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要彬 《中国纺织》2004,(1):170-170
近日,在中国·北京·中国国家博物馆举办了″走近金字塔″--埃及国宝展,公开向世人展示了来自埃及国家博物馆的近200多件展品,虽然我们熟知的巨大金字塔并没有真的,也不大可能离开本土运至他国,但我们从那一件件精美的作品中足以感受到埃及文化的巨大魅力,其震撼力与″金字塔″相提并论,可谓名副其实.古埃及文明是人类历史上出现过的最古老而伟大的文明之一,它以其历史悠久和持续性著称.与对待生活一样,埃及人的艺术追求同样是″宁静″与″恒定″,也就是把多彩的内容限定在有限的规则和模式之中,始终保持一贯性.  相似文献   

来到埃及,你会立即被一种金字塔文化所包围.在这里,几乎所有的埃及人都在不停地向我们介绍金字塔,介绍它的历史,它的现状,它的价值,它的影响,仿佛整个埃及的一切都是属于金字塔的,让我们一踏上这块古老的土地,就产生了来埃及就要看金字塔的强烈愿望.  相似文献   

一波未平、一波又起的埃及动荡时局深刻牵动着全球石油市场的主神经。7月3日,美国纽约轻质原油期货价格亚洲交易时段突破每桶100美元,自去年9月以来首次突破这一关口。分析师认为,埃及政局动荡是助推油价上涨的主要原因。虽然埃及是个每天生产73万桶石油、却要进口6万桶的净进口国,但因其独特的地理位置和地区政治大国的地  相似文献   

在埃及国内,由于环境保护的长期效应明显,天然气正在稳步取代石油用于商业、工业和民用等领域。目前,全球对清洁燃料的需求越来越大,这就为埃及的管道天然气和液化天然气出口市场带来了巨大商机。天然气对埃及计划建成世界级石化工业极为关键。为了充分利用这些机遇,埃及石油部将制定政策来平衡中期出口任务、国内需求和长期战略需求之间的关系。  相似文献   

吉丽亚 《汽车观察》2014,(10):17-17
大选已结束新总统已就任埃及已安定观只等图谋大业者共同携手,投资埃及,奔向下一个桥头堡。2014年9月11-12日在银川举行的中国-阿拉伯国家汽车合作论坛,是由宁夏回族自治区人民政府主办,中国国际贸易促进委员会汽车行业分会(以下简称汽贸会)和宁夏回族自治区博览局承办。此次参会的有12个阿拉伯国家的官员及代表,同时还有国内30余家汽车企业的代表,共同探讨中阿两国汽车贸易的未来征程。  相似文献   

埃及金字塔位列世界古代七大建筑奇迹之首,是埃及古代灿烂文明的象征,是埃及人民勤劳智慧的结晶。谈起埃及金字塔,人们还会联想起那神秘莫测的狮身人面像和它那美丽神奇的传说。狮身人面像和昂然耸立在无垠的旷野沙漠上的金字塔结合在一起,构成了一幅埃及古代文明中最灿烂的、最壮丽的雄浑图卷。  相似文献   

正过去三年,埃及都在艰难地控制着人口爆炸问题。人口激增给埃及带来了诸多社会矛盾,间接导致了2011年的大规模民众抗议。根据最新统计数据,2012年埃及的新增人口比2010年多56万,这是有记录以来最大的两年增幅。这样的人口增长意味着埃及会在2050年赶上俄罗斯和日本,预测者估计到时候埃及人口将超过1.1亿。人口增长造成食品价格上涨、失业率升高等社会问题。目前,埃及60%的人口在30岁以下,膨胀的人口将进一步挤占年轻人的机会。  相似文献   

迅速增长的人口和日显紧缺的石油供应成为埃及经济发展迟滞的一大因素。国内政局和社会动荡更为埃及石油工业的发展蒙上一层厚厚的阴影。埃及是中东地区具有重要影响的政治大国,但是其石油工业无法与其他同样处于油海的中东国家相比,2012年其石油储量仅居世界第25位。埃及人口迅速增长而石油产量有限,导致石油产品供需矛盾日益突出。近两年来,在"阿拉伯之春"革命风暴潮的席卷下,埃及深陷民主乱局,这使得本就前行乏力的埃及石油工业步履更加艰难。  相似文献   

