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1993年,浙江和山东两省的电视节目先后上星。这两省和西部五省的情况则截然不同,浙江和山东两省经济发达,地理条件简单,并且无线电波和有线网络资源丰富。国家同意这两省上星,是为了在全国范围宣传经济发达省 相似文献
所谓财务顾问,是指为企事业单位、政府部门提供兼并收购、资产重级、私募融资等方面的分析、咨询、策划等顾问服务的机构和业务。一般而言,财务顾问业务可以说是证券公司在传统意义上投行业务中除去证券公募承销之外的业务。 相似文献
近年来我国图书市场出现了一批优秀的畅销书,但买书难和卖书难仍然成为图书市场一个显著特征。如何准确把握我国图书出版业的竞争格局,未来中国图书市场还有多大的发展空间?本文对这些问题做出了详细的探讨。 相似文献
近年来我国图书市场出现了一批优秀的畅销书,但买书难和卖书难仍然成为图书市场一个显著特征.如何准确把握我国图书出版业的竞争格局,未来中国图书市场还有多大的发展空间?本文对这些问题做出了详细的探讨. 相似文献
直播星变局重掀卫视覆盖战局 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
“直播星”是广播电视直播卫星的简称。2008年成功发射的直播卫星“中星九号”,承载国家农村电视“村村通”使命,由中国卫通集团旗下中国直播星公司发射及测控,并以公益形象提供45套免费卫视频道的节目给农村地区和偏远山区的受众收看。直播星传输方式的开通,不仅直接影响收视人数的巨大变化,对有线网络的发展也造成不小的震撼;往更深远的层面看,当地地面频道的覆盖扩散也受到很大的冲击,所以新一轮的地盘争霸战又开始形成。 相似文献
最近,国内电视媒体消息频频,2月底,江苏卫视宣布重新定位为“资讯&;#183;情感频道”,昭示其打造全国性频道的雄心;3月初,中央电视台广告部传出消息,在春节提前情况下,央视2月份广告收入同比增长25%,延续了其已经达到34个月的连续高速增长势头;几天后的3月5日,安徽台影视频道、湖南经视、山东齐鲁频道、浙江教育科技频道在 相似文献
从目前的情况分析,外资银行在人民币业务方面所占份额是非常小的,因为本外币加在一起外资银行占中国银行业的总资产的份额只有2%.人民币业务就更少了,连一个百分点都没有.在外汇业务方面,存款市场这几年平均外资银行占到外汇存款市场的4%~5%的份额.外汇贷款业务方面,外资银行占到23%~24%的份额.这样看来,外资银行形成了外资银行的存款市场很小,但贷款市场很大的市场格局,也就是说外资行在中国的贷款主要是靠境外调入拆借资金来完成的.那么入世之后,外资银行又会在中国银行业市场中占有怎样的地位?与中国银行形成怎样的竞争格局? 相似文献
F. Akin Olaloku 《Intereconomics》1975,10(2):57-59
Like many of the other less developed countries, one of the major sources of growth in the Nigerian economy is foreign-oriented. With exports accounting for close to one-fifth of the Gross Domestic Product and imports representing about the same proportion, external trade since World War II has been of particular importance to the economy. 相似文献
Jon D. Haveman 《International Trade Journal》2013,27(2):259-292
Although there is extensive literature detailing the change in industrial employment resulting from changes in trading patterns, there is no significant literature that translates these changes in labor demand to actual worker hardship. This study provides evidence of the labor market effects of changes in import and export competition throughout the 1980s by focusing on the level of industry displacements, workers involuntarily separated from their industry of employment, rather than changes in the level of industry employment. The results therefore shed light on the number of workers who were measurably injured by changing trade patterns. The analysis is based on a general equilibrium specification that yields an equation describing the influence of specific industry measures of competitiveness, along with changes in the aggregate environment, on displacements. This equation is subsequently estimated using import and export transactions prices maintained by the U.S. Department of Labor in conjunction with data from a series of Displaced Workers Surveys. Counterfactual analysis provides an estimate of the number of displacements resulting from changes in international competitiveness. These counterfactuals reveal that, overall, changes in the competitive position of the United States reduced the number of workers dislocated throughout the 1980s. 相似文献
Rising importance of service industries and international trade in services led to increased competition in the service sector. The aim of this study is to analyze the international sourcing behavior of service firms as a strategic means to contend with competition. Our theoretical predictions suggest that there is a U-shaped relationship between a service firm’s domestic competitive position and its pursuit of international sourcing: the relationship is first negative and at later stages positive. The international sourcing behavior of domestic competitors and inward investments of foreign rivals are expected to positively affect a service firm’s international sourcing magnitude. A large-scale empirical analysis using a panel of 579 German service firms supports our hypotheses. 相似文献
《The Columbia journal of world business》1995,30(2):94-104
As information-related industries creep into each other's territory and create bybrid “info-tainment” business groups, traditional routes to competitiveness become scarce. Attention is shifting toward content and service-based ways of competing, as postmodern forces sweep aside conventional ways of developing and delivering content. The Dholakias examine both the shift in the basis of eompetition in the information business and in information creation. 相似文献
秩序自由主义推崇秩序与自由相结合的理念.受英影响,欧共体的竞争法不仅注重保护自由竞争,而且强调运用某种程度的干预来维护市场秩序,致力于建立更加和谐和人道的社会. 相似文献
2009年1-7月,云南白药、盘龙云海、滇虹药业等医药企业纷纷在央视《新闻联播》后标版、A特段投放广告,同时,三九医药、江中制药、桂林三金、贵州百灵、广州白云山和记黄埔、吴太感康药业、浙江亚峰制药等医药企业竞相亮相CCTV-1黄金剧场。 相似文献
India, the world's biggest cotton exporter after the U.S., will miss a target to export 5 million bales of the fiber this year, after China cut back purchases, supporting a rally in global prices. 相似文献
<正> 改革开放以来,我国的中小企业得到迅猛发展,一跃成为推动中国经济发展、促进市场繁荣的生力军。据统计,到目前为止我国的中小企业数已经超过1 000万家,占全国企业总数的99%,为城镇提供了75%的就业岗位,安置了2~3亿的农村剩余劳动力,实现的销售额和工商税收分别占全部工业企业的60%和45%。 相似文献
罗芳 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(10)
最近几年,人民币不断升值,受各种因素的影响,人民币升值速度加快,并且升值预期增强.本文通过研究人民币升值的背景、原因的基础上,从正反两方面分析人民币升值对我国外贸企业的影响,进而寻求外贸企业的应对策略,以促进我国外贸企业健康、有序地发展. 相似文献