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世界艺术的毁灭,是人类进程的悲叹;中国艺术的失传,是中华民族的悲哀.文字,文化,文学,艺术,在中国几千年的漫长发展史中,有过多少消失,又有过多少禁绝,书画艺术的流失是中国历史长河中最严重的绝迹。从毁灭中醒来,保护人类文化存在;从失传中觉悟,挖掘,继承中华民族传统艺术,已经成为现代艺术家肩负的使命。内画艺术是中国独有的一... 相似文献
一直以来头痛医头、脚痛医脚就是中国人的习惯,哪里痛了才去治哪里,哪里出问题了,才往哪里去重视很多营养健康的观念也都是流行一阵子,然后就无疾而终,很少长期持续一个健康的习惯或是营养素的补充,讲求的是标准的治疗医学,而在这一点上国内和国外就有着极大的差异,国外包含台湾早已经走过了治疗医学的阶段,因此现在更重视从根本上、全面性的去解决问题,提早重视、提早预防,讲求的是预防重于治疗的预防医学!不仅对于人体的健康是如此,在企业的经营上也是一样的! 相似文献
李阳波 《现代营销(创富信息版)》2009,(6)
<正>沃尔玛有一次在分析卖场销售资料时,发现一个很奇怪的现象,婴儿尿裤和啤酒的销售额的增幅极相近,增长曲线几乎完全吻合,而且发生时段是一致的,卖场人员很奇怪,这两个完全没有关系的产品,销售变化怎会如此一致呢?最后卖场经理派人在卖场盯着,答案 相似文献
<正> 一家焊接厂年用料600多吨,包括我家共有3家供料商,可用我们的最少,昨回事儿呢?不行,我非弄个明白!话说今年夏天的时候,我经过几个月的不懈努力终于把产品做进了一家机械加工厂。这家私人承包企业,是装载机主要配套厂之一。今年装载机市场销售火爆,这家工厂满负荷的生产,年产值能达上亿元。在这之前,已经有两家供应商供货,而且在去年底就签订了今年全年的供货合同。我们产品进入工厂,采购部经理开玩笑说我们是"第三者插足",是没计划的"超生户"。今年来,这家 相似文献
地震发生后,三一重工派出包括总裁助理在内的80位志愿者,携带10多台重型机械第一时间赶到灾区,参与救援工作。2008年5月22日下午1点,记者终于等到了余天羽的短信:我现在在安县,可以接受采访。 相似文献
Internet与提升零售企业核心能力 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业是一系列资源的集合体,企业能力表现为整合一组资源从事经营活动的有效性和效率.当企业所拥有的资源和能力成为企业核心能力,才能由此形成一个企业超越对手的竞争优势.信息时代,Internet的运用能极大提升这种核心能力,为处于传统竞争弱势地位的中国零售企业在加入WTO后提供了一个生存和发展的机遇. 相似文献
《Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services》2003,10(1):35-49
Empirical findings are presented in this paper concerning the competitiveness of specialty food stores when competing with supermarkets. Taking both a specialty food store-oriented perspective and a consumer-oriented perspective, the obtained results of two quantitative studies suggest that specialty food store managers’ and consumers’ evaluation of the importance of various store choice factors are quite similar. Additionally, specialty food store managers show highly positive expectations towards future intertype competition with supermarkets. 相似文献
Retailers use music in the service environment to try to change consumer behaviour with a view to increasing spend, or improving consumer mood. Previous research has largely focused on music but ignored the effects of other noises within a servicescape: yet all noises can impact consumers' affective states, and their behaviour.This study examines the role of both planned and other sounds within the supermarket environment. In particular, this study investigates the cognizant and emotional reactions of supermarket customers, and explores their shopping intentions in the context of shoppers' understanding of and reaction to the sounds they perceive. 相似文献
订货管理工作是连锁超市经营中的第一个环节,也是商品流转最关键的一个环节.订货管理在现代超市经营中的意义是不言而喻的,订货工作对经营管理的重要性表现在,合理订货可以保证销售的实现,加快库存周转,减少积压和滞销商品的存量,节约商品资金,节省员工的劳动量,节省库房面积,不因订货不合理造成缺断货而失去顾客等. 相似文献
María Pilar Martínez-Ruiz Ana Isabel Jiménez-Zarco Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta 《Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services》2010,17(4):278-285
The marketing literature has shown how certain attributes of the store are key for grocery retailers to differentiate themselves in the final markets. From this preliminary consideration the present work proposes a step forward by ascertaining the main factors that underlie the attributes of the store which have already been identified in the literature. All of this is taken into account with the object to examine which of these factors presents a greater influence on customer satisfaction. To test the proposed analysis, a sample of 358 Spanish customers that had carried out their purchase in different types of grocery stores (in particular, hypermarkets and supermarkets) has been analyzed considering a key variable of retail patronage behavior: the store format in which the purchase had been carried out. This study has enabled us to obtain interesting conclusions about the variables that have the most influence on customer satisfaction, providing useful managerial recommendations for decision-making in grocery retailing. 相似文献
Edward T. Rincón 《Journal of Marketing Channels》2020,26(2):147-160
AbstractThis article discusses a “perfect storm” that has evolved in recent years related to the composition of the U.S. Latino population—a dramatic demographic shift that threatens the economic stability of supermarkets and other retailers that have traditionally focused their services or products on the foreign-born segment of the Latino population. Using spatial analysis of recent data provided by the American Community Survey and the Consumer Expenditure Survey, the study identified four distinct segments of U.S. counties that provide different levels of market potential related to the concentration of native-born and foreign-born Latinos, their English-language proficiency, and their estimated food-at-home expenditures. Based on these findings, suggestions are made for marketers to re-align their marketing strategies to minimize the potential negative consequences of the developing perfect storm. 相似文献
论零售企业的核心竞争力 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
零售企业核心竞争力的构成 核心竞争力是指企业长期形成的、蕴涵于企业内质中的、独具的、使企业获得持久的竞争优势并使企业长期取得竞争主动权的核心能力.企业的核心竞争能力是一个系统,其中涉及许多方面的内容,有技术层面的,有服务层面的,还有企业精神和企业形象等. 相似文献
作为居民生鲜蔬菜副食品主要供应场所的农贸市场,尽管蔬菜、副食品种应有尽有,但消费者走进农贸市场时却不敢轻易购买,除了对农药残留的顾虑外,更主要的是农贸市场内经营者多为小商贩与个体经营者,经营服务水平相对较差,不能使大多数居民放心满意.尤其有的出售劣质商品的不法商贩往往会用各种手段将商品的真实信息"隐藏"起来,甚至用一些有毒、有害的化学品进行处理,造成消费者购物中常对所购产品的安全性怀疑.消费者渴望有信誉商家提供食用安全的蔬菜、副食品. 相似文献
供应链管理──沃尔玛的核心竞争力 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
供应链管理是近年来在国内外逐渐受到重视的一种新的管理理念与模式.所谓供应链,就是围绕核心企业,通过对信息流、物流、资金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中,将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商直到最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链结构.根据整个供应链的主导企业不同,将供应链分成4种形式:即厂商与零售企业合作经营型;信息武装的批发业主导型;厂商与批发业合作经营型;大型零售业主导型. 相似文献