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郑胜  杨充 《北方经贸》2002,(9):64-65
任何制度变迁都涉及变迁主体、变迁源泉以及适应效率等因素。股指期货交易在我国的推出本质上也是一种制度变迁 ,同样回避不了这些问题 ,其中变迁主体的确立尤为关键。本文结合新制度经济学中的有关知识 ,分析了政府与微观经济体在股指期货创新中的主体地位。  相似文献   

林远宁 《商业时代》2004,(21):36-37
本文从新制度经济学制度变迁的视角,通过对我国股票市场股票首次发行定价方式的演变进行总结,分析了我国行政性定价出现的原因、向市场化定价方式过渡的内在需求以及实行市场化改革后各主体的收益和改革的局限性,并提出了新股发行定价方式进一步改革的方向。  相似文献   

我国土地市场化过程中的三方博弈分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘小玲 《财贸经济》2005,(11):64-68
土地市场化配置对于合理利用稀缺的土地,提高资源配置效率和完善我国社会主义市场经济体系具有重要意义.中央政府希望通过从上到下强制性制度变迁行动,达到土地市场化的目标;而随着中央政府和地方政府"分灶吃饭"和"财政分权"等政策的实施,地方政府逐步演变成为具有自身效用函数的政治经济组织;土地的实际占有者也不再是政府部门可以任意支配的机构,随着"产权明晰、权责明确、政企分开"等改革措施的实行而成长为市场体制下的微观经济主体,要以追求自身利益最大化为目标.因此,中央政府的供给型制度创新行动并不必然转变成地方政府,特别是土地占有者的自觉行为.于是,在政策传递的过程中,中央政府与地方政府、地方政府与土地实际占有者之间的博弈便产生了.本文从制度变迁的角度,运用博弈分析方法,分析了我国土地市场发育中,中央政府、地方政府和土地实际占有者三方博弈的过程、结果及其对土地市场化配置的影响,阐明我国土地市场发育迟缓的制度原因.  相似文献   

人民币汇率制度变迁的时机选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李利平  叶青 《北方经贸》2005,(7):105-106
现行人民币汇率制度是钉住美元汇率制,这种汇率制度曾使中国成功地渡过了东南亚金融危机;为国际经济社会提供了一个稳定的投资和贸易环境;并使中国的经济得以持续高速增长。但随着资本项目可兑换步伐的加快,国际资金流动的飞速增长,以及利率市场化的完成,现行汇率制度会越来越与外部经济环境不相适应,新的汇率制度将会应运而生。即汇率制度由钉住汇率制向更为灵活的汇率制转变,在人民币汇率制度变迁过程中,制度变迁的时机选择尤为重要。本文浅析了人民币汇率制度变迁的时机选择,指出在具备何种外部经济条件下进行制度变迁成本最低。  相似文献   

夏玉华 《财贸研究》2006,17(4):22-29
环境、制度变迁主体和“路径依赖”是制度变迁的内在逻辑。现阶段中国农地制度环境产生了稳定和改革调整现阶段中国农地制度的矛盾需求,政府作为农地制度变迁的主要推动者在维持还是废除现有的农地征用制度上处境尴尬,家庭承包责任制在取得初期的辉煌后,虽然在现阶段遇到了一些问题,但其自身在不断地朝着改善绩效的方向调整,所有这些因素的综合作用决定了现阶段中国农地制度的变迁方向。农地私有化和国有化都是不符合现阶段中国农地制度变迁内在逻辑的改革主张,现阶段中国农地制度的改革方向只能是稳定和完善家庭承包责任制。当前稳定和完善家庭承包责任制的首要任务是要进行农地外部制度的重构,其次要在保持现有农地制度基本构架稳定的前提下,进行农地内部制度的局部调整和创新。  相似文献   

借鉴制度变迁理论,找出货币制度中的两个博弈主体:统治者和平民;利用制度供给与制度需求的概念界定双方的支付水平;以政治权力结构作为博弈游戏规则,同时结合耗散结构理论构建出具备较强解释力的货币制度变迁理论。在此基础上,推论出导致一国货币制度变迁的内部和外部机制。结论是,除非具有经济实力的经济体的强势货币能够与美元相匹敌,否则美元仍会获得货币制度供给带来的超额收益,即继续贬值下去。作为外汇储备世界第一的中国,唯一合理的选择是实施资源优先战略,即利用手中外汇购买他国重要的资源,如能源和矿产。  相似文献   

