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The interaction between macroeconomics and sustainable development is important to all countries. This relationship is of particular concern to developing countries where the economic and natural resource bases are often more closely intertwined than in industrialised nations. A research programme for investigating these issues in South Africa was initiated by the Macroeconomics Programme Office of the World Wide Fund for Nature (Washington, DC, USA), funded with a grant from GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit). It was carried out by a number of local research teams under the guidance of a broad steering committee and under the management of the Development Bank of Southern Africa. For the purposes of a manageable research project, two areas were selected where the South African economy and environment strongly interact - water and energy - together with a number of important economic sectors that use water and energy as key inputs in their production processes. The research examined macroeconomic and environmental interactions in these complexes of sectors, with particular emphasis on the effects of changing pricing and regulatory regimes for water and energy. This article presents and discusses first the analytical framework, followed by the results in each sector, and closes with some general policy conclusions with regard to the macroeconomy and the environment.  相似文献   

This article describes an empirical study in which an attempt was made to increase the level of achievement motivations (nAch) of Black supervisors of two organizations in the construction industry.

The theoretical background of the study and the process by means of which an experimental intervention in the form of a nAch training course was incrementally developed, are presented. Major decisions with regard to the empirical work, ie those surrounding measurement methods, are described. The authors then present the results of the data analysis, which included analyses of variance and analyses of covariance. The data analyses made it possible to conclude that the achievement motivation levels of Black male supervisors of relatively low schooling could be increased by the experimental interventions and that the work effectiveness of the experimental group which underwent nAch and career training improved significantly in comparison with a group which only received achievement motivation training and a group which only received placebo treatment. The implications for development of Black people are discussed.  相似文献   

The history of industrial development in South Africa is marked by lack of a coherent science and technology policy. The changing political and economic context has brought a recognition of the need for such a policy, especially for attaining international competitiveness. This article explores some considerations that should enter into the formulation of such a policy. It focuses on the definition of goal sets for science and technology policy and on the mechanisms needed to pursue them; discusses the debate between the structuralist and neoclassical approaches to the role of technology in growth and development; and examines the roles of various research and development agents and some of the main determinants of R&D activity for their implications for policy instruments.  相似文献   

After sketching the historical background of the present regional development strategy, the author evaluates actual regional development trends and concludes that there is a general lack of success. Economic and socio‐political factors contributing to this lack of success are described and in conclusion some elements of a more effective regional development strategy receive attention. Economic growth must be stimulated by creating a socio‐economic environment that promotes efficient management of economic resources by both the private and public sectors. This has to be supported by a public investment programme to increase the productive capacity of the economy and the upgrading of human resources.  相似文献   

Loss of biodiversity is putting the South African economy and the quality of life of its citizens at risk. Payment for ecosystem services (PES) is a way to incentivise conservation, community-based natural resource management and restoration of the environment. This article discusses a proposed PES project through the generation of hydro-electricity in the Blyde River Canyon Nature reserve. It argues that this proposed project could serve as an example for other PES projects and that it would strengthen community-based natural resource management, be beneficial to environmental conservation, counteract climate change, and provide socio-economic benefits to surrounding communities.  相似文献   

The disturbing prevalence of sexual slavery in South Africa is variously attributed to extreme poverty, unemployment, war, lack of food, and traditional practices that make it acceptable to treat women as commodities. Such ‘causes’ are better understood as enabling conditions. The demand for sex workers, organised criminal syndicates and the failure of legal imagination are the real drivers of the South African market. The authors address this failure of legal imagination and suggest how the constitutional prohibition against slavery can be used to develop a legal doctrine of sexual slavery, as well as on appropriate set of remedies, that will assist the State in its efforts to eradicate sexual trafficking.  相似文献   

张璐 《走向世界》2010,(15):70-72
济南有一个五龙潭.相比趵突泉的显赫声名,她的名气似乎小得多,如在深闺.而在济南人眼中,五龙潭自有她的妙趣,她的平民化更为人们所喜爱.  相似文献   

张璐 《走向世界》2010,(15):96-101
2010年6月,首次光顾非洲大陆的世界杯将全球的目光聚焦在彩虹之国——南非。与往届世界杯举办地相同的是,南非必将成为全球球迷的狂欢地,不同的是,这片神奇的土地.除了精彩赛事,遍地黄金的“黄金城”,狂野的原始森林、绚烂的多元文化都是令人们疯狂的充分理由。  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the South African economy is highly diversified, the sustainability of its economic growth depends on the availability of two critical resources: water and energy. The national energy grid is mostly based on coal combustion, with very few viable alternative resources. Large amounts of water are needed to produce energy from coal and, in most places where coal reserves are located, there is evidence of water scarcity. The sustainable management of both sectors is essential, since research has shown that access to potable water and energy will lead to a better quality of life for people and help alleviate poverty. This paper will focus on the interlinkages and understanding of the trade-offs between water and energy and its implications for sustainable development in South Africa. The simultaneous implementation of selected Sustainable Development Goals targets could help reduce the trade-off between the two sectors.  相似文献   

While it is well documented that severe consumer indebtedness can lead to mental and physical health problems including unhealthy coping mechanisms, the pathways from poor health to financial strain is still an understudied area. Using the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) data, this study examines the relationship between poor health and debt distress while controlling for the possible endogeneity between these two conditions and some health-related variables. The results indicate that poor health significantly increases the probability of financial strain. Insofar as poor health is associated with catastrophic healthcare costs and income deprivation, for instance through inability to work, other factors affecting health such as socioeconomic status and insurance might shape the contours of consumers’ debt performances in the face of health risk. Ultimately, health may be creating a vicious circle in which poor health affects the capacity to earn income and accumulate assets, which limits access to quality healthcare.  相似文献   

"South Africa, which has traditionally been a popular destination for international migrants, is currently experiencing a net loss of legal migrants, but an enormous gain of illegal immigrants. This article analyses trends in legal international migration to and from South Africa and provides a demographic profile of legal immigrants and emigrants. The reasons for and results of the influx of illegal immigrants into the country are discussed, and possible policies and strategies to reduce this influx are presented."  相似文献   

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