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本文通过分析1985年至2007年间上海经济增长与城市贫困水平的变化发现:总体上经济高增长带动了绝对贫困发生率的下降,但同时相对贫困发生率却在1990年后逐渐上升。总的来说,上海经济增长1985-1999年间属于亲贫困的增长,但2000年以后,尽管上海经济增长率和人均收入水平不断提高,但收入差距的扩大和不平等恶化造成相对贫困总体趋势日益严重。因此,本文认为在经济发展达到一定水平后,除城市贫困标准外,相对贫困也应成为衡量城市贫困问题的标准。政府在注重减少绝对贫困的同时应关注相对贫困问题,制定有利于贫困人群发展的战略以减少不平等,使贫困者能够从经济增长中更多受益。  相似文献   

本文首先运用Ravallion基本需求成本法测算了中国转型时期(1986~2000年)城镇贫困线水平,并用Foster系列贫困指数测度了转型期间城镇贫困的广度、深度和强度。结果表明,从1986年到2000年,城镇贫困的广度、深度和强度都呈现总体上升的趋势。最后,我们实证分析认为,城镇贫困状况恶化的原因与转型期间一系列重大政策改革相联系,即城镇居民收入不平等、失业率、住房支出、教育支出和医疗支出上升是城镇贫困恶化的主要因素。  相似文献   

金融普惠可以提高减贫质量吗?——基于多维贫困的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
切实提高减贫质量对我国打赢打好脱贫攻坚战和守住脱贫成果至关重要。金融普惠作为当前我国金融改革和脱贫攻坚的重要举措,是否有助于提高减贫质量仍是有待回答的问题。文章基于中国家庭金融调查2015年数据,从多维贫困和多维贫困脆弱性两方面出发研究了金融普惠对我国农村减贫质量的影响。研究发现,金融普惠可以同时降低农村家庭多维贫困和多维贫困脆弱性,并且对多维贫困问题严重的农村家庭有更大的作用;区分不同贫困和不同金融服务发现,金融普惠可以显著降低收入贫困、教育贫困及生活质量贫困,对健康贫困的影响则不显著;银行营业网点与金融服务点渗透、以及储蓄、贷款、保险及数字金融服务使用可以提高减贫质量,而其他金融机构渗透、信用卡使用及银行服务评价的作用相对有限。进一步地,文章研究了金融普惠减贫质量效应的环境条件,发现村庄市场及制度环境和家庭需求环境改善有助于充分发挥金融普惠的积极作用,相反则可能构成一定的制约。最后,文章检验了金融普惠的影响机制,发现促进农村家庭人力与物质资本积累、以及地区经济发展等在其中发挥了重要的中介作用。文章结论为我国提高减贫质量提供了可靠的政策工具,同时也可促进我国全面建成小康社会和经济实现高质量发展。  相似文献   

李翠锦 《特区经济》2010,(3):180-181
采用2000~2005年全国26个省市区的面板数据,利用固定效应模型,分析了该时间段内我国农户家庭经营纯收入、工资性收入、财产性收入及转移性收入对农村贫困缓解的影响。同时,利用面板数据模型进一步分析了东、中、西部地区各种收入对本区域贫困缓解的影响。研究结论表明:家庭经营纯收入是我国农村贫困缓解的主要因素;与东、中部地区比较而言,西部地区贫困的缓解更加依赖于家庭经营纯收入,工资性收入对西部地区贫困缓解的效应强于中部地区。  相似文献   

本文采用相对贫困线方法研究新疆城市居民2000年与2003年的贫困变化程度,利用FGT(Foster-Greer-Thorbecke)贫困指数分析了新疆城市居民的贫困率、贫困差距、贫困深度的变化,通过贫困指数FGT变化的分解分析,说明经济增长提高可支配收入有助于减少贫困,收入分布差距的减少也是减少贫困程度的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

近年来,学者和政策制定者逐渐将贫困的研究视角从单一的收入贫困扩展到多维贫困。文章基于CFPS的2010年基线调查数据,采取Alkire和Foster提出的双界限方法,根据《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2011-2020)》提出的目标任务选取贫困维度,对我国农村的多维贫困进行了测度,并对测度结果进行了稳健性分析。测度结果表明,我国农村多维贫困状况比收入贫困状况恶劣。维度分解结果表明,社会保障和生活质量等维度的剥夺情况比较严重。地区分解结果显示,西部地区被剥夺状况高于中、西部地区。稳健性分析结果显示,测度结果对权重的选取是稳健的。因此,我国在此10年中,应从多维视角识别农村贫困,有针对性地提高扶贫政策的有效性。  相似文献   

