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采用深交所信息考评结果作为信息披露质量的代理变量,考量政府补贴的寻租行为及其有效性。实证显示,信息披露质量较低的企业,获得的政府补贴更多,但政府补贴无益于企业绩效和社会绩效的提高,从而支持了企业寻租假设。结果表明,信息透明度的提高有助于政府补贴资金的有效配置,提高社会整体福利。  相似文献   

The methodology of Feldstein and Horioka (Econ. J. 90 (1980) 314) is used to gauge the degree of capital mobility and accessibility to international financial markets following financial liberalisation. The sample consists of 90 developing countries divided into four regions: Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The sample period is 1975–1995, split into two periods. Our results indicate that for developing countries capital is relatively immobile. There is also evidence that access to international financial markets increases following financial liberalisation. Finally, including foreign aid in the saving–investment regression has an important positive effect on the saving coefficient.  相似文献   

This note derives the long-run implications of rent controls when rent-controlled apartments are implicitly rationed to tenants who are more efficient in searching for apartments in the controlled sector. Rent controls are shown to involve transfers that essentially are from some to other tenants, as well as dead-weight losses due to higher search costs that are borne by tenants. Key to this analysis is the condition that, at the margin, rent plus the higher cost of search for a rent-controlled apartment must equal rent in the noncontrolled sector.  相似文献   

房租是由房屋租赁市场的需求和供给两个方面决定的,而房屋租赁市场的需求和供给都受到房屋交易市场所形成的房价的影响。房价对房屋租赁市场需求的影响主要是由于房屋租赁市场和房屋交易市场的替代效应所导致,房价对房屋租赁市场供给的影响主要由房屋租售比和房价的上涨幅度决定。我国一线城市房价近十年的平均年上涨率为10%左右,这导致了我国一线城市的房屋租售比维持在极低的水平。随着房价的平稳,房租必然大幅上涨,故必须采取措施增加一线城市房屋租赁市场的供给,以供给量的大幅增加稳定房租。  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of decision aid reliability and pressure to perform on decision aid reliance. A total of 403 students took part in a four (pressures to perform: one through four) by five (decision aid reliability: 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 90%) between-participants experiment. We test two competing models of decision aid reliance behavior: pressure-induced rationality and pressure arousal theory. Additionally, we introduce a general model of reliance on a decision aid. We find that pressure arousal theory predominantly explains decision aid reliance behavior at all but the highest level of decision aid reliability tested in this study (90%). Our results indicate that there are reliance peaks across the reliability levels as more pressure to perform is applied, and that continually increasing pressures can eventually lead to decreased, rather than increased, reliance.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of political connection on corporate risk-taking by connected firms, their industry counterparts, as well as non-rival firms from 48 countries. We find that political connection induces higher risk taking by connected firms. By contrast, we do not find evidence that political connection, with the attendant potential competitive distortions in the industry, induces higher risk taking by competitors. We focus on non-financial industries. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the inability to avail themselves of political rents compels the non-connected rivals to adopt more conservative strategies. However, large rival firms, generally considered to be too-important-to-fail, exhibit evidence of higher risk taking. The top size quartile industry rivals take as much risk as the politically connected firms. The higher risk exhibited by large rivals of politically connected firms suggests that our baseline regression results of lower risk-taking among rivals of politically connected firms are biased upward by firms that would be considered too-big-to-fail. This finding also suggests that the too-big-to fail phenomenon is not unique to banks. Our results are robust to the use of alternative measures of risk, to the exclusion of privatized and state-owned firms, and to controlling for the effects of financial crisis.  相似文献   

本文详细梳理了国内中小企业贷款难理论,并把这些理论归纳为银行市场结构论、所有制歧视(摩擦)论、企业规模歧视论和外环境缺陷论。虽然这些理论均能在一定程度上解释中小企业贷款难,但大多不够全面又相互割裂,这似乎是一个理论谜团。对此,文章站在租值耗散与交易费用的视角构建了一个分析中小企业贷款难的新框架,并在这一框架下重新解读国内中小企业贷款难理论,分析发现,这些理论大多可以由新框架导出。  相似文献   

Legal aid expenditure has risen dramatically in recent years, prompting attention from successive governments. A prominent theme of past and present government reform proposals has been the shifting of risk away from the taxpayer towards lawyers, clients and insurers by altering the means by which legal aid lawyers are paid. This paper explores this theme by presenting information on legal aid expenditure trends over the last two decades and then considering whether payment mechanisms have contributed to this performance. Finally, it reviews previous and current reform proposals in this area. It concludes that, because risk-shifting also alters incentives, it is essential that reform recognises and monitors these.  相似文献   

企业并购中政府行为的目标选择与寻租模式分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业并购中的政府行为过程也即政府各子目标的博弈过程.政府行为在企业并购中同时受"公共利益"假设和"经济人"假设双重调节,并购的寻租模式也由此产生,进而导致了并购参与者之间的利益调整.在单一产权结构下的企业并购,由于并购主体间仍然存在相对独立的利益边界,政府行为的目标选择和寻租模式均能合理存在.同时强调,中央政府与地方政府在企业并购中的行为目标有所区别.  相似文献   

