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Technology has been a major force in modem economic development and world economy, but technology is only potential productivity and has a long distance from real productive forces. There are two major paths in turning technology into real productive forces. First, technological innovation is a process in which technology is tranaformed into real productivity in essence . The market is another channel for transformation of technology into productive forces. The transformation of technology into productive forces has its laws and mechanisms. In China, there are many obstacles to transformation of technology into real productive forces. We must take seventeen pieces of countermeasures to overcome these obstacles, and speed up the realization of technological productive forces.  相似文献   

In the light of the fact that there has been substantial growth in China's exports in last three decades, particularly after China joined the WTO in 2001, this article investigates the major sources of China's export performance during 2002-2014 by using the constant market share (CMS) model. In this study, exports are further decomposed in three categories based on their technological intensity using Lail (2000) classification on 3 digit SITC Revision-3 data provided by UN Comtrade via WITS database. The categories are high technology, medium technology and low technology. It is found that growth of China's exports has, moreover, remained above world exports growth in all three categories during the period of study. The analysis reveals that export performance is mainly attributed to 让s competitive strength in the global market, though decreasing trend has been observed in the competitiveness of all three categories. Increasing cost of labor and appreciating RMB could be the causes behind decreasing competitiveness of Chinese exports. Product structure effect, on an average, has turned out to be negative in all the categories which is the most disturbing aspect of China's export performance. On the other hand, geographical structure effect has positive impact on export performance of high-technology based exports whereas it has negative impact on export performance of low-technology and medium-technology based exports. China being the world's largest exporter, decreasing competitiveness and wrong product structure effect could adversely influence its export performance in particular and its growth in general.  相似文献   

Land Issues in Industrialization and Urbanization --Taking Brazil as an Example
After reviewing historical evolution of land system and urbanization in Brazil, the paper focuses on the relation between land system and industrialization and urbanization and its result. The study shows that Brazil adopted policies of promoting industry and restraining agricultural development in its process of industrialization and urbanization, which led to a series of problems. China should balance the relation between land system and industrialization and urbanization in its process of accelerating its economic development.  相似文献   

The main aim of the paper is to explain the reason and mechanism of technological diffusion in industry cluster. Following the idea showed in Zhou Qin's model, we further develop the theoretical analysis that how the technological gap between strong enterprises and weak enterprises determines the level and speed of technological diffusion. The bigger the technological disparity between strong enterprise and weak enterprise is, the quicker technology spreads and knowledge overflows; on the contrary, the smaller the technological disparity between strong enterprise and weak enterprise is, the slower technology spread and knowledge overflows. Therefore, this kind of mechanism is helpful for enterprises in an industry cluster to learn from each other and to enable each enterprise close to the "the average level" of technology or knowledge. As a result, we think that, there exists a close relation between technological gap and technological diffusion. The paper puts forward the way of knowledge overflows of the strong enterprises: imitationdemonstration effect, the longitudinal connection in the industrial chain, the labor force flow and transfer, informal exchange.  相似文献   

The theoretical and empirical methods have been adopted to analyze FDI's influence on China's domestic enterprises' industrial expansion. The result shows that there are many factors determining the influence of FDI on the domestic enterprises' industrial expansion. In China, the foreign-invested enterprises have exerted significantly positive influence on the domestic enterprises' industrial expansion through market competition and technological spillover. The mechanism is quite complicated. Hence, the utilization of FDI can lead to the technological progress, and further the industrial expansion and development.  相似文献   

This essay, through comparing venture capital in China's modernization with U.S.A., Japan, summarizes the different characteristics of venture capital of the United States and Japan, and thinks that China's present modernization, as a flag of developing countries, has already entered middle period of industrialization, according to the experience of U.S.A., Japan and reality of China. The technological progress mode has already been changed from technology import to technological innovation stage at this time. In order to encourage innovations, we must develop venture capital in a more effective manner. The national conditions have determined the technology import of China, which must start with a high points, this is the most important condition of target to choose. The venture capital of China in system transitional period should use U.S.A.'s experience for reference even more on the capital source to pay close attention to the capital sources of the government and bank. Once the government guides and starts the market, the folk capital will show the natural instinct of the capital automatically Risk investment is the embodiment capitalized personality spirit, in order to dispose such ambitious culture. We need the reform of the system as well as dispose risk investor's stratum at present.  相似文献   

The mountainous areas (mountain, plateau and hilly area ) cover than 85% of total land territory of China.Nature and humanity in very mountainous ares has its own geographic characteristics.In the process of industrialization and urbanization in China, realizing the sustainable development of the mouniainous areas, optimizing man-land system, and adopting and continuously developing corresponding economic modes of the mountainous areas with multi-functions of economy, ecalogy, culture and society to chararacterize production content, mode of production. mode of operation is not only helpful to econonty, society and ecological value and is of great aesthetic value,but also solve the technological problems of the subject of starting undertaking to finally transform the regional resource advantage of the mountainous area into the advantage of capital and technology for economic development and to get rid of the contradiction between underdeveloped economy and abundant resources. This paper takes the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR) area for example to show that it's of great practical and theoretical significance ,regional distribution,variety structure and quality structure.  相似文献   

