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In conjunction with the rapidly advancing industrialization of Turkey, the segment of industrial insurance has also steadily gained in importance. People seeking cover for industrial risks situated in Turkey, however, face several rather significant constrictions. Whilst some of those may be circumvented at least partially, the Turkish situation raises the question of the need for legislative reform (possibly inspired by German law) in this area. Such would foster the development of more innovative and adequate insurance products by the Turkish insurance market.  相似文献   

The German insurance market is opened to a large part of insurance agents, who are payed proportionally to their turnover. This turnover orientation ignores that there may be differences in the risks loss distributions. Therefore a profit margin based compensation system should be preferable but implies the problem that the profit margin is a random variable. In this paper we use the credibility theory and the Buehlmann / Straub method to generate a profit margin based compensation system which balances the insurers and the insurance agents demands. The effects of this system are examined in the context of a simulation study.  相似文献   

The current low interest rates pose a major challenge in particular for life insurers. The introduction of Basel III in the banking and Solvency II in the insurance sector will have major impacts on both industries. This paper provides insight into possible products supplied by banks, which offer the possibility for life insurers to invest in ‘alternative assets’, especially in infrastructure projects. The focus lies on investments in infrastructure loans. If these are placed in a SPV, which itself emits bonds, the lowest amount of regulatory equity capital for both, the bank and the insurance company is required.  相似文献   

Out of economic view sports are products, which compete with other leisure activities for different stakeholders (sportsmen, spectators, media and sponsor). To professionalize one kind of sport it is important to create a high (individual) utility for these four groups. It is shown, how with the help of a chronological model – called “chain of success” – by developing of the relations, network architectures can be established, which can help a kind of sport “to the break-through”. The risks arising with the professionalization are analyzed and the management of these risks is discussed. At the end we derive from the analysis a risk-management-manual for the professionalization of one kind of sport, which is applied to women's soccer in Germany, which wants to be established after large successes of the soccer clubs and national teams on a more professional level.  相似文献   

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) play regularly an important role in the negotiations on cross-border trade agreements (e.?g. TIPP). Especially the so-called “green genetic engineering” is in the focus of attention because it comprises the development of novel or modified plants and food. However, GMOs are in the public perception still barely accepted and are also heavily regulated by law. Therefore, it is unclear, which liability risks GMOs contain and for which potential claims producers are liable. The aim of the paper is to illuminate the extent to which green genetic engineering is a particular challenge for liability insurance. Also an overview shall be given, which possible damage scenarios can trigger liability cases.  相似文献   

In Zähle (Blätter DGVFM 31:39–64, 2010), a risk class model for the portability of the reserves for increasing age in Germany’s private health insurance system was introduced. In the present article, this model is extended in such a way that also successive premium adjustments are taken into account. In our model, the current risk class of an insurant does not play any role for a premium adjustment. In fact, only the risk class, to which the insurant belonged at the beginning of the contract, matters for a premium adjustment. From a mathematical point of view, our model provides a neat solution for the problem of the portability of the reserves for increasing age. In particular, the presented model is a real extension of the conventional model of Germany’s private health insurance system insofar as the conventional model can be recovered by restricting to a single risk class. So the well-tried premium calculation principle will basically remain.  相似文献   

Regulation is among the strongest forces that determine the development of particular insurance distribution channels. Even though the latest measures (VVG-Reform, Mandatory Information Disclosure Directive, EU Directive on Insurance Mediation) have not yet been fully absorbed by the industry, there is already new discussion about further intervention. Among the proposed measures is “pay-for-advice” remuneration, mandatory disclosure of actual commissions and pay caps for agents. The paper shows the development of different distribution channels over time and discuss their relative importance in theory and practice. Then it analyzes the potential effects of currently proposed measures on insurance companies, consumer demand and distribution channels.  相似文献   


Im Anschluss an die im Jahre 1916 erschienene Monographie von E. J. Gumbel: “Die Berechnung des Bevölkerungsstandes durch Interpolation” (Leipzig, Vogel) hat Verfasser dieser Zeilen den formalen Aufbau der für die Praxis einfachsten Interpolationsmethoden der mathematisch-statistischen Behandlung zugeführt; auf dieser Grundlage hat dann Gumbel die so erhaltenen verallgemeinerten Ansätze bereits auf praktische Fragen der Bevölkerungslehre angewendet. Im Folgenden sollen einige Resultate dieser Untersuchungen mitgeteilt werden, und zwar in Hinblick darauf, dass dieselben bei der Konstruktion von Volkssterbetafeln und bei der Ausarbeitung der Deckungssysteme in der Socialversicherung Verwendung finden können. Die für die Statistik und für die wirtschaftliche, Mathematik (z. B. Grundlegung der Zinsfunktionen). so wichtigen Mittelwertoperationen erscheinen erst durch die nähere methodische Bearbeitung in der für die zielbewusste Anwendung notwendigen Beleuchtung. Die mathematische Diskussion der Mittelwert-Interpolationen dünkt uns vom statistischen Gesichtspunkt als wesentlich, wenn auch der Verwaltungsstatistiker für primitivere Zwecke eine kürzere Behandlung der präcisen Auseinandersetzung bevorzugt. Dieser Standpunkt erweist sich als gerechtfertigt, sobald man — wie es z. B. in der Lebensversicherungstechnik der Fall ist — nicht nur Abschätzungen im Grossen vornimmt, sondern auf Grundlage des empirischen Materials feinere Berechnungen anstellt, deren numerisches Resultat von der Präcision der Ausgleichungsprocesse abhängt. Hauptziel der folgenden Betrachtung ist die genauere Festlegung der in der Verwaltungsstatistik üblichen rohen Interpolationsansätze, um auf diesem Wege solche Formeln zu gewinnen, die den Erfahrungen besser angepasst werden können und die es weiterhin ermöglichen, dass die Berechnung der auf den Interpolationsprocess beruhenden wichtigern Masszahlen (z. B. verlebte Zeit, Vermehrungsintensität, Fixirung partieller Bevölkerungsmassen, etc.) einer mathematjschen Kritik unterworfen werden können.  相似文献   

