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This article provides a framework for the analysis of the relationship between different macroeconomic, sector and commodity policies and the multiplier effects of agriculture. It starts with a listing of the macroeconomic, sector and commodity policies that have been included in the analysis. These should be considered in conjunction with the likely roles of agriculture along each of the dimensions of the social, poverty and cultural roles of agriculture. These policies and roles should be conceptualised as the vertical and horizontal axes respectively of a ‘policy role’ matrix. The ‘cells’ of this matrix – the policy role interactions – are discussed with respect to the immediate macroeconomic, agricultural, economic, institutional and social impact of the policy change on the agricultural sector at farm, regional, national and multinational levels, and thereafter on the role of agriculture in terms of each of the dimensions identified above.  相似文献   

The European Early Modern period provides examples of stagnating and even declining production and energy consumption per capita, which can be interpreted as indicators of an emerging crisis. With a focus on agriculture sector, some have suggested that the crisis was ‘conditional’ – meaning that a crisis can only be observed in some cases. This article investigates one such case, a village in Southern Sweden during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and investigates the mechanisms that mediate population growth to deteriorating living standards and environmental degradation. It provides new insights into the conditions of pre-industrial agriculture, particularly as regards the consequences of intensified demand pressure in ecologically fragile areas, and argues that human societies must be studied in tandem with their natural surroundings.  相似文献   

现代农业在获得巨大发展的同时,也产生了诸如土地资源和生态环境破坏严重、人类安全健康突出、农村与城市发展失衡等问题。文章认为,未来时期以追求人、经济、社会、生态协调可持续发展的后现代农业是我国农业发展的导向,应坚持农业生产与环境保护并重;创新农业生产经营模式,同步促进农业发展、扩大就业和民生改善;加强农村教育建设,推进农业产业水平提高和农村与城市的协调发展。  相似文献   

我国工业大规模反哺农业机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
卜爱华 《改革与战略》2010,26(11):61-63
我国长期以来的"以农补工"政策导致工农差距、城乡差距日益扩大,农业严重落后于工业。与此同时,在我国的经济发展水平不断提高的大背景下,工业化引致的资源枯竭、环境破坏等问题日益突出。从长远看,反哺农业对工业也是一种长期投资,工业反哺农业的时机和条件都已成熟。单一的反哺方式不足以为农业发展创造长效动力机制,工业反哺农业应坚持多头并进,把人力资本反哺、制度反哺、资金反哺和技术反哺等方面有机结合,以达到最佳反哺效果。  相似文献   

Legislative efforts to promote rural women's economic productivity have focused on strategies for improving access to and control over agricultural resources. Women make up 50 per cent of the world's farmers, but in many developing countries they are unable to hold or manage productive resources in their own name. Most legal proposals recommend family law reform as the entry point for change. This article argues for a broader approach. All the laws that affect rural economic development should be evaluated and linked in ways that promote rural women's integration into the economic mainstream. In agriculture the‐most important legislation is natural resource management, local government development and agricultural development and agricultural investment laws, including research, intellectual property protection, cooperatives, banking and marketing. Each law should be assessed from the perspective of four generic development attributes: how it contributes to women's representation in policymaking; what economic benefits it provides; whether it facilitates the evolution of organisational structures to help women attract capital; and whether there are clear systems for enforcing rights and therefore minimising risk. Next, the process is reversed to determine how the laws collectively support each of the four areas. This methodology allows the researcher to tease out and rearrange essential elements of a comprehensive enabling environment that provide a sufficient level of institutional support in all four areas across the entire spectrum of agricultural development.  相似文献   

This article explores urban agriculture in Cape Town and its organisational forms. Based on a literature review of peer-reviewed articles and grey literature, it examines the state of linkages among urban farmers and various supporting organisations of urban agriculture. Moreover, it examines the coordination of activities among key supporting organisations. By analysing the roles of state and non-state actors and linkages, the article discusses implications for the development of urban agriculture. This article suggests that a lack of effective coordination of initiatives among supporting actors presents a significant pitfall in the development of urban agriculture. Furthermore, the failure of farmers to self-organise is identified as equally detrimental. Therefore, it calls for improved synergies between state and non-state actors involved to ensure that the gains of urban agriculture are enhanced.  相似文献   