第七次全国人口普查结果显示,中国人口老龄化程度呈持续加重趋势.相对贫困人群中老龄人口是重要组成部分,其相对贫困表现在经济、健康、心理、社会参与等多个方面,具有脆弱性、差异性、物质性、复杂性等特点.中国需多措并举,通过提高收入、维护健康、调适心理、拓宽救助渠道、加强文化建设等途径,从赋权和增能角度解决老龄人口相对贫困问题.  相似文献   

以经济增长为渠道,本文分3步就国际金融危机对中国贫困的影响进行实证估计。本文的估算结果显示:在国际金融危机冲击及其对经济增长的负面影响下,2008~2010年中国城镇贫困人口收入分别下降了0.474%、0.569%和0.284%。从三大需求角度来看,贫困人口收入下降主要源于国际金融危机所致的净出口大幅下滑;从三次产业角度来看,国际金融危机对贫困人口收入的不利影响主要集中在第二、第三产业上,在第二产业上的作用力度更大,而在第三产业上的持续时间更长。根据上述研究结论,针对国际金融危机的冲击及其对贫困人口收入的负面影响,政府应该在迅速"点燃"经济增长的同时,积极实施帮助穷人脱贫的发展战略。  相似文献   

浅析贫困大学生就业难的原因及解决对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向阳  周立红 《新西部(上)》2007,(6X):138-138,141
近年来,随着贫困大学生的人数逐年上升,贫困大学生就业难的问题己引起全社会的普遍关注,如何更好地解决贫困大学生的就业问题将是我国高等教育能否继续健康、有序地发展的关键环节。该文从教育和社会就业环境这一外因和贫困大学生自身就业心态偏差这一内因浅析了造成贫困大学生就业难的原因,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

杨鑫  罗霞 《科技和产业》2023,23(18):116-123
随着我国脱贫攻坚结束进入过渡期,健康扶贫政策对巩固脱贫攻坚提高农村贫困人口健康水平具有重要的意义。基于2015年和2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)数据,运用倾向得分匹配和双重差分模型(PSM-DID),分析健康扶贫政策对农村贫困老人幸福感的影响及作用机制。研究结果表明,健康扶贫政策在5%的显著水平下提升了农村贫困老人的积极情感,并在1%的显著水平下降低了其消极情感;机制检验发现,健康扶贫政策通过提升农村贫困老人实际健康状况、降低医疗费用支出的路径提升了农村贫困老人主观幸福感;通过异质性分析发现,健康扶贫政策在5%的显著性水平下提升了健康状况较差的农村贫困老人积极情绪。最后提出逐步完善医疗保障体系、拓宽健康帮扶边界、提升医疗服务水平、树立大健康理念等建议。  相似文献   

Measures of poverty are much used, but also much criticised as having limited value in debates on public resource allocation. Some argue that the measures are too conservative and do little more than complicate important issues of inequality and injustice. However, poverty measurement can be sensitive to these concerns if grounded in the field's well-developed theoretical foundation. In South Africa, poverty measures over more than 50 years have consistently taken into account distributional issues and the causes and implications of deprivation, and most South African analyses of poverty have recognised and incorporated the multi-dimensional nature of poverty. Recognising different perceptions of aggregation, time horizon and the role of states and markets is perhaps more important than methodology when assessing what poverty measures can contribute. With proper theorisation, and attention paid to the purpose of poverty diagnostics, measurement is more than sleight-of-hand and can provide both a tool for advocacy and a means to implement policies that promote greater social justice.  相似文献   

区域贫困程度测度是精准施策,打赢脱贫攻坚战的重要依据。在对已有贫困程度测度方法回顾的基础上,文章通过分析深度贫困地区的贫困特征,提出区域贫困程度测度原则,构建区域贫困程度测度指标体系,并以甘肃为例对深度贫困县贫困程度进行测算,进一步了解深度贫困县的贫困现状、集中区域、影响因素及贫困差距等,以期为地方打赢脱贫攻坚战提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the levels and evolution of poverty in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe using the decomposability properties of poverty measures based on a counting approach. We compare poverty measures such as the Alkire and Foster index with alternative poverty indices that are sensitive to inequality. Poverty is estimated using Demographic and Health Surveys for different years for Malawi (2004, 2010 and 2015), for Mozambique (2003 and 2011), Tanzania (2004, 2010 and 2015) and for Zimbabwe (2005, 2010 and 2015). Our findings show that one obtains insightful information when looking at the breadth and inequality components of multidimensional poverty.  相似文献   

