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一直以来,凡新招进厂的工人.在分配工作以前,必须进行三级安全教育:厂(局)级安全施工基本知识教育;工区(车间)专业安全规程制度教育;班组(站)安全操作教育,经考试合格后方可分配工作,进入生产现场。凡新招进厂的工人.一律要先集中进行厂(局)级入厂教育.入厂教育的主要内容有:  相似文献   

杨伟利 《化工管理》2010,(12):74-75
实施正向引导教育是提高职工安全意识,营造”本质化”安全企业的有效措施。 生产一线职工是安全生产的主体,也是安全措施的最终执行者和安全生产的具体操作者。因此,安全生产说到底是一个职工的安全责任心强不强、安全意识牢不牢的问题。只有加强安全管理,提高职工的安全意识.把安全压力传递到每个职工,  相似文献   

王艳红 《化工管理》2013,(10):55-55
中国石化企业因其自身的特殊性质,在安全措施与管理方面应采取积极有效的应对措施,以确保能够建立相对安全的工作环境。企业以人为本。要充分发挥人在企业安全生产的主导地位和能动性,确保各项安全措施的落实,并自觉遵守执行,就必须建设好、使用好安全文化。因此,根据企业内外部安全管理环境及实际需要制定安全文化发展战略及计划,以保证企业在安全文化建设中的主动性,从而塑造更为可行的适合企业安全发展需要的安全文化体系。  相似文献   

在电力企业安全生产工作中.保证职工人身安全始终是重中之重.它既是安全生产的基础.也体现了“美爱生命.以人为本”的精神.在设备停电检修工作中.一套合理完备的安全措施对于确保人身安全具有十分重要的作用。近年来.石家庄电业局在现场安全措施标准化方面进行了大胆的探索和实践.积累了一定经验.收到了良好效果。现将主要思路及做法作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

化工生产具有易燃易爆、有毒有害、生产工艺复杂、连续性强、操作条件苛刻等特点,化工设备检修施工过程中,由于检修人的不安全行为、化工设备的不安全状态、作业环境有毒有害及管理过程中漏洞等原因的存在,化工设备检修过程中会导致设备损坏或人员伤亡等事故。本文分析了化工设备检修过程中存在的各种危险因素,提出了应采取的安全措施,保证检修施工的顺利进行。  相似文献   

在中国石油和化学工业协会第一届理事会第四次会议期问,本刊特约撰稿人赵晏彪就最近安全问题采访了一些行办主任、行业协会会长和有关部门负责人,他们发表了各自的看法,并谈了下一步将要实施的安全措施。大家一致认为,最近一系列事故的发生,是整个化工企业整体管理放松所致.是导致事故发生的必然。安全问题必须有组织保证,不然安全就是一句空话。所以,要通过媒体的宣传,加强企业管理,全面推动生产安全防范措施,做到举一反三,不要重蹈天原的覆辙。  相似文献   

针对天然气净化厂易燃、易爆的高危特性,以及工厂位置偏僻、交通闭塞等特点,分析开展安全文化建设全面助力安全平稳生产的意义所在。文章从安全承诺、安全制度、安全环境、安全行为、学习培训等8个方面进行讨论,通过介绍开展省级安全文化示范企业建设的实践做法,旨在规范全员安全行为。  相似文献   

党的十七大确立了“以人为本”的科学发展观,采取了一系列重大举措加强煤炭行业安全生产。国家先后出台了《安全生产法》《矿山安全法》等一系列政策法规,全国人大常委会也专门组织开展了《安全生产法》执法大检查,同时,河北金能集团公司发展的新形势,对安全工作也提出了更高的要求。对此,河北金能集刚金牛股份公司东庞矿树立科学安全发展观,培育“以人为本.关爱牛命”发展理念,坚持“装备、管理、培训”管理措施,  相似文献   

