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顾客不满意原因分析及顾客满意程度的测量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
借鉴国外顾客满意理论研究的成果,探讨了顾客不满意的原因,在此基础上进一步说明顾客满意程度的测量,以及如何根据测量结果制定改善措施。  相似文献   

以顾客为关注焦点是2000版ISO9000族标准的基本原则,这项原则已为越来越多的企业所 认识、接受并实施。如何满足顾客要求并力争超越顾客期望,是一个值得认真探讨的问题。 据笔者在工作中的体会,以下几点值得重视:1 转变质量观念,树立顾客满意的质量价值观在市场竞争日益激烈的今天,只有产品得到顾客的认可,企业才能生存和发展。质量是市 场竞争的一个焦点,也是顾客满意的一个前提条件。所以质量是始于顾客需求,而终于顾客 满意。我们从市场调查、用户走访、质量反馈等方面获得顾客需求信息,将其转化为产品开 发、设计的要求,再…  相似文献   

张杰  乔志杰 《企业导报》2011,(16):75-76
质量是无形的,它是可以衡量的吗?答案是肯定的,事实上质量成本是衡量质量的一把尺子,质量的高低会直接影响顾客的满意,本文重点阐述质量成本的内部构成要素对顾客满意产生的影响,从而使企业认识到应把质量成本的各个要素合理的搭配,才能使质量达到最优,赢得顾客的满意,实现企业的价值。  相似文献   

薛辉  侯西亭 《质量春秋》2007,(10):29-34
追求顾客满意是组织建立和实施质量管理体系的目标。对顾客满意信息的监视是测量质量管理体系业绩的方法之一,并以此来评价所建立的质量管理体系的有效性和识别可改进的机会。  相似文献   

ISO9000指出:"组织应监控顾客满意和不满意的信息,作为对质量管理体系业绩的一种测量.获取和利用这种信息的方法应予以确定."一个有效的顾客满意评价系统可以发现顾客对具体产品和服务特性的评定信息,以及这些评价与顾客未来市场行为的关系,发现在设计、生产和服务交付方面需改进的领域.  相似文献   

随着知识经济的发展和生产力的不断提高,人们对产品的需求已经从单一技术性发展到了技术经济性并扩展到精神领域,而且满足精神需求的产品或产品特性所占的比例已大大超过满足物质需求所占的比例。同时,随着物质生活的日益丰富,顾客满意已经成为评价产品质量好坏的重要标准,这就使质量观念发生了很大的变化,从检验质量观到符合性质量观,最终形成了以顾客满意为核心的全新的质量观念。  相似文献   

在企业按照GB/T19001标准要求建立起来的质量管理体系中,如何使“顾客满意准则”能够发挥起应有的作用呢?最好的“突破口”.就是把实施“顾客满意准则“作为企业识别、确定和满足顾客隐含要求的一种重要工具来使用,以达到增强顾客满意的目的。本文将重点探讨“顾客满意准则”和增强顾客满意的关系。  相似文献   

This paper presents a technique whereby a small business (i.e. a one-cash register operation) can reduce customer waiting-line time dissatisfaction in the purchase stage of the consumer decision process. When the queue length reaches or exceeds critical value N*, another employee is temporarily transferred to the role of ‘server assistant’ to increase the effective service rate; when the queue length eventually decreases to a second critical value N*, the server assistant returns to primary duties. An optimal customer-reneging decision model is utilized to model the reneging character of the queue. Simulation experiments confirm key hypotheses concerning the behaviour of the queue and compare the effectiveness of a computed (N*, N*) policy with that of alternatives.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationships between homeownership, dissatisfaction with city services, and voting turnout in local elections, using original survey data. Homeowners are more likely than renters to vote, but the pure effect of ownership is not robust to either basic socio-economic controls or an instrumental variable strategy. However, dissatisfaction has a positive, significant and robust effect on likelihood of voting. When interacting homeownership and dissatisfaction, the author finds that dissatisfied homeowners are significantly more likely to vote than both satisfied homeowners and all renters. This finding is consistent with Fischel’s (2001) homevoter hypothesis.  相似文献   

基于我国社会经济的飞速发展,地质矿产勘查工作已经引起人们的重视。在地质矿产勘查过程中,应用地理信息系统,能够有效提高资源的利用率,减轻地质勘测人员的工作压力,保证其工作质量。因此,文章主要研究地理信息系统在地质矿产勘查中的具体应用,希望能够给相关工作人员提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

