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This research examines how established companies organize programs for fostering technology‐based radical innovation. It addresses conflicts revealed in the innovation literature concerning the appropriate design of the strategic, structural, and process components of these programs. In developing innovation strategies, managers must balance the desire for strategic clarity with the need to allow for creativity and exploration. They must structure programs that ensure innovations benefit from the organization's resources while minimizing the numerous constraints that can impede these unconventional activities. Additionally, though they may favor management processes that provide accountability and effective resource allocation, managers must also ensure these do not restrict the flexibility required for successful innovation. The study is a longitudinal, comparative case analysis of interviews with managers involved in innovation programs in 12 industry‐leading multinational corporations. Site visits at each company were followed by biannual interviews with key managers in each company. A total of 81 follow‐up interviews were conducted over a three‐year period. These interviews were aimed at identifying the changes and progress in the programs over time and internal and external impacts on the organization's innovation activity. The analysis reveals (1) distinct but evolving objectives that maintain a logical strategic connection, (2) adaptive structures that shift and transform but preserve relationships with the broader organization, and (3) flexible processes that are understandable beyond the innovation program and are modifiable, both for the context and in response to learning over time. This suggests that programs introducing high uncertainty and risk into mature corporate environments are highly flexible systems that maintain organizational connectedness as they evolve. For academics, this implies a need to understand the evolution of innovation programs as an adaptive learning process that, regardless of form and purpose, preserves its connection to the traditional organization. For practitioners, it highlights the importance of considering the process, strategic, and structural connections to the broader organization when designing innovation programs and suggests the need for feedback mechanisms to help adapt these elements over time.  相似文献   

利用基于理论的实证分析方法构建集成创新中知识整合绩效影响因素概念模型并建立假设关系。开发Likert量表对企业进行调查获取相关数据,对筛选后的数据进行描述性统计分析;利用结构方程模型对假设进行检验,得到知识整合绩效影响因素的影响方向和影响程度。研究结果表明:创新知识特性对知识整合绩效有显著的负向影响且影响程度最大;组织结构、知识整合手段、组织学习和文化氛围对知识整合绩效有显著的正向影响,影响程度从大到小依次为组织学习、文化氛围、知识整合手段和组织结构。  相似文献   

Introducing new products remains a critical challenge for managers. Consumer acceptance of new products is key to new product success and requires the effective implementation of market launch activities. The present study describes the relationship between different types of market launch activities and market‐related, time‐related, and financial market launch success. The study's framework extends previous work on launch management by complementing the view that launch activities are predominantly outwardly directed with the notion that launch management can also be inwardly directed. More specifically, launch activities can both target customers as the external audience, for example, via communication and pricing, and address an internal audience, such as management and sales personnel, for example, using departmental coordination or employee incentives. The study also sets out to investigate how situational factors impact the relative effectiveness of both externally directed and internally directed launch activities in engendering successful new product launches. In particular, product newness, technology drivers, and firm size are considered as relevant variables. Structural equation analysis of data on 178 new products across industries provide empirical evidence that market launch success depends on the intensity of both externally directed and internally directed market launch activities. With regard to the overall impact of internally directed activities, the findings confirm that organizational factors and antecedents indeed play a critical role in new product launch and its respective performance with internally directed activities having an even stronger impact on time‐related and financial success than outwardly directed instruments. Specifically, these internal activities are often viewed as idiosyncratic resources that are hard for competitors to observe and are therefore more difficult—if not impossible—to replicate compared to externally directed activities in market launch. The paper clearly pinpoints that the successful launch of new products is a complex task that also necessitates the implementation of internally directed launch activities. Fast market penetration requires coordination among the different internal players as well as support from top management. Furthermore, the financial objectives of the market launch can only be met if employees and executives both receive the necessary incentives and support to effectively execute the new product introduction. The study also demonstrates that moderators impact the strength of the effectiveness of these two different types of market launch activities. This research provides important implications for launch management by advocating that the two foci on external and internal constituencies should not be pursued in isolation but that instead, the opposite is true.  相似文献   

本文首先运用 DEA-Malmquist 方法分析“十二五”期间制药业企业的环境绩效,再引入Bootstrap-DEA 方法进行纠偏并给出置信区间,并选用分位数回归对制药业企业环境绩效进行影响因素分析。得出结论:“十二五”期间制药业企业环境绩效的改善,主要是技术进步的作用。分位数回归显示企业的经济规模、企业技术成熟度、企业的环保意识及公共压力都会影响企业环境绩效的改善,且分位数回归全面展示了各因素的作用属性,所得到的结论更符合现实。  相似文献   