我国自然垄断产业政府管制制度变迁是由多元主体推动的,其中主要包括消费者、企业和国家。三者在变迁过程中的利益必然存在冲突.在变迁中发挥着不同的作用。消费者、企业和国家都能引发制度的需求,但只有国家才能最终实现管制制度变迁的供给.并在此基础上实现新的制度均衡。而消费者、企业和国家三个变迁主体的力量对比及国家在制度变迁中的有限理性又可能导致我国自然垄断产业政府管制制度变迁不是一种充分博弈的结果.制度结果与其制度创新预期相背离。  相似文献   

诸建乐 《商业科技》2014,(10):130-131
本文以现有文献为基础,并以中国近30年的制度变迁为现实依据,采用实证分析方法研究制度变迁因素对我国经济增长的贡献。本文主要以市场化程度、开放程度及非国有化程度作为制度变革与创新的度量指标,研究发现三者程度的加深与中国经济增长之间具有密切关系。可见,制度变迁乃是解释中国经济增长重要原因。  相似文献   

论我国股市制度变迁的路径选择   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文从重新对股市制度定义开始,回答股市发展过程中的几个基本问题,特别是股市制度产生的边界条件、制度创新的主体问题、制度创新的基本要素问题.指出:以市场为主导的制度变迁满足MR=MC,而以政府为主导的制度创新可能由于个体行为或效率差异而出现不稳定均衡.针对我国当前股市发展的现状和存在的问题,指出制度创新单一主体的局限性,提出了以政府为主、市场为辅转化为以市场为主、政府为辅的渐近式制度变迁路径.  相似文献   

"农改超"发展的制度障碍及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“农改超”在发展中出现了许多问题,其根本原因是在发展中存在制度障碍,即制度变迁的内部动力和外部动力不足。技术变迁的无效率和政府干预的无效率阻碍了“农改超”的发展,因此,政府应不断提高其干预的有效性,不断完善企业“农改超”的经营模式。  相似文献   

An initial public offering (IPO) is one of the most critical events in the life of a firm. As the IPO market continues to attract attention from both entrepreneurs and investors, research examining the relationship between the firm's characteristics and its IPO performance is growing. In this paper, we use the upper echelon perspective to empirically examine the relationship between the firm's chief executive officer (CEO) and the firm's time to IPO, a relationship that has so far received little attention. Using data obtained from 237 IPOs in the U.S. software industry, we found that the CEO's prior executive experience, network, and age are significantly related to the new firm's time to IPO. This study extends the understanding of the important role of the CEO in the IPO and provides investors greater insight into those variables that influence the speed with which firms go public.  相似文献   

现阶段,我国的证券市场基本是由政府管制,影响了我国金融市场的发展。证券企业为了得到健康发展,只能获得IPO的发行许可。从盈余管理出发,结合资本市场动机,两种假设:IPO企业同时实施两种盈余管理方法会提高其股票发行价和与真实盈余管理对企业未来的损害较大,并选取在2007到2012期间沪深两市的699家IPO上市企业样本,通过引入不同变量、创建回归模型、对回归结果分析得出两种盈余管理方式,均有利于企业提高IPO的发行价和真实盈余管理的应用会对IPO公司的长期业绩产生不利的影响。可见,两种盈余方式对于促进IPO企业健康、稳定发展具有重要的历史作用和现实意义。  相似文献   

This study revisits current practice that ownership holding at IPO has a homogeneous impact on IPO performance. Using signalling theory, we develop and test a conceptual model explaining the relationships between the aggregated ownership structure and IPO price premium. We argue that aggregated ownership has a direct effect on issue price premium, and offer specific hypotheses on the effect of the shares sold during the offering by each type of owner on IPO performance. We use archival data from a sample of US firms that issued IPOs between 1996 and 2000 and find a significant direct effect of ownership configuration, namely, heterogeneity in effect of each ownership type on IPO performance as well as interaction effects between different ownership types. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine those factors generally considered to impact IPO performance to assess the extent to which investment bankers might utilize this information in determining the spread within which the offering price is likely to be set and in setting the offering price. Interestingly, we find no evidence that the variables investigated are related to either IPO offer price spread or the IPO offer price. The implications of these findings are notable, as they raise the issue of what information might account for investment bankers' valuation decisions, as captured in the offer price spread and offer price.  相似文献   