Foreign-invested enterprises' influence on China's enterprises' technology is one of the most important issues. We use the panel data of China's state-owned enterprises to analyze this influence. The result shows that the foreign-invested enterprises have a significant influence on the native enterprises. We find that the extent of the technology spillover is positively related to the technological level of the foreign-invested enterprises, while their caoital and asset scales have rather comnlicated influences.  相似文献   

The industrialization of eco-agriculture has applied modern science technology in accordance with ecological principles and has promoted agricultural production.As a subsystem of agricultural industrial clusters,the industrialization of eco-agriculture is the specific applications of cluster concept in the industrialization of eco-agriculture development.Industrialization of eco-agriculture cluster will achieve eco-agriculture and interact with industrial cluster which forms eco-agriculture integration and composite industry and ultimately realize the new benign circulation eco-agriculture model.According to the ecological engineering basic principles of recycling of the overall coordination,industrialization of eco-agriculture is focusing on the main systems operating coordination between the various subsystems and its various factors,and will maintain a reasonable ecological and economic structure to ensure the recycling of natural resources.Industrialization of eco-agriculture in Yunnan has adjusted the agricultural production structure to keep the stability of the gross grain production and economic development and has taken effective measures to vigorously improve land use and land productivity.Various ways of improving soil fertility has vigorously promoted other water-saving agricultural technologies.Ecological protection of rice no-tillage,cultivation of crop cultivation of the integrated control crop disease pests grass and agricultural production have taken the sustainable development.  相似文献   

Institutional arrangement, which is one of the basic components of social development strategy on municipal economy, follows the strategic target of city development and is an important way to support it. Material resources and administrative components are the indispensable two wings to form competitiveness. The city economic expansion and urbanization of China nowadays speed up the growth of the city innovation system. The city management provides practical development platform for the city's fast development. However, serious challenges also appear in many fields of the city in our country. Especially the shortage of institution caused the higher cost of the city economy and social development, and even the massive losses that cannot be compensated.  相似文献   

China's eastern area is at middle and later stage of industrialization during which the relation between urban and rural areas, industry, and agriculture appears maladjusted. The main problems are shrinkage in agricultural comparative earning and lack of driving force of agricultural development. Based on calculating agricultural labor productivity in east China from 1996 to 2005, this paper analyzes contributing degree of motive forces of agriculture develop in ten provinces and cities of east China applying GCA (Grey correlative analysis). The results show that there is no absolute correspondence between the level of industrialization and agricultural labor productivity in China's eastern area. There is no synchronous development between industry and agricultural labor productiviry in some areas. Fertilizer and agricultural machinery input had high contributing degree for ten years; however; contributing degree in land and irrigation work input was low. Non-materialization inputs became the leading role in most provinces and cities' increase of agricultural labor productivity. Modern agricultural development need non-materialization inputs as primary motive force, at the same time, direct material input and facility input as guaranteed function. For some reasons, agricultural development is characterized by "more direct material input, less facility input " in east China now. Optimal driving.force model of future agricultural development in east China is that non-materialization inputs are dominant, that perfected facility input arc guarantee, and that certain substance inputs are necessary  相似文献   

The manufacturing industry today due to worldwide competition is focused on shorter development cycle. In this situation, computer aided education (CAE) technology as a tool for simultaneous achievement of quality, cost and delivery (QCD) plays an important role. The hardware-software environment surrounding CAE has evolved. Though technological problems have been understood and general solutions have been derived and reflected in the CAE analysis software, research findings that boost the credibility of CAE have still not been incorporated fully enough into the development of design process. The real technical mechanism issue is not precisely capture. Therefore, it is important to clarify the real cause in CAE results through CAE simulation in order to assure product reliability and assurance. It is the aim of this study to realize the prediction of design analysis process through understanding of unclear technical mechanism in abnormal occurrences with the utilization of CAE simulation. In other words, it is the aim of this study to focus on issue in automotive transaxle oil seal leakage to understand, grasp, and visualize the main cause through usage of CAE analysis process. It is understood that the point of contact and pump volume was related and this could contribute towards seals quality design. Plus, the utilization of CAE analysis in prediction phase to realized design development is also possible  相似文献   

Establishment of state-level economic and technological development zones is a creation made by China in the course of economic restructuring under the state policy of reform and opening to the outside world. The earliest development zones were set up along the Chinese coast, followed by establishment of such zones in central and then western parts of the country. The first state-level development zone, in Dalian, Liaoning Province, northeast China, was set up in 1984 with approval of the State Council, China's Central Government.State-level development zones are now found in all provinces, centrally administered municipalities and autonomous regions. Of the 49 state-level development zones across  相似文献   

