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罗蓬艳  刘昕 《金卡工程》2009,13(8):215-216
为了考察我国汇市与股市之间的价格和波动溢出效应,本文利用"汇改后"人民币对美元的汇率与上证综指的日数据建立了多元向量自回归模型GARCH模型.研究发现,我国汇市与股市之间的价格溢出效应不明显,汇率波动率的ARCH效应不对股票市场产生显著的冲击,外汇市场波动的持久性会对股票市场产生显著的影响;股票收益率的ARCH效应不会对外汇市场产生明显的冲击,但股票收益率波动的持久性会显著影响汇率的变化率.  相似文献   

用多元BEKK-GARCH模型检验了股票市场与外汇市场收益率的波动溢出效应,结合LR似然比检验和Wald检验,实证研究股票市场和外汇市场收益率的波动关系。研究表明:股票市场与外汇市场收益率序列都存在ARCH效应和GARCH效应,即都具有时变方差特征;且两市的波动具有较高的持续性。股票市场和外汇市场收益率存在单向的,不对称的溢出效应,即汇市对股市有波动溢出效应,反之则不然。  相似文献   

随着中国金融市场不断开放,中美国债市场之间的联动性进一步提高,信息溢出也进一步加强.本文构建动态信息溢出指数,分析了中美国债市场的总溢出、方向溢出及净溢出效应.研究发现:在样本期内,中美两国国债市场之间波动率总溢出效应强于收益率总溢出,两个市场存在不对称的双向溢出效应,其收益率和波动率溢出在动态路径上也存在显著差异,具有显著的时变性.2019年之前两国收益率总溢出水平基本维持在10以内,2019年后收益率溢出指数明显提高;波动率总溢出受金融事件影响导致极端值较多,溢出水平也相对较高.总体而言,无论是收益率溢出还是波动率溢出,多数时期美国国债市场对中国国债市场表现为正向净溢出,中国国债市场更多地受到美国国债市场的影响.  相似文献   

利用VAR-GARCH-BEKK模型,研究了我国债市和汇市之间的价格和波动溢出效应。实证研究表明,债市和汇市收益率都呈现高峰厚尾的非正态分布,波动聚集特征显著;债市和汇市存在单向溢出效应,仅汇市对债市有价格和波动溢出效应;债市和汇市收益率序列总体呈现负相关,相关性较弱,样本期内两市场动态相关系数具有显著的时变性。  相似文献   

本文采用双变量EGARCH模型,实证分析了我国汇改后股市与汇市之间价格和波动的溢出效应,同时还以2008年10月为界将样本分为两个子样本来考察溢出效应是否发生结构变化.研究发现:(1)从整个样本看,存在从汇率变化到股指收益的价格溢出效应,在子样本1中存在从股市到汇市的价格溢出效应;(2)在子样本中存在从汇市到股市的波动溢出,在整体样本及两个子样本中都存在从股市到汇市的波动溢出.本文还分析了实证结果背后的原因,并讨论了相应的政策启示.  相似文献   

本文基于国际石油价格和9个主要石油进口国2004—2021年主权债券收益率数据,利用TVP-VARDY方法构建网络模型,研究国际石油价格波动对主权债券市场的溢出效应。结果表明:第一,将石油价格冲击分解为总需求冲击、预防性需求冲击和供给冲击,不同类型石油价格冲击对不同国家主权债券市场的溢出效应差别较大,且主要集中在与需求相关的冲击上;第二,石油价格冲击对债券市场的溢出效应具有时变性,溢出效应的大小与经济和地缘政治事件有关;第三,石油价格冲击的溢出效应具有较强的板块集聚特性,发展中国家和发达国家之间差异明显。研究结论对我国应对石油价格波动、维护主权债券市场安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2014年3月汇改以来,人民币汇率和国内股票市场联动性明显增强。基于VAR-GARCHBEKK扩展模型实证研究了2014年3月18日到2016年1月15日期间人民币汇率和股指收益率间的关系。研究结果表明,汇率对股市不仅存在显著的均值溢出效应——即前期汇率的贬值会给股市带来收益率均值下行的压力,而且还存在汇率向股市的单向波动溢出效应。  相似文献   

