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按保险金额与保险价值的关系划分,财产保险合同可以被分为足额保险合同、不足额保险合同和超额保险合同。根据《保险法》第四十条第二款“财产保险合同中,保险金额不得超过保险价值;超过保险价值的,超过的部分无效。”规定,可以看出,超额保险合同属于非有效合同。在不足额保险中,对于  相似文献   

在财产保险诉论案的实际判决当中,保险公司败诉的几率很,在采取有效措施避免此类现象的发生,减少相应的财产损失和社会影响。  相似文献   

敖雪 《金卡工程》2010,14(8):98-99
随着社会经济的发展,格式条款中免责条款的使用越来越普遍。但在实践中,却存在一些经营者利用其优势地位在与相对人订立合同时以免责条款加重对方义务,免除或减轻自己应当承担的法律责任,以致损害相对人的利益。这种表面上看起来是依双方合意而成立的合同,实际上违反了契约自由、意思自治的社会基础,危害了民法的基本原则和私法精神。我国法律对格式合同的免责条款虽有规定,但较为简单。因此,正确理解与适用格式合同的免责条款,具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

在现代社会中,格式条款被越来越广泛地使用,为人们的交易行为提供了诸多便捷,有效地促进了经贸和社会发展。但在司法实践过程中,却存在一系列问题。我国法律对格式条款虽有规定,但较为简单,本文主要从分析学者对《合同法》有关格式条款规定的争议入手,探讨了格式条款的效力类型问题。  相似文献   

2009年修订后的《中华人民共和国保险法》(以下简称“新保险法”)根据保险市场信息的高度不对称性,即保险人处于相对强势地位的特点,强化了对投保人、被保险人、受益人利益的保护,其中一个重要表现就是规范格式条款。新保险法在免责条款的明确说明义务、无效免责条款的规定上做出了进一步修改和完善。本文从免责条款的性质及法律效果等角...  相似文献   

保险合同格式标准化,做到相互衔接和配套 在美国使用标准火险单时期,就有数以百计与之相配套的附属保单和批单,以适应不同的保险财产特点和投保人的需要。不同的附属保单和批单在内容上都与标准火险单相衔接和配套,做到了保险合同格式标准化。例如,标准火险单、普通财产附属保单、预防通货膨胀批单与营业中断附属保单等都可以合用,避免了各种单证之间的内容重复。标准火险单不能单独使用,它必须加上适当的附属保单和批单。现代美国的商业财产保险分为单险种保单和一揽子保单两大类。  相似文献   

保险是人类面对危险而设计的一种分散风险的制度,而保险利益又是整个《保险法》律制度的核心。保险利益最早起源于财产保险,是财产保险合同中的核心要素.而财产保险利益对的理论研究为研究其他保险利益问题奠定了基础,因此,为了更好地应用和了解保险利益的其他相关问题,我们首先需要清楚了解财产保险的内涵及其它的一些基础性功能。因此,文章试图从它的定义入手,提出关于财产保险利益的立法上进步,然后,根据财产保险利益在立法方面出现的问题提出一些建设性意见,拓展保险利益的相关理论,为保险利益在实践中提供指导性意见。  相似文献   

王珊 《金卡工程》2009,13(10):40-40
不动产居间合同通常是由中介公司单方事先拟定,以实现交易的定型化、频繁重复的需要.法院在审理格式条款的效力时,应当对居间人以及委托人双方的权利多方面考量,以寻求契约自由原则与利益平衡、契约正义之间的制衡.  相似文献   

兼具企业经济效益与社会保障功能的短期健康保险已经成为我国财险公司多元化经营转型的重要部分.本文选取2014~2019年22家经营短期健康保险的财产保险公司相关数据,运用窗口 SBM分析模型测算出各公司经营效率,揭示了财险业健康保险经营的效率趋势与改进路径,并且构建面板Tobit模型对经营效率的影响因素进行回归分析.结果...  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal insurance contract under disappointment theory. We show that, when the individuals anticipate disappointment, there are two types of optimal insurance contract. The first type contains a deductible and a coinsurance above the deductible. We find that zero marginal cost is just a sufficient but not a necessary condition for a zero deductible. The second type has no deductible and the optimal insurance starts with full coverage for small losses and includes a coinsurance above an upper value of the full coverage.  相似文献   

