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可转换债券是一种特殊的金融产品,兼具债券和期权的属性,因此,对其定价的方法种类较多也较为复杂。本文运用科学计算语言matlab进行编程,对蒙特卡罗模拟法进行改进,考虑了可转换债券条款设计中的边界条件和股价波动问题,从而实现了对可转换债券的定价。并通过对巨轮转债的定价对这一方法进行了详细的说明。  相似文献   

"股市波动之谜"自Campbell提出之后,尽管已有大量的研究,一直没有得到较好的解释,Reitz和Barro将罕见灾难引入资产定价模型,较好地解释了高股权溢价和股市波动之谜。相对于我国低红利、无风险利率波动率及平滑的消费增长,我国股市表现出高波动性,本文首先基于非线性对数框架验证我国的确存在"股市波动之谜",将广义期望效用函数和时变罕见灾难风险引入无套利资产定价模型,结果显示模型可以很好地解释我国现实数据的股市高波动性,尤其股市熊市时灾难模型更能体现灾难对投资者投资行为的影响从而影响资产价格波动,并且验证了灾难视角下股利价格比可以有效预测股票超额收益,这为今后解决股票、债券、期权等更多金融资产定价和价格波动之谜,提供了新的解决方法和研究框架。  相似文献   

债券的价格取决于其现金流贴现估计值。由于债券计息和付息方式不同,债券定价方法也会有所不同。文章从债券分类和收益率的不同形式出发.对Malkiel经典债券定价理论进行推广并指出其对债券投资者的指导意义。  相似文献   

利用均衡利率模型对浮动利率债券定价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着中国债券市场的发展,定价成为市场交易的核心问题。准确和合理的定价能够促进市场的交易,提高市场的流动性,改善银行间债券市场交易不活跃的情况。国内的浮动利率债券基础利率的非市场化给定价带来了一定的困难,影响了市场的交易。尽管国内不少学者对浮动利率债券定价方法进行了研究,但都集中于交易所市场的研究,对银行间市场的研究很少,并且分析的也不够彻底。另外,国内目前普遍采用的浮动利率债券定价方法还存在不少缺陷。为了更深入地研究浮动利率债券定价的问题,本文以利率均衡模型———Vasicek模型和CIR模型为基础,经过大量的经验研究,给出一套银行间债券市场浮动利率债券的定价方案,取得了比较好的效果,期望能为投资者提供了一些有益的定价方法。  相似文献   

可转换债券在我国获得了稳定而又快速的发展,与此极不协调的是我国可转债定价模型效率普遍不高,不利于我国可转换债券发展。通过探讨传统定价模型,比较分析各传统模型的优劣势,为开发适合我国可转换债券的定价模型做铺垫。  相似文献   

可赎回债券是我国主要的债券品种之一,近年来在我国有较快发展,但由于其期权的行使的复杂性以及我国证券市场制度的不完善性,对可赎回债券的定价成为研究的热点。本文采用拆分可赎回债券的方法,研究了二叉树为期权定价的一般过程,并结合我国可赎回债券及债券市场的特点,选取在我国银行间债券市场流动性较强的10只可赎回债券,通过建立二叉树模型为可赎回债券进行了定价实证分析。最后结果为我国可赎回债券的定价提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

实践中,人们时常将公司债与公司股份混淆,或者对其产生一种不正确确的看法,为此,本文将对公司债和股份作一些比较,使之清楚明确,便于理解和运用。一、概述:我们知道,债是特定的当事人之间的民事法律关系,按照不同的标准,可以将债划分为许多种类,在不同的环境中,常称之为债权,债权关系,或债权债务关系。那么,什么是公司债呢?1.公司债我国《公司法》第160条规定“……公司债券是公司按照法定程序发行的、约定在一定期限还本付息的有价证券。”由此,我们可以定义:公司债是公司通过发行债券向社会募集资金,而与他人形成的货…  相似文献   