埃及的纺纱厂目前正经历困难的时期 ,这是因为他们无埃及的棉花可以利用 ,这将对埃及的棉纱出口造成影响 ,同时也会对当地服装的消费和家用纺织品制造单位造成影响。造成当前危机的主要原因是去年埃及出口了 1 8万吨棉纤维 ,埃及出口这批棉纤维利用了埃及磅贬值的优势。以前 ,埃及每年出口大约 1 0万吨棉花 ,导致国内的棉花供应出现部分短缺。1 0月份 ,埃及从南韩进口了1 .0 6万吨聚酯纱线 ,进口额大约1 0 5 0万美元 ,比去年同期上升了1 5 1 %。今年一月份 ,南韩向埃及的聚酯纱线出口达到 67.9万美元 ,到 7月份上升到 1 80万美元。 8月份和 …  相似文献   

埃及政治乱局经过了几个不同的演进阶段:1)在萌芽期,2004-2007年的“受够了运动”使威权统治首次遭遇挑战;2)在爆发期,2011年初总统穆巴拉克被迫下台,威权统治终结;3)在2011-2012年的过渡期,军队控制下的威权政治向宪政民主政治过渡;4)2012年6月30日穆尔西经民选就职总统后进入积怨期,穆尔西行为不当再度激起分裂;5)2013年7月是二次爆发期,总统穆尔西被军方强行罢免,过渡政府成立.自此,埃及再次进入权力过渡期,政局陷入混乱.但国际石油公司在埃及的生产没有受到政治乱局的影响.文章认为,埃及政治民主化进程不会逆转,不会发生内战,埃及未来的经济发展路线仍然是对外开放;埃及油气投资环境未来不会发生不利于国际石油公司的变化.建议中国石油公司在推进在埃及的油气投资时,考虑与欧美的石油公司进行投资合作,同时抓住时机,力争压低油气投资成本.  相似文献   

陈望 《中国纺织》2004,(4):130-130
四大文明古国中,虽然只有中国的古代文化是在不间断的情况下发展的,然而,古埃及文明之流长在世人心目中又何尝终止过.正如贝聿铭向人解释卢佛宫广场上的玻璃金字塔时说,"‘金字塔'既不模仿传统,也不压倒过去.反之,它预示将来,从而使卢佛达到完美."  相似文献   

刘颖 《中国纺织》2004,(4):126-127
往事并不如烟.继去年古奇赞助大都会博物馆的″女神"(Godness)展览随之掀起的古典风之后,路易威登今季的招贴也以20年代的缪斯泰德·芭莱(Theda Bara)为灵感,玩起了异域风情.旗下的克里斯汀·迪奥品牌,约翰·加里亚诺这次彻底将古埃及带回春季的高级女装秀场,展现出前所未有的璀璨和摩登.  相似文献   

徐寰 《中国纺织》2005,(10):50-53
背景: 众所周知,2004、2005年成为中国纺织品对外贸易的多事之秋,一是美国和欧盟等发达国家一年来对我国发起数起一反一保案件,进入2005年,贸易摩擦不断升级,争端高潮随着北京酷暑的炎热一起袭来--今夏中美、中欧纺织品贸易谈判已经升格为部长级.二是2004年65个国家,其中大多数为发展中国家的115个协会组织签署的<伊斯坦布尔宣言>,要求世贸组织关注中国纺织品出口,延长配额政策.  相似文献   

This article examines the multifaceted notions of food security and food aid through a case-study of a rather exceptional country in political terms - Egypt. Egypt has achieved a high degree of food security with lessened reliance on domestic production and has become one of the largest recipients of cereal food aid. The analysis considers significant questions about the interdependence of food security and food aid, the maintainability of an externally dependent food system, its implicit resource costs and its internal distribution and equity impact.  相似文献   

