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This paper examines the variables that determine the performance of countries at the Olympic Games as measured by a weighted sum of the medals won at the Sydney 2000 Games. While previous studies have identified the importance of a country's economic size and the resources available to sport, this paper examines nine more variables including the number of athletes representing each nation and some development indicators. Based on 2310 regressions, both traditional and restricted extreme bounds analysis show that only two variables are robust: the number of athletes and national expenditure on health. Thus, the final model recognises four explanatory variables that include these two as well as GDP and population.  相似文献   

以第9-15届亚运会奖牌榜为样本,通过构建计量模型,从宏观角度对亚运会奖牌分布的影响因素进行了实证研究。研究发现:人口规模、经济实力对亚运会成绩有显著的积极作用;收入水平与亚运会奖牌数呈显著正相关,且存在二次倒U型曲线关系;东道主效应会促进主办国在亚运会上的成绩表现;相比资本主义制度,社会主义制度有利于取得更多的亚运会奖牌;文化上喜爱与重视体育运动的国家或地区亚运会成绩更好;东亚地区的亚运会表现显著优于其他亚洲地区。最后对我国实施正确的体育战略提出了建议。  相似文献   

Countries whose cities host the Summer Olympic Games increase significantly their success during the competition. We study whether such effect is lasting or not. We compute the effect of hosting on the total number of medals in the subsequent games. To confront the issue that the selection of the host city is endogenous, we use a natural counterfactual: countries whose cities also bid for the Olympics but were not selected by the International Olympic Committee. In all cases, we find that Olympic success on medals fades away immediately after hosting.  相似文献   

北京奥运旅游的机遇、资源优势与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008奥运将近,北京如何利用奥运大力发展旅游值得世人关注。本文在回顾奥运旅游对历届举办城市经济影响的基础上,阐述了奥运旅游是北京绝好的发展机会,进而提出北京奥运旅游的发展对策。  相似文献   

奥运创意经济引领创意城市发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从根本上看,奥运是一种文化创意产业,是推动城市文化创意产业发展的强大动力。奥运创意经济是以创意为核心,以体验为基础,以注意力为目标的文化产业,是依托当代高科技和传播媒介的文化实践方式。奥运本身是一个机遇,会给创意产业带来发展,最终给城市带来效应。基于我国创意城市发展的低水平,当前重要的是要抓住北京奥运这一机遇,大力发展奥运创意经济,促进我国创意城市的发展。  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess the long‐term effects of the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games on various economic and labor market outcomes in Nagano Prefecture. One‐shot and large‐size events, such as the Olympic Games, are expected to boost the local economy and create jobs, thus leading to lower unemployment. In addition, the tightening of the local labor market eventually raises wages. Using the synthetic control methodology, we build counterfactual dynamics of various economic and labor market outcomes for Nagano Prefecture, and then compare these outcomes with the actual data for these variables. This allows us to determine how the local economic and labor market outcomes in Nagano Prefecture would have been different had the 1998 Olympic Games not been held there.  相似文献   

王华 《经济研究导刊》2009,(17):154-155,158
随着奥运经济理论的不断丰富和完善,同时,体育产业在一国经济中发挥越来越要的作用,奥运经济以及由此而带来的对城市发展的影响已成为经济学领域的重要课题。采用文献资料法、逻辑归纳法等方法,以“后奥运”时期为文章的背景和切入点,为北京奥运会后经济的可持续发展提供了积极的、具有建设性的对策及建议。  相似文献   

北京奥运正负经济效应初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008北京奥运为北京经济的高速增长提供了动力,扩大了就业,带动了北京经济结构的调整·使北京经济更具活力;奥运会把北京朝国际化大都市的方向推进了一大步.但其"虹吸效应"、"挤出效应"、"低谷效应"等负面经济影响,更值得深入研究与关注.  相似文献   

文章从产业关联理论的角度出发,对产业关联理论和奥运产业关联理论作了简要的阐述,在此基础上分析了奥运会对其周边产业的关联效应,主要包括奥运会对体育业、旅游业、文化业、金融业的关联效应。并对奥运会的产业关联度模型的优缺点进行了探讨,得出了不应该只注重奥运会的直接关联效应,还要充分考虑其完全关联效应的结论。  相似文献   

论中国经济管理陪都的建立   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
近20年来,随着北京社会经济的快速发展和城市规模的迅速扩大,出现了城市严重缺水、沙尘笼罩、三废污染以及城市用地紧张等问题;而且2008年奥运会又提出了“绿色奥运、科技奥运、文化奥运”等新要求,为了解决老问题,满足新要求,本文提出了尽快在我国人口中心地带建立经济管理陪都是非常必要的;其长株潭城市群则是我国陪都的最佳候选城市。这样既可以减轻北京城市的总体压力,又有利于国家经济的管理,并能促进陪都地区的经济发展。  相似文献   

