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In most retail markets, sellers post the price and consumers choose which products to buy. We designed an experimental market with posted prices to investigate consumers' willingness to pay for the color of salmon. Salmon fillets varying in color and price were displayed in twenty choice scenarios. In each scenario, the participants chose which of two salmon fillets they wanted to buy. To induce real economic incentives, each participant drew one binding scenario; the participants then had to buy the salmon fillet they had chosen in their binding scenario. The choice data were analyzed with a mixed logit model.  相似文献   


A component of the supply management policy governing the Canadian dairy sector is a requirement that all milk and cream sold in Canada be sourced from Canadian producers. Cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, however, can be made using imported milk components. Recently, the Dairy Farmers of Canada launched a 100% Canadian Milk label for products that contain only milk and milk ingredients produced in Canada. Featuring a discrete choice experiment, a Canada-wide survey of dairy consumers is used to elicit their willingness-to-pay for milk and ice cream carrying the 100% Canadian Milk label. The results show that Canadian consumers are willing to pay more for milk and ice cream products that carry the label. Consumer knowledge of the dairy sector affects their willingness to pay for this labeling information. Implications for the use of the Canadian origin label and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper analyzes factors influencing consumption decision of pesticide free fruits (PFF) and estimates the willingness to pay (WTP) price premium for PFF in Pakistan. A contingent valuation survey of 200 households was conducted using face to face interview and payment card method. Results suggested that 93.5% respondents were WTP higher prices for PFF. Remarkably, around 35% respondents were WTP 16–20% higher prices and 24% respondents were WTP 6–10% higher prices for PFF than the existed conventional price. In addition, our ordered logit regression suggests that demographic and socio-economic variables such as age, education, income, household’s size and perception about health benefits are significantly associated with higher WTP for PFF.  相似文献   

Index insurance has been heralded as a potential solution to risk management problems faced by smallholder farmers in developing countries. Despite its potential, demand for standalone index insurance contracts has remained low in early field trials. We investigate the willingness to pay for drought index insurance‐backed loans in northern Ghana using contingent valuation. We find that index insurance lowers overall demand for agricultural loans. We also compare micro‐level index insurance, provided directly to farmers, with meso‐level insurance, provided to the credit agency and find that farmers appear to prefer micro‐level insurance. Finally, farmers are willing to pay to avoid basis risk.  相似文献   

Bovine Mastitis is one of the most prevalent and costly production diseases in the dairy industry in Canada and worldwide causing major animal welfare problems, environmental problems, and productivity losses. In this paper, we examine the effects of risk attitudes and social interactions on the willingness to pay (WTP) for genotyping animals for susceptibility to a chronic mastitis trait. We use contingent valuation with double bounded dichotomous choice questions to elicit producers’ WTP. The estimated mean WTP for genotyping is approximately $50 per animal. Compared to the current market prices of commercially available comprehensive genotyping services, this estimate suggests a significant market potential for genotyping to be bundled with economically important disease traits. We also find evidence that both risk attitudes and social interactions have strong effects on the WTP for genotyping. Farmers with higher risk tolerance are willing to pay more for genotyping service. For dairy farmers with more concern about mastitis, risk tolerance has no significant effect on the WTP, while social interactions have a significant effect on the WTP. We also find a strong interaction effect between risk tolerance and social interactions. The findings encourage interest in questions about how risk attitudes, social networks, and their interactions shape the adoption of and the WTP for a novel agricultural technology. La mastite bovine est la maladie de production la plus répandue et la plus coûteuse de l'industrie laitière au Canada et mondialement causant des problèmes en ce qui concerne le bien‐être des animaux, l'environnement et la perte de productivité. Cet article examine les effets de l'attitude à l′égard du risque et des interactions sociales concernant la volonté de payer pour le génotypage d'animaux pour le dépistage de la susceptibilité à posséder le trait de mastite chronique. L'évaluation contingente avec questions à double proposition dichotomique a été utilisée afin d'obtenir la volonté de payer des producteurs. La volonté moyenne estimée de payer pour le génotypage s'élève à approximativement 50 $ par animal. Comparée aux prix courants du marché pour les services commerciaux complets de génotypage, cette estimation suggère un potentiel commercial significatif pour grouper le génotypage à d'autres traits de maladie d'importance économique. Nous trouvons aussi trouvé que les attitudes à l′égard du risque et les interactions sociales avaient un impact significatif sur la volonté de payer pour le génotypage. Les fermiers démontrant une grande tolérance au risque sont disposés à payer plus pour les services de génotypage. Pour les producteurs laitiers préoccupés par la mastite, la tolérance vis‐à‐vis du risque n'a aucun effet sur la volonté de payer, tandis que les interactions sociales en ont une importante. Nous notons aussi un effet significatif d'interaction entre la tolérance pour le risque et les interactions sociales. Les résultats favorisent un questionnement au sujet des attitudes à l′égard du risque, des réseaux sociaux et de leurs interactions, cherchant comment ces derniers guideront l'adoption de nouvelles technologies agricoles et la volonté d'en acquérir.  相似文献   