近年来,我国各地纷纷加大了科技创新的投入,相比科技创新投入的增速,科技产出却增长较慢.因此,非常有必要对区域创新系统的绩效进行客观、科学的评价.区域创新系统绩效评价结果主要取决于评价方法和评价因素指标,目前,评价方法的研究已日臻完善,但对评价因素指标还未达成共识.鉴于此,本文做了以下几方面研究:(1)对区域创新系统绩效评价的影响因素进行全面的汇总分析,并结合实证数据进行探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析;(2)建立区域创新系统绩效评价的影响因素路径分析模型,从而揭示各影响因素的相互作用程度与方向;(3)给出几点促进区域创新系统绩效水平的策略性建议.  相似文献   

This paper considers whether a hierarchical or compressed wage structure is positively associated with relatively high levels of organizational performance. To date, there has been little empirical research in this area (especially in the UK). Thus we present an operational measure of a compressed/hierarchical wage structure, using UK manufacturing micro–data in five industrial sectors, and examine its relationship with labour productivity. We find that the wage compression argument holds in one sector but not for the majority of sectors and that taking into account other, intra–industry characteristics, namely size and ownership differences, further weakens the relationship.  相似文献   

Starting in 1999, regulated industrial facilities in Contra Costa County, California were required to develop Human Factors Programs as part of the Industrial Safety Ordinance (ISO). Human Factors Programs within the County are designed to be a thorough assessment of the interactions between equipment, work processes, procedures, practices, work environment, people, and management systems as they relate to health and safety. Committees were established at each facility to oversee the development, training, and execution of the site-specific programs. Primary areas of focus in the ongoing implementation of an effective Human Factors Program are periodic assessments and resolution of Latent Conditions, and performance of Management of Organizational Change Assessments before staffing changes. This article describes the steps that facilities in Contra Costa County have taken to develop comprehensive site specific Human Factors Programs. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog, 2009  相似文献   

There appears to be widespread agreement that optimal new product development programs require a balance between customer-led and lead-the-customer innovation practices. The former is associated with adaptive learning inspired incremental innovation, whereas the latter is associated with generative-learning-inspired radical innovation. There is debate, however, as to whether a strong market orientation can facilitate this balance. Some believe that a strong market orientation causes firms to overemphasize customer-led incremental innovations. Others believe that a strong market orientation can facilitate this balance but assert that traditional measures of market orientation only capture the types of behaviors associated with customer-led incremental innovations. This latter concern has led some to abandon the single-construct operationalization of market orientation and to introduce two constructs—responsive and proactive market orientation—into the literature. The purpose of this research is to address these developments. The study makes use of a national sample of marketing executives and employs a cross-sectional survey design. Measures used are market orientation, radical and incremental innovation priority, generative and adaptive learning priority, and new product success. Confirmatory factor analyses and structural equations models are employed to develop measures and to test hypotheses. The study's results reaffirm the position that a strong market orientation helps facilitate a balance between incremental and radical innovation by shifting firms' innovation priority more toward radical innovation activities. It also suggests that the abandonment of traditional conceptualizations and measures of market orientation are premature.  相似文献   

本文重点讨论了营销学中作为指导企业营销活动的价值观——市场导向与利益相关者导向的理论架构,并检验了利益相关者导向与组织绩效之间的关系。同时,还针对文献中欠缺的中国企业所有制的影响,进行了分析。研究结果发现,利益相关者导向对中国企业的组织绩效具有积极影响。但中国不同所有制的企业,在利益相关者导向和组织绩效上差异很大。  相似文献   

