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发展战略性新兴产业是我国产业转型升级迫切需要解决的关键问题,而构建企业联盟网络是我国战略性新兴产业发展的重要途径。本文基于复杂系统理论深入阐释了战略性新兴产业内企业联盟网络的耗散结构特征。在此基础上,根据热化学家普利高津提出的布鲁塞尔模型(Brusselator Model)对战略性新兴产业内企业联盟网络演化机理进行了剖析,并根据该模型推导出企业联盟网络向耗散结构转化的条件。本文最后根据模型研究的结论,从政府、联盟网络和企业三个层面提出了发展我国战略性新兴产业的政策建议。  相似文献   

基于技术创新和价值理论,构建了战略性新兴企业商业模式概念模型,通过对商业模式创新过程因果关系进行分析,选择资源整合能力和盈利能力两个序参量,运用耗散结构理论揭示了战略性新兴企业商业模式的演变过程,认为商业模式演化分为3个阶段,即培育阶段、自我完善阶段和转型阶段,针对每一阶段的特征提出实现商业模式创新的对策建议,可为战略性新兴企业商业模式创新提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The capabilities of industry, technology, institution and market power form the model of four-capability structure for enterprise's sustainable growth. The firm's system has the characteristics of dissipative structure. The process of the formation for the sustainable growth capability is one of self-organization operations. The evolution and development of sustainable growth capability is the result of inter-functions and inter-operations among all the sub-systems. On the whole, the current level of sustainable growth capability, the four-capability structure and the random rise-and-fall elements of the external environment determine the direction, speed and level of transition of sustainable growth capability. The self-organization mechanism of the enterprise's sustainable growth can be illustrated by the instability of system evolution, the sequence parameter, the potential function and the nonequilibrium phase transition. Chinese firms must pay attention to industry selecting and positioning, technology innovation, institution reform and cultivation of market power, and accelerate the formation of self-organization and effective operation through the dynamic integration and inter-operation of industry, technology, institution and market power. Only in this way can firms cultivate and develop their sustainable growth capability and realize enterprises' sustainable growth finally.  相似文献   

知识共享是联盟网络有效进行协同创新的基础。本文针对战略性新兴产业技术知识属性和知识共享面临的动态性和复杂性,在分析战略性新兴产业联盟网络知识共享行为特征的基础上,构建企业间无协同效应和有协同效应的知识共享博弈模型。研究表明,当企业间无协同效应时,联盟网络中存在"搭便车"现象;当企业间有协同效应时,联盟网络中企业会根据协同效应价值和风险损失水平不断调整自己的知识共享策略,只有在满足约束条件下的知识共享才能成为演化稳定策略。研究结果可为战略性新兴产业联盟网络更好地实现知识共享提供理论指导和决策支持。  相似文献   

R &D strategic alliance is important for enterprises' sustainable development and it is a worth research for us. This paper firstly analyzes the condition and situation of tho small and medium-sized enterprises' strategic alliance. Then it points out that the small and medium-sized enterprises should choose a sttieable alliance organization, ally themselves with big enterprises, strive for the support of the government, and develop their technology through technology unions. Finally, it suggests that the government should create better innovation environment for R&D strategic, alliance. A new way is also put forward for the applicotion and foundation of the small and medium-sized enterprises ' R&D ,strategic alliance in China. It is also helpful for the sustainable development of small and medium-sized enterprises.  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业系统是一个具备开放性、非平衡性、非线性和随机涨落的动态体系。依据普利高津的耗散结构理论,对战略性新兴产业系统的演化发展条件、运行机制进行定性研究,得出系统演化状态随着系统总熵变化而变化的结论。总熵越低,体系的演变成长状况越有序;总熵越高,体系的有序度越低。此外,通过构建战略性新兴产业系统的布鲁塞尔器(Brusselator)模型,对该系统自组织演化发展条件,即耗散结构产生的条件进行了量化研究。  相似文献   

Academic research into service industries has explored the characteristics of interpersonal interactions between employees and customers, but there are few studies addressing the issues of consumer interaction with technology and its influence on the objectives and results of the operations subsystem. This study examines the elements of the service encounter, and the changes automation originates in them and their relationships. The paper also examines changes in the elements and results of the operations subsystem, as a result of automation. We propose that the customer's relationship with employees and/or technology and automated systems for the service impact the objectives and results of the operations subsystem, all of which could have an effect on the company's competitive position. The empirical study is focused on four industries, namely, toll motorways, car parks, carwash and video/DVD rental companies, in an attempt to identify objectives that lead companies to implement automated processes affecting the customer's relationship with the company. The hypotheses generated are contrasted with a structural equation modelling. The results confirm that the customer's relationship with employees and automated systems for the service impacts the objectives and results of the operations subsystem. Also, the results show how automation can enable firms simultaneously to achieve acceptable levels of flexibility and productivity, two dimensions that have traditionally been considered opposites.  相似文献   

在对公租房的经济地位进行理论分析的基础上,指出公租房租金市场化的实质仍是土地财政,并由此提出相应的政策建议。公租房介于商品房和廉租房之间,针对有一定市场支付能力但政府或无能力或无意愿填补其缺口的中等偏下收入消费者。由于商业租赁成本超过商业购买成本,公租房租金市场化的实质是通过制造无效供给,推脱住房保障责任,维护土地财政的既得利益。将劳动力价值作为公租房租金确定的基础,才能真正发挥公租房的住房保障职能。  相似文献   

将在理论经济学中应用的DEA理论推广到公共管理研究中,通过实证分析研究指出泛珠江三角洲区域公共管理中存在的优势及不足,为在中国整体区域推进公共管理能力提升提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

当前欧债危机越演越烈,需要重新思考金融危机爆发并且演化为主权债务危机的内生性根源.此次金融危机中,资本主义社会的基本矛盾是危机发生的制度性根源.这一矛盾外化为“相对过剩”.经济机制层面,新自由主义影响下的自由市场经济体制放大了市场经济固有的缺陷,为危机的爆发积累了机制性原因.微观市场层面,缺乏金融监管、不当的房地产和货币政策则是诱发危机的直接原因.高赤字和高负债的背景下,一些国内经济和社会矛盾突出的国家发生主权债务危机是金融危机深化的必然结果.处理好自由市场经济和规制市场经济、金融创新和金融监管、实体经济和虚拟经济的关系以及地方债务问题是此次金融和债务危机给我国的最大启示.  相似文献   

商业银行跨业经营保险在理论上具有规模经济效应、范围经济效应和协同效应,但也可能带来经营风险的增加。采取模拟合并法,利用2005~2009年的数据对我国商业银行跨业经营保险的风险收益状况进行实证分析,结果表明:银行跨业经营保险具有风险分散效果,且一定比例的产险业务对于银行跨业经营保险达到最佳效果是必需的,建议通过对保险业务资产比重进行限制来防止银行因追求收益而增加自身的风险。  相似文献   

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