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世博会首日试运行,轨道地铁几近瘫痪。2010年4月20日,是上海世博会第一个试运行日。什么叫试运行?就是拉一批人做试验,来冲击一下世博园区,看各项准备工作是否已经到位。对整个上海而言,这是一个特殊的日子。我也有幸成为试验品之一。早上出门,天空阴沉,坐上2号线地铁,到人民广场转8号线前往世博园区耀华路站。  相似文献   

刚成为惠普员工的高建华早上8点就到了办公室,其他同事都还没有来,办公室显得有些凌乱. "我把办公室的卫生打扫一下吧."高建华想.当时是1986年,在办公室里手脚勤快被认为是一种"美德".  相似文献   

于占玉 《企业导报》2012,(7):258-259
中国是一个农业大国,拥有着8亿多的农民。而作为这8亿多农民健康的"守门人",中国的乡村医生却少的可怜,村医空白村的数量越来越多。而到目前为止,我国的乡村医生的平均年龄已经在60岁以上。这说明乡村医生即将面临着"后继乏人"的局面。本文从分析目前我国乡村医生短缺的主要原因入手,并就这些原因提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

马彦 公关公司顾问 寂静的家里晒满了阳光。 我躺在寂寞的阳光里,听音乐。 因为非典,现代城里很多公司都和我们一样,早早地遣散各色人等,回家关门闭户,躲避疫情。 我一个人独住,平日里只有晚上8时到早上8时这12小时是在家里度过的,忙碌的日子,我会忘了我的家  相似文献   

刻板闻天下,日程精确到"分"德国人做事刻板天下闻名。8月15日下午7时30分,我和同事时雨先生拎着简陋的行李步出法兰克福机场,就见一位身高超过1.9米的青年人向我们微笑:"哈罗,我是诺德,你们的陪同兼翻译。……我们在45分钟后上飞机飞汉堡。……明天的安排是,早上8点17分从汉堡乘火车去罗斯托克,大概有100公里。10点35分采访罗斯托克造船厂科林厂长,在厂里用午餐后。1点50分采访罗斯托克港  相似文献   

索珊 《北京房地产》2007,(11):107-107
"北京2007国际马拉松赛"于2007年10月21日在北京举行,国际房地产顾问服务公司DTZ戴德梁行组织员工参加了此次赛事。21日早上8点15分比赛正式开始,此次  相似文献   

蒋曙辉 《乡镇论坛》2008,(25):28-28
2008年7月28日“260xx号车已经进入你守卡的地段了!”同事的紧急电话把我从迷迷糊糊中惊醒。连续许多天,我总是一大早起床,守候在规定的地段。今天得到可靠消息,省计划生育检查工作组的车队已正式进入我地:我从早上5点一直守到8点,实在有点困了,忍不住打了个盹。  相似文献   

挑牌子、选设计师跟选择战略同理,先说一千个"不",然后找一个"是"某早上约了王浪大师兄在香港金钟太古广场见面,趁他未到,我就来个橱窗浏览,远处见到一瘦小佳人,坐在椅子上,顿时令我想起电影《蒂凡尼早餐》的一幕,也想起了奥黛丽·赫本瘦弱的身影。王浪到达后,我与他谈及此事,他竟话题一转,谈到了新国母彭丽媛,王浪作  相似文献   

柠檬郡首次开盘赢得"满堂红"6月6日早上8点半开盘前,柠檬郡的客户们已经排到了售楼处大厅门外。6月6日上午10点,柠檬郡预定将近180套房源,认购率达到了100%。销售处紧急加推150多套房源。6月6日下午13点,柠檬郡预定330套左右,剩余房源不到30套。截止到6月15日,柠檬郡共成交  相似文献   

梁伟 《秘书工作》2013,(8):21-21
二十多年前,我高中刚毕业就到一个偏远的乡镇支局上班。一天早上,我跟平常一样打扫完卫生,为师傅沏好茶,开始了当天的工作。不经意间,我发现工友们个个神情严肃得像法官一样,一种不祥预兆在我脑海中闪现。"昨天哪位同志工作出现了问题,局长扣我们班50元  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyze the imitation behavior of investors in especially convulsed periods, such as the 2008 financial crisis and the recent global pandemic, both of which could affect investors' emotions and behavior, although both have different characteristics and might have different implications. The cross-sectional dispersion of returns is used to measure the level of herding in the markets of Spain and Portugal, using a survivorship-bias-free dataset of daily stock returns during the period January 2000–May 2021, in turn divided into several sub-periods classified as pre-2008 crisis, 2008 crisis, post-2008 crisis, Covid-19 and post Covid-19. Additionally, the existence is studied of differences between days of positive and negative returns, or between days of high volatility compared to the rest, and whether the cross-sectional dispersion of returns in one market is affected by the cross-sectional dispersion of returns in the other market. The results indicate that herding appears with greater intensity in periods prior to the crisis, disappearing during the financial crisis and reappearing, although with less intensity, after it, while it is not generally detected in Covid-19 times. However, herding behavior can be observed in the market during the pandemic on high volatility days.  相似文献   

Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM) was overwhelmed by a perfect storm during the Covid-19 emergency, in both the public and private sectors. Many organizations were caught unprepared, and it became evident that they did not have the capabilities needed to quickly react and respond to changes caused by the pandemic. This poses the questions of where and how PSM systems should evolve to better contribute to organizational responsiveness to crisis events in the future. In this Editorial, which introduces the “PSM learning from the pandemic: transforming for better crisis management” Notes and Debates special issue, the six contributions included in this issue are discussed. We relate the evidence included in the contribution to three critical capabilities of supply chains in the post-Covid-19 business environment – agility, adaptability, and alignment – and, in this editorial, we discuss how they can be conceptualized from a PSM perspective. From a theoretical perspective, we provide a starting point for future studies that want to focus on how these capabilities can be deployed in PSM, and how they impact the supply network design. From a managerial perspective, these definitions provide preliminary points of discussion on what organizations can do to enhance these capabilities in the future.  相似文献   

