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Why do organizations continue to have difficulty managing and equitably rewarding an increasingly diverse labor force? This article examines the perceptual difficulties that surround women's continuing struggle for managerial and executive rights. It concludes with suggestions for facilitating the transfomation of the workplace.  相似文献   

人力资源管理是企业管理的核心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资源,又称劳动力资源或劳动力,是指能够推动整个经济和社会发展、具有劳动能力的人口总和.人力资源的最基本方面,包括体力和智力.如果从现实的应用形态来看,则包括体质、智力、知识和技能四个方面.  相似文献   

文章从企业文化的内涵与作用分析入手,详细阐述文化与企业战略之间关系。文章认为,企业文化建设的目的虽然为保证战略实施,受战略制约,但它不只是战略的附属物,它对战略制定和执行具有引导和保障功能。在此基础上,文章从战略制定流程重构和文化建设两方面提出以文化支撑企业发展的对策。  相似文献   

作为现代企业培训的主要方式,E-learning在得到普遍应用的同时,其管理中存在的问题也日益暴露出来。只有通过利益相关者理论实现"以人为本"的理念,才能充分发挥企业E-learning的作用,让员工在自己的工作岗位上获得成功的同时,实现共同的商业目的。  相似文献   

能源问题是关系我国长远发展的战略问题,我国既是一个能源消耗大国,又是一个能源紧缺大国,节约能源的战略地位极其突出。为此,企业肩负创造经济利益的同时,要做好节能减排工作,从而完成既定节能目标。在企业能源管理中,作为手段之一的能源统计工作为节能目标的实现发挥着具体的作用。  相似文献   

能源问题是关系我国长远发展的战略问题,我国既是一个能源消耗大国,又是一个能源紧缺大国,节约能源的战略地位极其突出.为此,企业肩负创造经济利益的同时,要做好节能减排工作,从而完成既定节能目标.在企业能源管理中,作为手段之一的能源统计工作为节能目标的实现发挥着具体的作用.  相似文献   

姚文虎 《价值工程》2015,(4):196-197
新时期,企业的办公室管理工作的职能与责任发生了很大的变化,如何针对于现有办公室管理工作中的不足进行改进,创新办公室管理工作形式,是提高办公室工作效率与质量的关键。本文对于新时期办公室的工作职能进行了分析,并且对既存的不足进行了探讨,最终提出了相应的实施对策。  相似文献   

abstract    This paper applies a theory of memetics to help explain the diffusion of management innovations as a dynamic evolutionary process. Existing analyses of diffusion frequently note the variation, selection or replication of management innovations, yet few have linked these together with the common observation that some innovations seem to 'evolve'. This paper draws on qualitative evidence from two case-studies of BPR implementation to illustrate that the replication, selection and variation of management innovations can form evolutionary algorithms ('memes') which support diffusion processes, and, in doing so, clarifies the ways in which innovations contribute to their own replication and explains how the high 'failure' rates associated with BPR can sometimes improve its chances of reproduction.  相似文献   

容毅 《价值工程》2011,30(22):127-129
本文概述了现代企业管理战略的前沿课题——组织形象可识别系统的内涵、发展、地位及若干功能,特别分析了业界近年来高度关注的组织形象可识别系统(企业CIS)的构成要素,结合了当今著名企业的相关案例,得出了以下结论:企业的CIS建设是企业管理中文化建设的不可分割的部分,企业的CIS建设有利于树立企业的特色,有利于增强企业的国际竞争力,有利于获得消费者的认同。综上所述,现代化的企业应努力学习世界500强的优秀企业,努力进行企业文化的建设,这样才有利于我国的本土企业赶超世界著名企业。  相似文献   

鲁浩 《中外企业家》2007,(10):52-54
21世纪是知识经济时代、信息时代,企业面对的环境发生了根本性变化,告别了短缺经济时代,竞争的国际化、经济的全球化、信息的网络化、技术进步日新月异……在这种新形势、新发展、新实践、新机遇、新挑战的环境下要求企业必  相似文献   