试析二元结构论在我国统筹城乡中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严红 《改革与战略》2008,24(2):8-11
二元结构论指出发展中国家改变经济落后面貌的根本出路在于转移传统农业部门中的大量剩余劳动力到现代城市工业部门,通过城乡经济的协调发展消除城乡差距、促进国家经济发展。文章认为在我国统筹城乡发展中应该应用二元结构论促进农业剩余劳动力的转移、大力发展现代农业和农村工业、加快农村城镇化发展进程,逐步实现城乡一体化。  相似文献   

The advantages of using municipal bonds to finance urban infrastructure are becoming increasingly evident to policy makers in emerging economies, many of whom are making efforts to accelerate the development of municipal bond markets in their countries. Municipal bonds are sometimes viewed as a less expensive way of financing infrastructure than by public‐private partnerships (PPPs), or methods that maintain greater public control over projects and service provision. The objective of this article is to place current efforts by the South African government to promote municipal bond market development in an international context. This is done by briefly reviewing the advantages local governments experience by issuing municipal bonds to finance infrastructure; discussing some experiences of other countries in trying to accelerate the development of municipal bond markets; and reviewing the need and prospects for an active municipal debt market in South Africa. The article also examines the extent to which municipal bonds should be thought of as alternatives to PPPs in an emerging economy context.  相似文献   

制度环境形塑着城市基层社会组织的发展。有效制度供给不足、价值取向偏差是制约当前我国基层城市社会组织发展的主要政府因素。优化城市基层社会组织的制度环境,应端正官员态度,明确政府责任;改革社会组织管理制度,完善相关法律法规,加大培育扶持力度。  相似文献   

栾敬东 《乡镇经济》2010,1(1):98-100
安徽是农业大省,主要农产品产量居全国位次靠前,但与自然条件相近的周边省份相比,其生产效率却存在明显差距,尤其是劳动生产率和土地生产率水平明显低于周边省份。文章分析认为,安徽农业生产效率偏低的主要原因在于主要农产品单产水平低、特色农业发展缓慢、农牧业转化效率低和生产基础条件建设滞后。据此,“十二五”期间安徽农业发展应实施强基固本支撑战略、粮棉油高产提升战略、“粮转肉”增值战略和特色农业基地化战略等四大战略。  相似文献   

对2007-2011年福建省城市化低碳经济发展水平的复合度进行评价,通过选取有代表性的指标体系,运用主成分分析法得出其综合效益,并计算出其五年来的复合度,从而得出当前福建省城市化低碳经济的发展中存在的不足之处,并依此提出未来福建省城市化低碳经济发展应采取的主要措施,主要包括:加大对消费低碳化理念的宣传;加大产业结构调整力度,优先发展第三产业;加大城市环境保护和提高能源利用率;提高城市生活垃圾和污水的处理效率以加快低碳经济的发展.  相似文献   

马宇然 《科技和产业》2020,20(4):125-128
党的十九大报告中提出乡村振兴战略,确立了农业优先发展的地位,为农业的发展带来了全新的机遇和挑战,间接的促进了都市型现代农业的发展。以北京市昌平区为例,梳理了都市型现代农业与乡村振兴战略的关系,不容忽视的是,昌平区都市型现代农业仍存在着休闲农业发展结构单一、农业服务体系不健全、产业结构不合理等问题,其发展水平与现代农业发展水平之间仍然存在较大的差异,为了弥补这些差异,更好的促进现代农业的可持续发展,昌平区都市型现代农业应该加强农业科技创新,大力发展休闲农业、优化乡村布局,建设美丽乡村、促进主导产业升级,打造都市型农业示范区。  相似文献   

分析2006—2020年中国4个代表性城市的农业“三率”数据特征及其变动趋势,通过分析面板数据,对京沪津渝进行都市型现代农业投入产出研究,实证验证一产增加值的各个影响因素。研究发现:劳动生产率、农用水资源利用率和资金利用率对土地产出率有显著正向影响,一产从业人数、农林水财政支出总额和农作物播种面积对一产增加值有显著影响,其中一产从业人数为负向影响;农用能源利用率对土地产出率影响不显著,农业水资源消耗总量和一产耗能总量对一产增加值影响不显著。京沪津渝都市型现代化农业生产规模较小,农业机械推广使用程度较低,应提高土地流转,形成规模化的农业生产,并为农业机械提供配套教学服务,以此来提高都市型现代农业的产出。  相似文献   