本文利用2004~2013年中国大陆各省、直辖市、自治区的面板数据,运用空间杜宾模型对中国区域创新绩效评价的影响因素进行了实证研究。研究表明:前期专利存量、研发人员数量占就业人员比例对区域创新绩效呈正向影响;研发经费投入强度、外贸依存度对区域创新绩效呈负向影响;前期专利存量对区域创新绩效有着显著的空间滞后影响;区域创新绩效存在着显著的空间自相关效应,呈现空间依赖性和空间集聚现象。根据实证分析的结论提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that influence the launch of brands into new markets in a global environment. Although multiple streams of literature exist with respect to the entry of brands into new markets and the diffusion of new brands within and across markets, the process of launching products and brands globally over time has received relatively limited attention. To address this issue, this study incorporates multiple indicators of activities that can contribute to experiential learning relevant for launching brands in a global marketplace. Market uncertainty and experiential learning provide a conceptual foundation for the development of relevant hypotheses, which are tested in the context of the global automotive industry from 1981 to 2004. A discrete time event history analysis with time‐varying independent variables is employed to estimate the effects of the independent variables on the probability of a brand being launched in a specific market. The global brand launch observations are extracted from a proprietary dataset containing the global dispersion of automotive brands including 22 countries of origin and 42 countries of brand entry. The sample yields 50,572 spells, derived from 99 companies, 173 brands, and 700 market entries. The results of this study contribute to the literature in a variety of ways. Market attractiveness positively influences the propensity of a brand to be launched into a new market. This supports the idea that potential demand conditions are an important managerial consideration in product introduction decisions. The results reveal significant effects with respect to the role of psychic distance and experiential learning. Brands are reluctant to launch into countries that are culturally and economically less similar to the home market. Yet firms tend to place a lower degree of emphasis on factors of cultural distance when launching brands into larger markets, and global experience enables companies to overcome the uncertainties associated with launching brands into international markets that are economically distant. The results also suggest that companies are more likely to introduce additional brands in markets where they already have a presence. Overall, global dispersion and geographic scope, coupled with local market knowledge facilitate the launch of brands globally. From a managerial perspective, this study suggests companies should focus on acquiring both local and global experience to facilitate the launch of products and brands in the global marketplace.  相似文献   

巴以冲突、美伊冲突、俄罗斯的石油出口政策走向及2002上美国经济的走势,是对近期国际油价产生重大影响的主要因素。巴以冲突因难以引发新的阿以战争,不会影响世界石油的实际供应量;美伊冲突必将使国际石油市场处于巩慌状态,但目前石油剩余生产能力是伊拉克所产原油的的数倍,由此而产生的国际油价波动很快就会回复;俄罗斯与欧佩克达成的限制出口协议只能在短期内对国际油价起支撑作用,油价的走高必然会促使俄罗斯增加石油出口,导致油价下滑;美国的经济增长必将带动全球的经济增长,从而拉动原油价格走高。总体来说,2002年国际油价呈攀升趋势,其平均水平可能升至或超过每桶25美元左右。  相似文献   

通过分析婴儿的形态、运动、生理和心理特征,从服装的安全防护性能、湿热舒适性、活动舒适性及触觉舒适性角度对影响婴儿服装设计的面料、色彩、款式、结构以及工艺等因素进行了探讨。婴儿服装设计要以舒适、安全、健康以适应孩子生长发育以及活动需要。  相似文献   

企业环境绩效与经济绩效的动态关系模型   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
企业环境绩效与经济绩效的关系是企业战略管理研究领域里一个比较新的研究对象。现有的研究除方法和数据方面的缺陷外,主要问题是理论模型的解释力不强。本文认为组织能力是企业环境绩效与经济绩效之间内在联系的纽带,一个基于企业组织能力的环境绩效评估体系能够对企业改善环境绩效产生持续的激励作用。据此提出“基于组织能力的企业环境绩效”的理论模型,旨在从环境管理能力建设的角度来讨论企业环境绩效评估的基础方法和原则。  相似文献   

邓洪哲 《山东纺织经济》2009,(3):106-107,116
数字图书馆将成为未来社会的公共信息中心和枢纽。高校图书馆如何抓住机遇,充分利用高新技术,将馆藏各种类型和载体的文化经典的精华,进行数字化加工处理与整合,使其转化成的经典电子作品,是摆在我们面前的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的兴起,知识管理在现代企业运营中发挥着越来越重要的作用。知识管理包括知识积累、知识分享、知识创新等环节。其中知识分享是企业知识管理的关键环节,同时也是知识管理的最大障碍。由于自愿与他人分享知识并不符合人性,因此,有必要探讨我国企业在知识分享过程中的影响因素及相关对策。  相似文献   

长庆油田近年来开展的泡沫洗井措施,对原油的增产、稳产起到了积极的作用,该措施的施工质量也越来越受到关注和重视。经过对大量泡沫洗井措施的施工质量进行统计分析,指出化学药品的质量和用量、施工工具的选择、过程控制等七个方面的因素对泡沫洗井措施的施工质量起至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

作为连接企业与市场的桥梁,服装导购员承担着销售服装产品以使企业获利的重任,她们的工作越来越受到企业管理者的重视,如何提高他们的工作积极性成为企业管理者亟待解决的问题。为探寻影响服装导购员工作积极性的因素,对上海地区309名服装导购员进行访谈和问卷调研,运用SPSS17.0进行数据分析,梳理导购员工作积极性的影响因素。  相似文献   

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