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In planned giving, 80 percent of the money comes from bequests and 20 percent from life income agreements. But fund raisers still spend most of their time pursuing the 20 percent.  相似文献   

The transformation of fundraising from an ‘emerging profession’ to a ‘true profession’ is contingent on the development of ‘a formal body of knowledge based on theory and research’. To advance that goal, this paper reviews several research studies and makes recommendations for practice by fundraising professionals. The paper identifies indicators of philanthropic tendencies in very wealthy individuals and a research basis for donor cultivation activities. It also looks at giving by bequest, charitable remainder trust and charitable gift annuities and recommends the marketing segments and channels best suited to each as defined by research. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

The Salvation Army operates internationally and is an evangelical part of the universal church, they provided help to over 30 million individuals in 2008. Their main focus is to build community, provide fellowship, rebuild lives, and provide comfort and support to those in need. They also provide disaster relief, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, and activities for the elderly, among many other social services. The international headquarters, the administration centre, is based in London. The Salvation Army USA, based in Virginia, has a national commander and national chief secretary who work to coordinate the national efforts. There are 4 geographical territories, south, east, west and central and each territory is a separately registered nonprofit entity. The southern territory is further divided into 9 divisions and has historically been very successful at planned giving fundraising. Planned giving success had been attributed to the territories personal approach. However, with the noticeable changes in the attitudes of seniors the planned giving has significantly declined in 2008/2009. Seniors, who had been considered the most suitable donor prospects had developed a sense of fear and distrust of the government and the banking system. They were resisting personal meetings with planned giving staff that had been so successful for the Salvation Army. As a consequence the planned giving strategy had to be adapted. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Workplace giving is a widely used philanthropic tool. Although it may have great unmet potential, it is also facing a number of challenges, including competition from informal crowdfunding campaigns. In the face of such challenges, we take stock of the extant research to better understand the value and future of workplace giving, emphasizing employee actions and preferences in our review. Workplace giving studies can also augment knowledge about contextual giving or bounded settings for exploring basic philanthropic questions (e.g., donor control or gift elasticity). We use a three‐part conceptual framework to synthesize and discuss research on individual workplace giving in the context of broader giving behaviors. We address what researchers know, do not know, and need to know on the topic of workplace giving.  相似文献   

  • The transformation of fundraising from an ‘emerging profession’ to a ‘true profession’ is contingent on the continual development of a formal body of knowledge based on theory and research. To further that goal, this paper, written from a Canadian perspective, reviews current and recent research studies in both Canada and the USA, focusing specifically on the areas of legacy marketing and bequest gifts.
  • The aim of this paper is two-fold: first, to bring forward ‘established knowledge’ in this relatively new and burgeoning area of fundraising; and second, to draw attention to areas where there is a knowledge gap, thereby laying the groundwork for further research and progress in this area.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tough "marketing" is this year's fund raising "word," a new word is about to take its place--dollar objective. The author outlines the role and function of a development office in context of these changing buzzwords.  相似文献   

Drawing on evidence from a unique data set of in‐depth qualitative interviews with 12 female CEOs (and 139 male CEOs) of global corporations, we explore what enables some women to become CEOs. By drawing on our data from male and female CEOs, we set the scene by comparing the advice they would give to young women as they start their careers. We then focus the rest of our article on the experiences and career trajectory of the 12 female CEOs. We make three theoretical contributions: We identify, at the individual level, how women can take active ownership of their careers as part of a self‐acceptance process; how they can embrace gynandrous leadership as part of a self‐development process where both feminine and masculine leadership behaviors are embraced, with the feminine being dominant to help move beyond gender stereotypes, and finally, how they translate leadership—rather than combine—gender‐based behaviors as part of a self‐management process to develop their unique leadership style. For each of these theoretical contributions at the individual level, we also provide two practical recommendations for HR practice and policy, one relating to the intraorganizational context and the second having institutional‐level implications. We conclude by discussing implications for future research.  相似文献   

张翔 《城市问题》2007,(3):100-102
上海市办公楼市场在房地产市场中占有重要地位.对上海市办公楼市场的供需变化、高端物业的预租、办公楼市场由以租为主向租售二元结构演进、甲级办公楼租赁呈现"退二进三"格局以及办公楼向非市中心选择性转移五个方面的发展趋势进行分析,并提出了自己的见解.  相似文献   

This paper describes a predictive model developed by the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) for the evaluation of donor management strategies. The high cost of acquiring new donors means that effective donor management is essential throughout the charity sector. Early RNID analysis of donor behaviour used conventional sector approaches. This led to the development of a predictive model that uses a statistically determined segmentation system for current donors with responses of the donor base described by a Markov model. The model is used primarily to evaluate the expected rate of return of possible campaign strategies, but there are many other ways in which the approach is of value, both to the RNID and to the charity sector as a whole.  相似文献   

  • In this study, we make a first attempt to investigate the mechanisms of conditional cooperation in giving outside experiments, using retrospective survey data on charitable giving (the Giving the Netherlands Panel Study 2005 (GINPS05, 2005 ; N = 1474)). Our results show that in the case of door‐to‐door donations, social information affects perceived social norms for giving and, through this perception, influences the level of actual donations. The effect of social information on actual door‐to‐door donations is fully mediated by perceived social norms for giving. Furthermore, we found empirical support for the giving standard hypothesis. People in different income categories donate roughly the same amounts in separate instances (they use the same social information), and as a result people in lower income households donate a higher percentage of their income to charitable organizations.
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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