Of the several direct interventions against malnutrition, supplementary feeding is the most frequently employed in poor countries. If properly designed, implemented, and integrated with other services, the allocation of supplementary foods can contribute significantly to the alleviation of malnutrition. The authors survey the ambitious efforts of Egypt's Ministry of Hearth to make food supplements available to children at risk. These efforts are likely to have disappointing results unless the process of distribution is accompanied by improved programme design and management and by greater sensitivity to the culture of health care delivery at the grassroots level.  相似文献   

古埃及女性的装饰艺术如同金字塔一样,是古埃及人留给世人的艺术瑰宝,是埃及高度发达的古代文明的反映。本文通过对古代埃及的女性装饰进行研究,探讨其对现代女性穿衣打扮上的影响。  相似文献   

《Food Policy》2001,26(1):65-83
Egypt's food subsidies (in 1996/97 5.5 percent of government expenditures) cover rationed cooking oil and sugar (23 percent of subsidy cost) and unrationed bread and flour (77 percent). The subsidies enhance food security but are nontargeted and have substantial leakages. This paper uses a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to simulate the short-run effects of alternative food-subsidy scenarios. Government savings from reduced spending finance uniform cuts in direct tax rates across all household types. The model uses a 1996/97 database with detailed household information. The targeting of cooking oil and sugar subsidies to “the needy” (the bottom two quintiles in rural and urban areas) has a progressive effect while elimination of this subsidy is regressive. Disaggregated household consumption changes are small (±0.3 percent). The targeting of all food subsidies is pro-needy, partly due to important indirect effects. The consumption of the needy increases by 0.5 percent with little change for the nonneedy. Food subsidy elimination is regressive: the needy suffer a consumption loss of 1.1 percent. If the government savings instead are transferred to the needy, the impact is reversed: consumption increases by 4.2 percent for needy households while the nonneedy register a small loss. The overall policy implication is that food subsidy reform can benefit the needy with at worst only a modest negative impact on the nonneedy. If the subsidy is entirely eliminated, targeted government programs would be necessary to protect the needy from the negative impact.  相似文献   

《Food Policy》2002,27(5-6):455-476
This paper examines the political economy of food subsidy reform efforts in Egypt. Egypt provides a case of a country with a large food subsidy program that has been relatively effective as a social safety net, but a program that is also expensive and poorly targeted to the needy. Policy discussions about strategies to improve the system’s performance run into the extreme political sensitivity of the issue of food subsidies in Egypt. Food subsidies are perceived to be important in promoting political stability and providing some legitimacy to a political system where civil liberties are limited. Egypt therefore illustrates the dilemmas facing policymakers and others contemplating food subsidy reform in developing countries where there are concerns that reform may spark political unrest. This paper argues that even in cases where food subsidy reform is a highly politicized issue, there are still a number of pragmatic policy steps that can be taken that meet the twin goals of reforming the system in ways that better target the poor while functioning more efficiently.  相似文献   

The present study sheds light on the expected factors that would impact the adoption of the Electronic Health Records (EHR) service in Egypt from the demand-side perspective, i.e. the healthcare consumer's standpoint. This empirical study is motivated by the use of EHR in many countries as a method of promoting healthcare services. Another incentive for the present study is to look at EHR as a top layer in the Next Generation of Information Infrastructure (NII). EHR is considered an efficiency-enhancing and cost-effective technology. Moreover, the issue of developing the healthcare sector in Egypt has the attention of government policymakers, who have a comprehensive healthcare and social insurance law that will be discussed in the Egyptian Parliament, in the near future. The study highlights the socio-technical approach used in analyzing the EHR as an eHealth application in Egypt. The underlying theoretical framework of this study implicates the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology in the Consumer Context (UTAUT2) model. It also applies an integrated framework of multifaceted perceptions used to explain the expected adoption or behavior of the Egyptian consumer vis-à-vis EHR. The study relies on primary data collected after surveying 559 respondents. Results reveal that determinants of EHR include demographics such as place and gender, but more importantly constructs such as price value, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions are key factors that play a part in the decision made by the Egyptian consumer to adopt EHR technology. Finally, additional insight and recommendations are offered to the policymakers.  相似文献   

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