Food waste is an important topic in the general context of food consumption sustainability and ethical consumption. Several studies have focused on environment-friendly labeling schemes based on different “ethical attributes,” such as organic, fair trade, and locally grown. However, the effect of a labeling scheme based on food waste prevention has never been studied. In the current work, experimental auctions were used to investigate the effect of a certification about containing food waste within a certain threshold on participants’ willingness to pay. The product chosen for the auctions was the French baguette (500 g) packaged with a paper wrapper. Furthermore, we examined whether the effect would be moderated by different communication strategies about the consequences of wasting. Specifically, two different frames of reference were used: the first is based on the carbon footprint, the other on the water footprint. Our results showed that waste prevention–based labeling positively affected participants’ willingness to pay and that this effect was enhanced by the carbon footprint frame of reference.  相似文献   

Basic economic theory predicts that a consumer's willingness to pay for a good is affected by the availability of complements and substitutes. In an auction setting, this theory implies that the presence of complements would increase bid prices for a good, while the presence of substitutes would decrease bid prices for a good. We designed an experiment that allows the calculation of inverse elasticities, the inverse-demand equivalent of conventional price elasticities. Our results show that the availability of complements and substitutes affects bids in the expected directions. This finding has important implications for researchers who design experimental auctions.
Selon la théorie économique de base, la volonté de payer d'un consommateur pour obtenir un bien est influencée par la disponibilité de compléments et de substituts. Dans un scénario de vente aux enchères, cette théorie implique que la présence de compléments ferait augmenter le prix offert pour un bien, tandis que la présence de substituts ferait diminuer le prix offert. Nous avons conçu une expérience qui a permis de calculer les élasticités inverses, l'équivalent de la demande inverse des élasticités-prix classiques. Nos résultats ont montré que la disponibilité de compléments et de substituts influence les offres d'achat dans les directions prévues. Cette observation a d'importantes répercussions pour les chercheurs qui conçoivent des ventes aux enchères expérimentales.  相似文献   

The aim of the research is to estimate the potential demand for certified clams in Italy and to investigate the determinants of maximum amount that respondents are willing to pay for this product. Quantitative analysis was used based on 1,067 face-to-face interviews collected in 3 Italian regions in the north bordering the Adriatic Sea (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, and Emilia-Romagna) carried out during 2008. The consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) is measured using a contingent valuation method. In order to estimate separately the determinants of the probability that respondents are willing to pay and the maximum that they are willing to pay, a generalization of Tobit model was adopted. The results indicate that consumers are willing to pay a premium price mainly to purchase better quality products. The research provides some initial insight into consumers' WTP that can be useful for certified fish farming.  相似文献   

We investigate the willingness to pay (WTP) for cultural ecosystem services from grasslands using a meta-analysis based on 32 eligible research papers that provide in total 79 estimates. The average WTP (corrected for purchasing power) across these studies is 38 Euros per person per year. Yet, our analysis reveals that the transfer of these results needs careful evaluation. More specifically, it is essential to frame the monetary valuation exercise in relation to the direction of grassland change. A switch from cropland to grassland reduces WTP by 90 Euros while an increase in less-intensive land-use in mountain regions raises WTP by 53 Euros. We conclude that for an adequate consideration of grasslands in holistic ecosystem services assessments, the direction of grassland change is important.  相似文献   

