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在《变形金刚3》中,死去的铁皮曾坚信"高科技的线路无法取代血肉之躯",然而,也就是在这部影片中,我们看到了高科技在现代商业电影中发挥着不可替代的作用。作为好莱坞头号"技术帝"迈克尔·贝首部系列电影的收官之作,《变形金刚3》在上映短短一个月的时间里,就在全球收获了10.5亿美元的票房,一跃迈进电影史上最卖座电影的前五名之列。  相似文献   

许是 《中国信用卡》2010,(21):55-58
“通天”一出,谁与争锋?2.8亿元的总票房造就了内地影市近十年来最火爆的一次国庆档。面对《剑雨》《盗梦空间》《山楂树之恋》《精武风云·陈真》等众多同期在映的强劲对手,《狄仁杰之通天帝国》仅用7天就狂卷了1.4亿元,霸占了国庆档总票房的一半以上,成为名副其实的大赢家。  相似文献   

张艺谋在上世纪80年代以导演处女作《红高粱》一举成名,此后,他扎根乡土,以现实主义手法拍摄了一批广受好评的文艺电影,如《菊豆》、《秋菊打官司》、《大红灯笼高高挂》等。进入本世纪初期,在商业利益的驱动下,他率先效仿好莱坞大片的运作机制,执导了《英雄》、《十面埋伏》等古装武侠片。然而,在这些电影中,那个曾经乡土的、反思社会的张艺谋不复存在。尽管这些商业大片在票房上赚得盆满钵满,但是在电影艺术方面并未有大的突破。  相似文献   

夏日,现身厂西的名电影导演张艺谋一副墨镜挡了大半个脸,再加上很随意的一件T恤,配着休闲短裤和旅游鞋,从伏波山沿着漓江岸边向象鼻山漫步。漓江,真象刘三姐翩翩起舞时忘情抛下的一条美丽的腰带!这条腰带挂上了叠彩头的肩头,悄悄地绕着伏波山的颈脖;又象一个多情的亲人,长裙拽地-踱过浑厚纯朴的象鼻山,和风洞山切切私语飘然逸去……张艺谋为眼前美丽的景色不止一次惊叹!  相似文献   

"通功易事"的由来已久。中国古代哲学家孟子(约公元前372-公元前289)曾经在《孟子》中提及"通功易事"一词,指出了自由交换的利益之所在:  相似文献   

看了电影《梅兰芳》,觉得还不错。最初听说陈凯歌接了《梅兰芳》,以为他攥在手里一个“雷”,真担心会“炸”了他。因为前有《霸王别姬》,是他很难超越的;而且,《梅兰芳》毕竟不同于《霸王别姬》,它带着太多的禁忌,影片中的那副“纸枷锁”几乎就是其自身处境的写照。所以。对这部影片,我一直不敢太抱有希望。  相似文献   

林檎 《中国信用卡》2010,(21):52-54
如果说今年的国庆档是风云诡谲的江湖,那么《剑雨》与《狄仁杰之通天帝国》之间充满火药味的全明星之争,就像是站在紫禁之巅决战的叶孤城和西门吹雪。绝世高手的寂寞,从来都不是凡人易懂的。  相似文献   

主旋律是激昂的,而艺术则是自由的,给人以美的享受。  相似文献   

阴谋、欲望、爱情、责任、毁灭、拯救……如果一部电影汇集了如此多夺人眼球的经典元素,是不是已经足够激发你的观影欲望了?  相似文献   

《致命伴旅》(The Tourist)这个名字有点儿故弄玄虚,显然译音低估了这部本应称作《游客》的电影在普通观众心目中的影响力。其实,《游客》这个平淡无奇的名字却无比传神,就是一个身份扑朔迷离的游客在异国他乡的传奇遭遇,好听、好玩又好记。可如今这么一来只会有两种结果:看到“致命”、  相似文献   

This article looks at how less-developed countries suffered an almost complete disintegration of their financial markets through the belief that they could foster growth by sheltering themselves from the vagaries of the global financial system. It also looks at how LDC markets could be rebuilt to prosper in the future.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the economic consequences of pandemics from an idea-based theory of economic growth. We assume that pandemics pose a threat to research productivity and analyse the long-term consequences of pandemic shocks to innovation output. We demonstrate that following a pandemic, innovation output is disrupted for approximately seven years. The effect of pandemic shocks on innovation output varies between countries, and sector to sector regarding economic activity. Pandemic shocks lead to a short-term drop in the number of patent applications. Crucially, the duration of a pandemic has a strong effect on innovation output. Overall, the effects of this most recent pandemic on future innovation output, and subsequently on growth, are expected to be felt long into the future. This paper supports the policies designed to reduce the effect of the “Great Lockdown” on research productivity. Policies that target the more innovative firms are moving in the right direction in terms of reducing the time it will take for innovation to recover from the effects of COVID19.  相似文献   