This paper explores the apparent paradox that while unions exist to promote the interests and well-being of their members, UK survey evidence consistently shows that union members report lower levels of job satisfaction than non-union workers. A review and further analysis of the evidence confirms that this difference persists after controlling for other factors such as type of work. If union member dissatisfaction reflects a form of voice, then we might expect to see resulting gains. An analysis of data from the 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Survey indicates that any gains are modest. Evidence is presented to suggest that although management has become less hostile to trade unions, a degree of anti-union sentiment remains, sometimes leading to a muffling of the union voice, and this helps to account for some of the union member dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

An increasing number of firms are outsourcing customer support to external service providers. This creates a triadic setting in which an outsourcing provider serves end customers on behalf of its clients. While outsourcing presents an opportunity to serve customers, service providers differ in their motivation and ability to fulfill customer needs. Prior research suggests that firms with a strong customer focus have an intrinsic motivation to address customer needs. We suggest that in an outsourcing context, this intrinsic motivation does not suffice. Using a Motivation–Opportunity–Ability framework, we posit that the effect of a provider's customer focus will be moderated by a set of relational, firm, and customer characteristics that affect its ability to serve end customers. We test our conceptualization among 171 outsourcing clients from the Netherlands and then validate these results among 135 Indian outsourcing providers. The findings reveal that customer-focused providers achieve higher levels of customer need fulfillment but this effect is contingent on their ability to serve end customers. In particular, customer-focused providers more effectively fulfill customer needs when clients and providers share close relational ties, when clients also have a high level of customer focus, and when end customer needs exhibit a low degree of turbulence. In addition, we find that, in turbulent markets, equipment-related services offer greater opportunity for effective customer need fulfillment than other outsourced services.  相似文献   

"零顾客跳槽率管理"是指企业与每一个能够给企业带来利润的顾客保持长期关系,不让这类顾客跳槽.顾客跳槽对企业利润的影响远远大于企业规模、市场份额、单位成本以及许多其他与竞争优势有关的因素的影响.  相似文献   

This article examines the implications for industrial relations of the current enthusiasm for ‘customer care’. It does this by reviewing how the three main industrial relations actors; managers, government and trade unions, have responded to the customer service imperative and by considering some of the implications of a ‘customer focus’ for industrial relations theory.  相似文献   

Service profit chain and service climate research identifies the importance of employee attitudes and employee service behavior as mediating between organizational practices and customer satisfaction. While the importance of employee attitudes and customer service performance are acknowledged, there are calls to more precisely specify proximal mediators between employee attitudes and customer satisfaction. We propose a model in which the relationship between unit-level organizational commitment and customer attitudes is not direct but mediated via employees' customer service delivery including queuing time, serving time and service quality. We conducted a longitudinal unit-level analysis (N = 39) aggregating employee (N over 893) organizational commitment and customer (N over 1248) satisfaction data, and customer service behavior drawn from organizational records. Our model received reasonable support from basic tests of the predictive associations between unit-level organizational commitment, customer-relevant employee behaviors and customer satisfaction; however, organizational commitment was not found to be an important predictor in more rigorous change analyses. The findings as a whole therefore suggest that organizational commitment is a feature of units delivering fast, quality service, but its causal role is as yet unclear.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the behavior of gold and silver prices on a daily, weekly and monthly time span during January 1970 to December 1989. The methodology consists of extracting the predictive power of time series of changes in past prices for obtaining optimal forecasts for next-period changes in prices. Optimizations are made in the context of information theory via minimizing the degree of diversity between the actual and predicted changes in prices. This methodology has merit in that it does not rest on, generally speaking, unacceptable assumptions regarding the shape of the distribution, stationarity of variance or its existence. The behavior of gold and silver prices are studied during peak to trough and trough to peak of the business cycles over 1970–1989. It is generally shown that information contained in past prices of gold and silver does not allow one to predict next-period changes in prices in the short run. However, longer-term predictions are possible. This study further reveals that as the length of the time interval expands, gold prices exhibit a higher degree of dependency on past prices than silver.  相似文献   

Taking care of the customer while running an efficient manufacturing operation is a challenge. This article describes the success one contract manufacturer had in developing a customer service department to manage a growing and diverse customer base. Balancing customer and plant requirements during a period of organizational change is discussed.  相似文献   

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