刘荣  崔琳琳 《征信》2017,35(5):68-70
通过对经济发达国家出口信用保险体系的框架设计以及在法律保障、经营主体、运作管理和产品服务等方面实践经验进行分析,认为我国可以在立法保障、运行机制、服务创新、技术保障等方面不断完善出口信用保险体系和运行机制。  相似文献   

There is a tremendous amount of resources being tied up in litigation between insurance companies and policyholders over things like the extent of coverage for various loss scenarios or allegedly bad faith delays in settlement payments. The fact that policyholders formally dispute insurer coverage positions or claims payment strategies gives credibility to the idea that mismatches exist between what policyholders expect insurance policies to cover and what the insurance contracts actually provide as loss indemnification. This mismatch essentially represents insurance basis risk, the analysis of which can more accurately reflect the value and overall efficiency of insurance contracts and suggest factors that may influence policyholder dissatisfaction and consequently insurance contract disputes. This article takes a detailed look at insurance basis risk and finds that subjectivity plays a prominent role in its definition. Using Bayesian inference, it is shown how factors can affect the magnitude of insurance basis risk depending on the individual situation in which the mismatch between losses and coverage exists.  相似文献   

For an insurance transaction between a single risk-averse buyer and single risk-neutral seller with positive transaction costs, it is well known that the buyer will prefer a policy contract with an ordinary deductible. More detailed results demonstrate the Pareto optimality of an insurance contract characterized by a deductible (followed by coinsurance) for a single risk-averse buyer and single risk-averse seller. In the present work, we employ a market-game model to solve for the equilibrium insurance contract. This formulation, which approximates the behavior of excess property insurance and property catastrophe reinsurance markets, reveals that the equilibrium policy is described by full insurance up to a given policy limit, with no deductible or coinsurance. Our analysis shows further that this solution persists regardless of the numbers of buyers and sellers in the market, and in particular that the market-game equilibrium does not converge to a Pareto-optimal result because of boundary constraints on the number of sellers. Finally, we test our price-formation mechanism against an important generalization, and find that the policy-limit contract persists.  相似文献   

在介绍保险产品定价模型--折现现金流(DCF,Discounted Cash Flow)模型的基础上,用模糊理论的研究方法对一个典型的DCF模型进行了扩展.通过实例分析表明,此模型可以为管理层的定价决策提供更有效的信息,并且在我国保险行业发展初期缺乏数据资料的情况下,有着良好的运用前景.  相似文献   

黄生亮 《银行家》2004,(5):116-118
案情介绍 梁某通过保险代理人张某(系韩某的侄子)为其夫韩某购买了一份保险。据张某介绍,该险种保费低,保障高,如果交了10年保费,没有风险就可以转为养老险。梁某当场缴纳了700余元的首期保费,张某给梁某出具了一张临时收据,说正式保单随后拿来。因为是亲戚,张某又曾为其办过几份保险,梁某也没有考虑太多,从缴纳首期保费直到韩某身亡近1年的时间里,梁  相似文献   

数据包络分析(DEA)是一种非参数的相对效率的评价方法.运用数据包络分析的相关教学模型,对我国各大财产保险公司的规模效率进行研究的结果表明,我国财险公司规模经济效应不太明显,中资公司成功境外上市对于提高自身的规模效率有着明显的促进作用.  相似文献   

The paper examines property insurance contracts in which consumers choose the upper limit on coverage. Exclusions are of two types, and both reduce the demand for insurance of the included perils. A practical implication is that an insurer can raise the demand for fire insurance by offering an earthquake rider, and profit from the rider even when the premia are ceded in such a way that the rider does not raise profit directly. The results do not require assumptions about correlations between included and excluded losses, which is interesting because correlations are decisive in most of the other literature on background risk.  相似文献   

保险会计研究的最新进展及其对我国的借鉴   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着我国保险业的快速发展和对外开放的不断扩大 ,保险会计信息使用者对保险会计信息质量提出了更高的要求。本文介绍了IASB关于保险会计研究的最新研究成果 ,对其中的一些问题作出了分析 ,最后结合我国的保险会计问题 ,提出了一些政策性建议。  相似文献   

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