时间序列计量经济学(下)--协整和自回归条件异方差模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三、对波动率建模  对资产收益率进行建模是许多金融经济学家关注的重点。投资组合选择理论试图通过收益率的方差和协方差函数来求得最优组合 ;资本资产定价模型 (CAPM )和其他资产定价模型考虑投资者承受的系统性风险是如何得到补偿的 ;而B -S公式则是对期权和其他关于标的资产波动率的衍生工具进行定价。另外 ,银行和其他金融机构还应用VAR模型来评估他们的头寸风险。为了达到所有上述这些目的 ,对波动率或者说是资产收益的协方差结构进行建模是非常关键的一环。  金融经济学家很早就知道收益波动率具有集聚效应 ,许多资产收益的…  相似文献   

为使备兑权证的定价更加贴近现实,文章以t分布代替原假设标的股票收益率服从的正态分布,以随机波动率代替历史波动率,通过GARCH模型来消除金融时间序列的异方差性,并考虑交易费用、红利等因素对权证价格的影响,在此优化了传统的定价模型。然后用Monte Carlo模拟的定价思路,并利用对偶方差减少技术提高其效率,最后编辑程序在Eviews中成功运行得出权证的定价.  相似文献   

分离式交易可转债是2006年11月开始在我国发行的一类公司债券,全称是“认股权和债券分离交易的可转换公司债券”。分离交易可转债是债券与认股权证混合的一种创新型金融产品,在海外称之为附认股权证公司债,它是继可转换公司债之后我国又一创新金融产品。  相似文献   

Corporate governance mechanisms designed to alleviate manager‐shareholder agency conflicts can worsen shareholder‐bondholder conflicts. This study examines how one such corporate governance mechanism, monitoring by large outside shareholders, influences the choice between public and private debt. I conjecture and find that firms with higher outside blockholdings are inclined to choose bank loans over public debt when they borrow, consistent with the notion that banks are better monitors than public debt markets. I also find that bank loans carry less price protection than corporate bonds against increased agency risk associated with outside blocks. Corroborating the monitoring story, I document that bank loans contain more accounting‐based covenants and dividend restriction provisions for firms with higher outside blockholdings than for those with lower blockholdings. I find no such relation for public debt covenants. This supports that banks' monitoring of their loans counters the agency risk caused by blockholders. This study extends prior research that associates governance mechanisms with agency costs of debt, by incorporating lenders' differential monitoring mechanisms in the overall corporate governance system.  相似文献   

林钟高  罗曼   《华东经济管理》2006,20(12):144-148
随着近年来财务丑闻的不断出现,人们越来越认识到完善的公司治理对于规范企业财务行为的重要性。文章首先对公司治理和理财行为的相关性进行了分析;并在此基础上比较分析了不同公司治理模式下的理财行为;最后提出了完善公司治理、规范企业理财行为的对策。  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines whether there are asymmetric effects of the exchange rate on domestic corporate goods prices when the exchange rate is more volatile. To identify different volatilities in the exchange rate, we employ a threshold regression model. In other words, we define exchange rate volatility as a threshold variable. By using monthly data from Japan, we estimate a threshold parameter and calculate its confidence interval by following Hansen (2000). The results substantiate that the degree of exchange rate pass-through to the aggregated corporate goods price index is higher and more gradually adjusted in a higher exchange rate volatility regime. Furthermore, such asymmetric relationships are clearly found in three disaggregated corporate goods prices: petroleum and coal products, nonferrous metals, and chemicals and related products.  相似文献   

贺伊琦   《华东经济管理》2010,24(9):79-83
文章在MM理论的基础上,引入有关企业所得税法更现实的条款,通过对证券市场供需双方一般均衡模型的建立,发现公司存在非债务税盾时,米勒的资本结构无关论并不成立。取而代之的是,债券和股票相对市场价格的不断调整,直到市场均衡时每个公司都具有唯一最优的资本结构。  相似文献   

李海涛 《特区经济》2012,(2):150-152
"十一五"期间我国企业债券市场得到了很大的发展,但是从债券市场外部环境和债券监管来看,企业债券市场发展仍然存在一定的问题,必须从多方面进行改革和完善,这样才能促进企业债券市场的发展。  相似文献   