The real option game theory is a new effective method to analyze the project investment decision containing uncertain factors in the incomplete competition circumstance. Based on the introduction of the development of real option game method, this paper puts forward a real option game model to research on the investment opportunity and investment strategy of technology innovation involved two competitors. The varies of the value of project bring on three kinds of game equilibrium, that is the corporate investment equilibrium strategy, the leader & follower investment equilibrium strategy and the corporate delay equilibrium strategy.  相似文献   

With the development of science and technology and the rapid growth of productive forees new and high technology industries have. For example, computer, mobile phone, etc. are increasingly popular, especially hi-tech products updating more and more quickly, which has initiated some problems: resources depletion, environmental pollution, ecosystems damage, etc. While people are enjoying convenient and comfortable life from hi-tech, they are worrying about quantities of e-wastes discharged.In order to reduce the amount and harm of e-wastes, this paper starts from the connotation of the ecological stability of circular economy electronics industry chain (CEEIC, for shorO, uses the food chain principle for reference to describe the links and connection of the electronics industry chain, and selects factors from the three link: production, consumption and recycle to construct indexes system based on their characteristics, with which a scientific evaluation is carried on for CEEIC by using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.  相似文献   

For years, the US and China have cooperated closely on manufacturing programs, which helps China become the world manufacturing center. While they both have gained much from the cooperation, there are also increasing frictions, disputes, complains and dissatisfaction with each other because of the huge trade unbalance problem and other significant issues. The US is eager to expand export to China, but China seems hesitating to decide what to import from the US. This paper presents an analysis about the benefits of the US-China cooperation with a primary focus on the service sector, which remains a large and untapped opportunity for China. The goal of the paper is to explore a new route to relieve the trade balance issues as they separately impact both nations. While focusing on analyzing several immediate opportunities, the paper also investigates several new ideas that rest on technology as well as entrepreneurial development.  相似文献   

Recently the behavior of human has resulted in the deterioration of global ecological environment, and global warming and environmental pollution have caused the occurrence of extreme events frequently If we repeat the reckless environmental overkill, civilization will enter a victous circle of decline and lose even the strength and vitality to live in harmony with the environment. At Present, China is in a speciat period of rapid economic develop- ment. Some enterprises focus on short-term profits and don't formulate long-term strategies. For example, with the rapid expansion of the steel industry, some serious problems have emerged. Based on principles of industrial ecology and the concept of circular economy, to develop a new development model, taking a new road to industrialization is very necessary. Re-examining the current steel enterprises, this' paper proposes the new methods of the integration of material, energy integration, water system integration and sharing of information and facilities. Through ecologi- calization of technology, system, and industrial structure and product structure adjustment, the eco-transformation of the modern steel industry will be gradually achieved in China  相似文献   

The Three Gorgers' Region (TGR) is an economic region of China, and lies in the western part of Yangtze economic belt. It takes the Three Gorges Project as leading. Chongqing and Yichang City as main body, the Three Gorges Reservoir as ligament. It covers about 700 km of the Yangtze River valley from Chongqing to Yichang, including Chongqing City, Yichang City and Enshi District of Hubei Province. Since the construction of Three Gorges Project and establishment of Chongqing as municipality directly under the Central Government. the regional economy, culture, education, technology, etc., all developed harmoniously and rapidly, and the diathesis of the rgional human resources also got an exaltation. While compared with the eastern region of China. the economy, science and technology in this region still fall behind, and the current situation is of no optimism. Based on the theory of human resources development, this paper analyzes current situation and problems in the human resources development oJ the TGR, and puts forward the countermeasures such as planning human resources development program based on "anaphase support"policy,developing echucation and training husiness,reasonably organizing labor export,etc.  相似文献   

Low fertility and population aging are important factors affecting economic and social development. From 2000 to 2020, the development of low fertility in ethnic minority areas shows three trends of accelerated declining, slow declining and first falling and then rising, which are the results of the balance between the inhibiting effect of controlling birth policy and the rapidly rising birth cost, and the promoting effect of encouraging birth policy on the fertility desire of social members. Th...  相似文献   

This study examines the urban population of tourism practitioners perceptions of economic, environmental, and social impacts on cultural, convention, and sport tourism may have in Haikou and Sanya. Hainan, China. The study uses a modified Urban Tourism Impact (UTI) to examine economic, environmental, and social perceived impacts. Analysis of the data includes testing three models of structural relationships between tourism impacts and support for development in each of the tourism market sub-divisions through a confirmatory factor analysis. The results of this study show that the positive economic impacts consistently exert influence on predicting support for tourism development in all three models. However; the social impacts play a greater explanatory role with all three market segment, the negative environmental impacts play a role in determining support for sport tourism only. Differences have been found with those with a higher education level in predicting support for cultural tourism, but not convention or sport tourism.  相似文献   

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