贫困指数是衡量社会总体贫困程度的指标,在众多的贫困指数中.本文选择具有良好性能的瓦特指数和由此派生出来的脱贫时间指数,分析了我国城镇上个世纪90年代以来的贫困变化趋势.研究发现,城镇贫困在1997年达到高峰,然后逐渐缓和;贫困人口的收入增长在初期能使脱贫时间迅速下降,但边际效果是递减的;贫困人口之间的收入分配不平等延长了脱贫时间:如果贫困人口的初始收入增加,会明显降低脱贫时间.  相似文献   

This study uses the Census 2001 and 2011 as well as Community Survey 2007 and 2016 data to derive a multidimensional poverty index in South Africa for each year, before assessing the changes in non-money-metric, multidimensional poverty over time. Both the incidence and intensity of multidimensional poverty decreased continuously, and these declines were more rapid than that of money-metric poverty. The decrease in multidimensional poverty between 2001 and 2016 was most rapid for female Africans residing in rural areas in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu–Natal provinces. Multidimensional poverty was most serious in numerous district councils in these two provinces, despite the fact that poverty decline was also most rapid in these district councils. The results of the multidimensional poverty index decomposition indicated that Africans contributed more than 95% to multidimensional poverty, while unemployment, years of schooling and disability were the three indicators contributing most to poverty.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the development of poverty in Sweden using micro data derived from tax files for the city of Göteborg for the years 1925, 1936, 1947 and 1958, as well as more recent (1983, 1994 and 2003) information. We define poverty as living in a household with a disposable income lower than a poverty line that represents a constant purchasing power all years, as well as poverty lines defined as 60% of contemporary median income. Clear reductions of poverty from 1925 to 1947, as well as from 1958 to 1983, are found. We argue that an important poverty-reducing mechanism during both periods was narrowing earnings disparities. Further, we claim that the poverty reduction from the end of the 1950s to the first half of the 1980s was the outcome of improved transfer systems as well as the establishment of pronounced characteristics of present-day Sweden: the dual earner system.  相似文献   

农民贫困问题探源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对农民贫困问题,结合十六大报告提出全面建设小康社会的目标,第一次比较系统地提出了农村贫困包括物质贫困、精神贫困和政治贫困的新观点。  相似文献   

Poverty alleviation remains a pressing concern for South African policy-makers. Implementing effective anti-poverty policies requires a clear understanding of the nature and extent of poverty. The extant literature on South African poverty dynamics shows a decline in the headcount ratio over the first decade of the twenty-first century. However, the prior research largely adopts a narrow money-metric approach, or uses multi-dimensional indices that include welfare indicators based on private assets (e.g. television sets) or those that are provided publicly (e.g. access to water). This paper uses multiple correspondence analysis to measure non-income poverty trends for the period 2005–12. The novelty in this undertaking lies in an attempt to include a measure of the perceived quality of public assets and services to complement the standard indices. This provides some measure of ‘success’ of public service delivery, accounting for both changes in access and quality.  相似文献   

文章运用2003-2010年国家扶贫工作重点县数据,实证评价了公共财政扶贫支出绩效,并基于标杆管理思想设置了评价标准。研究发现,近年来公共财政扶贫支出绩效基本呈持续上升趋势,但是在财政资金带动和配置结构方面亟需改进,同时应大力改善贫困地区住房、医疗和教育条件,并提高扶贫对象的自我脱贫能力。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of health status on poverty status, accounting for the endogeneity of health status. Using exogenous measures of health status from the South African Integrated Health Survey, we instrument for health status while allowing for covariation among the unobservables influencing both health and household poverty status. Health status, as captured by the body mass index, is shown to strongly influence poverty status. Households that contain more unhealthy individuals are 60 per cent more likely to be income poor than households that contain fewer unhealthy individuals, and this finding appears invariant to the choice of poverty line.  相似文献   

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