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“Shattering the Glass Ceiling: the Myths, Opportunities and Chal lenges of Women in Corporate China““ was the theme of CEIBS‘first Women in Management Forum held on December 11 on the school‘s main campus in Shanghai.  相似文献   

Legendary"aromatic surface water"There was a beautiful legend passing on among the residents around Chenghai Lake in Lijiang.It was said that there was a stone on the island in the middle of the lake,on which the Sea God of Chenghai seated while preaching.When comes to the end of spring  相似文献   

“International Seminar on the Reform of Supervision System and Construction of Legal System in Chinese Monopoly Industry” was held in Beijing from December 15 to 16,2003.This conference was approved by the State Development and Reform Commission,and was jointly held by the Research Institute of Economic System and Management of the State Development and Reform Commission,and  相似文献   

On October 24th, International Development Forum on Animation and Game Industry was held in Shi-jingshan District Beijing. The Forum was centered on the theme "Innovation and Development of Animation and Game Industry". Experts, government officials, entrepreneurs in the  相似文献   

Ihave been in China for 18 years.Every moment China is changing. When I decided to move from my country Macedonia to China for my university education in 1995,the unanimous reaction from family and friends was an incredulous look accompanied with expressions like:“Why on Earth China? What got into you”? At that time everyone was looking toward the West especially the US and Western Europe as places where careers were made and dreams could come true.Asia and especially China were an afterthought.China was this mythical place on the map,which no one knew anything about,apart from possibly images of bicycles,kung fu and the Great Wall.Such a contrast to today,where the same people are congratulating me on my foresight in coming to China “early” to learn the language and understand the culture.  相似文献   

The India Business Forum (IBF)organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CⅡ) and the Indian Embassy to China was officially launched in Beijing, on April 16, 2009. With the theme of “Impact of Global Economic Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities for India and China”, IBF (China) was launched to provide a lobby to promote bilateral trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. The forum also focused on the successful stories of Indian companies in China and Chinese companies in India, as well as investment opportunities for Chinese companies in India.  相似文献   

Although it was reported that the title of 5000th Sino-foreign joint venture in Beijing had been conferred on Wall's, it nevertheless remained a strange name to most Beijingers. However, on one of the hottest days last summer, the name Wall's was seen in the Beijing streets and lanes, the ice-cream kept in small glass refrigerated cases standing under red and blue umbrellas with the trademark of Wall's on them. This kind  相似文献   

Through a new round of negotiations, Chinese and Spanish governments signed the Memorandum of Understanding between Chinese and Spanish Aviation Service in Beijing on November 26, 2004. This memorandum of understanding has been signed on the basis of ““Agreement on air transport between the governments of People‘s Republic of China and the Kingdom of Spain““ which was signed by both sides on June 19, 1978, and made some revisions and supplements in such aspects as number of flights, flight rout, destinations, etc.  相似文献   

Legendary "aromatic surface water"
There was a beautiful legend passing on among the residents around Chenghai Lake in Lijiang. It was said that there was a stone on the island in the middle of the lake, on which the Sea God of Chenghai seated while preaching. When comes to the end of spring and the beginning of summer each year, there will be unknown objects floating on the clear water and emitting a strong fishy Smell, which local people call "aromatic surface water".  相似文献   

China's Modernization is Positive in theKnowledge-based Economy StageThe expert assessment and evaluation on the modernization process of 131foreign countries and 28 Chinese regions was completed recently and a report on China's modernization was published.According to the report, world modernization proceeds through two stages.The first stage focuses on industrialprogress, and the second stage featuresa knowledge-based economy.In order to catch up with the moderately developed countries in…  相似文献   

1 The 34th International Conference of the Pacific Basin Eco-nomic Council (PBEC) was held in Tokyo from April 6 to 10. Thetheme of the conference was “local vitality in the 21st century”More than 800 people from the membership committee of the PBECattended the conference.Mr. Yu Xiaosong, chairman of the CCPIT and chairman of themembership committee of the PBEC delivered a speech at the plenary session on April 10 which was entitled “promote economiccooperation and develop Asian…  相似文献   

On March 20, 2004,Beijing representative office of CEIBS held thefirst Forum-“Gathering of Distinguished Guests” in Raycom Info Tech Park Conference Center. Hu Jingyan,Director of Department of Foreign Investment Administration, Ministry of Commerce was invited to make a speech on the forum,focusing on China‘s latest policy changes in attracting foreign capitals.  相似文献   

"Shattering the Glass Ceiling: the Myths, Opportunities and Chal lenges of Women in Corporate China" was the theme of CEIBS'first Women in Management Forum held on December l 1 on the school's main campus in Shanghai.  相似文献   

The Shanghai Caohejing Hi-tech Development Area was established in 1985, based on the former Shanghai Caohejing Micro-electronics Industrial Area. It was approved as a national new and hi-tech development area by the State Council in 1991.  相似文献   

The currency exchange rate was “properly adjusted“ this year and takes into account effects on the country‘s neighbors and the world, Premier Wen Jiabao said at a regional meeting in Malaysia.……  相似文献   

8 Olympic pandas arrived in Beijing as scheduled Eight pandas arrived safely in Beijing on May 24 after a long journey from their heavily damaged reserve near the epicenter of Wenchuan Earth- quake a week earlier.Their home at the world-famous Wolong reserve was badly damaged in the May 12 quake,which was centered just 20 miles away in a damp region of narrow,winding mountain roads. The nandas will spend the next six months at the Beijing Zoo on a  相似文献   

"Haibao",the mascot for 2010 World Expo in east China's, was unveiled on Tuesday after a worldwide search for designs on December 18,2007.  相似文献   

" International Seminar on the Reform of Supervision System and Construction of Legal System in Chinese Monopoly Industry " was held in Beijing from December15 to16,2003. This conference was approved by the State Development and Reform Commission, and was jointly held by the Research Institute of  相似文献   

CCPIT Grain Business Sub-Council was found in 1996,and has been continuous making efforts on promoting grain business international communication and exchanges,and trade in imports and exports.As China is a developing country base on agriculture, the international exchanges in agriculture and grain accumulate more attentions in future. It is exact stage where the CCPIT Sub-councils in agriculture and grain business can perform.  相似文献   

WHAT'S ON? BRICS sign local-currency credit line agreement The development banks of the five BRICS nations agreed in principle on April 14 to establish mutual credit lines denominated in their local currencies, not in dollars. The framework pact was signed by the heads of the banks on the sidelines of a meeting of the leaders of Brazil,Russia,India,China and South Africa in Hainan,the southern Chinese island. Vnesheconom bank,Russia's State development bank, said the purpose was to boost trade and econom...  相似文献   

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