We examine how VCFs' forecast of an IPO exit affects their breadth of advising and the likelihood of founder–CEO replacement shortly after they invest in a new venture. Moreover, we examine how the expected time-to-exit moderates these relationships. Our findings show that the likelihood of founder–CEO replacement upon receiving venture capital funding is significantly greater if a VCF perceives this company as a potential IPO as opposed to a trade sale, and this likelihood increases if the forecasted time-to-exit is short. We also illustrate how the breadth of advice varies as a function of the forecasted IPO and time-to-exit.  相似文献   

We make use of hand-collected data on a large sample of entrepreneurial firms going public to analyze the association between venture capital (VC) backing and the top management team (TMT) quality of firms at the time of their initial public offerings (IPOs), and the effect of both VC-backing and TMT quality on the growth in their post-IPO operating performance and IPO firm valuations. We first show that VC-backing is associated with higher TMT quality. We then show that both higher TMT quality and VC-backing lead to higher growth in post-IPO operating performance and higher IPO valuations. We find that the above two variables affect the growth in post-IPO operating performance through an “ability channel,” whereby the TMTs of such firms choose projects with higher equilibrium scale and implement them more ably. Further, TMT quality and VC-backing affect IPO firm valuations not only through the above ability channel, but also through a “certification channel,” whereby higher TMT quality and VC-backing credibly certify intrinsic firm value to the IPO market, thus reducing the extent of asymmetric information facing such firms in the IPO market and yielding these firms higher IPO valuations. Finally, we show that TMT quality and VC-backing act as complements in their effect on IPO firms' growth in post-IPO operating performance.  相似文献   

将中国ADR的IPO首日超额收益分解为一级市场抑价和二级市场溢价,一级市场抑价是指发行价格低于内在价值而带来的收益回报;二级市场溢价是指上市首日收盘价格内在价值而带来的收益回报。基于回归结果的IPO首日超额收益,三个解释变量都无法通过显著性检验,说明我国海外上市发行的ADR企业严重同质化,缺乏差异性特征,样本数据之间的关联度高。同时,大多数国企和民企都采取引入海外战略投资者的做法,也是一个重要影响因素。  相似文献   

This study uses signaling theory to examine the role of media coverage on IPO stock performance. Specifically, it investigates how coverage in credible financial media and the tone of media coverage about an IPO firm before and after its listing influence its stock performance. Results show that coverage in credible financial media about an IPO firm significantly impacts its stock price. Additionally, the findings show that uncertainty in the tone of media coverage about an IPO firm adversely influences its stock price. Overall, these findings contribute to signaling theory by addressing the impact of uncertain signals on investor behavior. Moreover, the findings reported in this study also contribute to the growing organizational literature on media by emphasizing the need for scholars to examine the content of media coverage, and specifically the role of uncertain media coverage, on firm-level variables.  相似文献   

通过普通最小二乘法对我国沪深A股IPO折价现象的多元线性回归分析发现,沪深A股IPO的折价程度不断减弱,定价逐渐趋于理性。实证分析中只有网上超额认购倍数、发行日与上市日之间的间隔期和我国在不同的历史时期采取的不同定价发行方式对IPO折价程度具有统计上的显著性。股票发行定价方式的改变是影响我国A股IPO折价程度高的主要原因。  相似文献   

Based on the data on initial public offerings (IPOs) listed on Growth Enterprises Market (ChiNext) in 2009–2018, this paper examines the impact of first-day listing price limits on IPO underpricing by adopting the event study and regression discontinuity design models. Our research indicates that the implementation of price limits significantly increases IPO underpricing by intensifying investor sentiment and encouraging market speculation. We also find that price limits have different impacts on companies with different characteristics such as innovation capacity and ownership structure. Our research may suggest how to improve the effectiveness of regulatory policy as well as current ChiNext and IPO market reforms.  相似文献   

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