由于受地理位置、经济文化等因素的影响,沪港股票市场在收益率波动性上存在相关性。本文利用ARCH族模型及Granger非因果检验对沪港股市收益波动性进行了实证研究,结果表明:沪港股市的收益率波动存在中等程度的正相关性;港市收益率对沪市收益率具有一期前导作用;两市的收益波动仅存在显著的港市对沪市的单向"溢出效应";而且两市的收益波动均存在明显的"杠杆效应"。  相似文献   

中美股票市场与石油价格的溢出效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用计量经济学方法实证研究国际石油市场与股票市场的相互作用,在确定变结构点的基础上,建立VAR和GARCH-BEKK模型验证石油市场和股票市场是否存在收益率和波动性的相互溢出。美国股市相对较成熟、监管相对完善,而中国股市作为有着二十年历史的新兴市场,正逐步走向成熟和完善。通过比较研究,希望发现石油价格变化对中美股市是否有不同影响。  相似文献   

杨熹 《云南金融》2011,(7X):78-78
本文采用计量经济学方法实证研究国际石油市场与股票市场的相互作用,在确定变结构点的基础上,建立VAR和GARCH-BEKK模型验证石油市场和股票市场是否存在收益率和波动性的相互溢出。美国股市相对较成熟、监管相对完善,而中国股市作为有着二十年历史的新兴市场,正逐步走向成熟和完善。通过比较研究,希望发现石油价格变化对中美股市是否有不同影响。  相似文献   

基于VAR-MGARCH-BEKK模型,对国际商品市场与中美股票市场之间的均值与波动溢出效应进行了经验分析。结果表明,国际商品市场与中美股票市场之间存在着相互的均值溢出效应,国际商品市场对中美股票市场存在波动溢出效应,同时,美国股票市场对国际商品市场存在波动溢出效应;另外,中国应该尽快编制科学合理并适合自身国情的商品指数。  相似文献   

金融资产流动性是影响其收益率的重要因素.本文在设计债券市场连续的综合流动性指标和股票市场波动调整的流动性指标的基础上,利用允许均值系统方程间互相关的AVAR-TVGARcH模型,并结合wald检验和LR检验对于股票、债券和人民币汇率市场间的流动性波动溢出效应进行检验.研究发现:三个市场间存在较为显著的流动性波动溢出效应.回归系数显示市场流动性间的波动溢出效应较小.同时,本文发现外汇和股票市场流动性序列间的条件协方差都存在明显的时变特征和程度不一的聚类现象.  相似文献   

Extreme events have a systemic impact on global financial markets, leading to significant cross-market spillovers in the oil, gold, and stock markets and raising widespread concerns about market linkages and risk contagion. In this paper, with a focus on both return and volatility, a frontier spillover network analysis is used to examine the strength and scale characteristics of spillovers in the oil, gold and stock markets under major public health emergency shocks. In addition, the paper adopts a marginal spillover and network analysis to evaluate linkage relationships, risk sources and transmission paths in the oil, gold, and stock markets during such events. The results show that the return and volatility spillover effects generated across the oil, gold, and stock markets are significant, with return spillovers being more stable and volatility spillovers being highly sensitive to emergencies. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic has displayed the strongest return and volatility spillovers. The high intensity of the shocks during the COVID-19 period has changed the usual characteristics of the market, with the gold market becoming the risk receiver and the oil market becoming risk sources.  相似文献   

We find evidence of significant volatility co-movements and/or spillover from different financial markets to the forex market in India. Among a large number of variables examined, volatility spillovers from domestic stock, government securities, overnight index swap, Ted spread and international crude oil markets to the foreign exchange market are found to be significant. There is evidence of asymmetric reactions in the forex market volatility. Comparisons between pre-crisis and post-crisis volatility indicate that the reform measures and changes in financial markets microstructure during the crisis period had significant impact on volatility spillover. During the post-crisis period, the lagged volatility component that represents persistent or fundamental changes had significant spillover effect on forex volatility, rather than the temporary shocks component. There is evidence of a decline in the asymmetric response in the forex volatility during the post-crisis period in India.  相似文献   

