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受国际金融危机影响.国际造船市场从2008年9月份开始骤然转入低迷状态.船东的订船热情大减.世界新船成交处于停滞状态。在新船订单大幅减少.船东撤单日益增多的情况下.金融危机对世界造船业的影响开始日益显现。作为当今世界造船业巨头之一的日本造船业正面临着自亚洲金融危机以来最严峻的考验。  相似文献   

受国际金融危机影响,船东弃船现象呈明显上升趋势。本期选编上海耀良律师事务所主任合伙人顾耀良律师相关文章,供读者参考。顾耀良律师长期代表客户承办有关仲裁案件,并多次参与起草及修改船舶进出口业务有关法律文件。  相似文献   

With a deepening economic crisis and rising calls for public assistance in sectors ranging from finance to autos, there are also signs of growmg nervousness about the dangers of protectionism. The real worry is excessive use of antidumping, countervailing duty, and safeguard protection, misguided public subsidies, rising protection in the poorest countries, and temptation in the US Congress to violate existing treaty commitments. In order to shift the burden of the crisis on to trading partners to the highest possible extent, the trading powers of both the 1930s and the 1980s relied on the in- strument of protectionism and thus on the walling-off of their own markets. These trends can also be discerned in the current financial crisis.  相似文献   

In developing global marketing strategy to compete in world markets, managers must address the challenges of constant change, increased complexity and intense competition, while, at the same time, responding to calls of conscience. However, the appropriate response to these challenges depends on the stage of involvement in international markets, i.e., whether the firm is just entering international markets, is aggressively expanding its international presence or attempting to rationalize far-flung operations. The paper suggests how a firm should respond to these challenges, and shows how using different tools such as information systems technology, creating new organizational forms providing administrative and organizational flexibility, and effective resource deployment at various stages of the value chain can help a firm to cope with them.  相似文献   

近年来,国际造船新规范新标准加速出台。本期选编一组文章,从船企、业内专家和船级社的角度看待新规范对造船业的影响。  相似文献   

爱成  王逸凡 《广告大观》2006,(12S):47-48
低温冷处理,是材料科学中改善金属工件性能的一种工艺。在生活中,我们也经常用冷处理的办法来处理棘手的事情,尤其是在化解双方冲突时。应该承认,有时候这种办法的效果还是不错的。  相似文献   

樊剑修 《广告大观》2009,(12):27-29
中国正在发生改变。这一次的改变重心偏向于人们口中所谓的"中低端市场",至关重要的环节在于市场运作者和品牌——他们将如何参与其中。对于中国市场的划分,首先要做出界定。  相似文献   

We live in an increasingly globalised world. Trade has consistently grown faster than GDP and has been an important driver of world growth. What role should government play in this process? This paper considers the rationale for government action and the merits of various policies focusing on the UKs experience: the benefits of openness to trade and overseas investment and the merits of tackling barriers that discourage greater participation by firms in international markets. It also considers whether this approach needs to be adapted given current trends in globalisation, concluding that a continued emphasis on openness and addressing market failures will be welfare enhancing.  相似文献   

Purpose: This article is to test the proposition that the 3 conceptually related constructs of trust, reliance, and dependence are distinct from each other and to test the proposition that the quality of business relationships can be measured with a formative index incorporating trust and reliance.

Methodology/Approach: The authors' propositions are tested with a survey sample of 221 firms in the U.K. construction industry. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses are used to analyze the survey data.

Findings: The independence of the 3 focal constructs of trust, reliance, and dependence is confirmed. The formative index is found suitable for evaluating the level of relationship quality in which reliance carries more significant weight than trust.

Research Implications: The separation of the overall construct of “trust” into trust at interpersonal level and reliance at interorganizational level, as found in this study, overcomes the problem existing in past studies that researchers rarely specify at which level trust operates. The clear conceptual distinction between reliance and dependence as found in this study implies that although both operate at the organizational level, they do not have overlapping boundaries. The finding that reliance is a more important impact factor than trust in constructing the formative index supports the notions that reliance is a necessary and sufficient condition for developing sustainable business relationships, and trust is an insufficient condition to sustain an ongoing business relationship.

Practical Implications: Reliance sets the keynote of the business relationship. In contrast, trust as the interpersonal variable only acts as the facilitator to create a favorable social environment. Nevertheless, both trust and reliance have a significant and positive weight in the relationship quality index formed. This means that a business relationship with high levels of both trust and reliance is particularly resilient and stable and is the most successful and desirable one which is frequently oriented toward the long run.

Originality/Value/Contribution: The confirmation of the difference between trust and reliance makes an important contribution to the study of trust in business to business marketing by showing that what has traditionally been treated as theoverall construct of trust can and should be regarded as being made up of two separate constructs: interpersonal trust and interorganizational reliance. The difference between reliance and dependence as an additional finding makes another important contribution by providing conceptual clarity of the two constructs and confirming that there is no overlapping boundary between them. The formative index and the relative importance of its components are another important contribution of this study.  相似文献   

程恩富(以下简称程):近年来,西方发达国家关于中国“廉价货币威胁论”的观点甚嚣尘上。持这种观点的一些人认为,美国、日本等主要发达国家的经济目前之所以受到通货紧缩的威胁而处于回升乏力的境地,重要原因之一就是与中国有着较紧密的国际贸易关系并处于经常项目逆差地位;而中国由于劳动力成本低廉、许多产品生产能力严重过剩,这种低价向国外大量销售的商品,对输入国的商品市场价格产生打压效果,从而引起美、日等国的物价不断走低。由这种逻辑推论直接产生的政策建议,就是要求中国的人民币采取升值行动。尽管国内学者对日美等国将自己经济…  相似文献   

马恩涛  姜超  陈媛媛 《财贸研究》2019,30(12):80-94
通过系统梳理货币危机、银行业危机和主权债务危机的相关文献,建立一个包含三类金融危机的统一分析框架,探寻这三类金融危机的概念特征、产生原因、交互关系、对经济的影响以及如何预警和防范。结果表明:三类金融危机的共同特征是危机爆发前政府、银行、企业和个人的债务过度积累;应对金融危机的巨额成本迫使我们要明确每次金融危机发生的类型和程度,科学理解不同类型金融危机的形成机理、不同类型金融危机之间的交互关系及对宏观经济的影响,这对于金融危机预警和防范及危机爆发后应急政策的制定非常关键。  相似文献   

众所周知,著名京剧《沙家浜》里有一场戏叫做《坚持》,展现的是新四军指导员郭建光带领18位伤病员,在沙家浜芦苇荡里坚持抗日.书写了“八千里风暴吹不倒,九千个雷霆也难轰”的革命壮举。  相似文献   

危机事件有损于企业形象甚至影响企业的发展与生存,提升管理者的危机处理能力是企业应对危机的重要技能。应对企业危机,要求管理者有突出的信息收集、处理能力和管理沟通能力。管理者更应积极主动承担应有的责任,及时采取补救措施,积极做好预防及评估工作,完善企业管理机制,使企业走可持续性发展道路。  相似文献   

Globalization speeds up the competition for human resources among nations. In East Asia, increasing pressure on developing human resources for better economic performance has led governments to implement more skill development policies. In addition, enterprises have also been encouraged to do so in order to improve their market competitiveness. As the leading economy in the region, Japan has increased spending on training, education, and other human resource development activities. Economic stagnation forced both government and enterprises to develop new polices to upgrade workforce skills and to reduce the mismatch between jobs and skills. This paper illustrates the changes in the area of human resource development in Japan in recent years as in response to the challenges of globalization.  相似文献   

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