1问题的提出最高管理者(TM,下同)为了成功地领导和运作一个组织,需要采用一种系统的和透明的方式实施管理。标准的使用者已注意到,ISO9001:1994标准只在质量方针(4.1.1)中提出“负有执行职责的供方管理者,应制定质量方针,包括质量目标和对质量的承诺,并形成文件”的要求。而2000版ISO9000族标准则清晰地界定负有执行职责的管理者就是TM;同时在管理职责条款中,把提出和兑现管理承诺作为一个专门的条款向TM提出了要求。这表明,基于8项质量管理原则和12项质量管理体系(QMS,下同)基础理论的新…  相似文献   

Management Ethics and Corporate Policy: A Cross-cultural Comparison   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reports the results of a cross-cultural empirical study that investigated differences in the clarity of corporate attitudes towards ethical 'grey areas' and their influences on managers' ethical decision making. The study encompassed managers in France, Germany, Britain, Spain and the USA working in over 200 companies operating in these countries. Comparisons are made at both individual manager level and at corporate level. At the former level significant differences are found among nationalities of managers themselves. For the latter, differences are found among companies according to the nationality of their home country rather than the host country. Despite identifying national differences in areas of gift giving and receiving, loyalty to company, loyalty to one's group, and reporting others' violations of corporate policy, the study presents evidence that clarity of corporate policy has little influence on managers' reported ethical decision making. The perceived behaviour of managers' colleagues is far more important in predicting attitudes towards decision making of managers across the nationalities surveyed. This has implications for the efficacy of the growing popularity of corporate codes across Europe. Companies should place more emphasis on intervening in peer dynamics rather than trying to legislate for managers' ethical conduct.  相似文献   

市场经济是契约经济,企业社会责任管理的主要方式是契约管理,其中以有形的文本契约为主,心理契约作为文本契约的有益补充,对企业绩效发挥重要作用。企业社会责任管理是全面的责任管理,涉及股东、债权人、员工、顾客、政府和环境,同时,企业社会责任是全方位的责任管理,包括经济责任、法律责任和道德责任。因此,实施企业社会责任的心理契约管理,要全面、全方位地把握。  相似文献   

This paper develops a four‐phase schematic representation dubbed the CEM lifecycle for conceptualizing how corporate environmental management (CEM) programs typically evolve in a given organization and then explicates the forces that influence corporate commitment as a CEM program progresses from inception to later phases of the CEM lifecycle. Examples are then presented on how the Singaporean government encourages enhancement of CEM programs by designing support programs that target the underlying corporate needs inherent to the first three CEM lifecycle phases. The examples provided in this paper of Singaporean CEM support programs illustrate how policy can be strategically designed to improve corporate uptake of CEM programs by enhancing CEM knowledge in the initial phase of the CEM lifecycle, providing technical support in the second lifecycle phase and providing opportunities for public recognition in the third lifecycle phase. The article concludes that replicating the strategic approach to policymaking exemplified in the Singaporean case study can significantly improve the competitiveness of domestic firms through encouraging more efficient use of resources; however, in order to design truly sustainable economies (provide for the needs of future generations), governments must be prepared to more coercively regulate the exploitation of natural endowments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

2000年以来“紧缩城市”相关理论发展综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2000年以来与紧缩城市思想相关的理论研究成果的梳理,总结了进入21世纪后紧缩城市思想相关理论发展从定性走向定量,从理论走向实践,从立论走向反思的几大发展趋势,并展望了相关理论在我国的发展前景。  相似文献   

企业文化在中小企业管理中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小企业在市场经济中占有重要地位,也面临激烈的竞争。中小企业如何在竞争中取胜,如何做大做强,管理者可以应用文化管理。首先要树立观念,其次是要确立文化的结构和内容,最后是文化在企业的传播。当然企业文化要体现出我国中小企业的特点。  相似文献   

文章分析了人本文化在国有企业管理中的重要作用,阐述了人本管理的内涵、途径和举措,探讨了在新的改革形势下加强国有企业管理人本文化的重要性和必要性,对开展企业管理具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

陆月华 《价值工程》2011,30(20):53-54
面对竞争日益激烈的建筑施工企业,员工忠诚起到至关重要的程度。能否从影响员工忠诚度影响因素着手分析培养与管理员工忠诚度是维持企业可持续发展的重要因素。本文从企业员工忠诚度的价值分析着手,阐述了影响忠诚度两大因素,给予培养与管理忠诚度的对策,促进企业与员工共同成长发展。  相似文献   

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