重庆净化总厂是中国最大的天然气净化厂,担负着四川省、重庆市的民用气、化工用气等,同时也是西气东输的一个主要入口。因此安全生产非常重要,如果生产控制系统遭到病毒攻击,工作站或服务器异常,有可能使生产装置发生意外。造成巨大的经济损失、人员伤亡和社会影响。  相似文献   

近两年,江苏省拾屯煤矿认真贯彻安全生产方针,坚持“培训、管理、装备”三并重原则,严格落实各项安全措施,提高了矿井的本质安全水平,连续9年安全形势平稳,无重伤及以上事故,被江苏省安监局评为安全生产先进矿井。  相似文献   

This article describes a company's experience with process safety metrics and describes systematic methods to improve safety performance. As a result of a major accident, an internal investigation identified that although a site may have numerous measures for tracking operational and safety performance, these measures may not focus on leading indicators that could provide early warning of potential major incidents. To systematically reduce incidents, especially, low probability high consequence process safety events, it is necessary to focus on prevention and specifically the strength of the barriers. The approach described in this article, therefore, aims to create a combination of Process Safety Performance Indicators that lead to stronger more robust barriers. While industrial history tells us that such high consequence events are infrequent, this significant process safety risk is always present in production operations, and thus needs to be continuously assessed and reduced through systematic safety management. Within one company, this recognition has resulted in a substantial strengthening of process safety risk management through a more comprehensive system of controls embedded within its new Operating Management System, which is being implemented at the site level across all of its operations globally. This article explores the ongoing methodology and approach being used to select a limited but crucial set of Process Safety Performance Indicators to enable effective measurement and the appropriate management of process safety performance. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog, 2009  相似文献   

本文根据白云鄂博西矿的边坡现状及实际地质状况,对影响边坡稳定性的诸多因素进行全面的分析,运用理正岩土计算软件对该矿的典型边坡K区边坡进行边坡稳定性分析计算,通过计算得到的该边坡稳定性的安全系数,以此判断该边坡稳定与否,从而提出合理的方法措施,确保矿山安全生产。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the findings of a number of interlinked pieces of research, both qualitative and quantitative, that have investigated aspects of food risk communication on the island of Ireland. These findings are set in the context of international risk communication research. The findings are examined using the three basic elements of a simple communications framework: the message sender; the channel through which the message is communicated and the receiver of the message. The barriers to effective communication are examined and special reference is made to the barriers affecting the communication of domestic food safety risk. Barriers identified include personal, infrastructural and message related factors, such as lack of interest, lack of appropriate facilities and conflicting messages. Based on an evaluation of the views of the scientific community and the public, we make suggestions on how future food safety communications could be tackled to better address the identified barriers. Both suggested long and short term policies are considered in the context of a heterogeneous public and scientific community. Short term suggestions provide an opportunity to address the challenges faced by those who are currently exposing themselves to a high level of domestic food safety risk. The long term suggestions reflect on the underlying barriers impacting on public domestic food safety practices.  相似文献   

High labor, capital equipment, and variable costs, together with lethally expensive downtime have made ammonia producers seek ways of extending their production runs between major overhauls. This paper outlines operating and maintenance policies together with some of the actions taken at the Kemira (formerly UKF Fertilizers) Ince plant to achieve this objective without compromising plant safety.  相似文献   

Strategic responses to food safety legislation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper assesses the responses made by food companies to changes in food safety legislation. Such responses are assessed in three ways. Firstly, an assessment is made as to why strategic responses to such legislation might be different to general strategic behaviour. Secondly a conceptual framework is presented and an examination of supply chain organisational response is made. Finally, the paper addresses the question of external marketing responses to food safety legislation. The paper concludes that food safety legislation is different, and often requires very swift strategic actions to be effective. Like other forms of legislation, however, food safety issues can also provide incentives and opportunities to well-managed and market-orientated firms.  相似文献   

