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赛华山地处秦岭腹地,位于陕西省华阴市境由华山景区东南方向20公里处,与华山主峰隔山相望,且形如华山,故名赛华山。初冬时节,与朋友相约一同爬赛华山。行至山下,抬眼望去,赛华山就在眼前,果真酷似华山的西峰。开始爬山了,山上积雪很滑,天也慢慢飘起了雪花,灰蒙蒙的,但是大家兴致很高,我也就融入其中,很久以来积蓄在心中的郁闷,似乎也一扫而光。有的人带了拐杖,这会儿就发挥了作用,既可以支撑身体,还可以拉别人,又可以勾住旁边的树枝。我没有拐杖,就找了一根棍子,这根棍子可是帮了我不少忙,以至于后来下山了,我都不舍得扔。  相似文献   

杨时展教授是中国著名会计学家、会计思想家和会计教育家.先生人格高尚,学识渊博,为士林之楷模.一身正气,两袖清风,为世人之典范.先生五十余年一贯忠诚于中国的会计教育事业,培育英才,传道授业,尽职尽责;诚信处世,刚正修身,为人师表.2007年10月10日,是杨时展教授逝世十周年纪念日,回顾老人家辉煌人生,追忆吾师之英容笑貌,缅怀他为中国的会计事业所做出的粲然卓异的贡献,神往崇敬之心油然而生,深深怀念之情回荡于天地之间,老师,您永远活在我们心中!  相似文献   

韩际平 《数据》2007,(5):48-49
妈妈,您身体还好吗?呼伦贝尔草原,已经白雪覆盖了吧!咱家的羊,还是那样肥壮吗?农业普查开始了,您知道吗!电话里,您总说我不愿回家,其实,普查和家,都是我的牵挂啊!妈妈,报纸上的普查公报,您看到了吗?妈妈,闪光的数据背后,那,就是我啊!  相似文献   

正烟花三月,久雨初晴,艳阳曼妙,呼朋引伴,皆慕华林山之幽,欲探今世之桃源秘境。华林山,踞高安西北一隅,系九岭山脉东南支脉,今属华林寨——上游湖国家AAA级旅游景区。此间山灵水逸,幽泉怪石,玄迹仙踪,人文璀璨,别有一番天地。一路菜花横漫,金蕊激荡,村集焕彩,檐角飞扬,皆滑窗如梭而逝。约三刻车程,  相似文献   

有时候我们去看一部电影,导演是大牌导演,演员是大牌演员,编剧是大牌编剧,广告满天,铺天盖地,弄得非常好,把所有人都忽悠进去以后,绝大多数的人跑出来说,没见过这么烂的片子,这就是到今天为止,我对这个事情做出的最精确的评价。刚开始的时候,我是非常担心的,三年零毛利,零元销售,三折销售等等,作为一个法律工作者,我首先想到这是违规的,你这样不计成本以后,  相似文献   

李铁 《财务与会计》2015,(14):78-79
去年国庆节前,和一群年轻人踢足球时,左腿跟腱意外断裂,彼时离全国会计领军(后备)人才考试只有半个月了.躺在病床上,辗转反侧,沮丧、懊悔、失望、自责,种种心情无法言喻,也无数次在安慰自己,反正也没怎么复习,是不是正可以做个借口,不去参加考试了.可是回想起这些年从事会计工作的经历,种种困难都熬过了,如果就这么轻言放弃了,是否对得起自己的坚持?痛定思痛,手术完成后,在病床上还是毅然绝然地翻开了书,不论结果如何,也要对自己有一个交代.  相似文献   

有这么一则寓言:猪说假如让我再活一次,我要做一头牛,工作虽然累点,但名声好,让人爱怜;牛说假如让我再活一次,我要做一头猪,吃罢睡,睡罢吃,不出力,不流汗,活得赛神仙;鹰说假如让我再活一次,我要做一只鸡,渴有水,饿有米,住有房,还受人保护;鸡说假如让我再活一次,我要做一只鹰,可以翱翔天空,云游四海,任意捕兔杀鸡。这是挺有意思的一  相似文献   

人只能用心灵,在云上散步、在水面飞奔,能幻想云润,水滑,能造出车船飞机,却无法让自身生出羽毛和翅膀. 跨江连城,直来直往的一座桥,在柔美的江南,有多少诗意可以借用,朱栏绿树的酒店窗外,慢慢行来载着文士渔翁的船,沉浸在画卷里,这才是悠久的古意,因此,便会惊喜这桥,竟忽然是另一番动态的翅膀的样子呢.  相似文献   

