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宽恕对提升组织绩效有积极作用.本文研究了关系强度与关系非对称性对宽恕意愿的影响,并探讨了行为的非道德强度对前述关系的调节作用.通过460个样本的2个组间情境实验发现:第一,关系强度正向影响宽恕意愿,关系强度越高,宽恕意愿越容易产生;第二,非对称性关系中,处于强势地位的一方,宽恕意愿更强;第三,非道德强度调节了关系非对称性对宽恕意愿的影响,在面对非道德强度低的场景时处于强势地位的一方其宽恕意愿更强,而面对非道德强度高的场景时处于弱势地位的一方其宽恕意愿更强.因此,团队管理者应致力于提升团队成员间的关系强度,并更多关注关系非对称性中处于弱势的一方.  相似文献   

笔者借助SEM,引入卖家信誉、消费者保障机制和消费者信任立场3个变量,验证其通过消费者初始信任信念对在线消费者首次购买意愿的影响;同时引入在线产品评论验证其对在线消费者首次购买意愿的直接影响。另外,笔者将性别和网上购买金额占平均月消费支出是否超过10%作为调节变量,验证上述5个变量在不同群组间是否存在显著差异。  相似文献   

在线评论已成为消费者网购时做出购买决策的重要依据,研究在线评论对消费者购物意愿的影响具有一定的理论与实践意义。因此,在以往相关文献的基础上,从在线评论视角出发,将在线评论信息特征和评论来源特征作为自变量,感知价值作为调节变量,消费者购买意愿作为因变量,构建出研究模型。采用问卷调查法收集数据后,用逐步多元线性回归方法进行数据分析,得到结论如下:在线评论数量、评论质量、评论效价、评论者专业性和评论来源网站可靠性均正向影响消费者的购买意愿;感知价值对消费者购买意愿起调节作用。基于结论提出增加在线评论数量,提高质量和效价,提升在线评论专业性,增强在线评论传播平台专业性,提高消费者的感知价值等相关针对性建议。  相似文献   

笔者以心理抗拒理论为基础,构建影响消费者对主动式推荐团购接受意愿的理论模型,通过情景实验的方式收集458份有效问卷,利用结构方程模型方法对研究模型进行实证检验,研究结果表明:消费者对主动式推荐团购的接受意愿与其心理抗拒情绪有关,而后者又会受到环境因素、产品因素和消费者个人因素的影响。  相似文献   

2007年12月,国务院通过并颁布了<国务院关于修改(全国年节及纪念日放假办法)的决定>,这势必在一定程度上影响消费者的旅游消费意愿.假期制度改革方案的特点体现在两个方面:一是时间上分散性和短时性,二是有利于传承民族传统文化.文章通过问卷调查了解假期制度改革对消费者旅游消费意愿的影响,掌握了消费者的旅游行为规律,为各级旅游规划和企业决策提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

本文在消费者长显与启动自我建构两种情景下证明了说服策略与自我建构类型的交互作用对消费者感知说服信息可信度的影响,验证了品牌依恋对消费者自我建构类型与说服策略交互作用到感知信息可信度的调节作用,证实了感知信息可信度对消费者自我建构类型与说服策略的交互作用到消费者—品牌关系再续意愿的中介作用。  相似文献   