We analyzed the return and volatility spillover between the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the crude oil market, and the stock market by employing two empirical methods for connectedness: the time-domain approach developed by Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) and the method based on frequency dynamics developed by Barunik and Krehlik (2018). We find that the return spillover mainly occurs in the short term; however, the volatility spillover mainly occurs in the long term. From the moving window analysis results, the impact of COVID-19 created an unprecedented level of risk, such as plummeting oil prices and triggering the US stock market circuit breaker four times, which caused investors to suffer heavy losses in a short period. Furthermore, the impact of COVID-19 on the volatility of the oil and stock markets exceeds that caused by the 2008 global financial crisis, and continues to have an effect. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial markets is uncertain in both the short and long terms. Our research provides some urgent and prominent insights to help investors and policymakers avoid the risks in the crude oil and stock markets because of the COVID-19 pandemic and reestablish economic development policy strategies.  相似文献   

In examining co-movement across international stock markets, previous researchers usually pre-determine the direction of causation and neglect the Chinese equity markets. In this study, we examine the spillover effects of volatility among the two developed markets and four emerging markets in the South China Growth Triangular using Chueng and Ng's causality-in-variance test. Several findings deserve mention: (1) the Japanese stock market affects the US stock market and there is a feedback relationship between the Hong Kong and US stock market. (2) Markets of the SCGT are contemporaneously correlated with the return volatility of the US market. (3) Econometric models constructed according to the results of variance-in-causality tests have greater explanatory power than the conventional GARCH(1,1) model. (4) Using the return volatility of foreign exchange as a proxy for informational arrival can explain excess kurtosis of a stock return series, especially for the less open emerging market. (5) Geographic proximity and economic ties do not necessarily lead to a strong relationship in volatility across markets.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to understand the spillover and cojump effects between the U.S. and Chinese stock markets. The paper finds that since July 2005, the U.S. stock market has caused short-run spillover effects on returns on the Chinese stock market. More specifically, price changes in the United States can be used to predict both closing-to-opening and closing-to-closing returns on the Chinese stock market on the next day. However, there is no significant volatility spillover between the two markets. Both markets have shown stronger cojump behavior since the subprime crisis. The return relationships between the two stock markets are robust.  相似文献   

This paper examines return and volatility spillovers between the Turkish stock market with international stock, exchange rate and commodity markets. Our aim is not only to examine spillover behaviour with a large emerging market but also to examine cross—asset spillovers and how they vary across two periods of financial market crisis; the dotcom crash and the liquidity-induced financial crisis. This is to be compared with existing work that typically focuses on industrialised countries or single asset markets only. Using the spillover index methodology we uncover an interesting distinction between these two periods of markets stress. Over the dotcom period spillovers are largely between the same asset class, notably two exchange rate series and two international stock markets series. However, in the period including the financial crisis, spillovers both increase and cross asset types and suggest a much greater degree of market interdependence. Understanding this changing nature in spillovers is key for investors, regulators and academics involved in theoretical model development.  相似文献   

本文基于SJC-Copula模型分析债券市场和股票市场间的波动溢出效应,并以此进一步分析波动溢出效应对债券市场风险规避能力的影响。研究选取2003年3月31日至2009年8月31日中信标普国债指数日数据和上证指数日数据,验证了两市波动溢出效应的存在性,同时发现波动溢出效应显著增强了债券市场规避风险的能力。  相似文献   

在大气污染日益严峻的情况下,新能源行业受政府大力支持和投资者青睐。新能源与原油一定程度上互为替代品,理论上国际原油价格必然对我国新能源行业股票价格有显著的波动溢出效应,但有些学者却持反对态度,认为我国股票市场对外还没有完全开放,新能源行业发展又很不成熟,所以该溢出效应很难显著。文章运用VAR- Asymmetric- BEKK模型进行比较研究得出:在未去除我国整体股市行情因素时,国际原油价格波动对我国新能源行业股票价格波动溢出效应不显著;而在去除我国整体股行情因素时,国际原油价格波动对我国新能源行业股票价格波动溢出效应在1%显著性水平下显著。表明存在从国际原油价格向我国新能源行业股票价格的波动溢出效应,只是该溢出效应被我国股市总体行情掩盖了。  相似文献   

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