奚天明 《经济问题》2007,(10):92-94
采用文献资料、比较分析、逻辑分析等方法,重点对奥运会投入模式、结构、预算与风险问题进行了分析,结果显示:结合型投入模式更有利于奥运会的产出效益,降低直接投入与间接投入的比值、建立科学的预算体系是规避奥运会投资风险的重要保证.  相似文献   

Using the data of the 1996 Olympic Games, this paper analyzes the economic impact of a mega‐sporting event. Earlier studies are extended in several ways. First, monthly rather than quarterly data are employed. Second, the impact is analyzed for 16 different sectors. Third, we use a nonparametric approach to flexibly isolate employment effects. Hardly any evidence for a persistent shift in the aftermath of or the preparation for the Olympic Games is supported. We find significant positive employment effects exclusively during the Olympic Games. These short‐term effects are concentrated in the sectors of “retail trade,”“accommodation and food services,” and “arts, entertainment, and recreation.” (JEL H54, R12, L83)  相似文献   

论奥运经济对我国体育产业发展的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2008年北京奥运会不仅蕴藏着巨大的商机,而且将直接推动我国体育产业的巨大发展。奥运会为中国体育产业的国际竞争力带来了机遇与挑战,加速体育产业与资本市场的融合,培育中国体育产品知名品牌,提高科技含量,加大对体育管理人才的培养,才能使奥运对我国体育产业带来的机遇最大化地变为现实。  相似文献   

北京2008年奥运会给了我国体育休闲产业一个历史性的发展机遇,如何抓住机会,促进体育休闲产业化发展,文章主要对体育休闲娱乐产业进行经济学价值分析,以"产业化"为出发点,研究体育休闲娱乐产业与社会经济发展的关系,笔者通过资料收集和整理,为我国体育休闲产业化发展提出几点个人的建议,为以后的研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

A study of differences in approach to value and income concepts by students with and without formal accounting education is presented by Kida and Hicks. They found that students without accounting training tend to regard income as a change in value and well-being; those with accounting tend to view the income concept from an accounting procedural approach. The question is raised whether accounting majors might not benefit from additional training in economic theory beyond a basic principles course to broaden their approach to “theoretical value-based concepts.”  相似文献   

Most studies of mega-events such as Olympic Games find a relatively small impact on the cities that host them. One reason given for this finding is that the event displaces tourists who otherwise would have come to the city. This paper documents such displacement by showing that expenditure at ski resorts in Colorado rose as a result of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. In addition to supporting previous studies, the spillover effect suggests that cities and states that gain from spillovers might want to support bids for events by nearby cities.  相似文献   

We estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) of Beijing and Shanghai residents for improving the air quality of the two cities from their levels prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to the level achieved during the Olympics. The data are obtained from a contingent valuation study conducted through face-to-face interviews in June 2008 in Beijing and Shanghai prior to the Beijing Olympics, during which time there was intensive debate about Beijing's air quality. Residents in both cities are willing to pay more when they are more exposed to air pollution, when their disposable income increases, and when they have stronger beliefs that public opinion plays an important role in government policy making. Beijing residents are willing to pay more than Shanghai residents, due possibly to Beijing's poorer air quality. Overall, aggregate WTP for air quality improvement accounts for about 0.53% of the 2008 GDP in Beijing and 0.22% of the 2008 GDP in Shanghai.  相似文献   

体育公园是在生态型体育产业的大背景下,基于现代城市公园的本底满足体育产业需求的发展模式。体育产业所涵盖的功能不断发展更迭,所对应的体育公园空间场所也在同步发生着变化。第一代体育中心承载着单纯的竞技体育功能,第二代风景化体育公园重在体育与公园的多重功能叠合,第三代触媒型体育公园重点强调区域的媒介作用。3代体育公园在投资规模、建设目标、后期运营三方面都存在着较大差异。现代奥林匹克运动会顺应了社会发展的需求和体育发展的潮流,以奥林匹克运动会为研究对象,从功能场所发展的角度对体育公园的概念和发展脉络进行研究,探求其发展动因和模式变化,以期对未来体育公园的建设发展提供参考。  相似文献   

中国经济的快速增长和地区间收入差距紧密相联。虽然目前大部分研究文献都用经济因素来解释这一问题,但文章认为,地方政府的反腐败力度也是影响地方收入水平的重要因素。通过利用中国县级横截面数据以及采用普通最小二乘法,文章发现,反腐败力度越大的县的收入水平越高。利用最近发展起来的夏普里值分解法来量化各个解释变量对收入差距的贡献率,文章还发现,反腐败是解释中国县际收入差距的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

International Advances in Economic Research - This study investigates how stock markets reacted to the postponement of the Tokyo Olympic Games, which were scheduled to be held in 2020. After the...  相似文献   

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