In this contribution we present an empirical study that focuses on the relationship between risk and return for a universe of insurance Stocks in Germany during the period 1975–1998. The study was conducted using a multi factor model. The proportion of explained variance ranges from 9.29% to 13.62% in the monthly regressions. We found a significant and negative relationship between changes in the term structure of interest rates and the risk premiums for insurance Stocks. Also significant is the exchange rate of the Deutsche Mark against the US-Dollar.  相似文献   

Along with individual corporate management and regulatory matters for instance within EU regime Solvency II, Internal Risk Models are very important for major general insurance companies. Of crucial importance in building these internal models, is the stochastic modelling of large claims and in particular, the selection and parameterization of suitable probability distributions for the amount and number of claims based on empirical data. To this end, in practice, a visually-based methodology is more appropriate and workable than strict mathematical approaches. Based on a practical case study, this paper provides some insight into a visually-based methodology for internal risk models.  相似文献   

In 2009 a so-called morbidity orientated risk structure equalization scheme was installed for the German statutory health insurance in order to minimize structural differences between different providers with respect to revenue and expenditures. Even with this mechanism some risks to the individual health insurance providers remain. Reinsurance could be a way to mitigate these risks, but so far only very few contracts have been signed. Moreover the existing reinsurance contracts only focus on the periphery of the statutory health insurance system such as travel health insurance. In this article we therefore analyse existing risks for individual health insurance providers and evaluate their (re-)insurability. Hereafter the potential for reinsurance solutions in the German statutory health insurance itself as well as in newer forms of healthcare provision (e.g. integrated health care and managed care) is discussed. We find that reinsurance may be a reasonable solution for many of the risks in the statutory health insurance scheme. But as research in this area is very young further analysis of the nature of risks is necessary.  相似文献   

Private as well as statutory health insurers have various ways of insolvency. Although the Insolvency Act has been applied for statutory health insurance since 2010, these new options were not used up to now. Anyway, the legislators laid the preference out of closure. This article investigates how the priority of closure could be in contradiction to the applicability of the Insolvency Act. It is asked, whether the introduction of the insolvency capability of health insurance funds was rather to assimilate the frame conditions relating to pension promises than creating a real alternative. One reason could be, that the Insolvency Act is not only generally applicable in the liquidation of a health insurance fund, but potentially even the best alternative. The insolvency proceedings for example are advantageous for health insurance funds within the same group because the maximum load is split and lower than it would be by a closure by social law and in addition to that the PSV is obligatory. The results show, that the generally-accepted, not limited standard preference of closure as laid out by the legislators in § 171b (3) S. 2 SGB V, seems inexplicable. The paper draws parallels to private health insurance companies under Solvency II and opens up new perspectives for legislative measures.  相似文献   

As member states of the European Union both Austria and Germany adopted the provisions of the Solvency II Directive in their national supervisory law. So this European Directive leads to a more convergent, consistent level of regulation and supervision a comparing view on the implementation of the Directive in both countries, Austria and Germany, really seems interesting. This paper compares the Austrian and German Supervisory Law in special respect to the current compliance-regulation in this countries.  相似文献   

Based on well-known actuarial calculation principles for the determination of the liabilities for life insurance contracts, we present a method for the calculation of fair values of liabilities. This method is consistent with the Solvency II requirements. The main principle is the discounting of probability weighted future cash flows, including assumptions on interest rates, costs and lapse for the calculation of actuarial present values. In addition to the mathematical framework, we discuss some numerical results that compare the traditional liabilities with the fair value approach. The presented principles are also relevant for the IFRS directives, which are at the moment available as exposure draft.  相似文献   

Since their legal force at the beginning of year 2009 within the scope of minimum requirements for risk management of German insurance companies (MaRisk (VA)), German insurers are discussing the following issues: The implementation of a risk strategy consistent with business strategy and the development of controlling instruments to manage risks resulting from this strategy. There is often undervalued the circumstance that due to MaRisk (VA) there is given an increased need for action concerning the organizational framework, especially process organisation. Each process material to a specific risk has to be identified, documented and permanently monitored. This survey shows that process management has a too small importance within the German insurance industry. These preconditions do not suffice to be compliant with the organizational framework of MaRisk (VA).  相似文献   

Timo Car 《保险科学杂志》2016,105(5):591-605
In respect of liability insurance the insured amount limits the fulfilment of the insurer. The article describes the legal regulations in Germany and hereby closely linked economic and actuarial challenges. It should thus provide an impetus to the necessary interdisciplinary work on the general perception of difficult cases of (possible) exceeding the insured amount.  相似文献   


In einer Personengesamtheit soll das Ausscheiden von Personen infolge Todesfall kompensiert werden durch Neuzutritte gleichaltriger Personen, sodass der Umfang der Gesamtheitkonstant bleibt.  相似文献   

The possibility of adjusting premiums is a characteristic feature of the german Private Health Insurance (PKV), which is even required by german law. The main reason for increasing premiums lies in the rise of claims and corresponding compensations. Therefore, the time development of health care costs is of primary importance for the PKV. In the present article, various models for the future evolution of age-specific health care expenditure are studied with respect to their effects on the premiums’ dynamic and policyholder participation. In particular, it is analysed how the age-specific cohorts participate in the benefits.  相似文献   

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