新时代下,“互联网+旅游”的新模式成为旅游业发展的新风口。杭州作为全国最佳旅游城市,通过建设发展智慧旅游来促进传统旅游业的转型升级迫在眉睫。基于杭州市11个景区的游客调查数据,综合运用因子分析、列联分析、多元线性回归模型、logistic回归模型等方法,分析杭州市数字旅游服务建设对赴杭游客旅游意愿的影响。研究发现,杭州市数字旅游的体验度对游客满意度具有显著的正向影响效应,同时游客满意度的提高能够显著地增强游客对杭忠诚度,即表现为重游度和推荐度的提升,且这种正向影响在不同性别、年龄、居住地和收入的人群中存在异质性差异。最后,从杭州数字旅游的整体发展和游客市场细分两个方面,提出促进数字旅游的进一步发展,提升游客旅游意愿的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文基于“评论内容类别×产品类别”的情景模拟实验,引入消费者网购经验和卖家熟悉程度两个调节变量,证明了在消费者形成网上购买意愿的过程中,对于评论有用性感知无差异的评论内容而言,负面服务水平评论的影响力总体大于负面产品质量评论的影响力.其中负面服务水平评论的影响力随网购经验和卖家熟悉程度的增加而降低;而负面产品质量评论影响力也随卖家熟悉程度的增加发生相同的下降变化,但相反网购经验改变带来的影响变化则不明显.最终这种评论内部的自身变化,导致了负面服务水平评论的影响作用力在低网购经验水平和不熟悉卖家的情况下显著大于负面产品质量评论,而这一局面随着两个调节变量的提升最终消失.  相似文献   

We study the effect of international remittances on aggregate educational and health outcomes using a sample of 69 low- and middle-income countries. We find that remittances play an important role in improving primary and secondary school attainment, increasing life expectancy and reducing infant mortality. Our results suggest that as migration laws continue to support greater emigration and remittances, policies should be enacted to facilitate the flow of remittances as they represent a significant source for economic development.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study is to investigate the moderating effects of gender on proposed model relationships. In order to test the moderating effects of gender on the relationships of the model developed, multi-group SEM was applied. Performance expectancy was found to be the strongest predictor of satisfaction and comparative value was identified as the main driver of continuance intention. In addition, significant difference in attitudes between women and men were confirmed in the case of three out of ten effects. The originality of the study is its measurement of the moderating effects of gender on user satisfaction in relation to m-commerce and continuance intentions.  相似文献   

This study examines the private consumption benefits of sports attendance using revealed and stated preference data from 28 Football Bundesliga teams across three divisions. Survey respondents were presented with positive (sporting success) and negative (management failure) scenarios and asked for the number of game trips if each scenario occurred. The results of a pooled random effects Poisson model show that travel costs and ticket price have a significant negative effect on the number of home game trips. The weighted consumer surplus per game trip including travel costs and ticket prices is €345. Consumer surplus per game trip was found to change by €41 (first division) and €98 (second and third division) if the positive scenario occurred and by €39 if the negative scenario occurred.  相似文献   

Creativity and standardisation are two interrelated, but contrasting constructs that are considered as indispensable for successful corporate management. While several scholars have tackled this issue with varying scopes, the literatures examining the impact of standardised framework on creativity in human resource development are scant. To further contribute to this discussion, this study aims to explore the effect of standardised competency evaluation on creative performance based on the qualitative interview data from various stakeholders. The results indicate that standardisation and creativity can be mutually reinforcing under specific conditions. It has been identified that a basic understanding of standardisation can create an adequate space for tolerance to cope with failure and build legitimacy, thus having a more informational rather than controlling effect on individuals’ creative performance. Individuals must be in control of the given standards to access the appropriate resources necessary for creativity to bloom.  相似文献   

Most contingent valuation studies in the literature utilized a pre-determined geographic market area for their sample frame. In other words, they did not include variables that would measure the extent of the geographic areas over which to aggregate willingness to pay. These studies implicitly assumed that the effects of geographic distance were moot; an assumption that could have led to an understatement of the aggregate benefit values computed in these studies. The overall goal of this study was to determine if distance affects willingness to pay for public goods with large non-use values. The data used came from a contingent valuation study regarding the San Joaquin Valley, CA. Respondents were asked about their willingness to pay (WTP) for three proposed programs designed to reduce various environmental problems in the Valley. A logit model was used to examine the effects of geographic distance on respondents' willingness to pay for each of the three programs. Results indicate that distance affected WTP for two of the three programs (wetlands habitat and wildlife, and the wildlife contamination control programs). We calculate the underestimate in benefits if the geographic extent of the public good market is arbitrarily limited to one political jurisdiction.  相似文献   

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