How should sovereign bailouts take account of the effects bailouts have on policy reforms? Conflicted recipient governments complicate bailout choices because some reforms that spur growth reduce rents that benefit government decision makers. Our model takes account of whether bailout generosity and policy reforms are strategic substitutes, strategic complements or both, and each case implies a different optimal bailout contract, which generally cannot achieve First Best. Conditional forgiveness of some loan payments when economic outcomes are sufficiently favorable can achieve outcomes closer to First Best, and this is so for a small ex ante amount of the bailout subsidy.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a theoretical framework that describes the importance of public's information sufficiency, risk perception, and self‐efficacy as predictors of intended risk information seeking behaviour. Based on theoretical assumptions, measurement instruments for relevant concepts were developed and validated using data from a mail questionnaire. Relationships among selected determinants of risk information seeking behaviour were analysed. Results indicate that information needs, risk perception, and current knowledge are direct predictors of intentions to seek information. Trust, engagement, social influence, and self‐efficacy affect risk perception and the need for information is influenced by engagement and social influence.  相似文献   

根据2014年1月至2019年12月我国35个大中城市的面板数据,运用双重差分模型考量了"租购同权"政策对房价的影响.结果显示:"租购同权"政策不仅能直接有效地抑制试点城市新建商品住房及二手住房房价的增长,还能通过降低房价上涨预期间接平抑房价增长速度,且该政策对不同属性的住房市场及不同建筑面积的住房影响也不同.鉴此,应继续落实"租购同权"政策,大力发展住房租赁市场,增加优质教育资源的供给.  相似文献   

金融发展与对外贸易的开展对一国就业增长有着深远的影响。本文利用中国31省际面板数据(1997-2009),实证检验了金融发展、对外贸易及二者之间的交互效应对就业增长的影响。研究结果表明,仅对外贸易促进了就业增长,而金融发展及其与对外贸易的交互效应与就业增长之间呈负相关关系。最后本文提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

欧璇 《财务与金融》2010,(5):46-49,63
论文在对湖南省外商直接投资和省内生产总值进行相关性分析的基础上,利用因果关系检验和协整检验等方法,对二者的关系进行了实证检验,并在协整的基础上建立了误差修正模型。分析结果表明:湖南省外商直接投资的增长对地区经济增长具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we find that China’s anti‐corruption campaign since 2012 significantly reduces the value of political connections for non‐state‐owned enterprises (non‐SOEs). We provide evidence showing that the decline of the value of political connections for non‐SOEs is attributed mainly to the decreasing return from political connections, instead of increasing political risk. We further find that the decreasing return of the politically connected firms is driven mainly by the disappearance of the ‘resource effect’ of political connection in facilitating access to bank credit and government subsidies, but not due to the increasing cost of maintaining political connections.  相似文献   

作为国际资本流动的主要方式之一,外商直接投资可以有效地推动发展中国家的经济增长,所以,研究外资的利用情况对于处在工业化进程中的中国具有十分重要的意义。本文在总结现有文献资料、概述我国利用外资情况的基础上,首先分析了外商直接投资与经济增长的关系,然后从其积极作用和消极作用两个方面探讨了外商直接投资对中国经济增长的影响。最后,就如何有效利用外商直接投资提出了建议。  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国一直鼓励外资的流入,随着经济的发展和外资流入规模的不断扩大,国际直接投资成为外资流入的主要形式。从近几年我国GDP的增长与外资增长趋势看,两者基本上是同步的。那么,外资的增长是否真正促进我国经济的发展呢?本文通过实证分析,得出外资流入在一定程度上促进我国经济增长的结论。  相似文献   

中国外汇储备有效管理与现实选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国外汇储备问题向来备受各方关注,如何对其进行有效的管理,提高其持有效率,是现阶段面临的严峻和迫切的问题.我国现行外汇储备管理的现状是规模高增长与管理低效率,对此应从理论和实践角度探析完善我国外汇储备管理的相关策略.  相似文献   

经济全球化中的任何一个经济体都无法独善其身,美国次贷危机对我国的影响不容小觑,特别是开放程度较高、与对外经贸交流频繁的粤苏浙沿海三省更具代表性。本文分析危机传导的机理,即危机从起初的信贷市场扩散到金融市场,再从金融市场影响至实体经济,进而通过国际贸易传导到这些地区对外贸易行业。并着重从外部需求减少及美元贬值两方面分析影响,提出若干应对策略。  相似文献   

本文采用面板数据模型和分量回归方法,研究了外资技术溢出效应对苏州市经济内生增长的影响。研究结果表明,外资有利于提高苏州市内资企业的技术水平,但对于内资企业的技术创新能力没有显著的影响。因此,要推动苏州经济的内生增长,必须提高苏州市内资企业的自主创新能力,同时还要有选择地利用外资。  相似文献   

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