诗意的浪漫,有一种即是在日月的辉耀下,甚至星光里,细雨中,对着一丛花草,或者无垠波涛,终日不发一言而泪下如雨,终归也无人知道是因何感伤. 而其中情愫,托于流水,问及草木,诉诸落花的,更是不可胜数;似乎纯净的自然,乃是人身心最终极最可依恃的归宿,人在此间,就如幼小的猫儿蜷缩在主人家的锦衾里,被抚慰着,有着温暖,与安全.  相似文献   

前几天,有住朋友给我讲了一个故事.他说,自己作为项目总监去检查下属的一个项目组.在会议室,一个下属进来了,关上门、转身,坐下,谈了两分钟,门开了;看见门开后我的朋友说,请将门关上!下属站起来,转身,推门,再转身,坐下.没多久,门又开了;我的朋友又说,请将门关上!下属站起来,转身,推门,再转身,又坐下.很快门又开了.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Boddy, M., Lovering, J. and Basset, K. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Buck, N., Gordon, I. and Young, K. with Ermisch, J. and Mills, L. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Lever, W. and Moore, C. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Robinson, F., Wren, C. and Goddard, J. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Spencer, K., Taylor, A., Smith, B., Mawson, J., Flynn, N. and Batley, R. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Hausner, V. and members of the ESRC Inner Cities Research Programme  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
McKinley, A. and Starkey, K. (Eds)., Foucault, Management and Organization Theory
Billing, Y.D. and Alvesson, M., Gender, Managers, and Organizations
Whitehead, Stephen and Moodley, Roy (Eds), Transforming Managers: Gendering Changes in the Public Sector
Baumard, Philipe, Tacit Knowledge in Organizations
Furusten, Staffan, Popular Management Books: How They are Made and What They Mean for Organisation
Karnøe, Peter, Kristensen, Peer Hull and Andersen, Poul Houman, Mobilizing Resources and Generating Competences: The Remarkable Success of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Danish Business System
French, Robert and Vince, Russ, Group Relations, Management and Organization  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Heller, Frank, Pusic, Eugene, Strauss, George and Wilpert, Bernard, Organizational Participation: Myth and Reality
Clarke, Thomas and Clegg, Stewart, (Eds) Changing Paradigms: the Transformation of Management Knowledge for the 21st Century
Prichard, Craig, Hull, Richard, Chumer, Mike and Willmott, Hugh (Eds) Managing Knowledge: Critical Investigations of Work and Learning
Mowery, D. C. and Rosenberg, N., Paths of Innovation: Technological Change in 20 th Century America
Preece, D., Steven, G. and Steven, V., Work, Change and Competition: Managing for Bass
Djelic, Marie-Laurie, Exporting the American Model: the Post-war Transformation of European Business
Acs, Z. J., Carlsson, B. and Larlsson, C., (Eds) Entrepreneurship, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and the Macroeconomy  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
Quinn, J. B. Intelligent Entreprise.
Clark, P. and Staunton, N. Innovation In Technology and Organization.
Milgrom, P. and Roberts, J. Economics, Organization and Management.
Brewster, C., Hegewisch, A., Holden, L. and Lockhart, T. (Eds.). The European Human Resource Management Guide.
Morgan, G. Imaginization: the Art of Creative Management.
Durlabhji, S. and Marks, N. E. (Eds.). Japanese Business: Cultural Perspectives.
Hassard, J. Sociology and Organization Theory: Positivism, Paradigms and Postmodernity.
Loveridge, R. and Starkey, K. (Eds.). Continuity and Crisis In the Nhs.
Kessler, S. and Bayliss, F. Contemporary British Industrial Relations.
Johnson, H. Relevance Regained, From Top-Down Control to Bottom-Up Empowerment.
Hansen, P and Conrad, A. (Ed.). A Handbook of Psychological Assessment In Business.  相似文献   

ISO、IEC和英、德制定、实施标准化战略已近10年。文章在实际调研和文献跟踪的基础上认为,其制定、实施标准化战略的主要经验包括:运作良好的标准化组织运行模式,不断创新标准化管理和运行机制,注重标准化战略的制定、实施和评估,重视标准与技术研发紧密结合和强化标准化的宣传和培训。在此基础上,文章提出了要创新首都标准化服务模式,完善首都标准化运行机制,进一步加强技术研发与标准的结合,加强标准化战略的制定、实施和评估,加大标准化的宣传、培训和教育力度,加强与国际组织和发达国家在标准化方面的合作等推进首都标准化发展的建议。  相似文献   