Willingness to pay (WTP) for reductions in health risk associated with consuming pesticide residues on vegetables are estimated using the contingent valuation method with in-person interviews of married females in Taiwan. Estimated median WTP for 25 per cent, 50 per cent and 90 per cent reductions in the risk of developing cancer from consuming pesticide residues on a popular Taiwanese vegetable, bok choy, are estimated as 46 per cent, 56 per cent and 75 per cent of the current price of bok choy, respectively. WTP is significantly related to the scope or magnitude of the risk reduction, although it varies less than proportionately to the risk increment. WTP is also significantly related to measures of consumer preferences for health.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲居民对湿地生态系统服务的支付意愿研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河三角洲地区是典型的滨海湿地生态系统,也是环渤海经济圈的重要组成部分。采用条件价值评估法(CVM)在合理设计调查问卷的基础上,通过实地调研获取当地居民对黄河三角洲湿地生态服务的支付意愿。运用非参估计方法得到以下结果:黄河三角洲居民的平均支付意愿在121.3~200.22元/(户·年)之间,总支付意愿在7088.77~11700.86万元/年之间;被调查者的年龄、家庭收入水平、学历和户籍对支付意愿有显著影响。  相似文献   


We analyze the relevant quality attributes of apples which drive and influence consumer choice in the city of Bologna (Italy). A hypothetical choice experiment was conducted to elicit Italian consumer’s willingness to pay for apple attributes and was included as a part of a questionnaire survey. A group of 301 consumers were surveyed in Bologna in July and August 2016. Data were analyzed using a multinomial logit model. Results suggest Italian consumers are willing to pay more for yellow apples and for apples harvested in Trentino-Alto Adige region, compared with other Italian areas. Furthermore, results highlight a preference for locally produced apples, whereas organic apples are only slightly preferred to the not organic alternative. Results of this study could be used to develop marketing strategies for apple differentiation or for a new product development and target the right product to the right consumer.  相似文献   

Residential lawns provide diverse benefits, including social (e.g., enhancing humans’ physical and psychological well‐being), economic (e.g., increasing real estate values), and environmental (e.g., supporting local ecosystems) benefits. However, improper lawn fertilizer applications can cause adverse environmental consequences, such as excessive chemical runoff into adjoining watersheds leading to water contamination. Currently, the importance of eco‐friendly fertilizers to homeowners has not been assessed. This study uses a discrete choice experiment to test whether eco‐friendly fertilizer attributes influence homeowners’ preferences for sustainable landscape management. The findings show that eco‐friendly fertilizer attributes positively influence homeowners’ preferences and willingness to pay, supporting the premise that the promotion of eco‐friendly fertilizer features could improve local ecosystems through increased adaptation. Furthermore, this study tests whether certain fertilizer attributes influence homeowners’ preferences in states with and without fertilizer restrictions. Since the regulatory environment affects homeowners’ preferences for sustainable landscaping, this study compares the results between regulated and unregulated states. The findings reveal that homeowners are more likely to use and are willing to pay higher premiums for sustainable fertilizers in states with residential fertilization regulations. This suggests that with strict fertilizer ordinances, homeowners are more geared toward eco‐friendly landscaping options and that related educational programs should be made available. Les pelouses résidentielles offrent divers avantages, incluant les avantages sociaux (comme la valorisation du bien‐être physique et psychologique humain), économiques (comme la valeur immobilière), et environnementaux (comme l'appui des écosystèmes locaux). La mauvaise application des fertilisants a parfois des conséquences environnementales négatives comme le ruissellement chimique excessif dans les bassins hydrographiques attenants menant à la contamination des sources d'eau. En raison de l'importance des fertilisants respectueux de l'environnement pour la protection de ce dernier, cette étude emploie une expérience avec choix discrets pour évaluer si les attributs écologiques des fertilisants influencent les préférences des consommateurs et leur volonté de payer pour une gestion durable de l'aménagement. Les résultats indiquent que les attributs écologiques des fertilisants influencent positivement les préférences des consommateurs et leur volonté de payer, appuyant ainsi la prémisse selon laquelle la promotion des attributs écologiques des fertilisants de gazon pourrait améliorer les écosystèmes locaux. De plus, cette étude évalue l'influence des attributs de certains fertilisants sur les préférences des propriétaires résidentiels dans les états avec et sans restrictions sur l'application des fertilisants. Puisque le cadre règlementaire peut avoir un impact sur les préférences des consommateurs pour une gestion durable de l'aménagement paysager, cette étude compare les prévisions des états avec et sans cadre règlementaire. Les résultats démontrent que les consommateurs sont plus aptes à utiliser, et sont disposés à payer un surplus pour les fertilisants durables dans les états où des règlements concernant l'utilisation de fertilisants résidentiels sont en vigueur, portant donc à croire que les programmes éducatifs concernant l'aménagement paysager respectueux de l'environnement devraient être accompagnés d'ordonnances strictes en matière de fertilisants.  相似文献   