敬莉 《新疆财经》2009,(3):26-30
本文首先对循环型农业的基本概念及特征进行了介绍;然后对新疆农业发展的现状及面临的问题进行了分析;最后提出了发展循环型生态农业的措施,以促进新疆农业健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

Migration and population movement are probably the most neglected of the significant dynamics behind rural poverty in South Africa. Little is known about how people move from place to place, and much of what we thought we knew may be incorrect. In KwaZulu‐Natal job search is no longer the single dominating reason given for migration. Instead, infrastructure ties with it for first place today, with land close behind. The first article in this two‐part report notes that as many as two thirds of the province's disadvantaged families have broken away from their communities of origin and moved at least once during their lifetimes. Perhaps three million have migrated in the last fifteen years. A second unexpected finding is the predominance of rural‐to‐rural migration. Three quarters of all moves recorded were rural to rural, with many orientated towards advantaged rural areas around small towns and secondary cities. Results show how streams are channelled towards poverty or opportunity, and argue for a review of prevailing concepts of rural‐urban relations which structure delivery efforts. The second article, to follow later, notes that recorded income levels are now higher in some rural destination areas than in the urban shack communities that accommodate rural‐to‐urban migrants. Results of various studies presented show how access to information affects migration patterns, and the article also explores the role of infrastructure as a determining force in the regional distribution of population and as a factor in people's own bootstrap anti‐poverty efforts.  相似文献   

吴德慧 《特区经济》2012,(1):190-192
都市农业具有经济功能、社会功能和生态功能。发展都市农业将对促进郑州经济结构的战略性调整、增加农民收入、实现农业生态化、产业化,推动城乡一体化和中原经济区建设具有重要意义。本文对郑州都市农业发展进行了SWOT分析,阐述了郑州都市农业的发展的战略目标、战略重点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

This article examines the contribution of the urban sector to Australian economic development before the First World War. This contribution has often been seen in negative terms: contemporary observers generally thought that the major cities were to large and drained resources from the productive sectors of the economy, while some modern historians have portrayed cities as centres of poverty and environmental disamenity. The article evaluates these claims and presents a case for the urban sector having been a powerful stimulus to economic growth. The problems which Australian urbanization created did not stem from cities being too large, with more inhabitants than the number of well-paying jobs; rather, the general preference for low-density suburban living, and the ability of most of the population to be able to afford to live that way, meant that the cities would be expensive to build and difficult to service in a cost-effective way.  相似文献   

本文从贸易规模、产品结构、贸易便利条件和农产品贸易政策等四个方面比较新疆对中亚国家农产品出口的特征,认为新疆与中亚国家农产品贸易存在较大的国别差异,应通过不同的路径来稳定和扩大农产品出口。中国新疆应从加强出口基地建设、调整产品市场定位、开展境外投资以及加强政府间沟通等途径促进对哈萨克斯坦的农产品出口;应通过完善通道建设、开展境外加工以及加强农业技术合作与援助等途径扩大对吉尔吉斯斯坦的农产品出口。  相似文献   

解决我国新阶段“三农”问题的政策思路   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
解决新阶段农业和农村发展中的各种矛盾和困难,必须牢固树立科学的发展观,切实贯彻统筹城乡经济社会发展的方针。要在确保国家粮食安全的基础上,推进农业结构战略性调整;加快农业剩余劳动力转移的步伐,加快农村人口的城市化进程;创造条件建立统一的城乡税制;继续加大财政对农村和农业的支持力度,切实改进对农民和农村中小企业的金融服务;加大政府对农村义务教育的支持力度,切实改进农村公共卫生服务;在坚持农村家庭承包制度的基础上,进一步推进农村的组织创新和制度创新。  相似文献   

Urban agriculture is considered a grassroots solution to food security in Africa. Research consistently supports this belief, and in South Africa urban agriculture is promoted by national and local government. One city supporting urban agriculture is Cape Town, the only South African city with an urban agriculture policy. Although many questions remain regarding the sustainability of non-governmental organisation (NGO)-supported urban agriculture projects in Cape Town and their contribution to food security, this study argues that one must look beyond economics and the physical benefits of urban agriculture to the personal and social benefits. By capturing the lived experiences of cultivators on the Cape Flats in Cape Town, the study shows that urban agriculture not only contributes to food security but builds social capital, which improves livelihood strategies and interpersonal relations. This is especially the case where urban agriculture projects are facilitated by NGOs that fund, train and oversee cultivators in these impoverished communities.  相似文献   

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