theoretical implications and on their ability to identify structural information, like preferences and the intrahousehold allocation process. Models are applied to Dutch microdata from the DNB Household Survey. The unitary model cannot be rejected for male and female singles, while it is rejected for a sample of couples. The alternative collective model cannot be rejected for the same sample, allowing identification of individual preferences and an intrahousehold sharing rule that can be used as a basis for welfare economic policy evaluations.  相似文献   

胡健  焦兵 《经济地理》2007,27(4):533-537
文章利用CRn指数.H指数、Ellison—Glaeser指数等指标,对中国油气资源开发行业的产业集聚程度进行了实证研究,其中对石油行业的上、下游环节进行了细化研究。通过实证研究得出结论:中国油气资源开发上游产业已显现出较强的集群性,且主要集中在我国东北地区和西部地区,但是油气资源开发下游产业并没有体现出相应的集群性。油气资源开发业的产业链布局存在缺陷,这导致油气资源密集地区的资源禀赋优势没有得到充分发挥。  相似文献   

An increasing number of models have been developed to support global warming response policies. The model constructors are facing a lot of uncertainties which limit the evidence of these models. The support of climate policy decision-making is only possible in a semi-quantitative way, as presented by aFuzzy model. The model design is based on an optimization approach, integrated in a bounded risk decision-making framework. Given some regional emission-related and impact-related restrictions, optimal emission paths can be calculated. The focus is not only on carbon dioxide but on other greenhouse gases too. In the paper, the components of the model will be described. Cost coefficients, emission boundaries and impact boundaries are represented asFuzzy parameters. TheFuzzy model will be transformed into a computational one by using an approach of Rommelfanger. In the second part, some problems of applying the model to computations will be discussed. This includes discussions on the data situation and the presentation, as well as interpretation of results of sensitivity analyses. The advantage of theFuzzy approach is that the requirements regarding data precision are not so strong. Hence, the effort for data acquisition can be reduced and computations can be started earlier.  相似文献   

证券交易税的经济效应分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
正确分析证券交易税的经济效应是制定合理的证券交易税税收政策的前提,本分析了证券交易税对证券市场运行、社会资本的配置以及政府财政收入等方面的经济影响,比较了不同观点的分歧所在。本认为,无论如何评价证券交易税的经济效应,都不能脱离具体的证券市场环境,在特定的国家、特定的时期、特定的经济背景下,要综合进行权衡。  相似文献   

When a weed invasion is first discovered a decision has to be made on whether to attempt to eradicate it, contain it or do nothing. Ideally, these decisions should be based on a complete benefit-cost analysis, but this is often not possible. A partial analysis, combining knowledge of the rate of spread, seedbank longevity, costs of control and techniques of economic analysis, can assist in making a good decision. This paper presents a decision model to determine when immediate eradication of a weed should be attempted, or more generally whether weed control should be attempted at all. The technique is based on identifying two ‘switching points’: the invasion size at which it is no longer optimal to attempt eradication but where containment may be an option; and the invasion size at which it becomes optimal to apply no form of control at all. The model is applied to a woody perennial weed in a natural environment. The results show that seedbank longevity is the main constraint on the maximum eradicable area and spread rate is the main constraint on the maximum containment area. Stochastic simulations are undertaken to derive probability distributions of costs which are than used to evaluate the effect of budget constraints on areas that can be eradicated. We find that, in the absence of a budget constraint, it may be desirable to eradicate invasions from areas as large as 8000 ha, but when budget constraints typical of those faced by agencies in Australia are introduced, feasible eradicable areas are less than 1000 ha.  相似文献   

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