王维娜 《物流技术》2020,(3):5-7,115
通过梳理“新冠肺炎”疫情发生对城市物流配送的影响以及相关措施成效,探讨疫情防控措施下如何有效完善城市应急物流体系,提出了物流企业打造全链条解决方案,构建“无人”物流闭环模式以加速城市智慧物流升级、健全城市应急物流体系建设等建议。  相似文献   


The Covid-19 epidemic is a global challenge requiring adequate public and private responses to overcome the emergency, shape new development trajectories, and prepare for future outbreaks. As socioeconomic turning points, epidemics imply an entrepreneurial response in which not only managers and entrepreneurs, but also policymakers, health professionals, and civil society as a whole are active participants. Using the PRISMA methodology, we provide a comprehensive review of the complex interactions between entrepreneurship and epidemics over time. Applying a combined Kirznerian-Schumpeterian theoretical framework, we find that, in the short term, epidemics trigger a wave of Kirznerian entrepreneurship aimed at reducing the uncertainty generated directly and indirectly by the medical emergency. In the long term, as medical uncertainty abates, Schumpeterian entrepreneurship can contribute to transforming the post-crisis environment, either supporting or undermining the public reaction to the crisis and determining the path of institutionalization, in the process of defining a new normal. Thus, epidemics could lead to unpredictable socioeconomic and technological improvements, but also to highly undesirable outcomes. The construction of a satisfactory new normal requires the integration of entrepreneurial capabilities within the public sector and an explicit policy of cooperation with the private sector. Therefore, as the short-term phase of the Covid-19 pandemic draws to a close, policymakers must shift their focus away from restrictions and obligations towards a collaborative framework supportive of private entrepreneurial efforts.


新冠疫情的出现冲击了世界经济,从经济全球化和全球经济治理体系两个维度分析疫情对世界经济的影响以及世界经济未来走向,研究发现:(1)新冠疫情通过影响全球价值链、贸易投资和就业环境阻碍经济全球化进程,中美矛盾升级、原有治理体系规则未与时俱进和激进政策的不确定性对全球经济治理体系提出新的挑战;(2)新冠疫情强化了世界各国对人类命运共同体的认识,将人类命运共同体融入全球治理体系将是未来治理的重要趋势;(3)新冠疫情可能会使世界经济格局出现新的变化,而中国在此次疫情中高效率的抗疫举措将进一步提升自身在世界经济格局中的地位和参与度。  相似文献   

赵蕃的行役诗数量较多,众体兼备,含蕴深广.内容上,这些诗把行踪见闻与内心律动浑然融合,忠实记录了旅程中的见闻、诗人的行踪以及内心活动等,描写了船行时遭遇的疾风骤雨、急流险滩等惊心动魄的情景;情感内蕴上,这些诗反映了衰微时代文人的末世情怀,折射出南宋社会内忧外患的政治情势,具有比较深刻的社会认识价值.  相似文献   

The Covid-19 pandemic played a relevant role in the diffusion of distance learning alternatives to “traditional” learning based on classroom activities, to allow university students to continue attending lessons during the most severe phases of the pandemic. In such a context, investigating the students' perspective on distance learning provides useful information to stakeholders to improve effective educational strategies, which could be useful also after the end of the emergency to favor the digital transformation in the higher educational setting.Here we focus on the satisfaction in distance learning for Italian university students. We rely on data comprising students enrolled in various Italian universities, which were inquired about several aspects related to learning distance.We explicitly take into account the hierarchical nature of data (i.e., students nested in universities) and the latent nature of the variable of interest (i.e., students' learning satisfaction) through a multilevel Item Response Theory model with students' and universities' covariates.As the main results of our study, we find out that distance learning satisfaction of students: (i) depends on the University where they study; (ii) is affected by some students' socio-demographic characteristics, among which psychological factors related to Covid-19; (iii) is affected by some observable university characteristics.  相似文献   

马铖 《中国企业家》2012,(5):116-118,18
这场罕见的商业与道德的碰撞在"IP0诱惑"中被充分放大,但结局依然难料张小海这几天忙坏了。"刚接你电话这几分钟,手机就显示三个未接电话。"张小海说,最近一段时间,他每天接到的电话超过600个,几乎都是媒体打来的。之所以会如此"炙手可热",是因为这个文质彬彬的中年男人和他所供职的机构——亚洲动物基金,最近被卷入了一场吸引了无数眼球的争论中。2月1日,在证监会公布的创业板IPO申报企业基本信息表中,从事活熊取胆的福建企业归真堂赫然名列其中,而且上市备注为"落实反馈意见中",这意  相似文献   

In this paper I present a simple stock price decomposition model using the dividend discount model and dividend futures. The main contribution of this paper is the use of dividend futures which represent the risk-adjusted expectations of future dividends. This allows for the calculation of the implied equity risk premium and the decomposition of stock price movements into individual components. Due to the use of daily market data, this method can take into account the structural changes associated with falling interest rates and the Covid-19 pandemic. I empirically show the risk premium development of the S&P 500 Index and Euro Stoxx 50 Index in the last decade.  相似文献   

大规模突发事件应急物资调度中的车辆路径问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了n台应急车辆将应急物资从应急服务中心如机场、火车站运送到m个应急需求点,最后返回到应急服务中心的车辆路径问题,并以所花费的总时间最短且各辆车花费时间尽可能均衡为目标建立了模型,给出了改进的"最近搜索法",并用算例验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

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