By comparing the top executives of 1980's Fortune 100 companies with the top brass of firms in the 2001 list, the authors have quantified a transformation that until now has been largely anecdotal. A dramatic shift in executive careers, and in executives themselves, has occurred over the past two decades. Today's Fortune 100 executives are younger, more of them are female, and fewer were educated at elite institutions. They're also making their way to the top more quickly. They're taking fewer jobs along the way, and they increasingly move from one company to the next as their careers unfold. In their wide-ranging analysis,the authors offer a number of insights. For one thing, it has become clear that there are huge advantages to working in a growing firm. For another, the firms that have been big for a long time still provide the most extensive training and development. They also offer relatively long promotion ladders--hence the common wisdom that these "academy companies" are great to have been from. While women were disproportionately scarce among the most senior ranks of executives in 2001, those who arrived got there faster and at a younger age than their male colleagues. Perhaps the career hurdles that women face had blocked all but the most highly qualified female managers, who then proceeded to rise quickly. In the future, a record of good P&L performance may become even more critical to getting hired and advancing in the largest companies. As a result, we may see a reversal of the usual flow of talent, which has been from the academy companies to smaller firms. It may be increasingly common for executives to develop records of performance in small companies, or even as entrepreneurs, and then seek positions in large corporations.  相似文献   

推动公平的经济增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李莉 《国际融资》2003,(10):16-17
推动公平的经济增长对中国意味着什么?一篇最新的世行报告提供了这方面的研究成果  相似文献   

Differences in economic institutions, as measured by an index of economic freedom, have been correlated to differences in cross-country investment levels, capital market development, and country-level equity index returns. Here, a country’s level of economic freedom is demonstrated to be a proxy measure for the likelihood of an idiosyncratic currency devaluation during periods of low global foreign exchange volatility. This observation makes economic freedom determinant of whether carry traders may be facing a ‘peso problem,’ giving currency speculators insights into a risk factor which the foreign exchange market may not be pricing or for which there is no historical evidence.  相似文献   

The recently issued Statement on Auditing Standards No. 109, Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement, emphasizes the need for auditors to understand the client’s business and environment, particularly the client’s business risk [American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) (2006a), understanding the entity and its environment and assessing the risks of material misstatement, Statement on Auditing Standards No. 109. New York, NY: AICPA]. However, the manner in which auditors obtain such an understanding, especially an auditor’s assessment of a client’s business risk, is often challenging for students because they lack the business experience necessary to perform such an assessment. This case provides students with an opportunity to assess business risk in a realistic context that includes evidence beyond the content of the financial statements. Company information is provided via a webpage (www.premierpunch.com) with content similar to that of an actual investor relations site. Students must evaluate the information presented in the company’s annual report, press releases and other sources, and consider the impact of that information on several facets of business risk. Students also perform an analytical review of the company’s financial statements and synthesize the case information into a professional memo containing their assessment of business risk.  相似文献   

中国建设银行股份有限公司(以下简称“中国建设银行”)信息化工作自1984年起步,经历了从单点作业到网络化覆盖全行、从各分行自成体系到全行大集中、从专注柜面业务综合处理到多渠道建设并行、从粗放型经营到精细化实施的发展历程,信息技术在服务与产品创新、流程再造、管理改革、风险防范与控制等层面的应用日趋广泛和深入,在推动业务发展、商业化改制、海外上市、战略转型方面发挥了重要的支撑作用。  相似文献   

作为银行操作系统的基础.核心业务系统的引进一向被视为银行的“心脏移植”。其难点不仅在于要找到适合银行自身的产品.更在于移植来的“心脏”要和现有的业务及管理血脉融合,只有这样才能实现银行业务的优化和管理的国际化。  相似文献   

2007年12月20日傍晚,央行宣布,为贯彻从紧的货币政策,从次日起上调金融机构人民币存贷款基准利率,这是央行2007年内第六次加息,也是中央经济工作会议确定从紧的货币政策之后,央行挥出的又一紧缩之拳,此时距央行年内第十次上调存款准备金率仅间隔12天。  相似文献   

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