翁易初  张力 《价值工程》2012,31(26):150-153
本文依据2012年初对温州永嘉地区泵阀行业的小微企业的调查及实地走访,了解小微企业目前的经营及融资现状。发现本行业小微企业目前处于转型升级的关键阶段,主要存在工人成本上升、土地供应紧张、融资难、产品技术含量低等困境。而小微企业虽然数量庞大,但他们的问题没有得到切实的关注。商会作为企业的代表在帮助小微企业发展的过程中存在自身组织管理和职能方面的缺陷。我们认为,商会应该发挥更大的作用,通过商会立法、股份制改革、聘用职业经理人和市场化运营等方式有效提高商会管理效率并加强与企业和政府的沟通并提供人力资源、融资、技术设备革新的服务,帮助小微企业解决经营及融资困境,推动小微企业进行转型升级,落实十二五规划,实现国家淘汰落后产能,进行新型工业化发展的道路。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Steven Seidman, Contested Knowledge. Social Theory in the Postmodern Era
K. Grint and S. Woolgar, The Machine at Work: Technology, Work and Organisation
Steven Albert and Keith Bradley, Managing Knowledge. Experts, Agencies and Organizations
David J. Hickson, and Derek S. Pugh, Management Worldwide: The Impact of Societal Culture on Organizations around the Globe
Ram Mudambi, and Martin Ricketts (Eds), The Organisation of the Firm: International Business Perspectives.
Sue Dopson, Managing Ambiguity and Change: the Case of the NHS
Steven Seidman, Contested Knowledge. Social Theory in the Postmodern Era
K. Grint, and S. Woolgar, The Machine at Work: Technology, Work and Organisation
Steven Albert, and Keith Bradley, Managing Knowledge. Experts, Agencies and Organizations
David J. Hickson, and Derek S. Pugh, Management Worldwide: The Impact of Societal Culture on Organizations around the Globe
Ram Mudambi, and Martin Ricketts (Eds), The Organisation of the Firm: International Business Perspectives
Sue Dopson, Managing Ambiguity and Change: the Case of the NHS  相似文献   

思想政治工作是一切工作的生命线,是加强社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的基础性工作。思想政治工作实际土就是思想沟通工作。在当今社会形态急剧变化和社会主义市场经济快速发展条件下,人们的思想观念、道德准则等随之呈现多样化趋势,使得人们在得失、利弊、优劣、荣辱、是非等问题尺度的把握上产生迷惘和困惑,因此,我们必须加强思想上、工作上、生活上的沟通。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article
Brown, C. V. Taxation and the Incentive to Work London
Schoemaker, Paul J. H. Experiments on Decisions under Risk
Bush, Tony, Glatter, Ron, Goodey, Jane and Riches, Colin (Eds.) Approaches to School Management London
Checkland, Peter Systems Thinking, Systems Practice Chichester
Hood, Christopher and Dunsire, Andrew Bureaumetrics Farnborough
Hill, S. Competition and Control at Work
Hage, Jerald Theories of Organizations
Esland, Geoff and Salaman, Graeme (Eds.). The Politics of Work and Occupations Milton Keynes
Van Dijkhuizen, N. From Stressors to Strains Amsterdam
Boydell, Tom and Pedler, Mike (Eds.) Management Self-Development
Bennett, Roger Managing Personnel and Performance London  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Ballots and Trade Union Democracy: Roger Undy and Roderick Morton, Innovation and Management Control: Labour Relations at BL Cars: Paul Willman and Graham Winch, Dismissed: A Study of Unfair Dismissal and the Industrial Tribunal System: L. Dickens, M. Jones, B. Weekes and M. Hart. The Law of Unfair Dismissal (2nd Edition): Steven D. Anderman, Unions and Economic Crisis: Britain, West Germany and Sweden: P. Gourevitch, A. Martin, G. Ross, S. Bornstein, A. Markovits and C. Allen. Allen and Unwin Skilled Workers in the Class Structure: Roger Penn, Capitalism, Class Conflict and the New Middle Class: Robert Carter, Routledge and Kegan Paul, Managing Workforce Reduction: M. Cross (ed), Groom Helm, Redundancy in the 1980s: A. Gordon, Gower, Industrial Relations and the Law in the 1980s: Issues and Future Trends: Patricia Fosh and Craig R. Littler (eds), Fighting Closures: De-industrialization and the Trade Unions 1979–83: Hugo Levie, Denis Gregory and Nick Lorentzen (Eds.) The Awkward Warrior, Frank Cousins: His Life and Times: Geoffrey Goodman,  相似文献   

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