在运用综合安全系数法计算通常处于偏心受压状态的隧道结构时,需对每一个内力组合先通过试算确定结构的偏心受压状态,再计算结构的安全系数,计算过程繁琐,工作量大。为了使综合安全系数法的使用更简便,结合钢筋混凝土结构偏心受压构件计算方法及规范要求,推导出偏心受压受力状态下,安全系数为2.0时的M-N临界方程。以辽宁省两条隧道为例,对其进行安全性检验。将获得的结构内力与临界方程绘制于M N坐标系下,通过将内力与临界方程曲线进行比对,判断出了衬砌结构的安全情况。该方法可以快速、直观、有效地定性判断隧道的安全性,推导结果可在类似工程中应用。  相似文献   

The U.S. Food Safety Inspection Service recalled more than 370 million pounds of meat and poultry products and oversaw 680 Class 1 recalls over 1998–2014. The cost to firms was about $109 million in lost market value (Pozo and Schroeder, 2016). Thomsen and McKenzie (2001) argue that firms internalize the costs of recalls, and Marino (1997) asserts that high food safety costs lead to food safety investment, but no research has examined the impact of recalls on plant food safety performance. Using performance on tests for Salmonella conducted by the Food Safety Inspection Service as a measure of food safety, this article examines the performance on Salmonella tests of ground beef plants with Class 1 recalls. The results show that plants have high Salmonella levels before and during the year of the recall and have much lower levels afterward. The paper also shows that ground beef plants with recalls are less likely to meet the FSIS standard for Salmonella and that the likelihood of failing to meet the standard increases as the standard becomes more stringent.  相似文献   

随着我国经济技术的高速发展,建筑行业呈现出新的发展态势,出现了新项目管理模式——共投体与共保体。通过分析监理单位目前面临的各种风险,研究了在新项目管理模式下监理的安全责任管理,提出了如何加强监理安全责任管理的建议。  相似文献   

油气长输管道外腐蚀维护风险缓解程度模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对危害油气长输管道安全性的因数进行分析,通过故障树分析法,找出了导致管道外腐蚀穿孔破坏的31种影响因素,确定了各影响因素的逻辑关系,建立了故障树最小割集.通过专家主观评判对各基本事件的失效情况进行分析,将专家自然语言通过模糊数学的方法转换为模糊数,然后采用左右模糊排序法将[0,1]区间的模糊数转换位模糊失效概率值.针对危害管道的失效因素,采取现行比较常用的外腐蚀管道维护方法和对基本事件进行安全整改,然后聘请专家对管道维护前后的情况进行评判,采用所建立的计算基本事件失效概率值方法和所建立的最小割集,计算出外腐蚀管道维护前后失效概率,表明采取有针对性的维修和维护措施,管道的失效概率将会明显减低,降低了该管段的风险值.  相似文献   

Although some authors and policymakers have been considering the valorisation of traditional food as a strategy to revitalise rural areas, the commercialisation of such foods in formal markets demands strict compliance with food safety regulations. This is particularly so in relation to building structures and equipment. However, many of these requirements, based on an expectation of zero microbiological contamination, represent a big challenge to traditional food production and commercialisation; they often put in jeopardy the very characteristics that make these foods unique, diverse and desirable. Taking this context into account, how would it be possible to overcome the challenges that food safety regulations represent to the valorisation and maintenance of the individuality and diversity of traditional and artisanal food? This paper, inspired by the Cultural Theory of risk, considers the case of traditional cheeses, particularly those made from raw milk and using wooden surfaces, moulds and utensils, which are commonly used in many Latin American countries. The aim is to amplify the debate related to traditional food valorisation, particularly regarding artisanal cheeses. To do this, we consider the case of Serrano Cheese, an artisanal cheese made from unpasteurised milk in Campos de Cima da Serra, a region located in the southernmost state of Brazil. A field study inspired by the ethnographic method was carried out in this region. The data collected indicate that besides adapting production and expertise to food safety regulations, the valorisation of traditional food depends firstly on understanding the risk perceptions related to these products and secondly on recognising and legitimating traditional forms of knowledge.  相似文献   

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