消费者对转基因食品的意愿支付:来自上海的经验证据   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
转基因食品在全世界引起激烈争论。了解消费者对于转基因食品的态度和接受程度,对于制定转基因食品的管制政策具有十分重要的作用。国外的研究使用了多种的方法估计消费者对转基因食品的态度,国内的研究还很少见。本论文使用假设评价法,通过对上海市300个家庭问卷调查,发现人们对于转基因食品的认知程度还比较低,普及农业生物科技知识非常必要。尽管消费者认为自己非常关注食品安全和营养问题,但在实际购买中,他们更多的考虑还是价格和收入。上海消费者对于为转基因加贴特殊标签持较强烈的支持态度,对转基因植物食品的反感程度要小于对转基因动物食品的反感程度。二元10git回归的结果表明,在传统大豆和转基因大豆烹调油之间,消费者更倾向于购买非转基因食品,而且只有当转基因食品的价格平均比非转基因的价格低28.55%时,消费者才愿意购买转基因食品。  相似文献   

Using Certified U.S. Product as a product cue, we show that consumer willingness to pay for other identifiable search and experience attributes change. Certified U.S. Product serves as a substitute for Guaranteed Tender and a complement of Guaranteed Lean. Results have important implications for policymakers and food companies interested in food labeling programs in the presence of cue attributes such as Certified U.S. Product. The substitute effects of a cue attribute on other product attributes may contribute to deteriorating product quality and the complement effects of a cue attribute could improve product quality in the market.  相似文献   

Researchers are increasingly considering benefit transfer approaches that allow welfare measures to be adjusted for characteristics of the policy context. The validity and reliability of such adjustments, however, depends on the presence of systematic variation in underlying WTP. This paper describes a meta-analysis conducted to identify systematic components of WTP for aquatic resource improvements. Model results reveal systematic patterns in WTP unapparent from stated preference models considered in isolation, and suggest that observable attributes account for a substantial proportion of the variance in WTP estimates across studies. The analysis also exposes challenges faced in development, estimation, and interpretation of meta-models for benefit transfer and welfare guidance. These challenges remain salient even in cases where the statistical performance of meta-models is satisfactory.  相似文献   

Sustainability of increasing relevance also for seafood markets. The aim of this contribution is to analyze consumer preferences and their willingness to pay (WTP) for different sustainability claims, and to identify consumer segments according to their WTP. The contingent valuation method was applied to elicit consumers’ WTP in eight European countries. The WTP varies between seven and almost 20%, depending on attribute and country. Three consumer groups become apparent: the largest group without any additional WTP, a smaller group with a moderate additional WTP of plus 17%, and a very small group with an additional WTP of more than 40%. Clear differences between countries are obvious regarding preferences for different sustainability attributes, particularly in the segment with the highest WTP. A fraction of the consumers is willing to pay significantly higher prices for sustainably produced fish from Europe: given that trustful standards are applied and well communicated.  相似文献   

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