为了研究如何激励供煤商提供更符合发电商需要的煤炭,建立了多代理人、多任务的委托代理模型。假设供煤商为代理人,发电商为委托人,研究了根据煤炭的质量、交货和价格不同,发电商给供煤商的激励价格的制定问题。分析了两个代理人在竞争和独立关系下,激励合同的制定。研究发现,在多个代理人有竞争关系时,引入相对业绩比较,即将代理人工资同其业绩相对另一代理人绩效的高出部分挂钩,并不总是帕累托改进。而且,在相对业绩比较方面,不同维度的工作能起到和相同维度的工作相同的业绩比较作用。  相似文献   

This study uses a dynamic copula model of dependence to investigate risk spillovers in China’s credit bond market between the bank and corporate sectors for a range of maturities from one week to 30 years. Using daily data on credit spreads for the period December 28, 2009 to June 2, 2017, the empirical results show that credit risk spillover is low and relatively stable for medium-term bonds, but higher and more variable for short- and long-term bonds. The results also show that credit risk spillover increased after 2014 with financial market reforms that involved interest rate liberalization and a loosening of government guarantees on corporate debt.  相似文献   

鉴于公司的财务行为受到公司治理因素的影响,本文从公司治理的角度,基于国内外的相关研究提出六个研究假设,然后构建回归模型,依据1999年—2003年中国上市公司数据进行假设检验,具体探讨前五大股东持股比例以及在此基础上大股东之间的监督制衡机制对于上市公司派发现金股利的影响,研究因为我国股市“同股同权不同价”的特殊现象而导致的现金股利的“隧道效应”,探索其中的影响机制和制衡机制。研究显示,前五大股东的持股比例、大股东控制力(或联合控制力)、大股东制衡度(或联合制衡度)对派发现金股利的“隧道效应”存在重要影响。本文最后给出五点建议,试图限制控股股东通过现金股利的“隧道效应”谋取私利,以保护中小股东的正当权益。  相似文献   

Using a unique dataset of corporate bond trading information and corporate governance evaluation scores, this study examines the determinants of corporate bond market liquidity in Korea. In particular, this study explores whether corporate governance performance of a company influences liquidity of bonds issued by the company. The paper reports three important findings. First, the issue size and age of bond are important determinants of bond liquidity. Second, liquidity of corporate bonds is influenced by changes in macroeconomic conditions. Third, and most importantly, better corporate governance increases liquidity of corporate bonds. This result suggests that corporate governance is an important determinant of bond liquidity, as it lowers transaction costs by improving transparency and reducing asymmetry of information. This paper contributes to the literature by providing new evidence that corporate governance performance is an important determinant of liquidity in corporate bond markets.  相似文献   

Without significant price reduction, high consumer switching rates to competitive power suppliers have been criticized as a result of either the artificially high price to compare (PC) acting as the benchmark price that competitive generators must meet, or the critical mass effect from switching consumers. This paper builds a simple model to explore how the restructuring policy determines residential switching behavior. When the PC increases over time, whether it reflects the rising wholesale price adequately or not, a consistent price reduction policy will naturally induce an early-stage high switching rate. In contrast, a required switching rate policy that is associated with both an artificial price cut at the early stage and a longer period of stranded cost recovery can accelerate switching effectively. Two high-cost Pennsylvania utilities, which demonstrate opposite movements of residential switching rate under different restructuring policies, are examined to confirm that the high switching rate just results from the policy design, not from the subsidy in PC discussed in (Joskow, Paul L. “Why Do We Need Electricity Retailers? Or, Can You Get It Cheaper Wholesale?” Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, MIT, Revised discussion draft, 2000b), or the critical mass effect concluded in (Reitzes, James D., Lisa V. Wood, J. A. Quinn, and Kelli L. Sheran. “Designing Standard-Offer Service to Facilitate Electric Retail Restructuring.” The Electricity Journal 15, 9, 2003, pp. 34–51). Switching rates play no role in evaluating the success or failure of a restructuring.  相似文献   

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