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从行业工资决定因素分析的视角,在考虑到样本自选择偏差校正的情况下构造了Treat-ment-effects模型作为行业工资决定因素的微观计量模型,并利用CHARLS数据分析检验了垄断对中国行业工资差距的影响.实证结果表明,行业的垄断性对于行业工资决定进而行业间工资差距的影响较大且显著;即使是校正了自选择偏差之后,垄断行业的平均工资水平依然高于非垄断行业的平均工资水平大约39%.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的不断发展,人们的生活水平得到了很大程度的提升。但同时,我国居民的收入差距也在随之增大,这对我国经济的发展、人们的择业观及社会的稳定都会带来不良的影响。收入差距主要是指城乡间、区域间以及行业间的收入差距。本文拟通过对我国行业收入差距的探究,了解当前我国行业间的收入差距现状,同时分析和借鉴了国内外的相关研究理论,来探讨我国行业间收入差距形成的原因及对策。为缩小一些不合理的行业间收入差距,进而缩小整个社会的收入分配差距给出一些建议,对实现我国"第三步"的战略目标,构建"公平正义"和"和谐社会"有重要意义。  相似文献   

论加强我国国有垄断企业工资外收入的管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国国有垄断企业工资外收入增长过快,原因是多方面的,造成了不良后果.必须全方位加强对我国国有垄断企业工资外收入的管理.  相似文献   

本文首先对中国行业层面的工资差距的发展趋势进行了动态分析,得出的结论是中国行业层面的工资差距在2000-2007年间在总体上呈现出发散的态势。在此基础上,选取劳动生产率作为参照基准,对行业间工资差距的公平性进行了价值判断,对比劳动生产率,行业工资差别未能合理地反映行业的劳动差别,背离了按劳分配原则。为了减缓和扭转行业工资差距不合理的状况,本文选取了九大行业作为分析对象,对中国行业间工资差距的引致因素进行了实证分析。证实了知识产权保护通过直接效应和间接效应的作用,促进了行业间工资差距的收敛。FDI通过产出效应、技术溢出效应和示范效应的作用,扩大了行业间的工资差距。基于实证分析的结论,增强知识产权保护力度,设立统一的FDI准入门槛以便提高引资质量,有助于缩小我国行业间的工资差距。  相似文献   

我国农民工工资低的原因分析及政策措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国崛起为世界制造业基地,68%的员工是农民工;城镇建设快速发展,建筑业员工的80%是农民工;城镇商业、服务业员工的半数是农民工;非公有经济、外资企业员工的主体是农民工(崔传义,2007)。  相似文献   

本文利用2004年至2010年《中国劳动统计年鉴》的相关数据,基于分解基尼系数的视角对我国行业间收入差距进行了分析。研究表明,近年来我国行业间及产业间的收入差距有着不断扩大的趋势;收入的非均衡性增长是导致我国行业间收入差距扩大的主要因素,而人口的流动则能在一定程度上缩小我国行业间的收入差距。同时,研究还表明垄断依然对我国行业间收入差距有着不小的影响。根据上述研究,我们提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国工资水平上涨以及经济增长减速为墨西哥带来了机遇,可以重新争取到过去10年追逐太平洋彼岸廉价劳动力的部分企业。彼时中国平均工资水平只有墨西哥的四分之一。  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of person-to-person payments services, the impact this will have on further payments disintermediation across the financial services industry, and outlines possible opportunities and threats for UK financial services providers. The paper focuses on the P2P payments services and providers — including the leading banks — in the USA; the onset of online and P2P payments services in the UK; and the development of dedicated payments services for children and teenagers.  相似文献   

Most extant studies consider golden parachutes as the totality of change-in-control payments. However, for the median CEO of firms listed in the S&P SmallCap 600 index in 2009, golden parachute payments are only 46% of total change-in-control compensation. We measure total change-in-control payments using newly available data for this sample. Our results show that the total payments to the departing CEO are estimated at 1.1% of market value (on average). We also show that newly earned compensation (as opposed to accelerated vesting of lagged incentive pay) makes up approximately half of total change-in-control payments for the median CEO, and these two components of severance pay are positively correlated (contrary to existing theory). Furthermore, change-in-control payments do not appear to impede takeover offers or affect takeover premiums. Total change-in-control payments are small on average, and boards seem to take care in negotiating these terms with incumbent CEOs so that change-in-control payments do not adversely affect the firm's prospects in the takeover market.  相似文献   

Interstate banking will improve the efficiency of the payments system. This will occur because the number of handlings for multiple-bank payments (transit items) will fall and because some multiple-bank payments will be transformed into single-bank payments (on-us items). These effects are simulated using data on the current cross-section relationship between banking structure and check clearing patterns in a multinomial logit model. The Federal Reserve, which currently processes almost one-third of all checks, is predicted to lose 43 to 60 percent of its market share. The annual impact is expected to be gradual, however, since interstate banking will be phased in and because of offsetting growth in the total check clearing market.  相似文献   

该项专题的攻关任务是研究涉外收支交易分类与代码的具体格式以及数据要素的内容,设计科学、合理的涉外收支交易分类与代码国家标准,并制定国际收支电子申报业务数据规范。  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of five recent terrorist attacks on equities listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Following the Global Industry Classification Standard, we analyse how these events affect the different sectors in Australia. Using parametric and non-parametric tests, we investigate the relationship between stock returns for equities listed in these sectors and terrorist attacks. We report significant short term negative abnormal returns around the September 11 attacks and to a lesser extent, the Madrid and London bombings. Our evidence shows a weak positive equity response to the Bali bombing, and no response from the Mumbai attack in the Australian market. We also document negative industry abnormal returns as high as 37.30% on the day in the Utilities sector. Our findings show that systematic risk of certain sectors increased after the events of September 11 but remained unchanged for the other attacks.  相似文献   

李新  王忠波 《银行家》2007,(10):78-79
投资者只有把握整合期产业与企业发展的机遇与规律,才能充分分享产业整合与企业发展的成果。在国内制度变迁、宏观经济高速增长以及国际资本流动的背景下,我国产业整合将进入加速期。在产业整合期,企业的发展将呈现强者恒强的格局,投资者只有把握整合期产业与企业发展的机遇与规律,才能充分分享产业整合与企业发展的成果,获得丰厚的回报。  相似文献   

We study payout by UK listed companies during 1993–2018. Regular dividends remain the dominant channel, but flexible payouts (special dividends and repurchases) have grown, and they make total payout more responsive to earnings. Flexible payouts are used to augment regular dividends: few companies pay out by flexible means only, and tests indicate that they augment rather than replace regular dividends. Comparison with US evidence shows that UK companies make greater use of dividends (including specials) in relation to repurchases, and have a greater willingness to change regular dividend per share.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study optimal dividend problem in the classical risk model. Transaction costs and taxes are required when dividends occur. The problem is formulated as a stochastic impulse control problem. By solving the corresponding quasi-variational inequality, we obtain the analytical solutions of the optimal return function and the optimal dividend strategy when claims are exponentially distributed. We also find a formula for the expected time between dividends. The results show that, as the dividend tax rate decreases, it is optimal for the shareholders to receive smaller but more frequent dividend payments.  相似文献   

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